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Are you up for the ultimate gaming challenge? Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down the most grueling, time-consuming, and seemingly impossible achievements in video games that separate the casual gamers from the truly dedicated.
00:00Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the trophies, achievements, and titles that tested gamers to their limits.
00:19Number 30 – Immortal – Ori and the Will of the Wisps
00:30As far as platformers go, Ori's sequel is one of the best to exist in the modern gaming scene.
00:35The polished upgrade from the Blind Forest is evident with every leap and dodge across this beautiful, intricate, and dangerous landscape.
00:42That being said, being asked to go through the entire game without dying once is still quite the task.
00:46The short runtime might make it sound inviting, but the abundance of enemies, traps, and platforming challenges can easily snuff out Ori at the drop of a hat.
00:54Don't say we didn't warn you!
01:01Number 29 – The Three Mountains – Europa Universalis IV
01:06To conquer a strategy game on its hardest difficulty, especially one as complex as Europa Universalis, takes a special kind of mentality.
01:13But even the most battle-hardened and well-versed masters of this game's mechanics may find themselves faltering when it comes to earning this achievement, where you have to own the entire world playing as the tiny Japanese island of Ryukyu.
01:24Given their miniscule stature in the face of the nations of the Old and New World, this is the definition of an uphill battle that only the sharpest mind can conquer.
01:32Number 28 – You Asked For It – The Evil Within
01:40Often overlooked yet delightfully demented, The Evil Within games ratcheted up the difficulty when it came to survival horror.
01:46And nowhere is this more evident than with this achievement that, if we're being honest, is borderline sadistic.
01:51All you have to do to earn it is to complete the game on Akuma Mode.
01:54What's Akuma Mode?
01:55It's beyond nightmarish.
01:57One hit from either enemies or environmental hazards and Sebastian is instantly killed.
02:01Ammo is as rare as chicken's teeth, and stronger enemies appear way sooner within the story.
02:06Unless you're a master of stealth, then this mode is going to destroy you.
02:15Number 27 – Millionaire – The Golf Club 2
02:22How hard can it be to earn a net worth of 1 million?
02:24In Golf Club 2, apparently quite a bit.
02:26Given how the game leans towards realism instead of simplicity, scoring a hole-in-one is the furthest thing from easy, which makes its most trying achievement all the more vexing.
02:35Even if you're an ace shot, the amount of games you'll have to play in order to snag that net worth is around the 12,000 mark.
02:41Put another way, you're going to have to play 216,000 holes.
02:45Significantly more if your performance on the green is terrible.
02:52Number 26 – The Legendary Hero – Metal Gear Solid 4 – Guns of the Patriots
03:04Kojima lives to make us suffer.
03:06And while we're usually all for it, this might have been a bit too much.
03:09If you truly want to prove yourself worthy of Snake's title, then you're going to have to tackle this unrelentingly demanding trophy.
03:14What goes into earning this particular platinum?
03:16Completing the game a minimum of 8 times, one of which you will have to be on the hardest difficulty, as well as not kill anyone, not get spotted, not use any rations, and finish within 5 hours.
03:27Throw in all the emblems to complete, and you have one hell of a mission laid out for you.
03:36Number 25 – Better Than The Best – Sniper Elite 4
03:44There's nothing quite like launching a bullet from a great distance, only to watch a slow-mo x-ray playback of it piercing the under-regions of a dictator.
03:51The Sniper Elite series offers this in spades.
03:54It also has an absolutely grueling achievement for those that consider themselves a true sniper god.
03:58To earn it, you have to beat the whole game on Authentic Plus with zero manual saves.
04:02This setting just so happens to remove the radar in HUD, generally increases difficulty, and all enemies are on extra-high alert.
04:09Better make every shot count.
04:15Number 24 – Messiah – Outlast 2
04:26Do you like fumbling around in the dark with death around every corner?
04:29Then, boy, do we have an achievement for you.
04:32Outlast 2 was already infamous in its challenge, given that it more often than not would trip the player up while offering little in the way of guidance when it came to trekking across this wider world.
04:41If the base game didn't give you enough turmoil, then you can try your luck via the elusive Messiah achievement.
04:46Beat the game on the hardest difficulty, don't die, and with only one charge of battery.
04:50What could go wrong?
04:55Number 23 – The Shadows Rushed Me – Max Payne 3
04:59Yeah, what were you drinking?
05:00Bet your ass I was. You try staying in there for five minutes sober.
05:04Despite the grief and rampant alcoholism, Max Payne is a beast, particularly unkillable given the carnage he can unleash in bullet time.
05:11That being said, this particular challenge may be too much even for him.
05:14In what feels like an achievement bordering on the impossible, players must complete this intense threequel on hardcore difficulty with New York Minute Mode also activated.
05:22That means no dying and battling against an unforgiving countdown.
05:25Trying to earn this will introduce you to the true meaning of pain.
05:30Don't you know?
05:35Number 22 – Lazomaster – Halo The Master Chief Collection
05:39Stay low. Recon sortie heading this way.
05:44Whether you're tackling this solo or with a bunch of buddies, this is undoubtedly the most brutal undertaking available for Halo fans.
05:50It demands that you best the likes of Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4's campaigns in a row on legendary difficulty with all skulls turned on, adding various yet equally hellish modifiers to each section.
06:01Best of luck, Spartan, but you're going to have to channel your inner chief if you want to come out on the other end of this gauntlet.
06:13Number 21 – Bro Tree – Tree Simulator 2022
06:21Play for 10,000 hours. No, seriously, that's it. 10,000 hours. 10,000 hours of just looking at a tree.
06:28Yes, it's one of those achievements, and if for some unholy reason you need it in your collection, you're going to have to keep this game running idle for any hope of earning it.
06:37But even then, is it really worth it? While it's down to you whether or not becoming a bro tree is a point of pride, rest assured everyone else will look upon you with shame.
06:45Number 20 – Mile High Club – Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
06:57We hope you're quick on the draw because this one is still considered by many the hardest achievement to obtain in any Call of Duty game.
07:03On paper, it might sound simple enough. Complete the Mile High Club mission on Veteran difficulty setting.
07:08However, this becomes a far more complex matter when you realize that it involves taking out waves of enemies, dealing with a hostage situation, and then escaping a double-decker aircraft carrier all within a single minute.
07:18Better hop to it.
07:26Number 19 – This Is Total War – Rome 2 Total War
07:31Have an act for diplomacy and crafting out peace treaties? Well, forget all that, because to get this achievement you have to go full-on tyrannical.
07:38Given how it's all too easy to automatically slip into negotiations, players will have to be extra cautious and launch an attack the moment they discover a new group.
07:45There's also the annoying little feature of there being so many factions for you to fight against that taking them all on doesn't only require a whole lot of bloodlust,
07:52but high-tier strategy to ensure you survive long enough to declare war on the next civilization you encounter.
07:57Man, conflict is exhausting.
08:06Number 18 – The Real Deal – Left 4 Dead 2
08:12Think you can shoot your way out of a zombie apocalypse? Well, only the best of the best will be able to survive and make their way to this achievement.
08:18Not only do you have to complete a campaign in Expert Mode, which essentially increases enemy intellect and strength to absurd degrees, as well as the frequency and size of the horde, but you also have to play it with Realism Mode enabled.
08:28For those that aren't in the know, this basically turns the witch into a living insta-kill, further increasing durability of all other zombies, and generally tests you and your friends to their very limits.
08:38Good luck.
08:39Number 17 – World's Finest – Injustice – Gods Among Us
08:46You may well indeed dominate in online matches as your favorite DC superhero or villain, but in order to prove yourself as the greatest of them all, then you will have to complete not one, not ten, not a hundred, but all 240 Star Labs missions.
09:00Not only do each of these missions put various constraints on the player, as well as force them to play as a particular character, but each mission has three specific requirements that need to be completed.
09:09Add that all together, and you essentially have 720 tasks to complete.
09:13Yep, this sounds like a job for Superman, alright.
09:19Number 16 – Hard to the Core – Dead Space 2
09:23Isaac Clarke does not have it easy, what with being haunted by a murderous entity posing as his dead girlfriend, all the while surrounded with bloodthirsty necromorphs.
09:30If you're a glutton for punishment and think you can handle anything the Marker can throw at you, then by all means give Hardcore Mode a shot.
09:35We guarantee you'll regret it.
09:38Not only are enemies extraordinarily tough, but you only get three chances to save throughout the entire game.
09:43One thing is for sure, Isaac is not going to have a good time.
09:47Number 15 – Ultimate Battler – Star Ocean – The Last Hope
09:53Want to prove yourself?
09:54Step up the game by giving the complete add-on to the Ultimate Battler game.
09:57And you're good to go.
09:58chances to save throughout the entire game.
10:00One thing is for sure, Isaac is not going to have a good time.
10:08Number 15.
10:09Ultimate Battler
10:10Star Ocean, The Last Hope
10:15Want to prove your mettle?
10:16All this game asks is that you unlock all of the battle trophies.
10:20All nine hundred of them.
10:21That's a hundred for each of the nine playable characters in the game.
10:23To unlock just one battle trophy, players are required to execute a very specific action,
10:28which can range from dealing a very specific amount of damage, attacking first several
10:31hundred times, gaining certain items, interacting with specific characters, the list goes on
10:36and on.
10:37And again, that's just for one character.
10:39Truly, your last hope for this achievement is to wade your way through an ocean of monotony.
10:51Number 14.
10:52Master of the Universe
10:59As Captain Viridian, it's your mission to save your scattered crew and escape the titular
11:03dangerous dimension, with the only obstacle standing in your way being those accursed
11:06spikes often found on most indie platformers.
11:09However, there's a catch.
11:11You can't jump.
11:12All you can do is reverse gravity and direct yourself to avoid being impaled.
11:15What could be the most difficult achievement in a game where you're constantly facing
11:19Complete the whole thing without dying, of course!
11:21Wanna be the master of the universe?
11:23Your only hope is surviving no-death mode by the skin of your teeth.
11:31Impossible Boy – Super Meat Boy
11:37The majority of unlockables to be found in this hit indie title can be completed just
11:40by ensuring that our favorite meaty hero manages to make it through levels without dying once.
11:45The problem is that some of these levels are hard as all hell.
11:48The most difficult of these, oddly enough, puts players in the role of Bandage Girl where
11:52they are required to ace all of the Dark World levels in the Cotton Alley chapter which happen
11:56to be fast paced and filled to the brim with death traps.
11:59And we thought Meat Boy had it bad.
12:07Reign of Terror – Diablo 3
12:15In all hope ye who enter, because if you want to prove yourself as a master of this dark
12:19fantasy RPG, you have to slay Diablo in hardcore mode.
12:22A mode that gives your character one life and one life only.
12:25And should you fall in combat, said character is gone forever.
12:28Given the amount of enemies and bosses, let alone the strength of Diablo himself, in order
12:32to unlock this achievement, players will have to navigate a literal gauntlet of death in
12:36order to slay the devil as nothing more than a true mortal.
12:39Talk about the highway to hell.
12:44Why Kung Fu is Stronger – Mortal Kombat
12:53Gain mastery of all fighters?
12:54Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
12:56So how does one go about gaining mastery?
12:58We need to earn 100 victories, perform 100 fatalities and their subsequent variables,
13:03land 150 of X-Ray, spill 10,000 pints of blood, and go through 24 hours of gameplay.
13:08Sure, it would take a little while, but after a little while, it… wait, we have to do
13:13that for every single character?
13:15Start a tally sheet, because only the most committed of combatants are able to pull this
13:19one off.
13:22Universal Explorer – World of Warcraft
13:26This achievement was formerly known as World Explorer, and for good reason, because this
13:30has you going on a trek across the entirety of Azeroth and beyond.
13:37In order to be granted the title of Explorer, players not only have to uncover and venture
13:40through every region within the Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Kalimdor and Northrend, but also
13:45all the expansion regions, too.
13:47That means Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Battle for Azeroth.
13:50And yes, you can bet that when the next WoW expansion comes, you'll have to discover
13:54all of those regions, too.
13:55This one just keeps getting harder the longer you put it off.
14:04Seven Day Survivor – Dead Rising
14:09Frank West does not have it easy.
14:11Being stuck in a mall filled to the brim with undead is bad enough, but having to slog it
14:14out for a full seven days certainly doesn't help.
14:17In order to snag this time-consuming achievement, players first have to unlock Infinity Mode
14:21by managing to earn the game's true ending.
14:22From there, it's a sandbox nightmare as seven days in-game equates to around 14 hours
14:27for players non-stop.
14:28You're probably going to have to put a weekend aside in order to complete.
14:32Here's hoping that you've stocked up on Mega Busters.
14:39Seriously 3.0 – Gears of War 3
14:45If you can manage to land this one, then you might just be as determined as Marcus Fenix
14:50First of all, you have to reach level 100, which is already an ordeal in itself.
14:53Then it's on to earning the Onyx Medals, all 65 of them.
14:56These include, but are no way limited to, kill 1,000 enemies with a captive, get 6,000
15:01executions, spot 12,000 enemies, revive 1,200 squadmates, get 25,000 perfect active reloads,
15:07win 3,000 matches, earn over 7,000,000 points in Arcade Mode, make 6,000 kills with every
15:12single weapon, and complete the campaign on Insane Difficulty.
15:20The Bladder of Steel Award – Rock Band 2
15:28This one is all about endurance.
15:29Sure, the difficulty settings can be lowered, but the fact that you still have to play through
15:3384 songs back-to-back without pause and without failure is pretty crazy.
15:37Whether you excel at vocals, guitar, or drums, you had better get your music chops in order
15:42because between the long hours and lack of any kind of break, this achievement has been
15:46known to be too much for even the most seasoned of rock band fans.
15:49Between having to play through the likes of Judas Priest's Painkiller and accidentally
15:52pressing the pause button, snagging this achievement is the closest we'll get to a Golden God
16:03I Can See For Miles Per Hour – Surgeon Simulator
16:13Not too many achievements are this much harder when intentionally sloppy controls are a fundamental
16:17part of the game's design.
16:19In order to obtain this achievement, players have to perform an eye transplant in under
16:222 minutes and 10 seconds, all inside a speeding and bumpy ambulance.
16:26For PS4 players, this challenge is made even more tough thanks to the inaccuracy while
16:30using a controller.
16:31This trophy's small focal points made the joystick-twitching a painful exercise made
16:35even worse by the unorthodox methods you need to conceive just to constantly stay ahead
16:39of the stress-inducing time limit.
16:47Mein Leben – Wolfenstein II The New Colossus
16:56And here we have an achievement so tough it has its own dedicated game mode.
16:59Mein Leben is the hardest difficulty setting in the game, and in order to obtain the achievement,
17:03you have to beat the mode.
17:05Sounds like a cakewalk for an experienced veteran, right?
17:07Well, hold your horses Rambo, you'll want to hear what this involves first.
17:10The Mein Leben difficulty is a permadeath run, meaning die once and you have to start
17:15Oh, and unlike hard playthrough achievements, you can't save at all, meaning that you
17:19have to beat the entire game on the hardest difficulty in just one sitting and safe scumming
17:23won't work.
17:25Think you're metal enough to take this challenge on?
17:33Emperor – The Elder Scrolls Online – Tamriel Unleashed
17:41Who wouldn't want to rule over all citizens of the Empire, enamored with absolute power
17:45and hailed as the greatest in all of Tamriel?
17:47Well, good luck, because to do so means you have to outdo thousands of other players in
17:50order to earn your throne.
17:52Not only does your chosen alliance have to practically control every keep and outpost
17:55around Imperial City, but you have to be standing firmly at the top of the leaderboard, meaning
18:00you literally have to be the best of the best.
18:02Sure, the perks of leadership sound great, but gaining that crown is the literal definition
18:06of an uphill battle.
18:13Mr. Perfect – Mega Man 10
18:16We've seen challenges that involve beating the game on the hardest setting, not dying
18:22once, and not saving.
18:23So how could Mega Man 10 up that ante?
18:26By not having the player get hit even once, of course.
18:29As either Mega Man or Proto Man, players will have to employ a whole lot of jumping and
18:32be damn fast with their shots in order to take out enemies.
18:35Sure, investing in the bubble shield may help, but that's not going to help much when you
18:39go up against the likes of the Block Devil.
18:41They don't call this achievement Mr. Perfect for nothing.
18:50Everyday Streak – World of Guns – Guns Disassembly
18:55Are you one of those gamers who happens to be a bit of a gun nut?
18:58Well, if that includes delving into the inner workings of firearms, then this might be the
19:02title for you.
19:03And boy does it come with a hefty challenge.
19:05You have to fill in the silhouette of a particular gun, from its hilt, trigger, all the way to
19:09the smallest of screws, and you have to do this for 90 consecutive days without making
19:13a mistake.
19:14Otherwise, all your progress gets sent back to zero.
19:17Given the various types of guns you might be presented, and how much time you have to
19:20put into it, this is an achievement that requires the patience of a saint.
19:28Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
19:33about our latest videos.
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19:46Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
19:53There can only be one.
19:55If you reckon that your skill is sharp enough and your trigger finger is on point, then
19:58you might as well try your luck at the Universal Leaderboard, where your prize for becoming
20:02the number one player in the world earns you this devastatingly difficult achievement.
20:06The only way you'll ever hope to see it is to constantly win matches against stronger
20:10opponents to increase your rank, and given how many players stand in between you and
20:13the most coveted Rank 1, you will need to be flawless in your ability to dispatch your
20:24Which video game achievement do you think is beyond the pale?
20:27Let us know in the comments.