We dug this out to practice for the FREEDOM 500 at the Freedom Factory just in case we get a call to go race!
00:00what's up guys welcome back to the shop and today we are getting a crown Vic
00:05runner so I don't know if you've seen any of my previous videos I'm in this bid
00:10to try and get into the freedom 500 so I was like oh well we'll just get a crown
00:16Vic out and we'll do some practice and just in case we get the call so we're
00:21gonna go and get one of our crown Vic's out and cut some laps out in the field
00:25all right so we got gas we got a boost pack and what else do we got jumper
00:37cables the funny thing about crown Vic's is they're pretty resilient they can sit
00:43for a long time and and fire up all right so here's the old Vic now this was
00:52an old cop car so we are gonna see if we can get the hood open does it still
01:01work hey bang on that hood bud hold on I'll pull it okay give it a bang all
01:13right so we got the hood open and no battery that's okay that's what this
01:18thing's for we'll put that in the battery spot we're gonna find a battery
01:23but I got to figure out all this wiring here
01:48all right we got it turning over so that's a very good start so I got this
02:15car of a scrapyard so I'm hoping there's a big gaping hole in the fuel
02:20tank like most scrapyards do they'll cut a hole in the tank and we'll throw some
02:28throw some 93 in her see what it does I hope it's not frozen but you know what
02:37that frozen ground really might help with with everything you know we might
02:42be able to get some good traction cut in the corners yeah we'll see see what
02:50happens here
02:56you know what it was firing it almost started yeah it was trying to start it
03:05was like it was like give me some gas so it was really hungry
03:24smoking again
03:28I think we need a battery not a crown Vic guy per se the last one that I ran
03:40had a 383 stroker in it and we bent it in half that being said it's turning
03:48over good I think we need some ether so let's go get some ether we'll come back
03:55out here and see if given it a spritz we'll get it to fire so we need a
04:01battery and we need some heat if that don't work we might have to move on to
04:12something one of the other ones but that one just I did run when I parked it
04:18there so I'm hoping we can get it running again oh well but I feel like it
04:24has to be a crown Vic that we do these laps and I can't just I can't just do it
04:29with any car like we could do it with Frank but anyone can pull laps in a truck
04:35but do you have another crown Vic well we got lots of crown Vic's buddy we
04:39could we could probably find another one there's lots out there it's just we got
04:44to find find one to one to use all right so we got battery out of the
04:53Chevelle we got some jump-start to try and give it a little bit of breath of
05:01fresh air and we'll see if we can get this thing to fire we can get it to fire
05:07that's then we gotta dig it out of the ice and those guys in Florida sure have
05:14it good never having to deal with frozen stuff like this okay guys so we got we
05:21got a battery now we'll try and do this kind of the proper way what we should
05:27have done get a battery in here all right so this is how we clamp stuff in
05:35Canada good old vice grips we got that on we'll give it a shot of jump-start
06:06this one's got a key let's try this one yeah maybe this one will work wait this
06:16is a crown Vic
06:35I don't know, we'll find out
06:39we never know
06:42oh good sign, it's making noises
06:51oh we got power in here
07:05well this is disappointing
07:16okay so we're on plan C we tried both of these ones and for some reason it don't
07:24want to start so it ran when it was parked that age-old story ran when
07:31parked but so we are going to move to one up in the mud yard I guess and see
07:37if we can get one of them running and like when was this one parked like a lot
07:43of years ago that's why it doesn't start
07:48all right this is a little harder than I expected two cars that were supposed to
07:56run and drive that I drove back there don't run and drive so we're on to
08:04number three we're going up into where it's all muddy now I didn't want to get
08:09all muddy to do this but yeah we'll we'll get this other crown Vic out I
08:19know this one ran I know it ran for a fact so we'll put a battery and see if
08:26it'll I mean it should fire up
08:35another thing okay this one is complete it did run at one
08:47point so hopefully like it's got new wires on it I know the guy did a bunch
08:53of work to it so it's not so beat up as another one yeah you know this is a lot
09:10of work to prove my dedication to running in the freedom 500 no but you
09:15know what I think that we go down there we got a real chance of beating those
09:21guys we've raced dirt track a long time ago I can show my dirt track cars but
09:28okay that's tight now let's try
09:45all right guys we got ourselves a runner I'm going to get this thing dug out and we're going to go cut some last
10:00we're frozen the thing with Canada is we get cold weather not like the guys down
10:05in Florida so I'm gonna go hopefully grab the loader and we can pick this
10:10thing out of here hopefully not wreck the driveshaft and we'll go cut some
10:16this is turned into a little bit more of a project but hey we got one running so
10:23now if our loader will start which I'm confident it will it's been a good day
10:29we've had good success so far of things starting well actually no we're one for
10:35three so this would make it 50%
11:06all right
11:12we're just making room there
11:16It does look like it's flat, doesn't it?
11:39It does look like it's flat, doesn't it?
12:09It does look like it's flat, doesn't it?
12:39It's spinning!
12:42Hopefully this thing takes air
12:48Which, oh it is! Success!
13:09Welp, now I have to walk all the way back.
13:19Alright, we should probably check the oil on it.
13:25This thing hasn't ran for years.
13:28Oh yeah, look at that, it's like brand new!
13:32We're gonna test this engine out, we're gonna test out this transmission.
13:38I don't know if it has coolant in it.
13:43I did cut the cats off, so I might have drained the coolant out of it too.
13:52We'll see.
13:54So we got this thing running, we got the air in the tires, it's got some oil, it's there.
14:03Yeah, and it runs.
14:06So we're gonna go out to the field, I got my wife, she's gonna film this audition tape.
14:12Not really an audition, it's a tryout.
14:14You gotta try out for the Freedom 500, so that's what we're doing.
14:18And I got my GoPro inside, I got my helmet, because there's lots of things to run into out there.
14:24But yeah, let's go out and have some fun.
14:27Okay, so I can kind of see.
14:30I was gonna clean the windshield, so I kind of knew where I was driving.
14:34But I mean, really, it goes back to my dirt days.
14:40We weren't able to see nothing.
14:43By the time we went out on the track and did like two laps, you couldn't see anything.
14:52But we're about to go and cut some laps.
14:57Keep in mind, this thing ain't a Cletus car, so it ain't gonna fly like his bald eagles.
15:09But we'll have some fun with it.
15:16Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
15:17Man, this thing is just sweet.
15:20Alright guys, we got the car out here.
15:22We're gonna do some laps.
15:24So Cletus, if you're watching, this is me trying out for the Freedom 500.
15:30Should I bring your truck so mine doesn't get crushed?
15:34It won't get crushed, don't worry honey.
16:13Oh, he's going faster.
16:21He's going faster.
16:33Lots of water out there.
16:51It's getting pretty hot.
16:53It smells so bad.
16:55I'm fogging right up, it's so hard.
16:59It smells so bad.
17:02Can I strip?
17:06Let the hair down.
17:08Let the hair down.
17:10Let the hair down.
17:12Let the hair down.
17:14Let the hair down.
17:17Let the hair down.
17:21Okay, I've established I'm not gonna hit anything.
17:25I gotta be able to see what I'm doing.
17:46Let's go.
18:17Let's go.
18:36I feel like you gotta bite the bottom lip.
18:41When you're racing, you get that corner.
18:45Let's do a drag race at the fastball.
18:48But it's really wet down here.
18:50Let's do it.
19:13I mean...
19:14Linus, if you don't wanna...
19:17If you don't want a cobra chicken to come and pick on you bald eagles...
19:23I understand.
19:25I'm ready to come down there and do some racing.
19:28Just let me know.
19:29You got my number.
19:30You got my number.
19:31I'm gonna keep practicing in my neck gear.
19:36Just waiting on the call.
19:38Alright guys, so you guys got to see us cutting some laps.
19:43But now we got this here.
19:45Mint Crown Vic out.
19:47What are we gonna do with it?
19:49I think we're gonna have to do something.
19:52Maybe we try some evasive maneuvers with it at some point.
19:58But this thing runs mint.
20:00Like it is pretty awesome.
20:02We should almost just put it back on the road.