• el mes pasado
The first few Pokémon games are nearly 30 years old and I haven't played them since I was a child... so let's see just how hard we can break Pokémon Red and Blue... and Yellow... okay, and Green too, I guess.
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#pokemon #alpharad #nuzlocke

➤ j̶̫͠a̷̼͋c̴̱̋ö̴̺́b̷̤͠ ̷̹̍a̸̳̓l̸̞͊p̶̼̀h̵̠̃a̷̙̒r̸̞̚ḁ̶̅d̵͓͠ (̷̬͊m̸̝͂e̷͙͝)̵̺̇

➤ Jordanos: https://x.com/JordanosArt

Genuinely, none of this video would've been possible without Bulbapedia having such detailed explanations on how to perform every glitch. Additionally, thank you to Ketsupo for being a knowledgeable chatter and taking the time to review the script. Also, since everybody has asked, I'm going to be adding the "music used" section back to the descriptions.

➤ https://pastebin.com/tqLtSykm


00:00Pokémon has changed a lot over the years, and perhaps even more than you've realized.
00:04Generation 1 was the start of it all across four games whose code was held together with scotch
00:09tape and glue. Sure, they were missing three types, held items, natures, abilities, genders,
00:13and tons of other core features to modern Pokémon. Like, this is where it all began.
00:17I mean, they only had one dragon move. And it was Dragon Rage.
00:21It's been a long time since I've played through these games, given how many different ways there
00:25are to enjoy Kanto. So I set out on a Pokémon Blue Nuzlocke with hardcore rules and a
00:29goal to beat the game through whatever means necessary. So I typed my name in all lowercase
00:34with three extra A's for a very important reason that I'll get to later, but for now,
00:38I was ready to start my glitch-infested journey.
00:46And now we're stuck. It's just the fastest softlock possible. We're actually stuck,
00:49there's nothing we can do. Yeah, apparently if you push this lady to this exact tile,
00:53the player gets softlocked in record time before you even get a chance to choose your starter.
00:58My plan for this Nuzlocke was to show off as many glitches as I possibly could,
01:02even if it ends up corrupting my entire save data. So hey, subscribe if you end up learning
01:06something new today. Though for my starter, I picked Squirtle and decided to name all of my
01:10Pokémon after infamous glitches across several different games, starting with arbitrary code
01:15execution. As expected, the first battle was a piece of cake, and then it was time to grab a
01:19handful of early encounters. First up is this Pidgey, but I really want to highlight how this
01:24sprite is just a bird. Like I know Pidgey is just a bird, but this is just a bird. A bird named
01:32Windbomb. After that, I found a Rattata called Mips and a Metapod named Rupee because, well,
01:40he doesn't really do anything. Then after catching all those Pokémon, this kind old man taught me
01:44how to catch Pokémon. Wow. What a helpful tutorial. I'll be back later to learn more.
01:49I know this has been a pretty standard run of Pokémon Blue so far, but trust me,
01:54once I beat Brock, everything is going to change. Wakanda forever, he says. Dude was way ahead of
02:00his time. God, look at that Geodude. What is wrong with him? Oh, Onix. When I first saw you as a kid,
02:09I did not realize the future you would have. Look, I think he dies too. No, he lives a bubble.
02:14Probably couldn't take an ice punch though. That's just a guess from me though. Does his
02:18statue look wet to anyone? With one badge out of the way, I evolved a bit of my team through
02:23acts of subtle foreshadowing. After fighting a few trainers, I successfully dodged this one,
02:28and like a lot of things in this run, she will be important later. Even though I could have been
02:33handed a Magikarp on a silver platter here, which is one of the best encounters you could ever have,
02:37I turned it down since I knew a funnier way to catch one. Later. Yeah, I'm going to say later
02:42a lot. Look, I don't mean for everything to set up for something else, but that's kind of how a run
02:46like this works when you are intentionally trying to break the game as much as you can. Like as soon
02:51as I emerged on the other side of Mount Moon, I knew there was something I had to do. But first,
02:55a Sandshrew. Oh, a little friend. Look at those eyes. As a local resident of Sand Kingdom,
03:04Sandshrew was named at the first of many dram skips. I didn't really expect to encounter too
03:09much difficulty in a run like this when Pokemon on the champion's team are using both Leer
03:13and Tail Whip, despite it being the same exact move. But I will say I might have underestimated
03:20Misty Starmie. Honestly, this sprite, it feels like biblically accurate Staryu. It's just so
03:25different. Ow, that sound was like grating. Whoa, whoa, what is this Starmie power? Yeah,
03:34I'll just resist. Oh my God. Oh my God, I could have done it. I could have just done it. Kind
03:38of getting rocked here by the Starmie. Yeah, so if I switch, she's going to Bubble Beam no matter
03:43what. I think Wind Bomb. Oh, she tackles. I thought she was going to Bubble Beam. She crits
03:47though, so. And now we just quick attack. We left. We went off screen for a little bit,
03:53but we're back. We're fine. Starmie attacked eight different times with one miss and four
04:00critical hits. For whatever reason, your speed stat determines how often you can crit. Oh,
04:06what could have been? Take your Pokemon's base speed, divide it by two, divide that number by
04:10256, and that is roughly the percent chance you have to land a critical hit. My next goal was to
04:16challenge Blue yet again with his suspiciously egg-shaped bird. So after repeating the same
04:21process to every unfortunate soul across Nugget Bridge, I came into my next encounter of Abra,
04:28who perfectly sets up for my next encounter. So let's name this one Wrong Warp and start a very
04:34tedious process that you can also do in any normal version of Pokemon Blue. This is known as the
04:40Trainer Fly Glitch. First, I'm going to approach this trainer as if I'm going to battle him and
04:45quickly press start to teleport away thanks to Wrong Warp. This confuses the man who only wanted
04:51a battle and leaves my trainer in a strange state in an unstable realm. The game thinks I'm starting
04:57a battle and is desperately waiting to start that battle. As far as it's concerned, that one trainer
05:02I left behind is in a perpetual state of trying to walk towards me. So for the next trainer I
05:07interact with, they have to be at least two tiles away. Otherwise, it crashes the entire game. Then
05:12this specific trainer throws out a slow poke with a special stat of 21. And this is important. Also,
05:19as a reminder, in this game, there is no special attack or special defense. It's all just one
05:24combined special stat. So now if we leave the battle and slowly walk towards the first trainer,
05:29this is where we'll find the next encounter. So I just want everyone to know I didn't press start
05:35there. See, Mew is in the game. Like, you can do this on any normal cartridge of Pokemon Red and
05:49Blue because, again, scotch tape and glue, people. Yes, it's unlikely to catch a Mew in a normal
05:54Pokeball, but it's not impossible. There are several tricks in a game like this with spaghetti
05:58code that can warp you to the credits and enter the Hall of Fame within 60 seconds of booting up
06:02the run. So it felt appropriate to name this real and legitimate Mew credits. And just like that,
06:09all integrity of the Nuzlocke has been thrown out the window. Welcome to the show. To explain it a
06:13little bit more, every Pokemon in this game has an index value, and Mew's is 21. Does that sound
06:18familiar? Look, I'm not qualified enough to explain the how. All I know is that you start the
06:23glitch, you go find the trainer with the Pokemon whose index value matches the one that you want
06:27to get, and then boom, it just happens. Yeah, that's enough about Mew. With two badges in hand,
06:31it was time to evolve some old friends and catch some new ones. A Bellsprout named after the
06:36infamous Nut Jump and a Meowth named Underflow because in Generation 1, Persian can do some
06:41diabolical things once it reaches level 51. Like most things in the story, though, more on that
06:46later. After arriving in Vermillion City, I grabbed the funniest old rod in Pokemon history and ended
06:52up in the Pokemon fan club in hopes of getting a free bike voucher. Hello, I love Pokemon and I
06:57love bicycles. Yes. Yes, please. Did I come to visit to hear about my Pokemon? I did, yes.
07:05My favorite is Rapidash. Cute, smart, lovely, plus amazing. You think so?
07:10Oh, yes. This guy likes Rapidash a little too much, I think.
07:14I think that proves that that man was a threat to society, but the game treats this house as
07:30if it's a dungeon you can warp out of, which means he's not beating the allegations.
07:35Thanks to a little bit of backtracking, I'm now the proud owner of a brand new bike,
07:39but I can't help to realize I forgot a Cerulean City encounter.
07:44Well, have you considered that these statues inside the gym are oddly wet?
07:53That works, by the way. That's also a thing you can do.
07:59And look, I told you I had plans to get a Magikarp encounter later. I told you,
08:04that statue looked wet. He's not a lot yet, but I trust that this Gyarados will one day
08:09learn to super swim all across the Kanto seas. Then let's pop over to Diglett Cave for Noclip
08:14and a Drowzee that we will never use. With all these encounters in play, it was time to tackle
08:19the S.S. Anne, but wait, we have a Kadabra now, which means we now have an Alakazam before the
08:26third gym. And do you think our tragic rival is going to be able to handle it?
08:31Also, I didn't realize his sprite changes here. That's kind of cool.
08:35Uh, not only am I really fast, but I also, that did, I, I thought I would one-shot.
08:40Uh-oh, this could honestly be scary. This rat could hurt me. It could hurt my Alakazam.
08:44Whoa, look at him standing. Like, oh, I want to pat him on his little head. Oh, what a guy.
08:51Anyways, he's dead. Hello, Cutmaster, is this you? Cap, I feel so, I feel hideous, seasick.
08:58Rub the captain's back. Why, I, I didn't do that. I didn't tell him to do that.
09:04With Surge around the corner, I'd put Dig on the dram for guaranteed victory, but did you know that
09:10Dig is 100 base power in this game? It's like a two-turn earthquake for absolutely no reason
09:16whatsoever. Yeah, this is an awesome gym puzzle. And I know that this version of it's a little
09:20glitched, right? It's usually the top left is the second. All right. The switch is under the trash.
09:27So do I do what I'm supposed to do, or do I just go touch the one in the top left?
09:35Is that, like, why? It's, the map, the puzzle doesn't work correctly.
09:42That's just, it's just not what's supposed to happen. I'd love to have this fight play out
09:46like the others, but it was really just a sand slash spamming Dig. Whoa, look at how round he is.
09:54That guy is awesome. Okay, we're using the X-Speed again. This is, he's a genius. What can I say?
09:59A true tactician. He used Thundershock. Okay. I don't look, I don't know what to tell you.
10:04I don't know how that fight could have been any freer. You know, they just kind of serve it to
10:09me on a silver platter. Coming up, there's a huge checklist of mandatory events like fighting Erica,
10:14storming Lavender Tower, and cleaning up Rocket's hideout. And we're only going to do two of them,
10:18because as you'd expect, required does not actually mean required in this game. But first,
10:24rock tunnel. Oh yeah. That's right. Who okayed this? Who allowed this? All right. Let me,
10:33okay. It's map time. Red, blue, rock tunnel. Ah, that's better. Next stop, Lavender Town,
10:39the home of every creepypasta ever written before the year 2000. Do you believe in ghosts?
10:46Not for long.
11:02I do. Now I think I have to. I think I actually have to believe in ghosts now.
11:08Celadon City features the one and only game corner, with several fabulous prizes ranging
11:13from a broken static encounter to infinite Hyperbeam TMs. And Hyperbeam is not the move
11:19you think it is. This is a 150 base power physical normal type move that famously has to take a turn
11:26to recharge. Unless in this game, you get a kill and get to skip the charge turn entirely. This
11:33isn't even a glitch. In fact, it's one of the few things in this game that's actually done on
11:37purpose. And if I could be real, it's kind of bad-ass. However, before I could gamble,
11:43I had to pick up the coin case. But I'd like to remind you that your bag in this game is limited
11:48to 20 items. And yes, that includes what you would consider key items. I'm going straight here. I
11:54won't be needing this anymore. Make room for this. Oh my God. Even key, I guess there is no key item,
12:00huh? All right. You know what? I should go drop these off in the PC. Look, I cannot believe how
12:05little the bag storage is here. I just had to drop everything off in the PC, I guess. All right.
12:12Let's just get rid of all the items. Wait, what are people confused about?
12:18I don't understand. What happened? To answer your question, because I know you have one,
12:25this is clearly just a kind of re-sprited Pokemon Center. And for whatever reason,
12:32they forgot to remove the tile of the PC being right here. Getting the coin case was actually
12:38the easy part, as winning on these rigged slots proved to be nearly impossible. So thank God,
12:43I could rely on the easiest glitch of all. And hey, would you look at that? Six Hyper Beam TMs
12:48and a Dratini named Infinite. And I cannot wait to show you why. Are the Dratinis at level 24?
12:54That is not what Dratini looks like, actually. That's not correct. What is that? Isn't the guy
13:00weird in this game? This guy's just a pervert, right? This gym is great. It's full of women.
13:09What a Master Roshi freak. Wait, I only had to fight one trainer?
13:13I had to fight two if I went the other way? That's silly. That's honestly so silly.
13:20Whoa! Okay. Hi, Erika. So we have a lot of answers to Erika here,
13:27but I just want to start you guys off with a really funny one. Okay. Let's get this thing
13:31weak first. Let's just do one Hyper Fang for fun. Okay. Soon though. This could be bad now.
13:38So my whole funny plan got ruined right there. Do we think Hyper Beam just kills here? I guess
13:42we'll find out. We could also just do this. And it was a crit. Okay. So I was kind of
13:50going to like weaken it, kind of like soften the blow. So now the question is, can it do it again?
13:56Because if Hyper Beam kills, you do not have to recharge in Gen 1. Okay.
14:04I had hope. I had hope.
14:07For some reason, I was like, what? Okay. So if I went in slightly different order, oh seven,
14:12oh seven, but don't worry. We're going to do that exact same strat with tons of different Pokemon.
14:19There was a chance, honestly. Unfortunately, I faced my first casualty of Nips the Raticate.
14:25So let's head on over to Lavender Town to meet up with our rival and bury our Raticates together.
14:30But before we do that, I want to let you guys know that I'm going to be doing a
14:33meetup with our rival and bury our Raticates together. But hey, at least I caught a Doge
14:38Duo and named it Wobble and even got to evolve it into Dodrio. So with Blue's team buried alongside
14:43two other Raticates, I moved on through the tower, but oh God, I skipped Rocket Hideout entirely. I
14:49can't see the ghosts. Whoa. Wait, we actually can't see anything. That's right. Isn't it like
14:53if we, if we go through this, isn't there something here? Yeah. Why does that work?
15:03So you guys know the story, right? You know, we have to go to Silph Co. Blah, blah, blah, blah,
15:07blah. It's pretty interesting because right here, be gone intruders. This is where the mama ghost
15:13Marowak just makes you leave. So yeah, we can't ID this ghost, right? We go through here, blah,
15:20blah, blah. Look at the stats screen. And would you look at that? It's actually Marowak. But if
15:26we just run away, it doesn't work. So we have to use a PokeDoll. And the fight's over just like
15:36that. Let's finish this up while we're here. Wait, am I under level now? Wait, am I sequence
15:40breaking in this? Wait, I might be. No, okay. We're fine. We're safe. Look at that freaky
15:45ass sprite of Golbat. No, kill it. Wobble. No, we missed. Oh, and screeched it too. Thank God.
15:52Hello. Mr. Fuji, you came to save me? Thank you, but I came here of my own free will. I came to
15:59calm the soul of Cubone's mother. Well, it has a PokeDoll now, so I think it's kind of taken care
16:05of. Your PokeDex quest may fail without love for your Poke... What? Oh, PokeFlute, thank you.
16:12Luckily, both of the psychic types learned the move Psychic. Okay, so do you realize how strong
16:16the psychic type was in generation one? Like Mewtwo really was that guy. Quick answer fast.
16:22What is super effective against a psychic type Pokemon? A bug. That's it. For one,
16:27Dark type doesn't exist. And two, due to a coding error, because of course, psychic types are immune
16:34from ghost moves entirely. That's right. All two of them. Oh, Alpha, so we meet again. Well,
16:40I don't think we've ever met actually. I think I might've skipped over that part. What's so crazy
16:45to me is that Giovanni doesn't even like wear a mask. He's this evil dude and he's a gym leader
16:51and no one cares. Okay, let's just spam psychic for the first of many times. Guys, I'm starting
16:58to think that Alakazam is pretty good. Wow. Psychic was the right play here, huh? Everything
17:03he has kind of just dies to it. There wasn't a lot of thought in this gameplay. Oh, thank you
17:08for saving Sylph. I will never forget you. I will never forget you saved us in our moment of peril.
17:15Did I read that wrong or was it missing a word? Because I am rich, I can give you anything. Here,
17:21maybe this will do. Yay, a Master Ball. First things first, I'm going to grab this Master Ball
17:28and put it on the one, two, three, four, five, sixth slot in my inventory, just for fun.
17:34At this point, I've realized there are some funny things I could do with a Pokemon like Gengar,
17:39but forfeited the chance to catch it ghastly when I skipped the Sylph scope. If only there
17:43was a way to spawn a Gengar in the overworld through legitimate means on official hardware.
17:48This map was made by Sigavith on Reddit and a phenomenal resource to turn the Mew glitch setup
17:56into giving any other Pokemon you could ever ask for. All you have to do is scan the map,
18:01find a trainer whose Pokemon matches the index value you're looking for, and boom,
18:06a wild Gengar that you can name Konami Code. Of course, there's the fighting dojo here,
18:11where Mew proves everything I've said about Psyche types and secures us a used Hitmonlee.
18:16I mean, with legs like that though, he's gotta know how to VLJ, right?
18:19Another Pokemon that obviously won't get to fight Sabrina, so how about I catch one that will?
18:24The physical sweeper in a special tank of none other than a Snorlax named Knuckles. He doesn't
18:29actually have too much in common with this glitch, as I don't even think Snorlax can single jump,
18:33but this is perhaps the funniest glitch of all time and I had to find a way to mention it at
18:37least once. So back to Saffron to build a team destined to take down Sabrina's entire gym that's
18:42surprisingly made up of entirely optional trainers. Wait, can I skip this one too? Wait, what? What?
18:51Why? Why didn't any of those people want him to fight? Hyperbeat, what is... I thought that was
19:01Gengar, that's Snorlax? I think body slam just kill... Oh, turn one recover is bold. That is
19:07crazy bold. Do they have two Pokemon left? All right, Venomoth. That's an interesting one. Wait,
19:12they say amnesia for the activate badge boost glitch. Wait, so what is it? So let me introduce
19:19a little something called badge boost. Few people know about this mechanic, but stayed present
19:23through the first three generations of games and ultimately got removed on account of being very,
19:27very dumb. Different badges will buff different stats in different ways depending on the game,
19:33but there's a catch because there has to be. When your stats go up in battle or down for some
19:39reason, the badge boosts get reapplied again and make you even stronger. In other words,
19:45in the remaining turns after using amnesia, Snorlax is effectively immortal. Right before
19:50reaching the next stop of Fuchsia City, I ran into a ditto and yes, before I did anything though,
19:56I went to the safari zone, missed the encounter I was hoping for and grabbed two required HMs to
20:01beat the game. At least now I get to slap surf and strength onto anyone who needs it,
20:05run blindly into Koga's gym. You shall feel the despair of poison and sleep techniques.
20:10Why is he... What does poison have to do with any of that? I don't really get it.
20:18It's just his ninja way. As a reminder, so I am going to click psychic until the battle ends.
20:27Does that work for you, Koga? With surf being available in the overworld now,
20:30the map has opened up. I know you can go this way to Cinnabar, but it's actually way faster
20:36to fly to Pallet Town and just go south. Also, aren't there a lot of weird glitches with
20:40this? Can't I like... I'm just stuck here. I can now fly to Cinnabar Island whenever I want,
20:54which means now we get to have some fun. Before I get to my encounter in this area,
20:59we have to make a little bit of a detour in Viridian City. I make sure my master ball is
21:04a sixth item in my inventory, make room in my party for a new Pokemon, and talk to that kind
21:10old man from earlier. During this tutorial, the game replaces my trainer name with his
21:16old man. In doing so, my name gets shuffled in with some other random code. But if you walk
21:21towards a route with encounters, the game knows to remove it. However, if you quickly fly back
21:26to Cinnabar Island, the game keeps your name in the incorrect place because there's nothing to
21:31override it with here. And since this game is what it is, some of the tiles on the sides of
21:36this island are not coded as they should and allow you to find wild Pokemon. But before that, let me
21:42explain the name. Similar to the Mew glitch pulling index values from special stats, the name of your
21:46trainer can do the exact same thing. I could go into the specifics, but this isn't that kind of
21:51channel. All I know is that using alpha with three A's and all lowercase letters sets up perfectly
21:58for what this whole run has been working towards since the very beginning. And there we have it.
22:06There is Missingno in the flesh at level 171. So I think I'm going to use the sixth item in my bag
22:15to catch it. Looks like I have more than one Master Ball now, huh? So I say let's get a new
22:22member of the team. How curious. In my honest opinion, Missingno is the godfather of all
22:32internet urban legends. Its stats look like this and it's half bird type. All things considered,
22:38the glitch isn't hard to perform and the game stays way more stable than you'd expect. You
22:42can do this on any game. And again, this was my first try. Okay. So I do have to point out though,
22:47Missingno is perhaps a little teensy weensy bit over the level cap, but I think the integrity of
22:54his Nuzlocke went out the window when I caught the level seven Mew. Yeah, we're going to...
23:02What the hell is he doing there? Slurr, get down from there. Don't jump. One thing I did realize
23:06while searching the Pokemon mansion is that even though the game is playable, Missingno has
23:11definitely had a visual impact here. From the trainer sprite to all of my Pokemon. And that's
23:16just the start. Okay. Electrode against Gyarados. I think we win these. I'm going to switch just to
23:24be safe though. Whoa, look at that Mew sprite. Oh, don't look at that Mew sprite. Don't look
23:32at that Mew sprite. No, we take it. Oh my God, we take it. So the game has taken a turn for the
23:37worst. Is Weezing also facing the wrong way? Does Missingno make every Pokemon face the opposite
23:44direction? What a strange effect. What happened to him? Not only are my Pokemon split across
23:53dimensions, but every opposing sprite is either flipped or gets entirely disassembled on a
23:59molecular level. So yeah, I'm going to make this quick. Let's grab the Blizzard TM, the secret key,
24:03and immediately head over to Blaine's Gym without breaking the game any further. Blaine's Gym is full
24:08of riddles and trick questions like, does Caterpie evolve into Butterfree? If you're like me and
24:13get it wrong on a technicality, you have to fight an extra trainer. So I brought out BLJ the Hitmonlee
24:19with the sole intention of spamming High Jump Kick and absolutely nothing else. Anyways, he sent out
24:26Growlithe. This is fine. If we die, we die. High Jump Kick has a 90% chance of hitting and dealing
24:35a lot of damage. But the funny part is that if it misses, normally it deals 50% of your health
24:43back to you. And I'm really hoping that we miss so I can show off how funny it is in this game.
24:51Are we just going to keep getting kills? Well, that's funny too, I guess. What? He used a potion?
24:59What? Yeah, items also go in speed order, by the way, and your speed stat determines how often you
25:08crit in this game. I don't know. The game's hilarious. Roar, unaffected. All right, well,
25:17we just didn't miss the High Jump Kick at all. Okay, well, I'll just have to show you what it
25:22does some other time. That's kind of a problem. All right, whatever. We got a 7th Gym badge though.
25:27Maybe I just fight random Pokemon just so I can show you what High Jump Kick does.
25:30It's really not going to be worth it now though. Okay, it hit, nevermind. Okay, it just keeps
25:35hitting. That's the problem. Wait, it could miss. It missed. And look at all the damage it's going
25:39to deal to me. BLJ kept going and crashed. Oh no. If you miss High Jump Kick, it deals one HP to
25:47yourself. Why? I don't... It's not even 1% of HP. It is just one singular hit point. For my next
25:57trick, I'm breaking out Underflow the Persian. This Pokemon has a fairly high speed stat,
26:03which means it has a fairly high crit stat. But even this number is a bit deceiving as Persian
26:08can learn Slash. This makes every hit a critical hit. The only way you can miss out on a crit is
26:16if your move misses entirely. And in this game, it can still miss even if it's 100% accurate.
26:23Hey, Giovanni, why do you look like that? So if we can just get through the one Rhyhorn,
26:28we're golden. Maybe we screech. You know what? Let's hear what screech sounds like.
26:33Ah. Oh my God. It's so much worse than I thought. Everyone kept telling me it was awful,
26:39and it was even worse than what I was preparing myself for. Okay. Let's go Persian. Yeah. At
26:46this point, I didn't even know the crit was guaranteed. Yeah. That's all Aegean Badges
26:51with all legitimately earned Pokemon. It's now time to show off two cornerstones of competitive
26:57gen one, Dragonite and Gengar. One of these two locks you in a pseudo-infinite combo,
27:02and the other one actually kind of does the same thing. Okay. Ooh, he is a blob. Okay. Gengar.
27:10Let's do the Pokemon Stadium Rental strat. Let's start with a Hypnosis, and it hits,
27:19which is awesome. And now we truly don't know how long this Pidgeot is going to be asleep for.
27:25But what we do know is that we can spam Dream Eater, and we don't have to deviate ever. First
27:31step, hit the Hypnosis. Second step, win. Yeah. I don't love how the screen flashes so much. You
27:37know what? This one's for you. I'll just sidekick instead. Oh, they all flash. I'm sorry. How much
27:43damage does Dream Eater do if it did twice as much? Oh my. Oh, oh wait. I didn't think about
27:49this. Yeah. I should have put it to sleep, huh? Yep. That's on me. Yeah. That's on me.
27:54I was going to, like, do I just take this to the E4? And then I got my answer. What?
28:00I was just careless. I was just careless. I let Gengar just fight the Alakazam. An unfortunate
28:06death, sure, but it doesn't leave an irreplaceable hole in my Elite Four team. Given how every
28:12Pokemon is broken in some unintentionally unique way, I didn't have a lot of worries on beating
28:17the game, since the only thing separating me from the Yanau was only going to be the eight
28:22badge checks and Victory Road. Oh, should I have gotten Repels? Wait. Oh my God. How fitting.
28:29One final encounter for the road. I have a good amount of Master Balls. We have minus six Master
28:34Balls. I mean, the last time I caught an Onix with a Master Ball, I don't think it worked out
28:42all that well. On the other side of the cave, it was finally time for the first Elite Four that
28:47Pokemon has ever created. With the final few trainers standing before me, I knew that I had
28:53to assemble the first generation of all-stars. Dragonite to spam Rap, Mew to spam Psy-Kick,
28:58Hippolyta to spam High Jump Kick, Gojo to spam Hyper Beam, Gyarados to spam everything, and
29:03Missingno, I don't know, it just felt right. Believe it or not, this team is, I think, capable
29:10of beating the Elite Four, but there's truly only one way to find out. Oh, but first, guys,
29:17of course, I gotta get my Elite Four encounter. There you go.
29:27Ah, it's dupes. All right. Well, I guess we'll just catch another Magikarp for fun.
29:30Look, this is the first Pokemon game ever made, right? To put it lightly,
29:34they did not know how to make a competent team at this point in time, because there was no
29:39history for it. Not only does Lorelei's entire team lose a High Jump Kick that never misses,
29:44but her Slowbro also looks like this. Level 54 and still stuck with Water Gun, Growl, Withdraw,
29:50and it chooses to use Amnesia because it's technically super effective as a Psychic-type
29:55status move. Things don't get better when you fight Bruno's three Fighting-types and two Onixes,
30:00and I know everyone else likes to bring this up, but even Oddish has a higher Physical Attack stat.
30:06Bruno's saving grace here was that my Mew missed a move that was 100% accurate for
30:11reasons. But that's still another one down, and Agatha does not do too much better as a
30:15Poison-type trainer. Oh, it's Lance time. I forgot he has a special room.
30:21I don't know why I had to walk so far for Lance. Wait, can I? Do you mind if I? Do you mind if I?
30:30Oh, this game is so silly. Excuse me? Excuse me? I have to-
30:40Oh, this game is awesome, actually. Oh, wait, I didn't even set up the right Pokemon lead. I'm
30:45sorry. I just got too distracted by the surf. I am in your walls, Lance. I was not kidding.
30:51Yeah, I think I'm just going to do this. So we're going to go for something a little crazy here.
30:55We're going to go for a rat. It hit. That's huge. Now Gyarados cannot attack. That's it.
31:02That's the game. We're going to Thunder Wave. We're going to paralyze him. It's getting a
31:07little concerning. No, I understand. We just have to simply not miss a rat going forward,
31:11and then they cannot attack us ever. My god. Okay, just Hyper Beam. Kill it now.
31:18I don't want to risk losing. I don't want to miss. Okay, there we go. A little unnecessary,
31:23but it's just in the nature of it. What? He can do that? Okay, well, you're not free.
31:29You're still stuck in the loop. Oh, no. Okay, Dragonite, if you miss one more,
31:37you're toast. You know what? Just kill it with Hyper Beam.
31:42Oh my god, Dragonite, you're on Fraud Watch. What was that? Dude, oh my god. I don't know.
31:50I'm not seeing it. Dragonite's on absolute Fraud Watch tonight. With Dragonite gone,
31:54the savior of Gyarados gets to take center stage. I know this Pokemon is strong in every generation,
31:59but it is wild in this one. On top of that, Blizzard is 90% accurate, and it hits just as
32:06hard as it ever has. So with Lance out of the way, it was time to fight the first champion
32:12in Pokemon history. All right, Chat wants to fight... Yep, that's our Dotrio. This is the
32:23first time I've ever really used a Dotrio. I think I'm just going to send it. I think it's just Hyper
32:27Beam a clock until we die. The move is strong. Yeah, but is... Ooh, okay, it kills the Pidgeot.
32:32As long as I... I think Dotrio was the perfect Hyper Beam spammer here, because we also get
32:38stabbed. That's the important part. There are other Pokemon who are faster and stronger,
32:42but we get stabbed. This one's got to kill, right? I guess it doesn't gotta.
32:46It does. It's got... The crit, it matters. Let's just see what happens here.
32:53Wow. Dotrio, I was not familiar with your game. Holy. Also, if I may, I'd like to bring it up
33:01just so everyone knows. This Arcanine has Roar, Leer, Take Down, and Ember. Let's use one more
33:09Hyper Beam for the road then. I mean, look, we could get hit by an Ember though. You got to
33:14watch out for that. Wait, did we kill his Alakazam? Is this his last Pokemon? Yeah,
33:17wow. Okay. You know what, Dotrio, you did great. And now we've got to send in MissingNo. It looks
33:22like the Venusaur has picked up that we're throwing out MissingNo. Wait, he took in the
33:26sunlight? Hold. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, is the perfect time to... Wait, MissingNo. Kill him.
33:32Kill that glitchy mess that you've assembled right there. Kill him in broad daylight. The
33:37Solar Beam swings. It misses. MissingNo comes down with his 450 attack stat.
33:48What do you do? What a screen right here. This was the greatest Nuzlocke experience
33:56I've ever had. Even if our MissingNo was a little bit above level cap. Okay, well, how about that?
34:03He lost half his attack stat. He lost 71 levels by doing that. Oh my God. Oh, Blue, I'm sorry.
34:11What have we done to you? And just like that, the game's not done. Yes, I beat the champion. I enter
34:17the Hall of Fame, but the game is not over. The developers once planned to add a secret hidden
34:23boss, and even though it never made it to the final game, similar to Mew, we can set it up with
34:27a very precise glitch to encounter the true final boss of Pokemon Blue, Professor Oak. Bold, bold.
34:34I mean, this could be a Hyper Beam machine if you want it to be. I don't think I'd kill it with a
34:38Hyper Beam. Maybe a Drill Peck and a Hyper Beam. I'm going to try attacking a Hyper Beam.
34:44Let's see. Oh, wait. Oh, Hyper Beam absolutely would. Oh, crit, crit. Okay, so we're going one
34:49for one here. I think, Wobble, you can do huge damage with one extra Hyper Beam here.
34:56Executor. Oh, wait. Hold, though. Let's go for the Drill Peck, actually.
35:03Nice. Crit matter. Wait, is the Dodrio going to sweep Professor Oak? Okay, certainly not the
35:11Arcanine, right? Look, I'm just going to... Wait. Oh, I am underleveled for this. I thought the cap
35:14was 66. You know what? I'm just going to send the Hyper Beam. We'll see what happens. Either it
35:18kills or it doesn't, you know? What more can you do beyond that? All right, and it did. Yeah,
35:26I guess there's another Hyper Beam, right? Either it kills or it doesn't. That's all you can really
35:31do. Critical hit, huh? Okay, Gyarados. Well, I'm going to use Hyper Beam again. Okay, there it is.
35:45Dragon Rage. Well, let's try a Hyper Beam again, huh? Uh-huh, this time for sure. This could be a
35:54crit. This could be a crit. Oh, it's not. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. We die here. Oh, no. No, I have to
36:05recharge. What? What was that? Why did he do that? Why did he use Leer? What does he have left?
36:18Oh, that's it. Dude got swept by Dodrio. The Mew glitch is actually pretty incredible. You can
36:25fight Professor Oak and counter legendaries and use this glitch alone to truly catch them all.
36:31However, there is one final thing I want to show you. I've shown off many glitches in this run,
36:36but this one is perhaps the most sinister glitch of all. Let's say you do the Mew glitch wrong,
36:42or in this instance, very right. Instead of pulling data for a specific Pokemon,
36:47something very, very strange can happen. All right, well, this should be interesting as
36:53soon as we walk up here and see the guy in the corner. Wait, yep. Okay, and I'm going to back
37:00out. Oh, I didn't expect a battle here. Oh, a new battle. A post-game fight. Wait, it's frozen?
37:20Wait, I'm level 153 now? I only... What? What are my choices here? What are they telling me?
37:31Well, I want to win, I guess.
37:37Yeah, and then it corrupts your entire save data.
