• 13 hours ago
I dont know on a release date but ye.
Games discord server: https://discord.gg/qDK7N296tv

My discord server: https://discord.gg/w28bFfbbt9


00:00Alright, so today we are on a new tower defense planning up to release soon anime siege now
00:07This game is let me have early access to go and check it out and I've got to say it looks pretty good
00:12I mean just take a look at some of their models. They are insane
00:15So today we're gonna be taking a look at this new tower defense game and seeing if it could compete with the current
00:22Standard anyway, if you like the look of this tower defense game, make sure to go and check out in the description below
00:26I'll leave their discord, but you can find more info. Anyway, let's go and check the game out
00:30Okay, guys here. We are on anime siege. Obviously this lobby isn't finished yet
00:35I mean the cow all over the place everything is this is just testing right now
00:39But to be fair what is already here is pretty nice. So to check out this game
00:44They've given me some codes that we can put in. So let's go ahead and do these
00:49We have Cody code you guys obviously can't use this on release, but I get to check out the game early
00:55So I get all of this stuff. This is the best code. Give me everything. Okay, so so here is all Criolla pretty cool
01:01Oh, whoa. Okay, they might need to shrink him a bit. Oh, oh that guy looks awesome
01:07We got speed wagon here bro. Lee Oh Ippo Goku. It should go go Joe. Nice. Oh, he looks cool
01:14I like the animation Joe sir. Oh, I'll evolve bro. Lee Sasuke
01:18Naruto legendary another all Criolla KJ. Is it this from strongest battlegrounds?
01:24I think I don't actually know what the hell what's he doing in here? Okay, we got gone. Come on the Irwin Sanji
01:30I'll cut all my word white beard Goku Janos. Oh
01:35That and look so cool. These models are fire. Oh, look at that and it doesn't even look like roblox
01:42Naruto son Jim woo. Oh, he looks cool as well. Tatsumaki. Okay, let me make my my ultimate team here
01:48We'll bring KJ son Jim woo. Let's also get speed wagon. It's great. Tatsumaki as well. She might be like a support
01:56I don't know. So I was told to check. Ah, look at him next to me. Oh, his sword is so long
02:01Pro this guy looks so cool. What the hell he's bigger than me. I what about the anking?
02:06I want I want to see the anking. Oh, this is KJ. Oh, he has aura breath
02:10I will check him out in the mode. So I was told to do I think this stage here unexpected trouble
02:16So, let's see where this is. Firstly. The UI is pretty clean. I don't think anything is finalized here
02:22I'm not actually sure what is finalized or not. Anything could be changed when games are in like testing early on phases
02:28Let's check this out. All right, here we are. We got a unit manager. Okay. Oh
02:32My word, well, these guys have some clean solo leveling stages. What? Okay. Wait, I'm gonna lose breath
02:39What bro, look at that. And yo, he's so cool. I can't lie. I'm kind of bosses so much health
02:44I'm kind of cooked. But dude, look at him. What the what is he? Oh
02:49He stomps first the model the toes the stomps. This guy is awesome
02:55I can't lie. I forgot to level these guys up. I might be a bit cooked here. I'm doing 2k damage
03:00Let me go back real quick. Okay, wait, so where's the food? Well, I think any would be fine
03:04There we go. Just add all telling me all that food doesn't even max him out. Let me go back in the stage
03:09We're gonna try and kill this boss. I can't lie. I doubt we can I don't even fit the health is finalized
03:14I don't even think anything is finalized bro. Look at this guy. Dude. The model is so fire, bro
03:21Oh this actually this game is the best tower defense models. It doesn't even look like it belongs in Oh
03:28Big attack. Damn. Look at him. Oh my word. That's just attack one. What does the unit managers look like?
03:34Oh, it's pretty pretty normal. We gets a new one rip whip of ruin. I don't know. I didn't read it properly
03:39Let me actually bring him closer. It was the whip of ruin. Oh this guy's who is this guy?
03:44I don't even know who this is. I don't know but he's whipping for me. I'm whipping the guy groundbreaking fury
03:49What is this dude? These attacks are clean. Oh, dude. What the whole my what he's doing a lot of damage
03:56Oh, I'll see Markie. Do you do any not back? Oh, there's even passives in the game
04:00I don't think it's finished yet. But there are there will be passives. It seems dude. This guy's awesome
04:05What game has flipping models is good. I don't know. Let's see and Kings final attacks. What does he do?
04:10Oh my word, look at this
04:13What's about KJ always for your replacement, oh, oh
04:18Dude, these effects these attacks. Oh my word. Okay. Well, we
04:24Didn't kill him. I like that was the hell of these little guys. Wait, these models are fire on this game
04:29Look at these guys. I'm telling you models like this belong in an actual solo level in game
04:34This is just the tower defense on roblox, bro. What the hell right? Let's see what a banner is looking like
04:39So we have auto cell down here. Okay, that's good. I should probably put on. Okay. So here it is
04:44Just your standard summoning nothing crazy. I wonder if it's a secret unit or maybe it's KJ. I don't know
04:50Yeah, it's pretty pretty standard. It's clean. Oh, it's clean
04:53I mean, it's hard to mess up a summoning animation, huh?
04:56And I mean the UI tells you exactly what you're getting shows it from rares to mythics. What is this thing?
05:02I saw it earlier. What I don't know. It's cool though
05:05It's like it probably goes over here and they're cooking some like aura stuff here. I don't know what this is
05:10It's also a mushroom. Oh, there's gonna be PvP. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I'm not sure if this map is finalized
05:16But look at this. What is this? What?
05:20Okay, it looks like it's gonna be some sort of portal got raids. Oh
05:24I like this. Okay. Yeah, you can clearly see this map isn't finalized. I mean look at this
05:30Okay, well it appears there is four maps right now. Yeah again
05:34I don't know if these maps are finalized. So, uh, let's go. Let's check these maps out. Okay, so we got a namek here
05:39Oh KJ chill chill
05:42The maps quite small which I don't think necessarily me think is bad
05:47Like it's simple and I kind of like it
05:49It's gonna be balloons TD battles kind of vibes just a simple little map not over complicated. Okay
05:56All right. So this is the leaf village map. Oh, are they got multi?
06:00Multi-pass is already multiple. It just splits are interesting. Okay again keeping it the small theme is clean though
06:06I mean look at the little buildings, you know
06:08Sometimes less is more filmy and I think this games doing a good job of that
06:12All right. This map is syrup village and I'm pretty sure this is one piece. Oh, yeah
06:16We got we got the pirate ship over here. The enemies are also pirates
06:19The models also look really nice on the the enemies. I've realized they were pretty unique. I look clean. Look at this guy here
06:27Okay, I'm trash. Yeah keeping it with the simple theme again. I like it
06:31I mean I can let you just zoom into the sky and just see the whole map here and just play like this
06:35I actually I usually play from a bird's-eye point of view. So that being a thing is low-key file
06:41How many tatsumaki is gonna play so early? Okay, and the last map we saw this one earlier a double dungeon
06:48This one is very small. Actually, it's about the same as the others. It's just inside a room. So it looks even smaller
06:53So yeah, they like to go over a simple map kind of theme it seems then it's still some work to do
06:58I don't fit this throne is finalized. I mean what's going on here some something's going. I don't know what I well
07:03Yeah, that's all the maps. Oh wait, I didn't even see we got traits over here. I didn't know these were done yet
07:08Oh, we got we got trays. So what's the best ones? We got finisher rainbow godly exclusive and liege
07:16Oh liege is a cool name. It's like glitch. It's a 0.02. It's actually rarer than glit. That's crazy
07:22Okay, can't really see what they do. Can't see at all
07:25Maybe if we get them it shows but we can actually roll on like a unit here. Okay, let's roll on this guy
07:31So if I just spam would it stop me on a mythic if we could even kill one? Oh, we got godly
07:36It does stop you. Okay, that's good. So godly was 0.2. That's actually pretty good. Let's see if we can get liege
07:41I feel like it's gonna be super OP. Oh, we got finisher. Okay rolled a double others double traits
07:47That's cool or another double Oh a finisher another double another double Oh exclusive. Oh, that's the rarest mythic. Oh
07:55Nice. Okay. Let's keep this keep going. Oh another finisher another finisher. I just get another one
08:00I just rolled into two finishes. What the hell another Oh a double what tray range free and exclusive Oh godly
08:08Okay, so we got that one already Oh another finisher. Yeah, give me the secret
08:12Wow, this thing is really as rare as glitched in ALS
08:15I mean, we're about to go over a thousand about it, which is about the same. Wait, what's this reroll cosmic crystal?
08:21It's I like luckier. I don't know. I don't know if I'm a user Oh rainbow. I haven't heard of that one
08:27Yeah, I think I saw first. Okay, I have to be like, I don't even know how many rerolls deep hundreds probably thousands
08:33It's been so long. This tree really is as hard to get as glitch. Oh, I see is rarer. Oh, that's even worse
08:38I'm starting to lag. Oh exclusive. Oh, that's the best one. Okay, I'm gonna keep that
08:42I can't I can't roll this best trait. I can't do it. What's this over here? Oh infinite waves
08:46Oh, there's like a leaderboard for it. Oh, oh is there now you guys think I could get on the leaderboard?
08:52That's probably not I don't think it's functioning because I've done all the infinites. I died early, but I've done all the infinites
08:58What is this then? Is it like a Charlie? Oh, yeah, it is. It's short range
09:01That's probably for like starfruits or something. Also got an item shot on its evolutions here who could be evolved
09:08Think everyone I have is evolved. Oh, what about a Broly? Well, it's okay aura. Surely
09:12No, didn't I get an unavoidable Lee will happen to that. Oh, here he is
09:16Oh, maybe it's not if I must not be done yet. Hi guys, just a couple of things to clarify
09:20I got told they're planning to add a game mode called siege
09:24I'm not sure what that would include but I don't know. What do you think?
09:27Also, they're adding a boss rush so that could be cool as well
09:31Boss will probably be as cool as the one we saw in that story mode
09:33Yeah, that's about it for today guys if you want to check out this game as I said the intro is gonna be linked in
09:38The description below this game looks promising. So we'll see how it doesn't release. Okay. See ya
