• 6 hours ago
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Hey guys Its Ilusion here and welcome back to another video :)
Lowkey the best co op game I have ever seen.

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00:00All right, so in today's video I got the platinum trophy on a way out
00:03This is one of the best games ever made and it's a very underrated gem that you might not have heard of until now
00:09But it's also an entirely two-person game
00:11Meaning you pretty much need someone else to do co-op with you in order to both play it and get the platinum trophy like usual
00:17So I recruited one of my homies named ghostly to help out since he's been a long-time fan of the channel and been a great
00:22Dude to talk to on my discord server as well for a while now
00:25And if anybody else wants to be in future videos or just connect with other people in the community
00:29Make sure to join that in the description below
00:31But anyways a way out to platinum is also one of the easiest and most fun
00:34I think i've honestly ever done and that's because it takes one
00:37Single playthrough to get and every single trophy can be gotten first try without really even having a chance at missing them
00:42Also, it takes under 10 hours to get which is amazing
00:46Anyways, this is also a part of a challenge where i've been trying to platinum over 100 games just by the community
00:50And if I can't complete them all before the channel hits
00:52850 000 subscribers and I have to shave my head and look like a base character from a video game
00:56So make sure to drop a like and subscribe now a way out does not have any stages to get the platinum like most games
01:01Because it's so simple to do
01:03But me and the homie did still follow the trophy guide available on psm profiles because it labels out what trophies are attributed to their
01:09Respectable chapters, but the game is more of a story marvel than a trophy completion game
01:13So let's begin a way out opens up with you and the homie picking your characters
01:17I chose to be vincent or vince on the left and ghostly chose to be leo on the right
01:22The game then begins we watch as a prison transport is taking new prisoners into a prison
01:26Of course and the majority of this game's story is about vincent and leo attempting to escape the prison together
01:31Because they are both after a man named harvey who was like this drug
01:35Crime lord and a very evil guy and as you can see right now
01:38The game sort of has two stories happening simultaneously on screen during this intro
01:42Vincent is getting put into prison for the first time and having to go through all the different basics to begin with
01:46Whereas leo has been here for a little bit and is also getting roughed up by one of harvey's goons in the prison
01:51Hinting at some future conflict
01:53There's also a surplus of butts and wieners in this beginning part of the game
01:56So ignore the giant demonetized icon on your screen
01:59But if you were wondering vincent is kind of caked up
02:02So it's no wonder he wanted to escape prison so fast leo
02:05However, for some reason just wanted to stare at a bunch of nude men glad to know he swung that way
02:09It really is character development information
02:11But after all that vincent makes his way to his new cell which just so happened to be right alongside leo's
02:16What a damn coincidence the game then picks up with vincent and leo during the next day or maybe the same day
02:20Just later on who the f**k knows
02:22But they are both in the yard getting some outdoor time since that isn't essential in a growing boy's day-to-day
02:27And this is also the first instance of where a trophy is available
02:30It's called the dip and it's from having leo perform 20 dips on the dip bar
02:34But only after talking to the old dude next to it and we for some reason thought it had to be me who did this
02:38Because um, yeah, we're stupid
02:40So I did 20 dips with vincent and it was legitimately challenging to press square that much like i'm not kidding around my thumb
02:46And finger got all cramped up and I think I burned a few calories just like vincent did in game
02:51Stop the cap
02:52So yeah
02:52Then ghostly had to do with leo and he did much easier than what I had to go through as well
02:57Turns out vincent might not be in peak shape like leo here is
03:00But then the trophy popped and we were almost done with this game's platinum already
03:03The next part of this yard chapter had vincent and leo both walked towards the basketball court from differing entrances and poor leo ended up
03:09Getting jumped already and it was from that dude who threatened him just a few moments ago
03:12So we then had to do a bunch of quick time event combat with both leo and vincent
03:16Ignore me getting my ass dropped. I was not locked in it really is that damn phone, isn't it?
03:20But this was the first of many dual quick time event sections where you have to press the buttons at the same time as your partner's
03:25Turn happens on screen. We really are just growing a big team bond right now
03:29Aren't we in conclusion though?
03:31This fight ended with us pretty much wiping the floor with these fools
03:34And then the guards reluctantly walked in to quote unquote break it up, even though everything's already been broken
03:39So what the fuck are my taxpayer dollars really doing in prisons, huh?
03:42However, leo did not appreciate vincent's helping him out and belligerently told him to stay away as if we are middle schoolers and broke
03:49Up three days after dating new pr the game then goes to a scene in the cafeteria and leo got jumped again by the dude
03:55Harvey has on the inside except this time he had a shiv and nearly impaled leo in the back talk about back stabbing
04:01Am I right?
04:03Oh, sorry, that was bad though
04:05That was bad
04:06But vincent jumped into the action once more to save leo as if he truly is in love with the guy and neither of us
04:11Had weapons and apparently harvey has an entire gang in this prison because we both got
04:15Simultaneously chased by evil men through the cafeteria and it was actually a fun time though
04:19That is until the guard showed up again and one of them took one for the team the scene
04:22However would then fade away into darkness with a beating in the background. Absolute cinema christopher. Nolan who oh my god
04:29The next part of the gang was in the infirmary with both vincent and leo being the only two in there
04:33Truly the best of pals already and this is also the first instance of real teamwork and stealth being used
04:39Basically vincent stays in bed the entire time distracting the nurse with various tactics like flirting sexual harassment and spilling things
04:47All the while leo sneaks around to steal a tool as the game calls it
04:50And this tool is our first of many that you will need to utilize during their grand escape of the prison
04:54And as you're being escorted back to this cell block leo had to hide the tool on a window ledge outside
04:58Because you have to get patted down by the guards to return as you would expect
05:02And this hints at something we would have to get later on
05:04But for now leo and vincent just had a hot erotic talk about being a team
05:07And leo was still a tad bit reluctant to join up with vincent because it's a bit weird
05:11How much bro wants to be with leo and escape the prison just a little bit suspect is all i'm gonna say
05:16But during the night leo ended up agreeing to go in on vincent's escape plan
05:20But only on the condition that they had to do it his way and that is the game's intro finished
05:24Cue the epic title screen. God. I'm so hard
05:27So the next day came as it always does unless you fucking die during the night
05:31And immediately leo and vincent got up to some tomfoolery as the kids would say
05:35Requesting to have their job changed to the roof tarring so they could sneak and grab the tool leo placed in the window's edge
05:40The day before and getting to it was actually very easy requiring you to just break a broom
05:44Then request a new one and while the guy was getting it for you
05:46Leo performed a very accurate and impressive wall sit shout out to elementary school gym class
05:51He then lifted up vincent and I grabbed the chisel
05:53Which is the tool leo hid as we all know you then just had to sneak back down and i'm honestly shocked
05:57Nobody saw us at all
05:59I mean the dude is pretty big and was just walking around the roof next to a bunch of people
06:02We also snapped a padlock to let vincent back outside
06:05My brain just can't accept this but that was it for the rooftop crime and we fast-forwarded to cell block time again
06:10With another really cool and fun puzzly slash teamwork section
06:13You have vincent as lookout and leo using the chisel to break apart his toilet seal to the wall
06:19So we can escape through it and it begins with leo doing the chiseling
06:22Obviously, but vincent gets a turn of this later, by the way
06:25And the best tips I can give is while being lookout
06:27Of course you need to engage in conversations with the guard
06:29But also let the timer run down to almost zero and then pick your dialogue response because every little bit of time helps leo out
06:34So once leo was finished and swaps over to vincent's turn with the chisel and functions the exact same way
06:39Except with different people obviously and after vincent's toilet was also chiseled out completely
06:43Both the characters slipped through the impressively large gap in the wall with the toilet emptied in two
06:47I'm, not sure if they're just never going to be able to flush again or what but this seems very realistic
06:51And the escape is now officially on with the two characters quite literally in the back rooms of the prison
06:56Maybe we'll even see puff daddy or edp 445 down here
07:00Who knows?
07:01After shutting this fan off the two would end up reaching a very tall and scary drop into darkness with no way of going down
07:06And the solution they came to on the spot was to use bed sheets. What a brilliant idea
07:10So the two then had to steal some bed sheets and you think that was an easy thing to do
07:14But nothing is free in prison
07:16And the way you go about stealing this was the first going to carton and fill it with bed sheets
07:19And have vincent hide in it to get pushed into the back room of the laundry sector
07:23Then playing as vincent I let leo in and we snuck a little bit more until making it to another event
07:27Opening that and then throwing the bed sheets
07:29We needed inside the bed sheet strategy also for some odd reason end up working great and the two slid down with no issues
07:34I call bullshit. Oh, yeah, and the next part of this escape didn't go so well for one
07:38It was very dark down here. And also it was in these sewers, which was disgusting like that's actually gross as shit
07:44But leo seemed to love it. I wonder what his childhood was like
07:46I'm, not gonna lie me and the home
07:47We also did get a little bit lost in the tunnel down here because it was so dark and everything looked the same in the darkness
07:52Which is usually how it goes
07:54But after that we reached one more part and I had us doing that team climb thing that allegedly works in real life
07:58If you need to climb up a shaft speaking of shafts tell your mother that it's burning
08:01But we actually ended up failing this quick time event because it's kind of hard to time
08:05I also don't know if it was me who fucked it up or the homie
08:07But somebody definitely did even after making it up all the way though
08:10The boys would reach another block the vent to get out or the floor grate to get out was bolted shut
08:16And we have no way of unfastening it
08:17So all that shit we just did was basically for nothing for the time being that hurts
08:22It really does the next day then began and the goal was to steal a wrench
08:26Which you can do very easily in the workshop right away
08:29So we did and then you kind of had to pass it back and forth through security to get it back to our sub
08:33Which was also easy i'm not gonna lie
08:35once returning it to the cell an inspection began and it was a little bit sketch because they seemed to
08:39Sniff that something was up here and it was probably leo because he just waded through the sewer on it before which is again
08:44Disgusting they didn't catch us quite yet though when the visitation hours then began leo surprisingly has a girl
08:50Also, I don't know how the fuck he can pull but I can't this is tragic
08:54Vincent also does but she didn't want to show up at the prison
08:57Struggling marriages go hard and that's on god
08:59The next night then began and vincent and leo ended up right where we left off the previous night back at the floor grate
09:05We have the wrench this time and we're able to unfasten the bolts then sneak up
09:08And that led us to like the guards part of the prison
09:10So a lot of sneaking around happened before we reached the outside and it just so happened to be raining and storming as well
09:15A perfect night's weather for a prison break if I do say so for myself
09:18And while outside before beginning the real escape we made it to the warden's office
09:22I think and he had a birdcage outside which is kind of cruel if you think about it
09:25So we let the birdie free and it flew away grabbing us from the trophy on its way out
09:29How scenic but the prison escape for the most part went very smoothly without any hiccups?
09:33That is until we reached a zip line leading out of the prison and vincent's fat ass tore down very aggressively
09:38Which caused absolute chaos and guns started to fly everywhere at the two which in turn led to some very intense running away
09:44And it's kind of a miracle how every single cop in this prison has aim like it's very impressive
09:49I'm glad to see that their training paid off
09:51But after a while the guns died down we are unsure if they ran out of ammo at the prison
09:55But that's my best guess and instead they began to search through the forest on foot to where we were
10:00So this led us to into performing a little cod execution on a few guards
10:03Gotta love stealthing areas in games where the stealth is actually good
10:07Ubisoft but after that finished up we arrived at a bridge leading off the prison's land
10:11And this is essential for us to cross because you pretty much can't get away if you don't
10:15You also do get posed with two options here
10:18Go top side across it with a cop car and hiding or go bottom side of the bridge and we chose to do top side
10:23So leo drove a cop car while vincent just cowered in the back
10:27And this worked for the most part until a single cop saw us and didn't recognize leo
10:31Who would have thought that would happen bro didn't even put on a fucking uniform
10:34Some more chaos did occur and it ended in probably the most dramatic way possible a car crash
10:39Damn, I could have sworn a woman was driving babe. The curb came out of nowhere. I swear
10:46This time
10:48There was then one more final chase section
10:50We watched as vincent and leo ran down a literal mountain in the rain both nailing this crazy jump as well
10:55Which is kind of nuts if you think about how slippery it must be
10:58For them to get that good attraction is a feat on its own
11:01This must be god's plan, but that allowed leo and vincent to finally escape the cops and actually achieve getting out of prison
11:06So the game swaps over real fast to harvey and we saw his part in this story
11:10Confirming that he did have guys inside that were supposed to take out leo by now
11:13But have failed in a fit of rage. He also committed two homicides, which is hype back to leo and vincent
11:18Now we saw them both just peacefully walking through the very gorgeous forest
11:21We were inside of you can also get another trophy here as well from just sitting on this like rock bench by a waterfall
11:26And having a secret cutscene trigger
11:28So here's that trophy pop the boys then had to start a fire and fish at some camp to get some energy back into that
11:33Chaotic as hell night fishing by the way is kind of luck but also skill
11:37So it truly is like real life fishing to be honest after traveling a little bit more down the mountain
11:41However, the two would come across a farmhouse owned by an older couple
11:45And we then just snuck inside of it to take them out in a peaceful way
11:48of course
11:48Because we needed to resupply and form a plan out of this damned
11:51Countryside and after stashing the old people in the closet me and the homie would then go get quite a few trophies here because for
11:56Some reason the game decided to add like three of the 15 total in this house
12:00The first trophy was from playing a song and sing with each other and you must have vincent play the piano and leo on the banjo
12:06Or else this will not work me and bro. We did not know that. Um, we tried our best
12:10But one swapping was very easy to get and here it is
12:13There was also this trophy from pulling a clock's hidden levers at the same time
12:16And we were also not in a vc which made this kind of hard to do
12:19But luck behold that worked eventually and vincent found this sword in that chest which was a trophy
12:23And the third and final trophy in this farm area was from climbing a windmill and then making it spin low key
12:28That's forced labor
12:28but after it did get to spinning this trophy popped like usual the rest of this section at the farmhouse then consisted of
12:33Vincent and leo working together to put this old car back in working form
12:37So we could hopefully drive it away into the sunset and put some real distance between us and the godforsaken prison
12:42We just escaped
12:43After getting it mostly together the damn old couple made out of the closet and called the police
12:47The dude also tried to shoot at us attempted murder. My guy you could go to jail for that
12:51Actually, probably not but still seeing as they got the car working though
12:54It was a clean escape and the next part of this game was a ton of fun
12:56And this game's car scenes are actually some of my favorite
12:59It's so simple yet. So fun to get chased by cops in this game. It's a weird feeling
13:02I was also doing the driving thankfully
13:04So it was basically all up to ghostly and his aim to help us not get shredded by the cops and die
13:08But as we all know if it was me shooting we would probably be so this is a good idea
13:12And yeah, we then just kind of got chased by cops for a few minutes
13:14It was a lot of fun
13:15Like I said ultimately though we crashed the glorious and highly valuable whip into a riverbank
13:20And i'm still not sure how a single cop has not managed to hit us with their guns
13:24It's getting a bit ridiculous
13:25Also just across the river was a boat so conveniently left with the paddles and all so the two just took it and began to
13:30Whitewater raft this might be the luckiest prison escape to ever exist and the rafting section was also a ton of fun as well
13:36This game slaps bro, and i'm not saying that because i'm sponsored or anything. It's actually that good
13:40I would highly suggest you get a friend to platinum this with and that's the truth
13:43But after reaching the end of the river and a very steep waterfall the boys had to ditch the good old boat and somehow parkour
13:48Off of it onto a ledge pure athleticism mother f**ker
13:51We then watched as they showed us that the two finally made it back to the city where they were both from and live in
13:55We also saw leo tell vincent what finally happened with harvey and how he ended up in jail and all that good stuff
14:00Don't we just love lore? Am I right?
14:03Anyways, the following scene and chapter was more story orientated opposed to combat and action themed having us
14:08Go to the trailer park where leo lives at with his wife and kid and it's kind of a vibe
14:12I'm, not gonna lie
14:13There's also quite a few trophies here
14:14Which made it even more fun to do the first trophy was from telling this angry woman with a bat that her husband was currently
14:19Smashing the brains out of another woman in a trailer literally right in front of her
14:23I'm, not sure how she couldn't figure that one out herself, but she's living in a trailer park
14:26So that might say something but it was a trophy regardless for being a snitch
14:29Leo and vincent then went on a seesaw together and it was kind of awkward
14:33Brokeback mountain would like to have a word with these two upcoming sequel I hear anyways
14:38That was a trophy the last trophy here was in from hitting a home run in baseball
14:42And i'm just gonna spoil this right now getting a home run in a way out
14:45It's probably harder than hitting one in real life
14:47In fact, i'm gonna leave this footage uncut for you all to enjoy and experience my suffering in real time
14:52If you want to skip it like a bitch baby, then the timestamps will show up on screen right now
14:56But all the real ones are gonna watch
24:08So, yeah, I finally hit a home run and then I busted in my pants as the trophy popped
24:12Don't you just love to see it?
24:13But with that trophy done me and the homie then did progress the story finally and we met up with leo's girl and his kid
24:18There was also another trophy here by the way from helping leo's girl fix up his bike as vincent
24:22So I also did do that and got yet again another trophy pop
24:26There was then a little part that had us playing basketball against leo's kid as he had some tough talks with his lady
24:31I also totally fucking dunked in that little shit and I feel great right now
24:34But that was then basically it for this part of the game and leo said one last goodbye to his little offspring before it swapped
24:39Over to the next chapter this one took place in a construction site and we spent the entirety of it chasing down a man who has
24:45Info on harvey and his whereabouts the chase scene actually went kind of hard and it was again a ton of fun
24:49This game mastered the chase aspect and it's kind of beautiful to see once we did catch him though
24:53The game had us do a little interrogation scene on him and you could choose a multitude of different items to use on the guy
24:58But if you use a few specific ones in order you get a special scene
25:01Which shows the guy getting kicked off very aggressively and a trophy pops in succession
25:04But that's not what's supposed to happen obviously because we need this information
25:08So he did it the right way and he told us harvey's whereabouts the boys then just left him there
25:11Don't slip is all I gotta say
25:13There was in a very odd scene that had the two robbing a gas station for money to buy guns with in my opinion
25:17This is also the only bad part about the game because it just felt very unneeded and uninteresting
25:22I mean for fuck's sake nobody even died and I definitely wanted to shoot that cashier bitch
25:27But apparently the gas station had enough dough stashed in the back to buy some guns
25:30That's cool
25:31And we met up with this other lassie out in the desert to buy them and also test them on various profs
25:35Which was fun a cut scene then played after and it showed vincent's girl going into labor without him
25:39Leo and vincent then went to a theater of sorts for some reason
25:42I actually don't know why they did this but yeah
25:45They're there now and this is also when vincent got the news that his baby is on the way
25:49But before he could dip one of harvey's goons showed up to take them both out
25:52And there was a very long combat chase scene with this guy
25:55Ultimately though it ended with both vincent and leo pulling this rope on the guy's neck and I can't even imagine what that felt
26:00Like probably like shit
26:02Unless you're into that the game then went to the hospital for vincent to see his baby's delivery
26:06And yeah, he missed it probably due to the boys watching tv in the waiting room, which was also a trophy
26:11But he ended up having a girl
26:13I feel bad for bro, and then the cop showed up to start with the party 12 for real
26:17So there was then another cop chase scene through the hospital and i'm not gonna lie
26:20I know I already said that this game mastered the chasing aspect, but damn this was insane how good it is
26:25I would dare near say perfection with this chase scene the amount of swapping back and forth between vincent and leo
26:30While having it weaved together so immaculately
26:33It's just a genuine feat of technological masterclass a way out got me pulling them fancy english essay words out of my ass today
26:39Sadly, though it would end like all good things must and we saw vincent just crashed the cop's party and leo jumped into the car
26:45Once more the cops missed every single shot get them to a range as soon as possible
26:49We then ended up in a hangar with them playing getting ready for the final part of this game
26:52And also the final two trophies were obtained here as well
26:55The first one was from playing the arcade gang with each other in the hangar bay and it pops as soon as you open the
26:59Game, so you don't have to play it fully but me and the homie did and yes, um, I lost. Yeah, I lost
27:04But I let him win. I was trying to be nice
27:06And then the final trophy came from leo trying to pilot his helicopter off outside the hangar bay
27:10Which he quite clearly could not do so after he failed miserably the trophy popped and that was the last one of the game
27:16So the platinum did as well
27:17This is actually the first time i've ever platinum to game without even finishing the game
27:21A way out really just wanted to be unique didn't they shout out ea for publishing a good game for once
27:25But don't worry. I'm not gonna blue ball you guys and end the video right now
27:30So the last mission of this game was to get to the island where harvey's drug lord crime god mansion was at
27:35And you basically just fought goons the entire time until reaching the main place
27:38Then you actually battled him and it ended with us putting multiple bullets into his face and him not really being fazed by it
27:43Until the adrenaline or his brain stopped working
27:45So we accomplished what we set out to do and then flew back home upon landing though
27:48The cops were there and caught both vincent and leo right as he stepped out of the plane
27:52And this is where the biggest plot twist of the story happens
27:54Which I kind of suspected but also didn't at the same time vincent is an undercover cop talk about betrayal, man
28:00I'm, pretty sure leo fell in love with vincent also
28:03So this is like a double strike to the heart for poor leo here
28:05But then leo took vincent hostage and it turns out the game isn't over yet
28:08So leo is now holding vincent hostage and took him to a warehouse of sorts
28:11Eventually, they broke apart and this is one of the coolest parts of the game
28:14You have a 1v1 with vincent versus leo friend battling friend
28:17Also, shout out to bro for explaining this to me
28:20You have a 1v1 with vincent versus leo friend battling friend
28:23Also, shout out to bro for accepting my door dash timeout so I could retrieve my supplies ghostly is a real one
28:31But anyways, I know what you're wondering who won the 1v1
28:34Well, I did because i'm the best gamer alive and bro
28:37Tried his absolute hardest without letting me win one bit for sure
28:40And seeing as there isn't any more trophies to pop the game then just kind of ends with vincent going to leo's house to give
28:45The bad news kind of a sad ending
28:47But vincent also quit his job at the fbi seeing as that was a fucking emotional roller coaster of an assignment
28:52And his bitch-ass ginger wife took him back. She for the streets vincent. She for the streets
28:56So yeah, that was the a way out platinum trophy experience. What a game man. What a game
29:00I don't think i've ever played such a great game with such perfect story elements in a long time
29:05Especially since this only lasted five hours from start to finish
29:08I think I got more out of those five hours of gaming than I did out of every single ubisoft title i've ever played
29:12Did ubisoft just catch another random stray you're goddamn right. They did. Okay, that's all. I love you guys
29:17Thanks for watching shout out ghostly. You got dogged on in the 1v1 bro. I can't lie
