• 22 hours ago
I saw comments on my tiktok talking about people coming from "the downfall of luke davidson" video so I searched it up and decided to make a reaction to it.
00:00So a couple minutes ago, I was looking at my TikTok on my phone and I looked at the comments
00:03on my latest video and I saw this. Can we all just enjoy the video without comments saying
00:07who came from the downfall of Luke Davidson? Who came here from the Luke Davidson downfall edit?
00:10Downfall of Luke Davidson. I came here because the Luke Davidson downfall edit. And I was like,
00:13huh? What the heck is this? I searched up on TikTok. I found this.
00:20And I was like, wait, how do I find this? What is, what is that voice? So then I went to YouTube
00:24and I see this video. How Luke Davidson lost 6 million TikTok. Wait, that's the title?
00:286 million TikTok followers? What do you mean lost? What? I didn't lose that many. I don't know,
00:33but it has 400,000 views in seven days, which is not bad. So let's see what this is about.
00:37This guy's content is like school project level quality and he's got almost 6 million subscribers.
00:43Listen up folks. If you live in the small town, you need to grow an audience, bro.
00:47Uncle's still doing this. Maybe it's because we don't like, we're not in middle school anymore.
00:54I have watched videos on YouTube of people bashing me about my comedy videos saying,
00:58oh, they're so cringe. You need to quit YouTube, all this other stuff.
01:01Luke Davidson was easily one of the most famous TikTokers in the early 2020s. He got dozens of
01:07millions of views a video. He gained millions of followers a year and everyone knew who he was.
01:12But now his comments are filled to the rim with hate. He constantly is being hit with hate videos
01:16and his views have gone from millions to barely even a thousand each. So what happened?
01:20Wait, barely even a thousand? Okay, like the last one, two, three, four, five, six,
01:25six videos that I post every day. So that's six days, 658K, almost 400K, almost a mil,
01:313.4 mil, 1.2 mil, 2.8 mil. I think that's a little more than a thousand.
01:35Disclaimer, we are not hating on Luke in this video, but we will be criticizing him in some
01:39areas while standing up for him in others. Anyway, I also want to remind you to subscribe
01:43to my animation channel. It's at Coco Animated and I have a huge project coming this summer
01:47and you don't want to miss it. I also want to give a quick note that I am very sick.
01:51So my voice sounds lower and more crappy than usual. I can't really control it. I apologize
01:56for that. It's going to sound a little worse than usual. I also want it on my animation channel
02:00reach 10 to 15,000. I respect the grind for still grinding while sick. By summer so I can have a
02:04decent amount of people watch it when the project comes out. And my Discord server is also in the
02:08link. Now let's get into the video. Luke was the TikToker everyone knew. He blew up on TikTok
02:12during lockdown and Bud was getting some serious views. I looked him up on Google and there isn't
02:16much personal info about him other than that he likes golf. But one thing is for sure, this
02:21guy carried middle school TikTok. With his towel on the head, including his mom skits and his crazy
02:26facial expressions, there was no mistaking it. He knew how to ride the algorithm and get an
02:31insane amount of views. Who knows George Washington? Luke, do you know George Washington? No, I don't.
02:35Hmm, how about you Lesha? Do you know George Washington? I have no clue miss. Come on class,
02:40does no one know George Washington? Oh Jesse, do you know George Washington? What if he walked
02:44into the wrong classroom? Okay, I know I said I wasn't gonna hate but holy crap that was the
02:48most unfunny thing I've ever seen. Get it? Because no one knows who George Washington is
02:53personally. I'm not gonna explain it. Anyway, he wasn't the only one who started to blow up in the
02:582020s. The Manny Show and others saw massive growth during this time. I remember being in
03:02middle school and wanting to be someone like this online so I thought skits were my thing. Let's
03:07just say, thank goodness I did not pursue that dream because holy sh- I mean crap because my
03:12parents watched my videos, I would have been so cringe. I don't even think like Luke personally
03:17is that cringe. Okay, thank you. I would have been so cringe. Anyway, let's move on. I admit though,
03:22lots of the videos are cringe but I don't know, lots of people like them so it's like you just
03:26can't care what other people think, you just gotta post it. ...to YouTube because of his massive
03:31success on TikTok. While his account was created in 2012, he started uploading about four years
03:36ago or during COVID and when he did, he titled his first video in all caps, I HIT 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS
03:41ON TIKTOK. That video gained over 300,000 views so he began to upload more content about him being
03:45a TikToker in like the everyday life of one which these videos got a decent amount of views.
03:50Yeah, I made the channel in 2012 and I had posted like stuff earlier on like in middle school and
03:55stuff like me doing vlogs and stuff but it just, I don't know, just didn't work out so I kind of
04:00gave up and deleted them all and then when I started doing decent on TikTok, that's when I
04:04like finally went all in on YouTube. And he began to make reaction content which got much much more
04:08views. One of his reaction videos gained over 20 million views, many reaching over 10. As someone
04:13who has a decent understanding about how much YouTube pays, let me tell you that that could have
04:17easily paid between $50,000 to $100,000. Insane.
04:21Nope, I don't make money. I don't like talking about money on here to you guys because the thing
04:26is if it weren't for you guys watching my videos then I wouldn't be making money so it's like I'm
04:30very thankful for you guys watching my videos so I don't want to like say like oh I make this much
04:34money because because it's all because of you guys so like does that make sense? I don't want to like
04:38break so I just, you know, I don't know.
04:41One single video. So it was clear Luke was getting rich off YouTube and finding success there as
04:45well. When he first began to blow up, no one seemed to hate or care about him but by 2022,
04:50Luke began to get hit by hate videos on YouTube and his hate comments in his TikTok sections
04:54increased. People were getting a little tired of his skits and crazy facial expressions. They called
04:58him cringe, repetitive, and stuck in 2020. When I first started my YouTube channel and was getting
05:03those hate comments, I turned the comments off. I know I said this in a video like a couple years
05:07ago but if you guys are new, I turned them off because I literally couldn't do it. Like I couldn't
05:11read them. It made me feel so sick to my stomach. People saying like, I hope this guy like dies and
05:16delete your YouTube. Like it just got to me but then eventually I turned them on. I was like,
05:19I don't even care. These people don't know who I am. They don't know me in real life. Like,
05:23you know, so. Get into the comments a little bit more but first let's uncover the hate videos that
05:27began to release on him. The hate videos were the very beginning of what would lead to Luke's
05:31ultimate downfall. The first was by Cheeto, a commentary channel with a decent following.
05:36But yeah, this guy's content is like school project level quality and he's got almost
05:406 million subscribers. Cheeto basically said that Luke was cringey and low effort. Luke responded
05:46in a fairly mature manner. He commented and explained why some things of his were cringe
05:50and also agreed with some points that Cheeto made. Overall, a very humble and respectable
05:54response. More people continued to make videos and Luke would react surprisingly humbly as each
06:00video came out. More assignments. Oh, wait, I actually have a question. Yeah. Has this ever
06:05happened to you? See, like, they're making fun of me but it's not even making fun of me at the
06:11same time. Like, I don't even know how to explain it. And like I said at the start of the video,
06:14they're just doing- well, I don't know if they're just doing this for, like, content or if they
06:18actually don't like my videos or what they think of my videos but I'm taking it as it's just for
06:22fun. And I don't mean to glaze this guy in any way. Like, there's plenty of things to criticize
06:26him for. Like, his reaction videos a lot of time don't credit the creators which is very, very
06:30not okay. But his response, I must admit, to most of these videos is very appropriate. He's
06:35very polite and humble and kind when he responds. Of course, he could just be putting on a personality
06:39for the camera and trying to look like he's better than them but overall, from what I've seen from
06:44these videos, he seems very humble and likable. I mean, this video, if you watch the full video
06:49of Luke reacting to these people, these two are so mean to him. Like, it's okay to find him cringe.
06:54Like, it's understandable maybe sometimes but these people literally make like a 40 minute
06:59long video just making fun of him and tearing him apart and just making the most sarcastic
07:04humor the entire time. So, it is surprising that he was able to react in such a polite manner.
07:09Well, because the way I look at it is like, I- like, when people make these videos on me, it's
07:13obviously not the best feeling knowing that people are like, you suck! Well, they're saying worse
07:18things than just you suck but you know like, so why would I want to like make other people feel
07:21like that? So, I'm not going to hate on other people, you know? And like, lots of the things they are
07:24saying is joking. I hope. Probably not actually. They probably just actually hate me. So, it's
07:28sorry to kind of like derail or go off topic but I mean, a lot of people who do shorts and blow up
07:34have this massive ego for no reason because they're like fooled by the numbers they have.
07:38If you have over 1 million followers from shorts, that literally means less than someone who has
07:42100,000 subscribers in long form because shorts are so easy to get views on. I used to make shorts
07:47and like, my first ever shorts video got like 10,000 views. Imagine if I kept doing it. I could
07:52easily get some videos with a million views. It's just your audience isn't really loyal and it's
07:56just... So, if you create shorts, chances are your audience isn't loyal. Most won't watch your videos
08:01and don't really care about you. Sure, there are some cases that prove this false but overall, the
08:06ego of the shorts YouTubers who think they're somebody like better than everyone else is insane.
08:11Luke, surprisingly, in his videos I've seen of him seems to recognize that he is the same as everyone
08:15and remains fairly humble when reacting to hate videos overall. There's no, I'm great. I'm an
08:20amazing person. People just want clout from me crap. Luke realizes he's a shorts YouTuber. His
08:25name doesn't actually bring a ton of clicks and he expresses that humbly. So, Luke was able to gain
08:29support and with his reactions to hate, most of the comments were talking about how kind and humbled
08:34he was. People saw how respectful he was being but then things... Oh, but then well because literally
08:40like, I'm just a regular dude. All YouTubers, everybody is just like a regular person, you know?
08:44Like, I don't look at myself differently than anybody else like, who doesn't have followers. It's
08:48like, I literally had no followers and then I just, I like, I'm very lucky to be in this position but
08:54like, I'm just the same as you guys. Like, I don't know. I don't like people who are like that. Like,
08:57I'm so much better than you. I just, I could never. I just, it's cringe. My videos are cringe though too, so.
09:01Took a turn for the worse. Luke's TikTok comments went from worse to very worse. Very worse isn't a
09:07word, is it? Very bad. Worser. Horrible. I don't know. At first, it was just a you suck or you fell
09:13off every once in a while but soon it was filled to the rim with, I used to watch you in 2020.
09:18Let it go, bro. Bro carry 2019. Uncle still doing this. They get more brutal. Hardest fall off of all
09:24time. Haven't seen bros since 2020. I forgot about bro. You get the idea. This is literally every
09:30single comment section of his. It is so hard to find a single positive comment. Okay, I, now look at
09:36all the comments. Okay, there's one. It's 2025. That person probably came from one of these videos.
09:40Who else came from? Okay, well not, this video has like almost half a million views, so like,
09:45obviously people are gonna start coming, but the comments are talking about this, but also TikTok's
09:49algorithm. I'll get into it because I feel like they're gonna start talking about YouTube and
09:53stuff. Like TikTok's algorithm is so, like I still post the videos to TikTok, but I really care more
09:57about YouTube, if that makes sense, because the TikTok algorithm is so random, like it doesn't
10:00show you the videos to all your followers. As sad as it is to admit, according to the numbers, these
10:06comments may not be far off. Luke's channels on YouTube now struggle to gain even a fraction of
10:12what they used to get. For example, his reaction channel, which used to get over a million views
10:16a video, now barely scrapes over 40,000 a video, and his other channels are clearly dying because
10:22they only get a few thousand videos a release, like his fact channel gets maybe 4,000 views a video,
10:29and I can already see the hate comment being typed out by that one 10-year-old that types a hate
10:34comment under every single video of mine. Consistency, I know, right? Well, 40,000 views is a lot of views,
10:40so why don't you shut up? He's got 17 million followers. Exactly. 17 million followers and 40,000
10:45views is pretty rough. Think about it. Okay, I got two things. So, first of all, the facts channel.
10:50Okay, here's my facts channel, and yes, if you look at the last few videos, 5.4k, 6.7k, 9.8k, 9.4k,
10:57but if you scroll down, like literally, 9.5 mil, 11 mil, 2.6 mil, almost a mil. So, like, when I was
11:04posting consistently on here, the views were doing good, but then, I don't know, I just felt like the
11:09amount of time I was spending on the videos was just so much, and, like, I was kind of, like, getting
11:13burnt out from this channel. So, I kind of just, like, stopped posting on the channel and, like, was
11:18focusing on my other channels, but then, the reason why it's, like, the views are lower now is
11:22because, when did I start again? Like, literally a couple weeks ago, I think. I just started posting,
11:26like, trying to post consistently on this channel again. I have a team now helping me with the
11:29editing and everything, and the way YouTube Shorts work, because I've done this before, is, like, when
11:33you stop posting, you, like, get forgotten about in the algorithm, and it takes, like, a while to, like,
11:37get back into the algorithm, and then, once you get back in the algorithm, it's, like, a snowball effect.
11:40I'm not doing this to brag. I'm just showing. If you look at my other channels here, so, this one,
11:44Luke Davidson Shorts and Luke Davidson Spanish, those ones both took, like, a long time. Like, the
11:48Spanish one, I think, took, like, almost a year before it actually started to get views, and then, it's,
11:52like, a snowball effect. Like, the channel would get, like, a couple hundred views, then, finally, one,
11:56like, started to do well, and then, the ones after that, like, started to pick up, and then, it's, like, a
12:00snowball effect. Now, look at 2.6 mil, 1 mil, 7.4, 400, 1.8, 90, 200, 1.2, 1.4,
12:072.2, 6.7. Like, it, it ranges, but it's, like, it takes a while to get back, to get into the algorithm,
12:11and that's basically what this channel is going through right now. Obviously, there's a chance that
12:15it never goes back into the algorithm, but consistency is key, guys. I'm just going to keep
12:18posting, and we're going to hope that we get back into the algorithm. Those are some, some
12:22pointers for you guys. Asking how you grow is literally consistency. If you post every single
12:25day for a month, that's 30 chances in the month of going viral. Now, if you post once a week, that's
12:30only four chances. So, you know, it's consistency, guys. And now, to go over the reaction video. So, first of all,
12:35yeah, I'm not a, technically, a reaction channel. Like, I'm a shorts creator. So, most of my subscribers
12:40are from shorts, and people who subscribe from shorts don't usually want to watch the long form.
12:43So, that's why the views are a lot less than, like, the shorts. But, so, I'm just at a year ago, for
12:48example, and look, the videos range so, so much. Like, two years ago, 1.2 million views. Then, the next
12:53one, 200,000 views. Because the way my long form works is, it's really, it's not so much my
12:59subscribers. Like, you guys do watch them. Well, not all you guys, but I more so hope that it gets
13:03recommended to, like, people who aren't subscribed. That's how these ones go viral for me. It's not
13:08necessarily, like, if it gets a million views, it's a million of you guys watching. Lots of times, it's,
13:12like, maybe, like, 50,000 of you guys watching, and then the other is, like, coming from
13:16recommendation. Because, like, yeah, in the past, I've gone through, like, spurts. See, for example,
13:21this one, 47k, because this was, like, a Nintendo Switch partnership that I did. So, it's, like, it
13:25didn't get recommended to people, because it's, like, it's not, like, an entertainment kind of thing,
13:29you know? It's more of, like, a brand deal. But then, the next one, 300, 200, 700, 600, 200, 300,
13:36200, 400, 200. So, this is all a year ago. Like, they're not doing crazy numbers, right? But then,
13:40you know, we go up a little bit. Okay, 9.2 mil, 1.9 mil, 1.4 mil, 4.3 mil. So, it ranges. So, it's,
13:45like, I don't know. I just keep posting until, like, I find something that kind of works, and I
13:50keep going with that. And then, we go into another run of, like, okay, people aren't liking this. So,
13:53I gotta switch it up. So, I don't know. My channel, 40,000 views in maybe the first month
13:58would be very badly flopping. Some of my videos that flop by the end of the month are about 40,000
14:03to 50,000 views, and I have 140,000 subscribers. That is not even the tiniest percentage of his
14:10channel. So, clearly, his channel seems to be dying. I mean, this is not, at the end of the day,
14:15arguing if he's a bad person or not. It's just, why are his numbers dying? Once again, this isn't
14:20a battle of, like, oh, Luke Davidson is bad and cringe, and he deserves to fall off, and he fell
14:24off because he sucks now. No, it's literally a battle of statistics. Statistics you can't argue
14:29with. They've gone down. So, before Luke Davidson 506 types a hate comment and dox me, just, like,
14:36it's not, it's not personal, buddy. This is a fate a lot of shorts channels like this will face.
14:42At the end of the day, it's because they quickly go viral, but their audiences don't really stick
14:48around, and there's a lot more reasons. So, we're gonna get into those reasons now. Firstly,
14:52let's start with the repetitiveness of his videos. Remember, this is no attack. This is
14:56just simple criticism. His videos are very, very repetitive. If you look at his TikTok channel now,
15:03and then you watch a video from 2020, nothing has changed. He's often doing the same exact
15:08skits again, or very similar ones, telling the same jokes. He clearly hasn't spent any more money.
15:13Like, he hasn't tried to increase the production of his videos. I mean, sure, he still gets a
15:18decent amount of views, so it's understandable that he wouldn't want to do that, but overall,
15:22TikTok is constantly changing, and if you're not able to change and adapt and impress your audience
15:27in new ways and constantly change for them, it's just inevitable that you're likely going to fall
15:33off. I mean, are we only talking about TikTok or are we talking about YouTube shorts? I don't know,
15:36but if we're talking about TikTok, once again, like I said, the algorithm is so bad. I don't
15:40like TikTok's algorithm, but if we look at the last week, 1.2 mil, 3.4 mil, like this one, 658.
15:45It's been 22 minutes since I started recording. Let's refresh it. 658?
15:505, 6, 7, 8. So it went up 30k, and this one isn't even a joke, like one of those videos. This one
15:55isn't either. This one's like a relatable. This one's a relatable, and this one's a relatable.
15:59In the last six, two of them were like the repetitiveness, but the thing is, you guys
16:02enjoy the repetitiveness, or the repetitive ones, like the gasp ones. So it's like, why would I
16:07stop if people enjoy them, you know, and they did decent. Also, I've like kind of been switching,
16:12trying new things, like these more relatable ones.
16:23So it's not all the joke ones still, you know? Uh, if you guys want to see more stuff I could
16:27do, I could do a whole, I got a whole bunch of stuff I can do, but I don't know. I don't know.
16:31They seem to work. I don't know. Constantly changing my thumbnail style all the time. I
16:35change it because it gets boring to use the same one over and over again. Sure,
16:39lots of channels just works for them, but me personally, I feel like I need to change them
16:43a lot because it just, it gets too repetitive if I keep the same one for too long. Sure,
16:48if a thumbnail works really well, I'll use it for a while, but over time, I eventually start
16:52using a different style. And of course, no hate to anyone that uses a similar one. This is just
16:56me personally. Number 12. Number 4. What's going on? Why is everyone laughing? We've all been in
17:04this prison for so long. We all know the same jokes. So rather than saying the whole story,
17:07we just yell out the number. Oh, okay. Number 6. Why is everyone laughing? No offense,
17:14but some people know how to tell a joke and some people don't. I mean, look at this video. It's
17:18from 2024 and it's a simple green screen and simple filters. Anyone could make this video.
17:24There's really no change since 2020, considering that Luke has made hundreds of thousands of
17:30dollars from social media. I mean, it's his choice and he still gets a decent amount,
17:34but nowhere near what he used to get. I mean, that's just something that I noticed. Now moving
17:38on, there's something that he couldn't control and that's TikTok's short attention span. TikTok
17:43moves on constantly. They choose a person, give them attention, and then move on quickly. And if
17:48you're not able to constantly follow trends perfectly and change with it, it's likely that
17:52TikTok will leave you behind and see you as a fallen creator. If you think it is hard to stay
17:56relevant on YouTube or any platform, TikTok is literally next level. It is so hard. I'm telling
18:02you, trends die within 24 hours. That's another thing you got to point out too. Like, I've been
18:07doing TikTok, what, for, since 2019. So like six, five, six years now. Like, yeah, it's impossible.
18:13Well, maybe not impossible, but like almost impossible to like get the same amount of views
18:17for that long, you know? But if we pull this up 2.8, 1.2, I feel like that's pretty decent for
18:23being doing this for six years. Like Charli D'Amelio, I'm not like pointing names or doing
18:28things, but like Charli D'Amelio is like, what, the most followed? Or is she still the most
18:31followed? I don't even know. Like look, she's not getting 157 million views because she has 157
18:35million followers. Like it's just, it's impossible to like get the same amount of views for that long,
18:39you know? Accounts that got millions of views are dead within an hour. You are fighting to the
18:45death. It's like the Hunger Games, but you're trying to get someone's attention. It's insane.
18:50You are fighting to the death to get someone's attention. And yes, I blocked out the word dead
18:55because I'm that greedy for money in monetization. And I'm going to warn you now,
19:00the criticism is going to be taken up a notch. It's going to get a little more personal. So if
19:04you really, really don't want that, click away. I have plenty of other videos that aren't criticizing
19:08people anyway. Once again, don't hate Luke, just criticizing and explaining the possible reasons
19:13behind his massive decrease in views. Now, moving on to the next reason I assume is that he makes
19:19reaction content on YouTube. Let's focus specifically on YouTube for a little while.
19:23And reaction content is just in itself low effort and ununique. There are so many channels
19:28competing for reaction, and they all have like the same edit style, and there's really nothing
19:34unique about them. And at the end of the day, if the audience finds a channel they like better,
19:38I mean, what reason do they have to follow and watch Luke's videos? They could watch the beloved
19:44Sniper Wolf that totally didn't dock someone. They could watch Mr. Beast's channel, which I think is
19:49dead now. He hasn't uploaded in like a year, but there are a million other channels that they could
19:53watch. Reaction channels in themselves are just so ununique, so unoriginal. I mean, Luke's content
19:58was literally identical to Sniper Wolf. No, in no way am I saying he copied her. She copied like
20:03a million people herself. She's just the most popular person with that kind of content. My
20:06point is that the content is just so unoriginal, ununique, and overdone. It's bound to fail
20:12eventually. So here's what I got to say about that. I'm not a full, like a long form creator.
20:16I'm a shorts creator, right? I guess the majority of these videos playing is like my shorts, right?
20:19And the long form, I just kind of like start throwing that in there just for like some variety,
20:23you know? Like the thing that like grew my channel is the shorts. And the thing is,
20:27because I make shorts every single day, and I'm doing every single day on the facts channel again,
20:31I know people think like, oh, it's like 15 seconds to record a video. No, no, no. But it's like,
20:34it actually does take quite a while. And so if I were to be doing like, I don't know, like daily
20:39vlogs, for example, or not even daily vlogs, but like a vlog a week, it would just be so much
20:44more draining, like a grind. Now I feel like I'm saying excuses, but I don't know how to explain
20:49this. Like the reaction videos, I do agree. They're not like, like, I don't have to go outside and
20:52like record, you know? Like I literally can do it right here. But I just, I feel like it's not
20:57possible with all the other stuff that I'm doing to like, I mean, unless I make a massive team like
21:01Mr. Beast to do those kinds of videos, which I guess, I guess you're telling me that I should
21:06be doing that. Okay. You know, I'm going to stop talking. But did that kind of make sense guys?
21:10Did that kind of make sense? Like you'd get, I'd get so burnt out if I tried to like do vlogs,
21:15but also I feel like you guys wouldn't even want to watch my vlogs because what am I doing? I'm
21:17just making videos every day. Like, I don't know. Unless you are a super massive creator with tons
21:23of following like Mr. Beast, it's just like, it's going to fail over time because it's just so like,
21:29there's not much there at the end of the day. We've been eating food wrong our entire lives,
21:33but I don't really believe that because I don't think there's a right way to eat food. As long
21:36as it gets in your mouth, you're good to go. But we're going to see how we're eating wrong. All
21:40right. To start off, we have, oh, what are they called? Chopsticks. How could I forget their
21:44culture? What are they doing? What are they doing? I mean, I must admit, I don't really know how to
21:47use chopsticks. I've used them a couple of times in my life and I'm not the best at them. Huh?
21:52Wait, what? What? I'm so confused. Like he's literally the male version of Sniper Wolf,
21:58but one with, I guess, a much more humble and respectable personality. I mean, he's just
22:02talking really fast and kind of like being loud with fast editing, but there's nothing really
22:07there. And that moves me to my next point of at the end of the day, there isn't much to attach to
22:11his character. He doesn't really have much to attach to. All we know about him is his simple
22:16joke shorts and his fast reactions. Like there's not really like a per, I don't know how to explain
22:22it, but there isn't really someone like you can connect to behind the screen. Um, that's why the
22:28gaming channel, the gaming channel guys, do we got a problem? The gaming channel, I feel like
22:34he makes lots of relatable content like this, that the audience can relate to, but there isn't
22:38much personality to attach it to. And I'm not saying I'm like the top YouTuber with a personality
22:44and stuff. I'm just saying it's harder when you make just reaction content in short comedy skits
22:49to actually connect with your audience because you're not really talking to them. You're not
22:52really telling them your feelings or your opinion. There isn't much to connect to and attach and
22:56there isn't much reason to stay. I suppose. So should I be doing more vlogs? But I feel like
23:01what I was, sorry, what I was, what I was getting at is, um, if you guys want more personality,
23:05I feel like the gaming channel is where you should go because it's not just me reacting.
23:08It's like me playing a game and like, I'm just being myself. Kind of big jump, big jump, big
23:12jump. Oh, what is that? So the only thing is you guys got like gaming to watch that. So maybe vlogs,
23:19but then what'd you guys do when I watch my vlogs? That's the thing. That's why I do the reaction
23:23videos. Cause like, it's like a topic, but like a vlog is just like, yo guys, I'm here. And I
23:28obviously didn't go to his channel, log in, hack his password and check his channel stats and see
23:33what the majority of his audience is. But I'm guessing a large part of his audience are kids.
23:37I mean, kids are the main audience. Actually first ever seen Luke Davidson's analytics. 31%
23:44is 35 to 44 years old. But I know this is a lie because the people who come up to me in public,
23:49I'd say my target audience, like age range, the average is like nine to 15 ish. Like when people
23:55come up to me, that's usually the age range. But I think why it says, uh, 31% is because kids are
24:00using their parents' accounts. Like they're on their parents' phones, logged in as them. And it's
24:06like, so that's why it shows that audience on YouTube shorts and they would love his comedy
24:10skits. I'm not guessing a lot of older people probably don't watch it. And his reaction channel
24:15that's usually targeted towards kids because realistically kids are the type to watch that
24:19kind of stuff. And in no way, is that a bad thing? He doesn't make anything inappropriate. And
24:23overall, he seems like a decent person for kids to watch. He's not really rude. I would have nothing
24:27against that, but kids in themselves aren't always the most like loyal audience. They just want to
24:31watch something quick and exciting. And they probably will forget about you within the day.
24:35And that's another reason why I do stay family friendly. Just for example, lots of my parents'
24:39friends who like have kids that are like really young, they have told, um, my parents are like,
24:44we only let our daughter watch Luke because we know he's like family friendly and he's not going
24:49to post bad stuff. So I'm kind of not stuck. Like, I don't want to just all of a sudden do a 180 and
24:55be like swearing all the video and, you know, just do like some R rated stuff because then it's like,
25:00you know, but as the audience gets older, I might throw in a few, like, you know, I don't know.
25:06We'll see. Or I'll retire. We'll see. And it's been four years. Kids grow up fast. And sometimes
25:13you can't always connect with the younger generation. They're too focused on skibbity
25:16toilet. Maybe skibbity toilet is more interesting than reaction channels. Who knows? But I did do a
25:21reaction on skibbity toilet, but at the same time, yes, kids do grow up or there's always going to
25:25be new kids. There'll always be new kids to discover. So the point is kids are a short
25:30audience. Like they're going to move on. And if you can't connect to the next generation and can't
25:35really compete with skibbity toilet, no offense to Luke. I would rather watch his reaction videos
25:39and skibbity toilet. Okay. Skibbity toilet is pretty good. I don't know if that's a hard decision.
25:44Overall, the point is it's just, it's iffy with kids and it can be harder to connect to an audience
25:50that is much younger than you. When I look at my stats and I know they aren't always accurate
25:54because people can enter in a different details about themselves that aren't true. I don't know.
25:57I don't really care. But according to my stats, the people that watch my audience, the majority
26:01of them are between like 14 to 20, like four or something, which is perfect because that's like
26:07right in my age range. Since I'm 16, like I kind of can connect and understand what people my age
26:12would like to hear and overall what they find funny and what they're interested in. But it can
26:16be harder to connect to a group that's completely different than you that you probably don't
26:20remember what you liked when you were what, six years old? Like it's hard to understand the younger
26:25generation. So it's not even Luke's fault. It's just, it's can be hard to determine these things.
26:31And I'm going to apologize again because holy crap, this is so frustrating. My voice will not
26:36talk properly. It just keeps on like cracking because I'm sick and I'm so tired of it. Anyway,
26:41to continue now, not only are Luke's views very much down, if you go to his comment sections,
26:47you can't find anything positive. And every day on YouTube, there seems to be a new video
26:52hitting on him. It looks pretty bleak in the future. So the question is, will Luke be able
26:56to create new content or be able to escape this hate or this massive decline? Well, at the end
27:02of the day, there's one simple answer and that is yes, it is very much possible. I'm not going to
27:07lie and pretend like his channel is a huge, massive gravesite and he gets zero views a video.
27:13Every once in a while, he still goes viral and he's definitely far from completely falling off.
27:18He's just seen a massive decline over time. He has 17 million followers. He has plenty of chances
27:24to change his content, update his content or grow his channel in different ways. He's got plenty of
27:30chances to blow up again. Here's the Karen. You can tell by the hair. That's the thing with social
27:34media guys. Like if something you do doesn't work, you can only come back a year later with something
27:39completely different, like a new channel and blow up. Like it's only, I guess, like, like they're
27:43saying, it's only if you continue doing the same thing, it just doesn't work. But the reason I'm
27:46still doing the same thing is because it is working. Yes, it may not be the same as like
27:50three years ago, the views when I take talk and everything was peak. But if we go to my channel,
27:56here's the last week, I will admit these ones have been doing not as good, but it's weird because
28:01usually it's the opposite. Usually when I have a good, like a video that I think is good and I
28:05post it to TikTok is bad because the algorithm on TikTok is so random now. But then on YouTube,
28:08they're like, that's good. Now this week is the opposite. Look at all these videos have been doing
28:11good. 3.5, 1.2, 2.8. Sorry, I've went over like 20 million times now. But then you go to here,
28:164.6 mil, that's good. But the other ones, but still 750k, that's almost a million people. Like
28:21that's, I don't think that's falling off. But if we go the last two, three weeks, like 1 mil,
28:253 mil, 2.1 mil, almost a mil, 1 mil, 1.5 mil, almost a mil, 5 mil. Oh, we did have a,
28:32then we go back. This is like what, four weeks ago, 3.5, 1.4, almost a mil, 2.2, 4.32. So it's
28:38not like I'm getting no views. I don't know. And I don't really understand this lost 6 million TikTok
28:44followers. I don't know. Like literally in the last week, I think I've gained like, let me,
28:48let me check. In the last seven days on TikTok, I've gained 27,000 followers in the last week.
28:53Again, I'm not trying to brag. I hate bragging. Like I'm just trying to show like losing 6
28:56million followers. No, I'm still gaining followers. So I don't, I don't know about that,
29:00but let's actually, let's see, let's go to this channel. This is actually a good video. I'm not
29:03hating. I don't hate. Remember, I don't like hating. Yeah. So all of their videos are very
29:08similar. The disgusting side of Clara, how one video ruined ZHC's reputation, how Brooke Monk
29:15suddenly became hated. I didn't know Brooke Monk was hated, but so like the video and the title is
29:19like exaggerating kind of, but at the same time, yes, I'm not getting the same views as I did three
29:23years ago when I was at peak, but like this was a couple of weeks ago, 14 million views, 1.5,
29:281.4, 12, 2.2, 1.5. And I'm posting every single day. It's not like I post once a week, you know?
29:34I don't know. Usually the Karen haircut is more like that, but what's happening? And what's like,
29:41what's the noise? I think I was 20 pounds heavier in this video. I mean, he's got to try something
29:54other than reaction content. A few years ago, reaction content was really like a huge, huge
29:59thing. Reacting to Karen content and stuff could get you so many views. But overall, due to so
30:06much criticism towards it, as a lot of reaction channels, including Luke, don't credit the
30:11creators, essentially stealing their content. It's just become less likable towards the YouTube
30:17community. So overall, we've just seen a decline in interest in topics such as Karen's and overall,
30:23Luke's going to have to change something if he wants to get his old numbers again. And I know,
30:27who am I to talk? I'm tiny compared to him. I'm just saying from my perspective, I've seen his
30:33videos in 2020 and I've seen them now and just seeing the amount of hate he's getting, I think
30:38the way he could show these haters or prove them wrong would be to try something incredibly new
30:43and blow up with that method. And overall, just prove these people wrong because we don't see
30:48that currently. So also, I thought I was going to quick do a thank you for the play button I
30:53recently got. I wasn't able to order it before, but I finally got it. I know, 40,000 subscribers
30:59later. I think that's all the hate. Congrats on the plaque though. So basically, they're really
31:03telling me though, they just don't like my reaction videos and that I should do other videos,
31:07like long form videos. So if you guys want me to do some vlogs, let me know. At the same time,
31:11I actually have to go do something fun. I'm going to South Africa next week. I've been grinding,
31:15not going to miss, hopefully I might miss one upload, might miss one upload, but I've been
31:20grinding the past few days to get as many videos as I can. So I don't miss any uploads because
31:23I feel guilty when I miss uploads for you guys. And not all of my joke videos, some are relatable
31:27videos. Some are going to, you guys stay tuned. We're switching up already now, but maybe I should
31:32do a vlog. The thing is though, when I go on trips and I record, it makes me like stressed out. Like
31:37I just want to go and enjoy the thing. Like I haven't gone on a vacation in a long time. So
31:41it's kind of like a vacation. But now if I have to focus on like recording the best parts of the
31:45vacation, now it's like, oh, I got to get the best angles of like the safari. I got to get the best
31:49angles of this. And it's not like me enjoying doing the thing. Hmm. So maybe I do like half,
31:54maybe I half it, record what I can, but just not like, I got to get the best angle. We got to redo
31:59that. Get the lions running at me one more time. You know? I don't know. We'll see. But yeah,
32:02interesting video. I don't know. I like reacting to these videos now. Like I haven't done one of
32:06these in a long time because I haven't really searched up Luke Davidson hate videos in a long
32:09time, but I was like reacting to the hate videos. I like, I like hearing what they have to say about
32:13it. Anyway, that's pretty much it for today's video. If you guys enjoyed this one, slap that
32:16like button, subscribe if you haven't already, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Peace.
