• 19 hours ago
Hey guys Its Ilusion here and welcome back to another video :)
The Rockstar Games Challenge is officially under way.
900K Punishment = Fortnite Platinum
Next game is Read Dead Redemption 2....

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00:00Alright, so recently I just wrapped up a challenge on the channel where I was just platinum in games left and right out of complete
00:05Randomness that were suggested by viewers of the channel
00:07But it's time now to make a new challenge and a better one if that so I am proud and very excited to announce to
00:13You all today the Rockstar games challenge
00:16This got voted on a few weeks ago and contains every single game from Rockstar that is available to play on the PlayStation 5
00:23And I am trying to complete all of these before the channel hits a nine hundred thousand subscribers
00:26Now this time instead of shaving my head like I did for eight hundred and fifty thousand
00:30I'm instead going to be making the punishment less harmful to my appearance and chances of getting other female the punishment for this challenge is
00:37I have to platinum fortnight one of the hardest Platinum's out there. So make sure to drop a like and subscribe
00:42Anyways, yes today we are kicking off the Rockstar games challenge with a banger of a game Grand Theft Auto 5 an absolute classic
00:50Extremely popular game and platinum trophy grind also GTA 6 keeps on getting brought up
00:55So I feel like this had to be done before releases
00:57Obviously, but getting the platinum on Grand Theft Auto 5 is no easy task as we all know
01:01It contains 51 trophies including the platinum trophy and takes on average 200 hours to complete which is absolute insanity
01:07There's also eight different stages for us to hold hands with as we go and I want to give a round of applause to the
01:11Guide creator of this platinum very well done, sir
01:14Help the taunt but kicking off this games platinum was a bit hectic for me because a year ago
01:17I began going for it and I stopped because the grind was too much for little all its illusion a year ago
01:22And I had a total of 13 trophies to begin with today or this last week
01:26I should say most of them were just story
01:27However, so don't worry all the big grind trophies I had not yet acquired
01:30so the stage I chose to follow was a bit of a mix seeing as I was genuinely lost after not playing for so long and
01:35I kind of just drifted between
01:36stages two through four trying to do any trophies that I knew how to do or rather could do to begin with and I first
01:42Kicked off the journey by going for the trophy called all's fair in love and war
01:46Requiring you to play as Franklin and purchase the downtown cab company then complete a private fair for them
01:51So I drove down to it on the map
01:52I bought the place and all I have to do now is wait for the idiot behind the counter to call us up and do
01:56A private fair spoiler those people literally call your ass all game long like an annoying ex-girlfriend who is obsessed
02:02It's being insane
02:03But while I wait for them to call for a private fair request I chose to spend my time getting these stunt jobs
02:08Collectible or tasks that you must do completing every single one of them is needed and there is a grand total of 50 in the
02:14Game, so it's not horrible in terms of amounts
02:16However, some of them are very challenging and that was extremely bad at least to begin with because I had no clue how to work
02:21My car in the air
02:22I was also unaware of how to speed up the jumps themselves because they love to play in slow-mo for drama
02:27But on my 13th try I just do not need to see the car move slower than my grandma who cannot walk move
02:31It's insanely annoying
02:32But I discovered after throwing my controller across the room that you can just pull out a weapon and try to shoot it and for some
02:37Reason that kills the cutscene. So that's just great after about an hour
02:40I was getting decent at the stunt jumps and right as I reached my peak
02:43We will say the damn taxi company called your boy in for work
02:46So I accepted for the trophy, of course
02:48And we were off to pick up a chick in need of a steed once getting there and having her hop in she then told
02:52Us this long story about her boyfriend who is a doctor and she must think that's cool because she made sure to bring up the
02:58Fact that her man is a doctor many many times
03:00But the destination was some other chicks place that he is headed to after work to you know
03:05Lay some pipe as the kids say but once we showed up to the frivolous man
03:08It turns out this woman was allegedly just a patient of his but the girl shot her dead on spot
03:13I think this qualifies as first-degree murder. We are now witness and then she shot dead the doctor as well
03:19But our job was just drop her off and I got the trophy pop regardless of the crimes that were committed
03:23I then swapped over to play as Trevor for the first time today and as per usual with switching to him absolute chaos
03:29What's just happening?
03:30We awoke on a beach after drinking for who knows how long and Bigfoot's little sister herself was just right in front of us
03:35Is that Lizzo I asked myself or just a bunch of honey buns all glued up together walking around
03:40But anyways Trevor's little mission
03:41I began was also a part of stage two and each character has their own business and objective within them that you must do his
03:47One however is a lot longer than the other two and requires multiple missions to be completed for it
03:51But on the way to the airfield that Trevor owns and runs
03:53We ran into a woman on the side of the road yelling for help
03:55So I pulled over to let her in out of complete curiosity
03:58She was also kind of a baddie
04:00But then when she got in the car and the game told me a driver to safety
04:03I remembered a little trophy I'd seen on the list earlier altruist acolyte
04:06It's from delivering unsuspecting people to the altruist cult, which did cult of not nice people on the mountain
04:11I'm not honestly sure what they do because it's been so long since I played this game, but I think they are cannibals
04:17Maybe worse probably worse
04:19So I just drove her all the way there and then a little cutscene played with her getting taken away in my trophy popping
04:24After Trevor also had another trophy from delivering people
04:26But this one was much more literal and for a quote-unquote bomb collector named mod who also resembles a bunch of honey buns
04:31How beautiful so I just did the first bond target which was in a quarry and after driving him into a wall and pulling
04:36Out of his car the old lad just gave up not very much effort
04:39I think you forgot to take his daily nap today
04:41But then I drove him over to mod who was nearby and after he went into her trailer the trophy popped his whereabouts now
04:47To be determined after those that then went back to doing what I was initially out here to do as Trevor
04:51Complete all the jobs at the McKenzie field hangar and win the arms race now winning the arms race just means to complete all the
04:57Jobs, I'm not sure why it calls it that because there's really no race per se
05:01But the two types of jobs were a car ones and plane ones the car jobs had you drive a very nice buggy and collect
05:06Air drops before rival games get them and every time you collect some you also have to fight your way out of it the plane
05:11Jobs however featured us just training for the United States military and dropping literal bombs out of the planes onto redneck gangs below
05:17This is kind of what I imagine the natives felt like when Americans first came over to capture this fine country of ours
05:21But after I did all the missions for both which just had a few of the same types
05:25I just mentioned to the trophy popped I then marked the sonar collections doc on my map
05:29Which is where the waste management trophy is done at requiring us to purchase the old dock and collect all the nuclear waste in the ocean
05:34Now this trophy isn't really that hard to do
05:36But it is a collectible of sorts and the little phone does direct you to each item of waste to help
05:41However, it's kind of bad because it shows the little red dot in the same place
05:44No matter if you're three kilometers away from it or over a hundred feet and due to this weak tracking
05:48I accidentally beached the submarine instantly when beginning all these rest in peace
05:52I feel so inferior right now and because of that submarine being inoperable now
05:56I decided to swap over to Franklin
05:58so hopefully the game would reset the submarine and Trevor for me as I mess around one of the trophies that God dream this
06:02Time as Franklin was just another random one and this could be done by any character
06:06But it was from getting eaten by a shark and this is very easy to do requiring you to just drive to the edges of
06:10The map and then wait eventually a shark will show up unless you're just super unlucky
06:14Let him eat you and the trophy is yours and my hypothesis of doing something random as Franklin did work because I got to go
06:19After more nuclear waste with Trevor and I did this for about an hour
06:22Which led me to getting bored again because I forgot to take my meds that morning
06:25So I just swapped over to Franklin again to get more trophies and inflate my hopes and dreams of getting this platinum done in a quick
06:30Time frame and I did two trophies right here as a matter of fact
06:33The first was from just buying every mod for a gun which didn't cost that much and then for mining a car completely as well
06:38So very similar trophies and here they both are
06:40However, I would then reach my first real pause in trophy pops of the game
06:44Which is normal considering this took me over a hundred hours to complete and there's only 50 trophies total
06:49But during this couple hour hiatus
06:50I basically just kept on doing these submarine nuclear waste thing which took a lot longer than I initially made it out to seem
06:55It would and it was also very boring doing this because there isn't any music or really anything happening in the submarine at all
07:01It felt like my voices were just talking to a wall or a bitch who can't conversate to save her life
07:05Shout out to her
07:06But this made me bored again after a while and I again swapped over to Franklin to do another trophy
07:10It was called multi-discipline from attaining a gold medal in all hobbies and pastimes and there was six required for this trophy a single
07:17shooting range competition at ammunition a triathlon a flight school lesson a sea race a street race and an off-road race and that it's
07:24Going down in order like a good little bitch boy beginning with the shooting range
07:27Which is very simple and even with my half autistic aiming on console. I managed to do a first try
07:32I then did the triathlon and I don't know if it's really possible to lose these because I did every single one of the game
07:36For trophies later on anyways, and if you just spam X if your life depends on it, you'll win as far as I know
07:41But they are also very boring because I mean it's a literal race without much action
07:45Most of it had a swimming which was great, but they also last long and I can't relate so it angered me
07:50But again, like I said, I didn't lose any
07:52So once I won this that was another gold medal achieved and I was actually very lucky because moments after the race finished my controller
07:58Disconnected which would have been heartbreaking to my athletic career
08:01So I then moved on to the flight school and you have to complete all these for a trophy as well later
08:05But for now just one was required with a gold medal and I'm not gonna lie
08:08This was the easiest thing I've done in my entire life
08:10You literally just take off with a plane and drive it into a checkpoint and that's it
08:14So the three events that remain now are all races first
08:17I did a sea race which was easy like most of the races are in this game
08:20But then on the street and off-road races with Franklin
08:22They were even more easy because Franklin has a special ability that can slow time when driving and it's basically a cheat code in racing
08:28Events which we love to see so after finishing that off-road race the trophy would then pop and here it is
08:33So now that my brain got edged again with excitement
08:35I had the courage to return back to the submarine and finish off the nuclear waste job
08:39Which I did and finally got the last one for the trophy to pop in the oceans to be completely clean at least that's what
08:45They claim and after that
08:46I then decided to return back to the story and do a few more story missions because I basically did everything that I needed
08:51To at this point and I'm also pretty sure you can play the whole story through and then just choose the good ending to not
08:56Miss anything after but I was being safe and did most of the trophies in the story before finishing it just in case now if
09:01You're wondering where my story was that when I picked it up again
09:03I was right at that heist within the FIB building and the ways the boys went about it was placing some c4 with Michael
09:08Cosplaying as a janitor. I heard his wife loves this one. So he was already in good character and then you blow it later
09:16Which causes the building to catch on fire naturally and the firefighters got called in so the team again and cosplayed
09:22But this time as firefighters Loki
09:24This is a genius plan
09:25But we were after an item called the containment drive which just had some sensitive info on that the FIB would like nobody else to
09:31See however after grabbing it and the fire still not being fought
09:34Some would get a little suspicious of us and then we had to shoot our way out of the place
09:37I almost died numerous times. It's you know been a minute since I had to fight for my life. Okay, I live in a suburb
09:42Also, the lighting in this combat area was quite rough considering the only illumination we have is light from a fire
09:47We really are going primal with this one, aren't we?
09:49I also ended up going first-person thinking that would help my trash aim and it did not but to add to the FIB building
09:55That is literally falling apart. We got to wrap it down the elevator shaft, which was very hype then just sprint for our lives
10:00We got back in the fire truck and had to escape some cops
10:02Which was easy then drive over to the getaway car
10:05I stashed blow up the truck which was evidence as they say and
10:08Finally just drive back to Lester's place the mission then ended off with the boys having a little conversation and rejoicing in their success because
10:14The job went perfectly mostly and this trophy popped afterwards
10:17I would then go another three or four hours without any more trophies because I strayed away from the main story once more
10:21Electing to pursue every stunt jump once again, which proved to be challenging very challenging
10:27I also am now realizing how much I just jumped around these store trophies
10:30So I apologize but beginning this game off kind of in the middle of the story was very hard to figure out what I already
10:34So, um, yeah, this did suck balls though, the stunt jumps aren't really hard
10:38However, sometimes you will end up perfectly and it just won't give it to you
10:42But then you'll land it all up and it will which has led me to the conclusion that rockstar games picks a yes-or-no answer
10:47Out of a hat every jump you do and that's your result, which is just beautiful
10:51But another big help with the stunt jumps is to say before you do one with quicksave and this makes it insanely easy to just
10:56Get reps on it. So I recommend you do that a hundred percent. Also following a video guide on this trophy is very helpful
11:02Yes, it's probably easier to just look at a map and cross it off as you go
11:05But the video guide shows you where the jump actually is and the GTA map isn't all that great in detail
11:09Let's be honest, but eventually I did all the jumps and will lay my final one right here
11:13But Joyce again my efforts and here's a trophy pop after that
11:16I decided to do yet again
11:17Another side trophy because as I mentioned I was afraid of missing any from just finishing the story and I chased down one called
11:23Keflon which is an insanely long quest line, but it's actually quite funny and interesting
11:28I'm not gonna lie
11:28But it's basically about Michael entering a cult called the Keflon cult a group of mentally deranged
11:34Individuals all giving insane amounts of money to the leader dude behind it as a man once said the best way to get rich is
11:39To make a religion and it seems to be he was right
11:41But after doing tons of literally useless side quests passing time for days on end and giving a large sums of money in the form
11:48Of a donation as they say we would reach the final mission
11:51Which was to deliver a car full of cash to a drop-off location within the city and instead of just being a little slave to
11:56The leader we finally decided to revolt and honestly
11:59This might be the best business decision Michael has ever made because the car had tons of cash in it
12:04I did die though which was
12:06Unfortunate, but you basically just shoot everyone hop in the whip and then escape the cops and the trophy pops with the mission ends
12:11So after that fun
12:12I went back to side content before finishing the main story again
12:14and the first thing I did was go complete a few assassination targets and invest in the stock markets with all three characters as
12:19Usual because this is a great way to make money and I was attempting to get this trophy called a lot of cheddar from spending
12:25Over 200 million dollars across all the characters in the game, but I'm gonna be real with you for a second
12:29This really isn't needed seeing as the final heist of the game gives everyone crazy money, but I didn't know that so yeah
12:35Anyways, the assassination targets themselves don't give any trophies
12:38But you basically just had to kill a dude who was in with some business things and it manipulated the stock markets in our favor
12:43A lot you also do have to pass time a lot because the markets change at very weird rates within the game
12:48But once I did them all and had a sum of savings
12:50I just did a little trick where you invest in the stock market and then sell immediately which gives you back all the money
12:55But it still counts as spending in the game stats
12:57So I just did that over and over and over until reaching 200 million in the trophy popping
13:02I also began a trophy from flying under every bridge in the game and from doing these things called knife flights
13:07Which were very hard to do so much so that I ended up raging from both of these trophies after dying a gruesome death numerous
13:12Times and I just flew around the map getting full exploration for the San Andreas sightseer trophy pop
13:17I then returned back to the knife flight challenge and I actually got the hang of it
13:21Finally, thank God as well because it's genuinely hard to do these right by a building
13:24But you only had to do it 15 times in places
13:26So here's that trophy once I did manage to complete them all and by the way you had to do all the under bridge locations
13:31Also for that trophy, but those are substantially easier than the knife flight ones to get next up
13:36I did more sight stuff and did this trophy which had us finding 50 letters across the game to solve the mystery of Lenora
13:41Johnson a girl who went missing and after grabbing off 50
13:44We found out that it was just some rich asshole in the hills who killed her covered it up and got away with it
13:49Literally, I tried to kill him, but he drove away too fast. I thought Franklin had better cardio than this
13:53I'm severely disappointed right now. But anyways, the trophy still pop regardless of him escaping. So it's chill
13:57I then went and found off 50 spaceship parts as well
14:00Which is again just another side content trophy
14:02but this took a few hours to do because there is a lot of them and collectibles in this game are hard because they're
14:06Just so far apart from each other
14:07This game's map is honestly massive and it takes a lot of time to travel it
14:11But once grabbing them all you do have to swap over as Franklin to turn them into the guy who requested we find them all
14:16And it looks like he's building a weapon of mass destruction. So that's awesome
14:19And here's the three pop from that collectible quest the next two trophies
14:22I then got were actually both from finishing the main story of Grand Theft Auto 5 and I gotta say this game story is amazing
14:28And this is actually the first time I've ever played or seen the ending of the game and I'm not joking
14:33So the last mission was basically just a big finale heist
14:35So all the characters could get some clams and I never see each other again
14:38But this was also done because Trevor had been bitching for a while now and there's a ton of beef between everyone right now
14:43But the setup had us first steal a bunch of fast getaway cars from around the map and hidden areas
14:47Although through my insanely smart gaming skills. I was able to find all of them very easily
14:51We then had to steal a cop car as well to help with jamming signals and seeing what's on their end of the scene
14:55But the heist itself was very mundane
14:57I also did choose the stealth approach which I think was a brilliant decision because nobody really died
15:02We did have a single combat encounter, but it wasn't too hard and there really wasn't any issues
15:07I had we just kind of walked into this gold deposit and stole over 200 million dollars of gold bars
15:11You then just drive away. It's that simple and was a masterclass of a heist
15:15You met up with Lester once more to talk and once he got done being a cripple you then got the trophy pop
15:20Unfortunately, there was still a single quest left and the ending of this game makes you choose three options
15:26Because Franklin is being pressured by higher-up evil people to go kill both Trevor and Michael and those are the first two options
15:31But the third is to team up with everyone and split off to kill their respected enemies
15:36And this is what we need to pick both because it's the best option
15:39But also because we need to have characters playable after the story ends anyway, just in case
15:43So you first just team up with all three characters and have a giant standoff against Meriwether forces
15:47Swapping off them between everyone as needed and it was a ton of fun
15:50But then they all talk and tell each other who to go after with each person heading down to kill another's enemy
15:55So there's no conflict of interest and I first went with Franklin to kill. Mr. Chang who was Trevor's enemy upon arriving at his location
16:02I sadly wasn't fast enough. So he got away a tad bit but after chasing him down
16:05I was able to eliminate the threat and then switch over to Trevor and was going after Haynes who was an absolute
16:09doucher and killing him was much easier than the previous guy because he was stationary and just filming a crappy TV show on a
16:14Ferris wheel
16:14I waited for him to spin around and dropped him with a sniper still playing as Trevor
16:18We then went and found Devin Weston who was the last evil dude in the game and we actually kidnapped him
16:22You then drive bro all the way to the other side of the map at the rendezvous point
16:25And this is the final cutscene and moment of the glorious story
16:28Just a bunch of boys chatting it up before setting the car with Weston down at the ocean below
16:33Hopefully he died from that you never know
16:35Do you they then chat one more time and I'll part ways with the final trophy popping at least from the main story that?
16:40Is so I only have a few more trophies in this game story
16:42And the first one I got was called three-man army now
16:44I could have done this forever ago
16:46But Trevor had beef with Michael for most of the story
16:48Meaning he didn't want to hang out with him and you need to have all three bros hang out at once then get a three
16:53Star one a level and last for three minutes
16:55But it's still a very easy trophy and here it is once more and we are now on to the final trophies of story mode
17:00the last two I needed were from getting 70 gold medals on missions strangers and freaks and
17:06100% game completion the two kind of go hand in hand, but not totally and this isn't necessarily a hard set of trophies to get
17:12It's more just time-consuming because I didn't gold most missions
17:15I played however replaying them isn't that hard and a lot of them are super easy to do
17:19I also recommend doing all the freaks to gold first because they are
17:22Substantially easier and faster than the normal missions and then for the normal missions
17:25I would just replay setups because they are very fast and easy
17:27But other than that advice just takes time to complete follow some guides if you need to and eventually you'll get both trophies like I
17:33Just have as you've seen. Alright, so that is story mode now a hundred percent finished and we are on to the online trophies
17:38Grand Theft Auto 5 is famous for its online mostly because it's the most freedom
17:43You can really get in terms of a game like this and it has so much damn shit in it to do
17:47I also did have a few trophies in online already, but just the intro stuff and nothing grindy
17:52So for the first hour of this online, I just ran around trying to start making money and RP with the best strategies
17:57But nothing was really working due to changes and patches within the game
18:00so I instead searched the interweb on how to get RP fast because the rank 100 trophy is the main challenge of this stage to
18:06Platinum and I found this strategy on a reddit where you take the torii door. Sorry
18:09I definitely just butchered that one
18:11But it's that one car that can shoot infinite rockets from the Kayo heist DLC thing and you go on this job called
18:16RV almost there from the repose that simian can give you and you just park it after interacting with the target vehicle and enemy trucks
18:23Infinitely come at you getting 25 to 31 RP per kill on them
18:26And if you do the strategy, right you can get around 6,000 to 10,000 XP per time doing this before resetting checkpoint
18:31So it's super good. Although it is very boring and it's still quite time-consuming
18:36However, nothing compared to what it will be doing rank 100 naturally and I'm not lying when I say this
18:40But I literally sat here and did this method for a three days straight of my life playing on average 12 hours each day
18:46Just doing this method
18:47I genuinely felt like I was in prison and I do also believe that my controllers
18:51I want button is not quite the same. It's it's very stiff after pressing it for three days straight
18:55However, the method stays strong and I reached rank a hundred. It's that easy, baby
18:59So now that the real grind trophy is over with it's time to go chase down all the other trophies
19:03Which pretty much all require friends to help you or boost if you will you can do some of them solo
19:07However, it becomes quite a bit easier with people, you know assisting so I want to say a huge
19:11Thank you to everybody who helped me throughout this
19:12I'll shout out the people in particular as we go
19:14But it truly does mean the world and it made creating this video and getting the platinum on this game possible quite frankly
19:19Anyways, the first trophy I got was the easiest it's called the midnight club
19:23It's from just winning five races with a custom vehicle
19:25So I loaded up a race found my custom vehicle and then the boys let me win at the end because even though this thing
19:31Was custom it was customly trash
19:33It ran like a cripple with one leg would have and after five races finished with me winning the trophy popped huge
19:38Shout out to Colin Kermit sad gaming DJ fence panel 69 odd socks ghostly and nz7
19:44You guys are goats never forget it the next trophy I went after was then called unnatural selection
19:48You must survive all the way through wave 10 on the survival mode in this game
19:52And I was joined by a few of the dudes mentioned above because we were still in a party playing together
19:55But survival in this game is just a zombies type mode where enemies come running at you like a woman with the free only fans
20:00In the internet, but it's actually kind of hard
20:02My best advice is to definitely have four people to do it
20:04But also play very passive and don't just run out in the open because you will die
20:07There's no question about that
20:09Once you reach wave 10 that really pops right after easily
20:11I then did the backseat driver trophy with my boy ghostly who was in the a way out video if you guys remember
20:15But he's also been boosting GTA online trophies with me so far and I just put the rally race on that same race
20:21We did over and over which just had you drive in a circle
20:23So I didn't even need to give him directions because it's almost impossible to forget where to drive
20:27I also then had him send a thief on to me in a private session and before the dude ran away
20:30I dropped him for another trophy pop from that right after that trophy popped
20:33I also called in a helicopter which is another trophy for some reason me and ghostly then chased down a trophy called enjoy your
20:38Stay, which is kind of hard. However, it's not that bad
20:41You have to play golf tennis darts and arm wrestling
20:44But those require a partner the rest of them do not which I did solo and some of them we can't show
20:50But my final one was to get a haircut and then the trophy pop like expected
20:53I then just quickly robbed all the stores I hadn't yet
20:55But I had already robbed most of them
20:56So only a couple remained in the trophy for robbing all 20 stores in the game would then pop me and ghostly them reunited once
21:01More we both put bounties on each other inside of a private session having to wait 45 minutes for them to expire
21:06But once they did we would both get the trophy pops
21:07The following trophy I did was then much quicker and just required me to join a crew then while in that crew complete a job
21:13With another crew member and I again just did that race
21:15I've done probably 50 times by now once completing at the trophy then popped for the next hour
21:19I then went after the numero uno trophy, which is a lot like the trophy. Enjoy your stay
21:23However, you need to win all the events you do and there was a lot of jobs also required this time like death matches team
21:29Death matches see races parachuting and overall just gave you a taste of everything there is in the game
21:35Shout out to ghostly ones more for doing this with me the homie
21:37But my final event for numero uno was actually to do a gang attack and these for some reason never worked for me in public
21:43Lobbies, so I had to do it solo
21:45But it does count solo and I also did not die doing my first one which then gave me two trophies once I finished it
21:50First for ten or more kills on a gang without dying and then the numero uno trophy because this was my last event
21:56I needed for it
21:56So now all that remains is to get 30 platinum awards in GTA online
22:01By far the hardest trophy in the game besides the rank 100 trophy in terms of time and annoyance now to begin this I had
22:07A homie named Kermit helped me for about three hours straight on races to get wins
22:11Just play them in general and all that stuff, but we only managed to get about ten awards done because doing races is easy
22:16However, it's not fast whatsoever
22:18So I instead decided to recruit an army and I had about eight people all help me farm and boost combat awards
22:24Which are in my personal opinion the easiest and best to go for a long term
22:27Now there is a few easy awards in the game like tattooing yourself a lot becoming a regular at the strip club
22:32But you need 30 and there is definitely not 30 easy ones for reference with boosting heavily
22:37It still took me another eight hours straight of playing to get this one trophy done with I didn't eat
22:41I didn't shower and I didn't prison that is prison quite literally, but after boosting with the squad
22:47I would end up finally getting enough combat awards done with to unlock my 30th platinum award and get that trophy along with the
22:53Trophy pop and again huge
22:56Thanks to everyone that helped me a few new guys that joined up were a cuckoo being dog helm convict and Glock 17 huge
23:02Thanks and shout out to those guys for helping me speed through these very annoying and grind the awards
23:05But that was the Grand Theft Auto 5 platinum trophy experience overall. I think the game is amazing
23:11I don't really think it needs to be said GTA 5 is one of the best games to ever exist from the story mode to online
23:16I'm not sure how they can make it much better aside from the servers and the friend system. I think everything else is perfect
23:21I'm extremely excited to play more Rockstar games here and also GTA 6 baby. Where is it at but rating GTA 5 out of 10?
23:27I'm gonna give it a solid 9 very solid 9. I got a little bit pissed off with the online servers
23:32So I'm sorry, you know, not sorry. Anyways, that's all hopefully you guys enjoyed this and I'll see you all soon in the next one
