• 15 hours ago
Pokémon obviously becomes an easier game when you're only using Legendaries... so now let's see who can do it the fastest...
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#legendary #pokemon #alpharad

➤ @CaptainKiddYT
➤ @PointCrow
➤ @Vulpixie
➤ @cjya
➤ @Fir

➤ Vix: https://twitter.com/vixento_

➤ me (mythical)

In-game sprites (thumbnail too) from:
➤ https://github.com/rh-hideout/pokeemerald-expansion
00:00Legendary Pokemon are, well, legendary.
00:03Their stats are all so unbelievably overpowered
00:06that they're usually hidden until you beat the game
00:08and typically banned from competitive play altogether.
00:11But not always.
00:12Like, some Pokemon are so strong,
00:14they aren't even playable.
00:15Take Eternatus Eternamax, for example,
00:17that has a base stat spread of 1,125.
00:21That's nearly two Garchomps combined.
00:24We've done a ton of races through Pokemon Emerald
00:27where a single legendary Pokemon
00:28would have easily made any single person a winner.
00:31So let's give them all legendaries.
00:33Because if everyone's legendary, nobody is.
00:36Along five other streamers,
00:38I drafted a box from weak legendaries
00:40to strong legendaries to broken legendaries
00:42and whatever these guys are.
00:45So let's take that one care and quote,
00:46ignore it entirely and see who can win in a Pokemon race
00:50using hardcore Nuzlocke rules
00:51while having all of the firepower
00:53a trainer could ever need.
00:54With all of our teams decided,
00:56it was time to start the race in five, four, three.
00:59And don't forget to subscribe, by the way.
01:01And while you're here, leave a suggestion
01:03on what kind of race you want to see next.
01:04In two, one, go.
01:06Let's just get our guys and get going.
01:08Station out.
01:08We're going to do some prep to start with
01:10before we even go to the rival.
01:11The guy that I wanted, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
01:14Come here, Kyogre.
01:15Having to remember what each move is
01:17might make me lose some time.
01:19All right, we are going to lose a little time
01:20every turn with the Drizzle.
01:21So we need to use this Pokemon sparingly.
01:24We're not clicking origin pulse
01:26because I do not trust the misses.
01:28Chat, cheer your streamer on,
01:29even though it's highly likely she's not going to win.
01:31There's a lot of Pokemon masters here,
01:33but look, I just get to have fun.
01:35I get to hang out with friends and I get to play Pokemon.
01:38Oh, Peach, you got to haul ass.
01:40Here we go.
01:42Wait, what?
01:43I didn't know we had to do this.
01:43We give them the name?
01:46We're saving frames, baby.
01:48I got Adamant!
01:49Adamant Crydon!
01:50I got Adamant Crydon.
01:51Oh my gosh, that's huge.
01:53Neutral walking weight, huge.
01:55Is there a list of rules?
01:56The rules is beat the game.
01:57I'm sorry, but we're punching the Mudkip.
01:58Bye-bye Mudkip.
01:59When we were talking about this,
02:00we were like, oh, it'd be so stupid
02:01if we just did like all legendaries, you know?
02:03Because that's basically what it's become, bro.
02:06This is the most wild Pokemon I've ever hit.
02:08And of course it's when I have the Pokemon with Drizzle
02:10in the front of my party.
02:11It's so sad.
02:13Like little Timmy, youngster Joey is sending out his rat
02:16and we're just going to use this alien
02:19from a different dimension to kill it.
02:21Oh, hey, nice dog, man.
02:25Oh, it's sad.
02:26It's honestly a little sad.
02:28So I go here.
02:29Wait, do I have to?
02:31Oh, he's just not here.
02:32I had Disappointed Maze and also Kitchen Flies.
02:34What would be the anti-sink?
02:36What, like a fridge or like a garbage disposal?
02:38Like a trash can or the microwave.
02:41You're right.
02:41You're actually so right.
02:42I just want you to know how this came to be.
02:44In every draft lock, we've always asked people
02:46who their favorite character is
02:47so we can add them into the game
02:49because my team is incredible.
02:50They've typically just been trainers
02:52or upcoming characters from Mario Mon,
02:54sometimes even mystery dungeon sprites,
02:56but Poincrow hit us with a first.
02:59That's right.
03:00Apparently we can add the sink from FireRedLeafGreen
03:04as a playable character.
03:06And now we get to see the power,
03:07the true power of DrizzleKai Ogre.
03:10How is Kid already at Roxanne?
03:12There's no way.
03:13Man, we thought sweeping with Roselia
03:16in draft lock one was a little broken.
03:18Look at the power creep.
03:21Oh, I think that's the first time
03:22we've ever actually procced Sturdy on this Nosebass.
03:25A little unfortunate.
03:26You know, it's taking time.
03:27I think Captain Kid is really good
03:29and he's got a very like high chance of winning,
03:32but I think that Captain Kid has one issue.
03:34He's too good at Pokemon.
03:35So he's gonna take his time.
03:37Whereas me, I'm ass.
03:39So I will just rush everything.
03:42All right, Roxanne is down.
03:44Wait, wait, what?
03:45Like, did you say Roxanne's down?
03:46Oh, I can actually just go beat Roxanne right now.
03:48Actually, I'm not that behind.
03:50I'm like a minute or two behind, I think.
03:52Oh, wait, maybe the Beast Boost time is gonna add up.
03:55Seeing those numbers every single time
03:57will definitely add up.
03:58Do you have Sturdy?
03:59Why am I alive?
04:00Or why is he alive?
04:01They all have Sturdy.
04:02Well, all right, we did beat Roxanne though.
04:04I have also beaten Roxanne.
04:06Okay, I'm only at least fourth.
04:08Okay, shit.
04:09All right, now I'm on to fight Roxanne.
04:11I'm at least fifth.
04:12I'm going a bit slow, but I'll get there.
04:15Slow and steady wins the race.
04:19Let's go, Mintz.
04:20We lose a little bit of time with the Intim.
04:23But that's not, you know, it's not too bad.
04:24At least it only procs once.
04:25And we click dual wing me.
04:26Yo, Salamence, budget pick, baby.
04:29Didn't click focus punch.
04:30We're saving time.
04:31Let's go.
04:32I think, oh.
04:34Oh, not the optional.
04:35Look at that time loss.
04:37Brawly is down.
04:38Roxanne's down?
04:39Hell yeah, dude.
04:40Thanks, man.
04:41Hey, I'll be joining you in a sec there, Eric.
04:43Just use bullet punch.
04:44It probably kills.
04:45No, that's crazy.
04:47Nice, we're fighting Brawly.
04:48Let's see if I make it.
04:49Fer, do you feel overly familiar
04:51with the beginning of this game?
04:52A little bit.
04:52I mean, it's helped that I played it more now.
04:55This is the first time I was in one of these like races.
04:57I had no idea where I was going.
04:59All right, I'm done Brawly.
05:00How on the actual hello are you guys already done
05:02with Brawly?
05:03You guys are insane.
05:04That's what I'm saying.
05:05All right, Brawly's done.
05:06They're boggling my mind.
05:08This is impressive.
05:09I mean, kinda.
05:10It's really just who knows Emerald Overworld the best
05:12because no one is gonna lose fights
05:14and they're all gonna go really, really fast.
05:16All right, take care, Steven.
05:18And we know where the escape rope is now.
05:19Let's go.
05:20We're out of there.
05:21See you.
05:22We definitely wanna go to Slateport.
05:23No, no.
05:26You have to do the letter.
05:27It's like slightly over here.
05:29Up, left, up, and then to the left over here.
05:33Yeah, nice, got it.
05:34All right, I'm against Brawly.
05:35Bada bing, bada boom.
05:36We're in Slateport.
05:36Now we zoom.
05:38That's how the song goes.
05:39And we can't take Cycling Road, which definitely sucks.
05:42So maybe I should level up a little bit more
05:44of my team here actually.
05:45All right, Brawly's done.
05:46I'm fighting Brawly now.
05:47I'm gonna go right on Summoning Orichalcum Pulses.
05:50Kinda hurting me.
05:52These dialogue boxes take so long.
05:55Okay, don't go to Petalburg.
05:56Don't go to Petalburg.
05:57Nice, nice, nice.
05:59All right, you guys ready to see it?
06:00The power of Curim.
06:02Little turbo blaze action.
06:03Let's be honest.
06:04I feel like most of these abilities
06:06are gonna have something stupid like this.
06:08All right, Slugma.
06:10We can just AP.
06:11Oh, maybe that's a throw.
06:12Cause if we get the boost here, that's a time loss.
06:14Okay, we didn't get the boost.
06:15First time I'm giving a thumbs up for no boost.
06:18All right, and then Marsh Stop.
06:18Bro, look at this.
06:19It's just a waste of my time.
06:21I had to press the A buttons four times instead of three.
06:23That's messed up.
06:24No way to play around Protect.
06:25Actually, I say that there is one guy
06:28that I have on my team that can play around Protect.
06:30Why is Point Crow kitchen sink?
06:31Cause he asked.
06:32Oh no.
06:34Pluso with unseen fish.
06:35Literally I turn around and there's a wild Pokemon.
06:38I'm actually gonna, I'm gonna.
06:40I'm running into so many optional trainers.
06:42Like this is why I'm behind, chat.
06:44This is what I mean.
06:45Three fights that you have to do.
06:47Hey, what are you guys up to right now?
06:52This guy.
06:52What if I told you that my Garchomp's hitting itself
06:54in confusion for like the fourth turn in a row?
06:59This is so unreal.
07:00It's stressing me out that it's just like
07:01a movement speed run.
07:02Yeah, and the legendary one,
07:04this is literally just a speed run.
07:05We're just testing who has the best speed run tech.
07:08Guys, guys, you know,
07:09I think we might just have like a six way tie.
07:12We could just call it a wash.
07:13And now we mess up Watson.
07:16I thought I designed my gym in an area
07:17where you're not supposed to have ground types.
07:19How'd you get Landorus T?
07:21Yo, shout out to Pokemon.
07:23They learned.
07:24Six generations of power creep.
07:26Give every ground type bulldoze.
07:28Watson, all of a sudden,
07:29not that scary of a gym leader anymore.
07:32Oh my God.
07:34I'm throwing.
07:36Please don't have that many Pokemon.
07:37Oh God.
07:42I just used fire punch on myself.
07:44That would have been a crazy wipe if that crit.
07:47No, I don't want to register you.
07:48Fuck off.
07:50I'm never going to call you.
07:51I'm never calling you.
07:53I'm never calling.
07:54Oh, stop calling me.
07:55Now we fight Watson.
07:56Yeah, we know how to navigate the gyms at this point,
07:58which is pretty nice.
07:59We simply press the bulldoze button.
08:01I don't think there has to be much thought.
08:03Watson is normally like a massive wall in these races.
08:07So this is a blessing.
08:08All right, Watson is dead.
08:10Buried in the dirt.
08:11Absolutely demolished.
08:12How'd Jirachi do?
08:14I fucking forgot to bring Jirachi, man.
08:16I'm going to be honest.
08:17I'm locked in.
08:17No, I wanted the Jirachi redemption arc so badly.
08:20We have now cleared Watson ourselves.
08:22Does water boosted water pulse from Kyogre.
08:26Oh, Kotorko.
08:27Oh my God, it does.
08:29Would you believe that?
08:31Kyogre pick coming in huge.
08:33That is Flannery down.
08:34Dude, are you serious?
08:36How did you do that?
08:39He's cheating.
08:39Dude, he's in his flow state.
08:42Where do we find this guy?
08:43All right, Watson time.
08:45Let's just spam Psybeam.
08:50Do I have like a garbage nature?
08:52Excuse me?
08:52The funniest teleport Pokemon in existence.
08:55Deoxys defense form, baby.
08:58Let's go.
08:59Super Sonic's pretty bad.
08:59All right, repair fusion.
09:00We got to switch out.
09:01Unless we hit here, that'd be crazy.
09:02Oh, that is crazy.
09:07Okay, that's also crazy too.
09:08All right, I'm swapping.
09:12Oh, optionals, dude.
09:15Oh my God.
09:20Oh my God.
09:20I'm choking on like the craziest movement right now.
09:22Because the issue I ran into here
09:24was just not leveling all my Pokemon to try and be fast.
09:28I know it's seven levels under, but...
09:31Oh my God.
09:33I think I have hit every single optional I can.
09:36The Wicked Blow,
09:37I think that is the funniest animation in the entire game.
09:40It does take a very long time though.
09:42So maybe we just pop one Brick Break here.
09:43Chat, if I don't lose any Pokemon, that's my victory.
09:46How about that?
09:48I'm not worried about finishing the game.
09:50I'm not going to lose any guys.
09:51I'm not going to lose any of my fellas.
09:53The reason I wanted to grab Cut
09:54is because I think this is just slightly faster.
09:57I do want to...
10:00Why are you fire punching a ground type?
10:02You overestimate the fact that I have any idea
10:05what the type chart is.
10:06I beat Watson.
10:07It's me.
10:10Sink in the gondola!
10:11Up to the cable car.
10:12All right, chat, we're going on a ride.
10:14You can't see me in the gondola.
10:17God damn it, God damn it, God damn it.
10:20I need to learn.
10:21I need to learn this.
10:22I had Aerial Ace right there.
10:23My God.
10:26Oh, that's right.
10:28Wait, I forgot.
10:29Why was I willing to spend everything on Darker Shifu?
10:33Because not only is it the best fighting type
10:35in the entire draft,
10:36it's the best fighting type,
10:37and it also gets detect.
10:39So we can just say,
10:40no, no, no, no counter for you, silly.
10:42And then he's going to swap out.
10:43Lanoon's going to come in.
10:45Okay, bigger up.
10:46Doesn't matter.
10:49Take that straight to the face, bucko.
10:51Okay, we're here with Flannery.
10:52We made it.
10:53It's fine.
10:54It's whatever.
10:55Give me the Torkel.
10:56Give me the Torkel.
10:57Let's see what we can do with this.
10:58I want to kill it in one.
10:59I want to kill it.
11:00Come on.
11:02Just enough.
11:03Honestly, just enough.
11:06Guys, I got to say,
11:07Urshifu's kind of good.
11:09Yeah, I got to say,
11:10Urshifu kind of good, man.
11:11Urshifu's just a little good.
11:12I don't know.
11:13He's kind of insane.
11:14I feel like you're saying that
11:15because you were at Norman,
11:16and it turns out Norman could not handle these hands.
11:20Well, Flannery could not handle these hands.
11:24I can't believe I just did that first try.
11:26Oh my God.
11:27I can't believe I just did that first try.
11:28That's crazy.
11:28That's actually crazy.
11:29Dude, I'm going all out on this fight.
11:31I'm just throwing out the kitchen sink.
11:41I just look over to Discord to see who unmuted,
11:44and nobody did.
11:45I think I have a chance to catch up to like CJ Jacob
11:47if something goes wrong with them.
11:48I don't really have any good early game Pokemon right now,
11:51except Metagross,
11:53and I don't think it's wise for me to use Metagross here.
11:55Oh, that did like no damage.
11:56Lady, please.
12:06I almost lost Necrozma to a crit.
12:08It turns out overheat does a lot of damage.
12:10You're here to cheer for Pixie
12:12because she is actually the cutest.
12:13I have the cutest Pokemon.
12:15Like, look at Groudon.
12:16He's a cute little guy.
12:19I almost lost my Groudon.
12:21I have a tragedy to report.
12:23I won against Flannery, but at what cost?
12:25Roaring Moon would have rolled this.
12:27Hey, I'm not that smart.
12:30Oh, Norman's dead, by the way.
12:31I finally defeated Flannery.
12:33That took way too long.
12:34Look, that was the least prep time we've ever done.
12:36We just full sent it.
12:37Like, normally we think about what we're doing.
12:39We might still be able to do it,
12:40but I'm just going to detect on the first one anyway,
12:42just for fun, because the counter, yeah.
12:44They always withdraw when you do this,
12:46but it doesn't matter
12:47because we still get to hit the next one for free.
12:49So even if he swaps out,
12:51the strategy has not changed at all.
12:53Yep, and here comes the slacking.
12:55Look, it's clicking counter
12:56and I just don't want to deal with it.
12:57On the off chance it doesn't kill,
12:59it's going to kill me.
13:00So we're going to pause.
13:02Yeah, so me detecting on that was the correct play.
13:05Now Norman has been defeated.
13:06Which way do I go?
13:07No, the fucking runner.
13:10So what time do we start this race?
13:11Oh, I literally have a timer up.
13:1258 minutes.
13:1358 minutes in, I have five badges.
13:17How's this split going, Brayden?
13:19We're almost at Winona.
13:20We're getting close.
13:21You're crazy for that.
13:22That's actually insane.
13:24Because Curem White, I think just gets the job done.
13:27I could get punished here.
13:28There is a chance.
13:29There's definitely a chance.
13:32Who am I kidding?
13:34Who am I kidding?
13:34It's Curem White, dude.
13:36All right, Winona is down.
13:37Brayden, how bad do you have to pee right now?
13:40Yeah, the pee meter is reaching definitely.
13:43It's definitely getting full.
13:44Don't think of running water, you know?
13:48I think you've got to focus on your health, dude.
13:49What's that one HM that you need to go to Evergrande?
13:52Waterfall, the one with streaming water?
13:54Yeah, yeah, don't think about that one.
13:55All right, we're against Norman right now.
13:56All right, we literally just Sacred Sword.
13:58We're good to go.
13:59That should kill.
13:59It didn't?
14:00Very count.
14:05I just lost Zaytion to counter.
14:06Oh, the slacking?
14:07Oh, that's not the first time that's happened.
14:09I thought you didn't want Zaytion,
14:10so it shouldn't be a problem.
14:12Yeah, it's kind of a good thing if you think about it.
14:14You know, it was meant to be,
14:15so that's what matters, right?
14:16All right, I'm going to predict a counter.
14:19So I'm going to use a special attack.
14:22Hey, I predicted, wait, guys, I predicted the counter!
14:26All right, Norman's dead.
14:27So is my Zaytion.
14:29I predicted the counter
14:30and I saved my Koridon because of it.
14:32So thank you.
14:33Zaytion died so Koridon could live.
14:36You're so welcome.
14:38I knew Koridon would carry us.
14:39I knew it.
14:40This is where we catch back up.
14:41People seem to struggle a bit with Norman.
14:43Guzzlord got a weird back sprite, bro.
14:45What the hell?
14:46Don't hit yourself, please.
14:48Snap out, snap out.
14:52Please hit, hit the Marshtomp, please.
14:55Fuck it, I'm staying in.
14:56I don't care.
14:57I'll swap if I hit myself here.
14:58Yeah, not even checking the team.
15:00We just send it.
15:00Moridon is kind of the perfect Pokemon here,
15:04being that it has a gabillion base stats
15:07and I'm fighting Swablu.
15:08Oh yeah, try to de-dance, bet.
15:11That's right.
15:12It's Altaria, we're fine.
15:14That was more than I thought it would do,
15:16if I can be real.
15:17Oh, I don't know about the Pelipper though.
15:19I don't, I don't think the Pelipper's...
15:22All right, we're stalling.
15:23We're stalling, we're taking our time.
15:24And that is Winona down.
15:27I'm still just trying to recover from Flannery being so slow.
15:30Bada bing, bada boom, we're through.
15:31Okay, it's Tate and Liza time.
15:33All right, we never miss these Origin Pulses
15:35and we Wicked Blow you.
15:37Boom, I told you, we never miss these Origin Pulse.
15:41That is a long animation.
15:43Good Lord.
15:45So next is Winona.
15:47I think I can sweep with that Pokemon I just used.
15:50Tate and Liza are down.
15:53God, he's so fast.
15:54How does he do that?
15:55I'm not there yet.
15:56I'm not like speed runner levels
15:59using the Mach Bike going everywhere.
16:01I think if you have perfect movement,
16:03oh yeah, of course, use the bike.
16:04Yeah, that's why I'm using the bike, of course.
16:06Look away, look away, look away.
16:08Nice, great split.
16:10My early game was a little rough,
16:12but I'm kind of cleaning it up here.
16:13We can just take this.
16:18It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
16:21Boys, speaking of Emerald Map Buffon.
16:26Is that Pseudopolis?
16:27Yeah, we got time.
16:28You know, it's gotta make it a little suspense.
16:30Gotta add a little bit of adversity, you know?
16:32Oh, you messed it up, oh no.
16:35That sounds like super debilitating.
16:37I think you should probably just give up right now.
16:38I think you should go to the bathroom,
16:40take a bathroom break.
16:41You know, you got time.
16:43Okay, Kira, I believe in you.
16:44You might not be as fast,
16:46but God damn, you are certainly as powerful.
16:48You are certainly stronger and then some.
16:51Whiscash, I don't like your odds here.
16:54This was the sleeper pick.
16:55Kiram White has been like one of the goats, honestly.
17:00And I did not see the vision.
17:01I did not see his power.
17:03Oh God, oh God, not the Thick Fat Mon.
17:05Not the Thick Fat Mon last.
17:07Maybe our Shifu's faster here, actually.
17:09I don't know, maybe Kiram's not all that good.
17:10All right, Juan is down.
17:11We did not mess up the puzzle twice.
17:13Wait, we have the scope already?
17:14Yeah, we don't have to go get it.
17:15Oh my God.
17:17Oh no, I've lost time.
17:19I didn't know we had it.
17:20Move, Kecleon.
17:22From all the way over there?
17:24Come on.
17:29Do we break out the bundle?
17:30I think we got to do it
17:31because I was wanting to save it for the E4
17:33because I'm scared of losing it too early.
17:37But I think it's bundle time.
17:38I think we gots to do it.
17:39Oh my gosh, puzzle.
17:41I hate this game, I hate this game.
17:42I hate Pokemon.
17:43Time to break out the bundle.
17:44Bundle is online, guys.
17:46It's not over.
17:47Bundle can do things.
17:49It's not over.
17:50Oh yeah, I forgot about this.
17:51And I am paralyzed.
17:58God, your cry is so long, man.
18:01Winona's down.
18:02All right, I can catch up to Pixie.
18:03God, this gym.
18:04Okay, we do have the freeze-dry machine.
18:06I guess there's also like,
18:07I'm scared of the Sealeo of me not one-shotting it,
18:10but what are they going to hit me with?
18:11You know, is the question.
18:12Bundle online.
18:14Yeah, I guess at this point,
18:15I will just click the freeze-dry button.
18:17He might have to kill him in two though.
18:18It might want to dragon dance this.
18:20Oh shit, that's really bad.
18:21That's really not what we wanted.
18:22That's really not what we wanted.
18:24That's really not what we wanted.
18:26Oh no, we might wipe.
18:28Oh my God.
18:28Oh my God.
18:29Oh my God, no.
18:30Oh no.
18:31I'm staring down a triple dragon dance
18:33Altaria right now, guys.
18:34Wish me luck.
18:35You pro, you got six legendaries.
18:37Oh, we're good.
18:37Actually, nevermind, I just killed it.
18:38We're good.
18:39Actually, thanks for the luck.
18:40I got it.
18:41We're fine.
18:42Were you about to sink into a pit there
18:44with those dragon, you know, like,
18:47I don't know.
18:49And the eighth gym leader has been defeated.
18:51We're going fast now, baby.
18:53This is by far the fastest race we've done.
18:55It's kind of crazy.
18:57I mean, like obviously, but still.
19:00I beat Winona.
19:01That was by far the smoothest any of these gyms has gone.
19:05And that's probably partly
19:06because it was the only one we had a plan.
19:09I just got into the elite four.
19:10It's going to be close.
19:11It's going to be close.
19:12I don't think you guys understand how much time I saved
19:14by having Bundle in the E4.
19:15So I'm just throwing Kiram out there.
19:16Unfortunately, I forgot to get the white herb.
19:18I was supposed to get white herb on my way back
19:20because this Mightyena has intimidate
19:21and I didn't want to get intimidated.
19:22So we're just going to have to hope that Kiram could do it.
19:26And I believe in him.
19:26I think Kiram can do it.
19:28And so far he is doing that.
19:29Drake's Salamence could be where things go bad.
19:32But you know what?
19:33I might go into my own side.
19:34I might try and one V one it with my Salamence.
19:36In Phoebe's gym, I think her dust clops always protects.
19:40So no.
19:41Oh, I was pressing yes on the, on the, the repel.
19:44Yeah, dust clops protect could be pretty bad here actually.
19:47We might run out of Wicked Blow PP.
19:49We do not want to see this thing protect.
19:50This thing protects, that's really bad.
19:51Nice, nice.
19:52No protect is huge there.
19:53Cause these do have pressure.
19:54Oh no.
19:56Maybe, maybe we should have clicked the Wicked Blow anyways.
19:58All right, we're clicking Wicked Blow.
19:59We never miss.
20:00We don't miss baby.
20:01Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
20:04Before I go in.
20:05Oh my God.
20:06Almost made a huge mistake.
20:08Let me.
20:09Oh wow.
20:10That would have been bad, huh?
20:11Oh yeah.
20:12If I did not have heal items in between.
20:15Let's go where Shifu go.
20:15Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.
20:16Punch, punch, punch.
20:17Keep punching baby.
20:18Let's go.
20:19Let's go where Shifu.
20:20Yeah, that's how you do it right there.
20:22Everything dies.
20:23I'm going to lunge now.
20:26I don't want to go through more power up punch cut scenes.
20:29Wait, lunge is such a long animation.
20:31Power up punch might be faster.
20:33All right.
20:34Now this is the scary one.
20:36This is the one I'm not so sure about.
20:38Okay, Salamence is the one that I'm the most worried about.
20:40We can throw basically our entire team at this Pokemon.
20:42So let's do that.
20:44Let's just rock slide it down.
20:45All right.
20:46Now we just have Kyogre Ice Beam.
20:47Yeah, I think the biggest difference between Kyurem
20:48and Iron Bottle is going to be the Drake fight.
20:50So let's just see how much that speed helps.
20:54That's fine.
20:55Come on, come on.
20:55Hold baby, hold Kyogre, hold.
20:58I can see why he thinks Salamence.
20:59Wait, actually why does he think Salamence
21:01is a good answer here?
21:02This isn't even a freeze dry thing.
21:04I think we go Salamence here.
21:05I think, I don't need Salamence for anything else.
21:08So Salamence is my safest answer here.
21:10We get the Intim off.
21:11Let's see, does it go for D-Dance?
21:12Yep. Okay, perfect.
21:13So we reset it to neutral.
21:14It's faster than us now.
21:15Now we just Dragon Claw.
21:17Okay, it's a little, it's getting a little spicy.
21:20It's getting a little spicy.
21:21Come on, Mince, come on, Mince.
21:22Prove yourself.
21:23Oh, come on, Mince.
21:25Okay, is it a damage roll?
21:26Come on, come on, Mince.
21:27Hit the roll, hit the roll.
21:31God damn it.
21:33Pressing A in this Elite Four is crazy.
21:36Bundle goes so hard.
21:37Uh-oh, Bundle's coming behind us.
21:40I can feel the Mince presence.
21:42Don't, don't parry me.
21:43He always parries.
21:45No, no, full parry.
21:47Okay, woo.
21:48We're going to Wallace.
21:49Come on, Kirim, let's go.
21:51Come on.
21:52Who needs Iron Bundle?
21:53We click Freeze-Dry on everything besides the Tentacruel.
21:56Tent is the one we need to be worried about.
21:59Yep, okay, he holds, but that's okay.
22:01Not getting Poison there was huge.
22:03Now we can just fire off Freeze-Dry after Freeze-Dry.
22:05Bundle gets stuck here too.
22:06Bundle doesn't have 170 base special attack.
22:09This is a mild Kirim, by the way.
22:12With a super effective Freeze-Dry.
22:14And it's still not enough.
22:15That is the Tentacruel diff.
22:17Ain't no Iron Bundle doing this.
22:19Okay, we are simply fishing for crits.
22:21He's almost out, we've almost got him out, please.
22:24Can you imagine if he snipes us from under me
22:26after all this?
22:27Yes, Citrus Berry, oh no.
22:29Oh, every little tick.
22:31Okay, come on.
22:32I mean, yeah, I mean, in the world of legendaries,
22:34can you believe that this is the guy who is the strongest?
22:38And the final challenger,
22:40the legendary Slayer himself,
22:42Champion Wallace's Ludicolo.
22:44Oh, oh no.
22:47Oh no.
22:48Oh no, maybe he's not the strongest.
22:51Oh no.
22:52I didn't think about Swift Swim Ludicolo.
22:54I just saw him being quad weak and said,
22:56this looks incredible.
22:57I'm, what is happening here?
22:59What is happening in my game?
23:01At long last, all it took
23:03was the most broken Pokemon in existence.
23:06Back on top, baby.
23:08The crown returns.
23:10And just like that, it was close.
23:14I lost too much time in the beginning
23:16and despite playing fast in the second half,
23:18it just wasn't enough.
23:20Kid's all-star team of legendaries
23:22offered zero opportunity for me to close the gap
23:24and I finished in second.
23:26About half an hour later,
23:27we had third and fourth place locked in
23:29with fifth only trailing behind
23:30by another 15 minutes or so.
23:32The nice part about giving everybody legendaries
23:34is that it was never a question of can we do it,
23:37but perhaps the most genuine race we've ever had
23:40was the one with everyone playing on equal playing fields.
23:41Everybody was strapped with six
23:43of the strongest Pokemon ever made
23:45and we all finished the game.
23:47Yeah, every single person.
23:50♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
