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#ep50 #DanganRonpaV3 #PoopedMemories


00:00Last time on Game Grumps.
00:02Oh, Kaito.
00:04Good to see you.
00:07Sorry I'm late.
00:09Yeah, we're done showing each other our labs.
00:14Hey, I'm Grump. I'm not so Grump!
00:16And we're the Game Grumps!
00:20Hello, and welcome to Danganronpa.
00:23It is
00:24Kokichi's back, and we're talking about the ultimate anti-monokuma weapon.
00:28Remember that? Remember that? I don't. I went, I took a shit, came back, forgot everything.
00:35I shit it all out, flushed it down the toilet. Pooped out my memories.
00:40That's where I keep them. In my poop hole.
00:42Okay, great.
00:44Don't ask to see the photo album.
00:46All right, let's go.
00:48The photo album? Oh, because there's little stickers.
00:51Yeah. In my poop.
00:53Oh, I guess I'm gonna...
00:59Go on. Yeah, yeah, I love he's doing the not-are-you-not-entertained thing.
01:03What do you fucking want from me?
01:07I knew you guys would be like this. Now I can definitely entrust the ultimate anti-monokuma weapons to you guys. You guys.
01:16Is he talking about the hammers? I thought it said the hamsters and my heart skipped a beat. The hammers?
01:23I guess I'll examine the hammers.
01:26Examine the hammers.
01:28The hammer examination. The ultimate anti-monokuma weapon. Are you talking about the hammers? Wow, I love that.
01:35That's like, that's such like the fucking joke from, uh,
01:38Team America World Police.
01:40Where Gary's going undercover, and he's getting debriefed and the guy's like,
01:45Gary, if you get captured, you'll probably want to take your own life. Here, take this. He gives him the hammer.
01:54That's my favorite bit in that entire movie.
01:58Cut it out. There's no reason to listen to him, you guys, guys.
02:02Come on, at least hear me eat.
02:05This is also Mew's memento.
02:08Mew's memento.
02:11Yeah, it's a movie where it was kind of like going backwards and forwards at the same time.
02:16Yeah, they're called electro hammers, and there's something I asked Mew to invent.
02:20And it's also when I say that a small roll of European candy chews are mine. It's memento.
02:30They're a pretty incredible invention that disables any electric machine, electronic machine in contact.
02:38Disables electronic machines? Whoa, guys, hold on.
02:42Slow your roll.
02:44I bet that includes Keebo, too. Why didn't you call him Keeboy?
02:48Yeah, they should be helpful against Monokuma, right?
02:59No, that's wrong.
03:02Hey, how did you know we were gonna fight Mono? You can't fight Mono. There's no cure.
03:08You just have to be careful who you kiss. You just have to get plenty of rest.
03:13Well, I just happened to be hiding in the dining hall when I heard you discussing it.
03:18The fact that you were hiding there means it wasn't a coincidence.
03:22But I was so elated when I heard you guys wanted to fight Monokuma.
03:27Because that was my plan all along. That's how I want to end this killing game.
03:31And that's why I asked Mew to make this, to defeat Monokuma and the Monokubs.
03:36My name's Jack, middle initial E.
03:43I've waited too long, and I forgot the joke.
03:47I was gonna make an ejaculated joke
03:50from when he said elated, but now I can't remember what it was, because I
03:55foolishly let several phrases go by. First name Elias, middle name Jack,
04:02last name elated. No, because it had to do with the word elated, which
04:08Never mind, never mind. I like run out of the room like a girl in an 80s movie.
04:13Hit your head in the door frame and just fall and pool of blood.
04:21Oh man.
04:22Don't die. Don't lie. Also don't die. You've been fixated on this killing game the whole time. He can die.
04:28He's messing around. Is that really something Mew made?
04:32Mew made?
04:35Mew made this?
04:38He's just like squinting at it.
04:40You sure Mew made this?
04:42Are you lying about that too?
04:46You're gonna doubt that too? No, the blue lines of sadness. Of course.
04:51Have you forgotten everything you've done to us up until now? Name one thing. Yep, I forgot.
04:59How do you expect us to believe that?
05:02This doesn't make sense. If Mew made that weapon, why didn't she?
05:06Why didn't she use that instead of murdering someone? Yeah, if there were weapons to fight against Monokuma, we should have all fought together.
05:18This is all your fault.
05:20Our fault?
05:22I told Mew too, you know? Around the time I asked her to invent this. I told her that we should fight against Monokuma, but she...
05:29Sadly passed away.
05:35Natural causes.
05:41Man, you hate to see it.
05:43Sometimes old age just gets to you.
05:46What a pain in my ass. Oh, I'm so glad I get to voice her again. Why do I gotta make this a gun?
05:51Quit complaining. This is all an unfuckable ugly bitch like you was good for anyway.
05:58Good memories.
06:00Huh? Okay.
06:03But this is so exciting. When this is done, we can probably defeat Monokuma, right? Especially when we all join forces.
06:11Don't be stupid. If you're gonna do it, do it yourself. Unless you want to activate my kink shame again.
06:17Or my shame kink, sorry.
06:20Big difference. It doesn't matter if we promise to work together, someone will still betray us.
06:25Betray us and kill one of us.
06:28Could you imagine if one of us died? Whatever. We'd only be able to be recalled in sepia tones.
06:35Besides, this weapon won't make a difference. We'll be killed by an exosault before we can use it.
06:40I just invented it because I was asked to. I have no intention of defying Monokuma.
06:45My overlord Monokuma.
06:50He's like, Gerard way. There's no way we can beat him, and I can't afford to die here anyway.
06:56Too expensive. Now what? I still need to invent something that's gonna change the world.
07:01So if you want to defy Monokuma, do it yourself.
07:06If it does work out, come help me, okay? I'll do anything, anything to thank you.
07:12What was that scene about?
07:15Someone will still betray us. That's what she said. He was explaining why she didn't just use the hammers herself instead of trying to kill someone.
07:22Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah.
07:24That's what she said.
07:26It's a shame that she died.
07:29Someone will still betray us. That's what she said.
07:33What kind of bedroom games are you playing? Well, the exosauls were still moving at the time, so I don't blame her, but
07:40she was afraid to trust you again.
07:44The fear of betrayal overcame her. That's why she bloodied her hands in this killing game.
07:50It's also why I ended up killing her, you know. Yeah, that was you, dude. That idiot.
07:56But you guys are different. You guys are cool. I love you. You guys are so alive.
08:00You guys won't lose to the fear of your friends betraying you, right?
08:04You showed your determination to fight together, and you ignored my advice from earlier. Remember my advice of
08:10the other 20 billion lines of dialogue in this game? And you would lie about killing all of us just to test that theory?
08:16Yeah, that's why I want you guys to do your best. Don't screw around! Quit screwing around!
08:23Don't screw around!
08:25What are you saying? I see you ignored my previous warning of not screwing around, so quit screwing around!
08:33What are you saying? You probably just lied about talking to Mew.
08:38By the way, the electro hammers weren't the only thing Mew made. She made me cry.
08:43She made this thing, too.
08:51No, this is a $1 cocktail from a gas station.
08:55It's a fruit juice. It's not exactly a bomb, though, even if it is called an electro bomb.
09:01I guess it is kind of a bomb, huh?
09:04It jams electronic- It's an electronic bomb!
09:06An E-bomb, so to speak. He's got a world!
09:10It jams electronic signals by scattering particles, then interfere with electromagnetic waves.
09:16In other words,
09:17shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
09:20For two hours, any and all electronic devices within 50 yards will be completely disabled.
09:26No, that's wrong.
09:27I didn't mean to, but...
09:29It's perfect for any secret activitals, since it doesn't leave any Debris behind.
09:37Rabbi shows up. I'm here for Debris!
09:41No, not that Debris!
09:44Then he runs out like a little girl and hits his head and falls on the ground.
09:50Twitching hands.
09:52This invention is extraordinary, but I only have three of them.
09:56So I need to use them carefully. You guys will have to settle for the electro hammers.
10:01Why'd you say it like that?
10:03Settle. We have no intention of using suspicious-looking hammers. I'm out of here!
10:06I'm out of here! He runs, hits his head on the door frame, oil spreads.
10:17We're gonna run out of characters at this rate.
10:19Get bigger doors.
10:22Are you sure? You can use these electro hammers not only against Monokuma,
10:26but also to get through that underground tunnel.
10:30The underground tunnel?
10:31Yeah, the underground tunnel.
10:33You can use the electro hammers to destroy the electronic traps in that place.
10:38Why do you keep saying it like that?
10:39Saying what?
10:42Is that true?
10:43I forgot I was here.
10:46Oh, are you finally starting to believe me?
10:51He's starting to believe.
10:52But be careful! These would make great souvenirs at a prop shop!
10:58Electro hammers run out of battery pretty quickly.
11:01So if you use it against an Exasol, it'll run out of juice with just one shot.
11:07Once the battery depletes, it takes 24 hours to fully charge, so watch out for that.
11:14I'm done explaining, so I'll hand the electro hammers over.
11:17Well, you know...
11:18I'll let you guys tuck it over. I won't interfere anymore, either.
11:26Won't interfere!
11:28He slinks out the door slowly and then hits his head.
11:52Have you ever seen Master of Disguise with Dana Carvey?
11:57It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
11:59So I've heard.
12:01It does have Brett Spiner...
12:04From Star Trek The Next Generation...
12:06As an evil guy...
12:07Who's constantly coming up with evil plans...
12:10And then laughing maniacally when he gets away with them...
12:12But then he farts and gets embarrassed and it ruins the moment.
12:16It's really funny.
12:18To me.
12:19Someone else will watch it and be like, this is not funny.
12:22But he's like...
12:24It's a perfect plan!
12:31He, like, loses his smile and walks out.
12:38It's definitely your humor.
12:44But other parts of that movie are excruciating.
12:46Oh, man.
12:47Okay, go ahead.
12:48I'll be looking from a distance or something like that.
12:51You didn't want me around anyway.
12:52You didn't even like me again.
12:59Gets on one knee.
13:00Would you run towards that door frame really fast?
13:30Your name is on it.
13:31You've gotta be the one who did it.
13:34But I wouldn't gain anything from writing a message like that, would I?
13:37Except for everyone being confused.
13:40That would just make you guys suspect I'm the mastermind.
13:44The mastermind?
13:46Yeah, the world is mine, Kokichi Oma.
13:48Read it backwards.
13:50Go on.
13:58Itchy cock.
14:01Oh, I'm more itchy cock.
14:06Would make me seem like the mastermind.
14:09Oh, I know.
14:10This is all Monokuma's doing.
14:11He's trying to get us to suspect each other.
14:13Maybe it's not done.
14:14Maybe it says the world is mine.
14:16Kokichi Oma is a asshole.
14:18Yeah, that's true.
14:20But don't worry.
14:21I truly want to end this killing.
14:24I truly want to end this killing.
14:27Suddenly, a dark shadow slid between us.
14:30Quick as a flash.
14:31The Loch Ness Monster?
14:42By killing everyone.
14:48Off a piece of the cage head.
14:52Which one am I?
14:53The left or the right one?
14:57Play this killing game.
14:58That's just what Monokuma wants.
15:00He can slap the shit out of them though, right?
15:02Yeah, sure.
15:09Maki let go and Kokichi's body fell in a heap on the floor upright with his hands behind his head.
15:18That's you.
15:20Jeez, you're such a meanie.
15:24How could you do something like this to a...
15:27Puppy dog eyes.
15:29Your best friend.
15:31Fingers together.
15:32Blink, blink.
15:34Ass off.
15:37You guys may not think that way, but I see all of you as my friends.
15:44That's why.
15:45I'll be back.
15:46I won't interfere anymore, so please continue to walk the path you believe in.
15:52Oh, cool.
15:54Kokichi picked himself up and staggered to the exit.
16:00He left behind the electro hammers.
16:03What should we do?
16:05You mean about the hammers?
16:07They've got to be booby trapped somehow.
16:13But looking at it, it definitely seems like something Miyu made.
16:17Either way, I refuse to believe anything he says.
16:21But you know, if it's not a lie, then isn't this our one chance to escape?
16:27Listen up.
16:28If we use the electro hammers, maybe we can get through the underground passage.
16:32So why don't we try it?
16:34What is it?
16:35You mean actually do what Kokichi is suggesting?
16:38No matter what we do, it'll be dangerous.
16:40But are you really going to believe Kokichi?
16:44And for truly?
16:46Our goal is to escape with everyone, right?
16:49If there's a chance we can do it, then we should take it.
16:52We don't have enough time.
16:57Yeah, with Monokuma, I mean.
16:59I'm not dying.
17:00Like, he's got to get in our way soon.
17:04You're right, he's totally not dying.
17:06True, this is our best chance now that he's not making any obvious movements.
17:10So let's try the underground passage with these hammers.
17:13We'll get to the outside world.
17:15You're right.
17:16And we can escape.
17:17We'll find out the secret of the outside world for ourselves.
17:20I see.
17:21We do not know if that's a lie or the truth, though.
17:24Well, no, I mean, it is a secret.
17:27The secret of the outside world.
17:29The despair Gonta mentioned.
17:31He was like, whoa.
17:32He was like, plow.
17:34Was that a lie?
17:35Is it the truth?
17:37Is Kokichi bugs?
17:40We have to get out.
17:41He's bees.
17:43You're right, we have to try.
17:45All right.
17:46Yeah, that's all we've got.
17:49Well, the secret of the outside world might just be a lie anyway.
17:53Let's do it.
17:54Either way, we should at least try so we won't have any regrets.
17:56What should we do?
17:57What do you want to do, Maki?
18:02That punk.
18:03If that...
18:04I want to fucking rage.
18:08If that hammer's a trap, then I'll really kill that ass.
18:11Come on, man.
18:13You can't kill him.
18:14Just punch him.
18:15Yeah, just punch him.
18:16Punch him in the butt.
18:17I'll hold him.
18:19Yeah, I know.
18:20I'm just going to beat him.
18:23My butt!
18:24Just pummeling one specific spot on the outside of his ass cheek.
18:28Yeah, get him!
18:33He's getting bruised!
18:35I know.
18:36I'm just going to beat him to a bloody pulp.
18:37I see.
18:38I see if everyone else is going to do it.
18:40I understand.
18:41Let's make him beat the shit out of this guy.
18:42Then I'll prepare myself for the underground passage.
18:49Oh my god, man.
18:51Watching you cough into that sunbeam is so gross because I see all the dust particles disperse
18:56and mix with whatever spit particles come out.
19:01Detritus, as you call it.
19:05However, I'm still concerned that Monokuma has been so quiet.
19:09It's like, what's he planning?
19:11Does he want us to kill each other?
19:12I don't know.
19:13What's his play?
19:16He hasn't shown himself at all since the morning announcement.
19:18Where is he?
19:19What's he up to?
19:20What do you think he's thinking about?
19:22What's his play?
19:23Do you think he likes me?
19:25I suppose there's no point worrying about that.
19:27Not if I want to focus on moving forward.
19:30And I don't.
19:32There's that scene in The Shining where Wendy sees that guy in the dress like a bear blowing that other guy.
19:37Could we live that?
19:40It's the only thing I can do.
19:42Keep moving forward.
19:43I keep hoping that every door I pass, I see that.
19:47But no.
19:50She seems scared, but I feel like I would have a different reaction.
19:54Why is she acting like that?
19:55It's crazy.
19:56Wendy, relax.
19:58Alright, let's keep going.
19:59We're going to escape from that underground passage for sure this time.
20:03What's the big deal?
20:05I'll work in a new place.
20:06It's going to be a check and tell boy.
20:08It's so true.
20:09It's fun.
20:10I relate to it, honestly.
20:11I just want to play more.
20:13Kaito gave a triumphant shout and we all grabbed our electronic elephant hammers.
20:18Yes, let's go.
20:19It just looks like such a crazy word when you skim by it real fast.
20:22Yes, let's go.
20:23Electro elephant hammer.
20:25Election elephant hammer.
20:27I'll be cheering for you.
20:29That's not it.
20:30Himiko, you need to come too.
20:33I feel like I'm going to die soon.
20:39We left the gym in high spirits.
20:42And then we became spirits.
20:44I need to go too.
20:45I should head to the underground passage.
20:48I took the final electro hammer and left the gym, saying goodbye to Himiko for what was probably the final time seeing as she's far less consequential than most of the other remaining characters.
20:58Well, Tsumugi.
21:00Tsumugi too.
21:01I've never done shit.
21:0250-50 shot.
21:03Where was the...
21:05Where was the...
21:06Where was it?
21:08I guess I can just check the map.
21:15It's in the basement, probably.
21:19Right there.
21:21Is this the fewest amount of remaining people we've ever had in a Danganronpa game?
21:30Don't the other games sort of end with about five people surviving? Six people?
21:35I don't know.
21:36I feel like it.
21:38I feel like it's two.
21:40No, the first one definitely had five of them holding hands as they walked out.
21:45And the second one, they were all sleeping on a boat or something.
21:49Sleeping on a boat.
21:50The people who died didn't really die.
21:52Oh, yeah.
21:54That's right.
21:55No need to address that in this game.
21:56We'll just leave that way open ended.
21:58Way open ended.
21:59All right.
22:00Kiba, what's wrong?
22:01You're not going to head downstairs?
22:05Shuichi, I have a favor to ask of you.
22:08This hammer disables electronic machines, right?
22:11Could it be...
22:12Are you concerned that it will disable you too?
22:15Why would you think that?
22:16Well, of course!
22:18Of course I'm curious.
22:20The outcome will settle once and for all how Miu perceived me.
22:24She definitely perceived you as something worth putting stuff in.
22:28I don't think it's a good idea to test that.
22:31She perceived you as a hole.
22:33Remember the hydraulic press?
22:36No, I forgot.
22:37It was like half an hour ago.
22:39Besides, it's supposed to use a lot of energy.
22:43We shouldn't waste it.
22:44I see.
22:45A waste.
22:47I see.
22:48It would be a waste.
22:49Yes, we shouldn't be wasteful.
22:51I don't know anything about waste.
22:53I've never made it before.
22:56I never went outside to go make.
22:59Huh, so robots pout too.
23:04Do robots dream of electric pouting?
23:09The underground passage.
23:13Guys, what's a passage?
23:15It's like when you move your pawn two spaces ahead.
23:18Never mind.
23:21Pawn passage.
23:22Pawn passage.
23:24Alright, let's get started!
23:26What should we do?
23:27I'm dead!
23:28Are we really going to be okay?
23:29I'm dead.
23:31What are you afraid of?
23:32I'm dead.
23:33Of course it's going to be okay, right?
23:34Actually, you seem anxious too, Himiko.
23:37You seem really anxious.
23:38Are you going to throw up?
23:39Little baby, are you going to throw up?
23:43There's no need to worry.
23:44Of course it's going to be a little dangerous, but...
23:47Don't worry about it.
23:48We'll all die together.
23:49We've got all these ultimates here.
23:50If we all work together, everything will be alright.
23:52Don't press anything.
23:53He looks like he's super concentrating on his hands.
23:56Like, I know I put them together, but how do I get them apart now?
24:00This is like a Chinese finger trick for my whole hand.
24:04The knuckles are like snugly tucked together.
24:08We've got all these ultimates here.
24:10We've got a magician.
24:11We've got a cosplayer.
24:13Surely someone knows how to do this.
24:15Dude, this is going to be great.
24:16We've got an astronaut that's never been to space.
24:19Those words.
24:22Those damned words.
24:23We can finally fulfill Kaede's wish.
24:26Remember, Kaede?
24:29There she is.
24:31Oh my god.
24:32So let's all work together to escape this place together.
24:35Was that her voice?
24:36Yeah, she was just like this.
24:38Hey, let's all work hard to escape this place together.
24:40Man, could you imagine if she lived?
24:42You would have had to do that a long time.
24:43Well, Tsumugi's the same.
24:45Oh, that's good.
24:46But she's like...
24:48But that's all I have.
24:49I'm Kaede.
24:50And once I get out of here and make it to the outside world,
24:53why don't we all stay friends?
24:55Look at Gonta looming in the background.
24:56That's right.
24:57Little did we know he'd turn out to be so friendly and dead.
25:01Yes, we made a promise together.
25:02That's right.
25:03Our promise to work together to get out of here and become friends.
25:07I see.
25:08Now is the time to fulfill that promise.
25:11Kazumi Koshi's face down in a pool of water.
25:14Oh my god.
25:15We need to get a bigger door.
25:19I'll cheer for you guys.
25:22I told you.
25:23You need to.
25:24You need to do it, too.
25:28So much fucking dust.
25:29It's crazy.
25:30Are we in a vacuum in here?
25:31We should not be in this room.
25:33That's right.
25:34That's right.
25:35That's exactly right.
25:36To keep the promise I made to Kaede.
25:38I will never give up.
25:40I can't give up.
25:41Can't stop.
25:42Won't stop.
25:43Might stop.
25:44Well, let's go then.
25:45Let's go then.
25:47Let's fucking go.
25:48I've come this far.
25:49I have no choice but to believe.
25:51He's beginning to believe.
25:52That we can be flushed like turds with the hammers that Mew invented.
25:56I know we can do it.
25:57You think there's air you're breathing?
26:00I have to believe that.
26:02I kept repeating that to myself as I stepped into the tunnel.
26:05Into the death tunnel.
26:08Start escape.
26:09Here we go again.
26:10Oh, memories.
26:15It's me.
26:26Is there like a jump button?
26:27Oh, cool.
26:28Oh, these are bombs.
26:31You hit everything with a hammer.
26:40This is good.
26:41You're doing real good.
26:44So fucking...
26:45So slippery.
26:58There's three cages.
27:00I think maybe you need to sacrifice three people.
27:02I couldn't do it.
27:04What the fuck?
27:14Oh, man.
27:16Oh, gee whiz.
27:17It's just me.
27:18Yeah, he's alright.
27:19You're alright.
27:20You're alright.
27:21You're alright.
27:22Just keep on hammering.
27:25It's so floaty.
27:27Can I get another shot?
27:29We did it!
27:33Let's go again.
27:34One more time.
27:36Wow, this is part of it.
27:38You have no choice but to believe.
27:40Oh, man.
27:41Not good at video games.
27:44The whole reason we can do Danganronpa is because we're...
27:47It doesn't do shit like this.
27:59Come on.
28:00Come on.
28:01Come on.
28:12Fucker, fucker.
28:16Slow down.
28:20Oh, shit.
28:21Oh, maybe...
28:22No, no, no, no.
28:23Don't go over there.
28:24Stop it.
28:25Maybe they don't trap.
28:26They do.
28:27Oh, okay.
28:29Can you hit it out of the air as it's falling on you?
28:34Oh, nice.
28:35As long as it doesn't get you, you're good.
28:37Yeah, I guess that's...
28:38I was worried about dooming my friends.
28:40Oh, God.
28:41Oh, God.
28:42Oh, God.
28:43Nice, nice.
28:49I miss Mew.
28:50She did so good!
28:52Look at all this stuff she created.
28:56Yeah, dude.
28:57Yeah, dude!
29:06Does that ladder mean anything?
29:08I don't know.
29:09I would say just take your time.
29:15What was the fucking noise?
29:16I don't know.
29:23Oh, hell yeah.
29:28Oh, God.
29:30So fucking scary.
29:31Yeah, I know.
29:32This is really upsetting.
29:33I'm assuming I shouldn't hit that.
29:37Is there any way to, like, have gotten this far without the hammers?
29:40Probably not.
29:46Is everybody here?
29:51Yeah, everyone's...
29:52They're just taking a while.
29:55Oh, my God.
29:58Oh, God.
30:00It's swinging!
30:12She's got a fucking swang.
30:15She's got a swang.
30:16You gotta go Motown Philly on that shit.
30:18Doing a little East Coast swang.
30:22Did we do it?
30:25Good job, Arin.
30:26Yeah, we got fucking hammers for days, bro.
30:28Yeah, that was wonderful.
30:29You get it.
30:34That's you!
30:35That's you!
30:36That's you talking.
30:37I know, I was looking at you.
30:39It was so long.
30:40We thought there was no end.
30:43But there was an end indeed.
30:45One minute and 45 seconds later.
30:47And in the end, there was...
30:50It's a wall.
30:51There's nothing.
30:53Real fiction.
30:55Is this the exit?
30:58Seems like it.
30:59Look here.
31:03The opposite of here, really.
31:04Oh, it's a door on the other side of that door.
31:07Yeah, it's probably the outside world or another door.
31:10Just have to put money in the meter, I guess.
31:12According to that.
31:14Well, we did it.
31:16We can finally escape.
31:19Don't get your hopes up.
31:21Don't quit your day job.
31:22We need to know if this is actually the outside world.
31:25You're right.
31:26We don't know what the outside world looks like now.
31:28We simply don't.
31:30Yeah, it's fine.
31:32Monokuma was probably just lying to us.
31:34Lying like a silly...
31:36No, that's wrong.
31:38The skies over this academy are normal.
31:40So the meteorites are probably gone.
31:42Wait, the skies are these guys.
31:46These guys are...
31:47There's no meteorites anymore on these guys.
31:49Everything's fine out there.
31:51Anyway, let's open the door.
31:52We'll have plenty of time for talk afterward.
31:54When we're no longer friends.
31:56That looks similar to the electric barrier in front of the exosault hangar.
32:00Unless we disable that, we won't be able to open that door.
32:04Let's look around.
32:06Let's meander.
32:10Operational panel.
32:12Could it be...
32:14This is a control panel for the barrier.
32:16Could it be?
32:18If it's like the one in the exosault hangar,
32:20I should be able to disable the barrier with the passcode.
32:28Does anybody know it?
32:34We don't need that.
32:37If it's electronic, we just gotta destroy it with these freakin' hammers.
32:42It seems this lock is controlled electronically.
32:44So we can use the electro-hammer to open it.
32:48Let's destroy this control panel with the hammers and stuff
32:51and open the big dungeon and fuckin' get outta here
32:54and maybe kiss and then hang out!
32:57Then everything will be over.
32:58We can say goodbye to this academy and this killing game.
33:05When have I ever been mocking?
33:08Finally, this death game is going to end.
33:11Yes, at least we can return to our normal lives.
33:15At last.
33:16At the very least, we can live out the rest of our lives happily.
33:22Normal lives.
33:24Beyond this door is our normal, peaceful, boring lives.
33:27I wanna stay!
33:30We'll be able to go home to those normal lives.
33:33The secret of the outside world couldn't be that awful, right?
33:37Let's go!
33:38Let's go!
33:39It's finally time to graduate from this academy of lies!
33:42Where's your cap?
33:45But what if our normal lives mean...
33:47We actually live in New Hampshire?!
33:51I'm just playing New Hampshire.
33:52First state that came to my mind.
33:54That's where my mind turned on.
33:56Oh, yeah, that's right.
33:58With that, with that, with that...
34:01Kaido swung the electro-hammer and...
34:06Smashed it down onto the control panel.
34:11You broke the meter.
34:12That's a federal offense.
34:18Well, now we can't open it at all.
34:20What is it just...
34:24Lock disabled, baby.
34:27And the door's unlocked.
34:30Now we just gotta open up this gate.
34:32Let's all work together.
34:33There's no way we can bump our head and this is fall on the ground in the pool of blood.
34:37Yes, we can do it.
34:38Right, right?
34:39Baby, baby, we can get out and I can cosplay someday!
34:47We all ran to the door.
34:49And with our own hands, with our own strength...
34:55We opened that door.
34:56Our door to the future.
34:58A future of hope and despair?
35:07This is an echo from the first game.
35:10Except that one seemed happier.
35:12Oh man, it does suck out here.
35:23What is this?
35:24The book Wool?
35:31What is this?
35:33What's going on?
35:34What is this?
35:36Ugh, I can't breathe.
35:39Ugh, I can't breathe.
35:44I can't breathe.
35:46Were they on the moon?
35:48No, I think maybe the meteor's hit and now the atmosphere's poisoned.
35:54The door is now locked.
35:56The floor is lava.
35:58Barely conscious, we heard a sound in our heads.
36:03We heard a sound in our heads.
36:06What happened?
36:08We heard a sound in our heads.
36:10Oh man.
36:37I shook my head, dizzy.
36:39The ground spun under me, but I managed to get to my feet.
36:43And at the same time...
36:50What was that just now?
36:52What was that, you guys?
36:55What is going on on the other side of the door was...
36:59Where even are we?
37:01What the heck is even happening?
37:03What the frick?
37:05What in the world is frickin' heckin' going on, you guys?
37:09I feel like a little doggo right now.
37:12Good morning, everyone.
37:14How are you guys feeling?
37:18Of course you guys are, because you now know the truth of the outside world.
37:22Huh? The truth of the outside world?
37:24You saw it, right?
37:25The outside world you guys so desperately longed for doesn't exist.
37:28What are you talking about?
37:29What do you mean it doesn't exist?
37:32Do you want to know?
37:33Then I'll tell you.
37:34The world doesn't exist.
37:38I'm getting kind of bored with all the lying, so everything I say now will be the truth, okay?
37:42Everything began when that despair came falling from the sky.
37:47Wait, the sky or this guy?
37:49There was no way to avoid the numerous amount of meteorites raining down on Earth.
37:53The leaders of every nation realized that we could not escape the end of the world.
38:00Please, wait!
38:01Hold on, the end of the world?
38:03What are you talking about?
38:05Jeez, you better not interrupt me again or I'm not going to tell you anything, got it?
38:11Keebo, we should listen to what he has to say.
38:13He's been reliable this whole time.
38:15He's going to have to help us repopulate the Earth.
38:21Continuing on where we left off...
38:25The leaders of every nation wanted to prevent the extinction of the human race,
38:29so they decided to implement a plan.
38:34The Gopher Project.
38:36A plan to place talented humans in a spaceship in order to help them escape the world's end,
38:43so that they may find another planet where they can preserve humankind.
38:47The Gopher Project wasn't implemented to save the human race,
38:51but rather to salvage the human race.
38:55Which is to say...
38:57Yeah, it's the same thing.
38:58Sixteen young and talented high schoolers were chosen for the Gopher Project.
39:02Where are they?
39:04These Adams and Eves of the New World were known as the Ultimate Students.
39:10The Ultimate Cosplayer?
39:12Yeah, one that was good at tennis, a serial killer, and a cult leader.
39:18But the sixteen students refused to partake in this plan.
39:22Well, it's obvious why they wouldn't.
39:25Surviving alone? Family and friends left behind to die?
39:30That's just hell right there.
39:32So then, the sixteen students decided to flee from the project.
39:37They erased their memories to forget their ultimate talents.
39:41To become normal students.
39:43So that they couldn't teach their children anything useful.
39:48Also, do you find it strange that, well,
39:52one of the sixteen students chosen to save the human race isn't human?
39:59Seems weird.
40:00But it was around that time a certain cult organization rose in power.
40:06Those who believed in the End of Days were convinced humans deserved the meteorite's wrath.
40:13Especially that guy in the pink hood.
40:15He was like, hell yeah, let's play some baseball.
40:18When they discovered the Gopher Project, they plotted to sabotage the plan.
40:24That's when the ultimate hunt began.
40:27The ultimate hunt affected all society.
40:30Those influenced by it searched for the sixteen students.
40:34As a countermeasure, the organization responsible for the Gopher Project
40:41spread misinformation claiming that all sixteen students had died.
40:48That was our memory of the funeral.
40:51We were all there.
40:53With this, they were able to quell the ultimate hunt.
40:56Shelter the sixteen students, and carry out the Gopher Project.
41:03The Ark's launch succeeded.
41:06That's not the Starship Enterprise.
41:09The sixteen ultimate students were sent off into space.
41:12The final frontier.
41:18How exciting!
41:21And that Ark is the true identity of this academy.
41:24What an Ark.
41:30The ultimate academy for gifted juveniles is actually a gigantic spaceship colony.
41:38Does this have nothing to do with the other two Danganronpas?
41:41I don't know, man.
41:42Is this like a Twilight Zone anthology thing where each one is just a totally different...
41:47Well, the second one was connected to the first one.
41:49Was it?
41:50Yeah, right?
41:51Not really.
41:52Well, Byakuya was in it.
41:53Oh yeah, Byakuya.
41:54The fucking guy from the original game was in it.
41:55Oh yeah.
41:56He was like one of the masterminds behind the simulation.
41:58Oh yes, that's right.
41:59He did come in at the end.
42:01I just...
42:02Yeah, I don't...
42:03I don't understand.
42:04This whole academy is one giant spaceship colony?
42:08What are you saying?
42:10You really think I'll fucking believe that?
42:15Whoa, hold on now.
42:17You're talking crazy talk.
42:19The story isn't done yet.
42:22Don't you think it's strange?
42:24Why do you think that the last killing game happened on the Ark, humanity's last hope?
42:28Which means...
42:29Actually, the organization behind the Gopher Project made one terrible oversight.
42:33Well, that's...
42:34They started a killing game.
42:36A horrible person hiding among the 16 chosen to be the last survivors of the human race.
42:42How exciting!
42:43And me!
42:44It was the leader of the cult organization trying to caress the Gopher Project.
42:47They hid among the last survivors of the human race and prepared a robot on this ship.
42:51That's the voice that's in his head.
42:53Yep, that robot is Monokuma.
42:55Never mind.
42:56I thought it was Keebo.
42:58Originally, the 16 chosen students were placed into a state of cold sleep and were only supposed to wake up once the ship found a suitable planet.
43:06But Monokuma manipulated the Ark and brought it back to the ruined Earth.
43:11Although the 16 were supposed to wake up on a different planet, they rose from their sleep.
43:15You know?
43:16And they are now here.
43:18Hold up.
43:19If we return to Earth, that means...
43:22It's like super hot out there.
43:24What you guys just saw, that's Earth now.
43:27What did you say?
43:29That's Earth after a few hundred years.
43:32Sorry, what you guys saw?
43:35An Earth destroyed by meteorites.
43:38Without oxygen or living creatures.
43:41An Earth without any cities.
43:43Or any people you knew.
43:46That is the truth of the outside world.
43:51Kaito, that's kinda cool.
43:55There's no place for you bastards to go home to.
43:58That's why it's pointless to go outside.
44:01You are literally all bastards, I guess.
44:04Well, no, not really. Never mind.
44:06The outside world doesn't exist anymore.
44:09Doesn't exist.
44:12The Earth and humans have died out ages ago.
44:14Except for the last 16 survivors of humanity.
44:17Man, what a drag.
44:19Well, last 7 survivors of humanity.
44:22That's a lie. It's definitely a lie.
44:25I already told you I wouldn't lie anymore.
44:28And you can believe me on that one.
44:33I'm tired of lying, you know?
44:35Anyway, I gotta confess.
44:37You know that cult leader I mentioned earlier?
44:38That leader is me.
44:41Which means...
44:43The mastermind who snuck Monokuma into the Ark is...
44:46A me.
44:48Oh, dude.
44:50Kokichi, you're the mastermind?
44:52Wouldn't that have been very inconvenient if somebody killed you?
44:55You seemed like such a cool dude.
44:58I didn't want to just crush the gopher project.
45:00I wanted to ruin it in the worst way possible.
45:03So I came up with a plan.
45:05Man, this fucking car.
45:07I got some diagrams.
45:09What could possibly be worse than the last 16...
45:11What could possibly be worse than the last 16 survivors of humanity killing each other?
45:16Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
45:19It's all gotta be a lie.
45:22Oh, you want me to lie now?
45:23But you guys wanted...
45:26But you guys always told me not to do that.
45:31I'll show you the irrefutable evidence that I am the mastermind!
45:39Kokichi took out what looked like a remote control out of his pocket and fiddled with it.
45:44And a minute later, he died.
45:47This is crazy.
45:49Oh, shit.
45:51What are those?
46:01Also, I'm Junko.
46:03He's the new Junko, I guess.
46:07All Exisals move on my command.
46:11On my command.
46:14So you really are the mastermind, huh?
46:16Don't tell me.
46:17You were always suspicious from the start.
46:19But for you to be the mastermind...
46:21That's just freaking epic.
46:24I'm attracted to men with power.
46:27You look like you don't believe me, Shuichi.
46:30Let me convince you a little bit.
46:33I'm so disappointed in you.
46:35I even gave you such a huge hint and you still didn't get it.
46:38What was the hint?
46:40How boring.
46:41I was waiting with so much anticipation to see when you guys would figure it out.
46:46When I wrote Horse A, I thought you'd get it.
46:50How'd that even slip by?
46:52Hint? You left that message for us?
46:55But I guess that precious hint went to waste.
46:58All because you bastards trusted each other.
47:01Like a bunch of cucks.
47:04I told you. You guys should've doubted each other more.
47:09Well, next time on Game Grumps.
47:10Oh, man.
47:14Well, now we're fucking getting somewhere.
47:16We're there, we're there.
47:17Wow, that was so many revelations in a row.
47:19Yeah, I guess you guys can't even do a thing with a...
