• 19 hours ago
The boys are gonna get me - no they're not.

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#Satan #blasting #banging
00:00Hello, you're watching Game Grumps, but you can find us at The Grumps app.
00:06That's right, Arin. What specifically, though?
00:10Dot com slash at The Grumps.
00:14He owns the company.
00:21Hey, I'm Grump! I'm not so Grump! And we're the Game Grumps!
00:27Well, it's Satan.
00:30That's me.
00:30Hello, Arin!
00:32This is Satan. Uh, I'm told this is a-
00:35Oh my god.
00:37I'm told this is a- an old school throwback to the Doom and Wolfenstein days.
00:44Unless it's authentically from that time.
00:46No, no, no, no.
00:47No, this is- this is new, yeah?
00:48No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, this is new.
00:51Okay, my god, this is so fast.
00:54Oh! Oh!
00:56What am I to do? What am I to do?
00:57These boys, they're gonna get me.
00:58Do you punchies? Do you punchies?
00:59These boys are gonna get me. I don't have any weapons.
01:02The boys are gonna get me.
01:04Maybe I need to open it-
01:05Oh, fuck.
01:09Uh, did I- do I have a gun now?
01:11Oh, I got him.
01:12Ha ha ha!
01:14Yeah, fuck you, dude!
01:15Alright, we're bangin'.
01:17We're bangin' on cylinders here.
01:20Is there a way to-
01:22Is this game supposed to be this quick?
01:24Yeah, it seems very fast.
01:27I'm sure you could slow it down in the options.
01:29I don't know, man. I feel like it's designed to be this quick.
01:32Well, I mean, it could go this fast with those old games.
01:36That's true. If you had a good enough DOS.
01:39If you had a good enough PC.
01:41Yeah, but even then you could slow it down if you needed to, so.
01:45Did you ever play Hexen?
01:47Sounds familiar.
01:48Did you ever play Heretic?
01:50Also sounds familiar.
01:52They were like Doom-likes, but they were a little more like Satanic, you know?
01:58I feel like this is what this is channeling.
02:00I remember Doom, Wolfenstein, Unreal, and Quake.
02:05Those were the four big ones as far as I can remember.
02:08Holy shit, bro.
02:10But this is more-
02:11Sir, hang in there. I'll be right back.
02:14Oh, damn.
02:15Just relax!
02:17I love how the flat textures, you know?
02:21They just lay on the ground.
02:22That's my favorite part of these kinds of games.
02:24It's always facing you, which is a little comforting in a way.
02:27Yeah. Oops. Oops, oops.
02:29No matter how you turn away.
02:31What am I looking at there?
02:36I mean, it's not good, whatever it is.
02:38I think it's like a-
02:40A tray of heads?
02:42What's the word? A chalice?
02:44Like a giant chalice?
02:46And then there's heads, skulls.
02:48And then there's blood dripping from the edges of the chalice.
02:50I see.
02:51You know what I'm saying?
02:52Oh, Satan.
02:54When will you learn?
02:56I don't think he's ever gonna-
02:57I think Satan has more got it together than any of us.
03:01Well, that's very insulting.
03:06What do you mean? He's been around forever.
03:08Of course he's got it together.
03:12He's a dude!
03:13He's a dude.
03:14You think Satan doesn't have it together?
03:16Probably not.
03:17He's a fallen angel.
03:20You don't see the other angels falling.
03:23That's a matter of interpretation, I think.
03:27Well, it's like, who's in charge?
03:31Who fucking put him in charge?
03:33That's the whole thing about being God.
03:36Well, you know, it's like if Satan has the ability to be like,
03:40Yo, I don't think this shit is good.
03:44Then what the fuck, man?
03:46Maybe God isn't all fucking powerful, knowing whatever.
03:50Man, you sure showed me.
03:53You sold me.
03:55That's all I'm saying.
03:57If he was like a badass, wouldn't everybody be like,
03:59Yeah, you are a badass.
04:01Maybe God isn't all that powerful or whatever.
04:04I'm thinking about God.
04:07But yes, that's what I'm saying.
04:09Yeah, I know what you mean.
04:10If he fucking ruled, then everyone would be like,
04:12Hell yeah.
04:13But like, you know, clearly somebody was like,
04:15Hey, he doesn't rule.
04:16I think he kind of sucks.
04:18What's going on here?
04:20Hang in there, dude.
04:22Help is on the way.
04:25We got a comment.
04:27Did someone shoot musical notes at you?
04:29I don't know.
04:30Am I a lady?
04:32I think you're a lady.
04:34This made this game a thousand times cooler to me.
04:37I'm a lady and I'm running around and I've got a thing in my hand.
04:42Crunchings and munchings too.
04:45You've got some canisters you can blow up.
04:50Oh, like explosive kind of environmental things?
04:56Where are they?
04:58Oh, there's one.
05:00I see.
05:01Dude, what the fuck?
05:02I know.
05:03Man, I'm getting reamed.
05:05This is not okay.
05:09Oh, oh dear.
05:10Already down to seven.
05:12Dude, I'm going to lose.
05:16Oh, eating plants.
05:18That's what I do to survive.
05:20Am I out of the ammo?
05:23No, no, no, no.
05:24No, no, no, no.
05:25This is so difficult.
05:26Yeah, this is wild.
05:27This really is authentic to the experience of what it was like playing these games back
05:31in the day.
05:33Just frantic and pandemonious.
05:40Yeah, I guess so.
05:42What would be the adjective to pandemonium, or the verb to pandemonium?
05:53Like a sanctimonious?
05:55That would be an adjective.
05:57That's what I said.
05:58Oh, I thought you said a verb.
06:01Yeah, pandemonious.
06:04Did I say verb?
06:05I don't think I said verb.
06:06Either way, we got to the bottom of it.
06:08We got to the bottom of it.
06:09Damn, dude!
06:10What the fuck?
06:11Dude, I can't handle this.
06:14I'm supposed to be some kind of, like, hardcore gamer, but as it turns out, I'm not.
06:23I'm stupid and dumb.
06:26I'm stupid and dumb.
06:28Everybody knows it.
06:29Stupid and dumb.
06:31With the double bass drum.
06:33Stupid and dumb.
06:37I mean, honestly.
06:39Nobody likes me.
06:41I'm a dork.
06:43I feel like people would really speak to that kind of music.
06:47Man, dork just does not have the same power it once did.
06:52I don't know.
06:53I feel like insults go through, um...
06:56Yeah, like, if somebody called you a really old-fashioned insult, like a troglodyte,
07:03or like a...
07:04Like a...
07:05Like a...
07:06Like, go soak your fat head.
07:08I'd be like, whoa.
07:11I mean, it's all, you know, it's all in good fun when you're, like, jesting.
07:16And it's like, oh, you're just being cute.
07:18But if you just, like, saw somebody, right?
07:20If you were, like, a Best Buy, and then you, like, cut somebody off, you know?
07:25In, like, the queue or something.
07:28And then you were just like, oh, I'm sorry.
07:31And they were like, hey, go soak your fat head.
07:34You'd be like, oh my god.
07:35Yeah, it would cut pretty deep.
07:37I can't lie.
07:38I'm sorry.
07:39Bro, you have six-six life.
07:41Oh, never mind.
07:43Yeah, these things take a lot of health.
07:45I was just gonna say, if you have one more six there, you'd work for the beast, bro.
07:48To work as beasts, bro.
07:51I don't know if I can do this.
07:52You're getting savaged.
07:56These men...
07:58They're taking me to town.
08:01Yeah, you're getting took.
08:03Under normal circumstances, I would be fine with getting this reamed.
08:08But under the circumstances of this game...
08:10I'm gonna have to make a one-time exception.
08:14When my butthole and pleasure are not a part of the equation...
08:22That just goes for anything.
08:25Like, go into the supermarket...
08:27When my butthole and pleasure...
08:29Are not part of the whole situation...
08:33Why am I even going shopping?
08:35Honestly, it's true.
08:37What's in it for me?
08:40Oh, man.
08:41Is he playing electric guitar like the Doof Warrior?
08:46You are so hot on that you know that it's the Doof Warrior.
08:49I mean, what else do you call him?
08:51You're, like, huge on that.
08:53It's one of those pieces of information where you learned it...
08:57And you're so happy that you know it that you just have to use that knowledge everywhere now.
09:00Well, I mean, he was my fav-
09:02I mean, Satanic Guy's playing an electric guitar, Arin.
09:05It's not like I pulled this out of nowhere.
09:08Yeah, yeah.
09:10But you've mentioned him a lot recently.
09:12He was my favorite character from that movie.
09:14That's fine.
09:15I'm not judging you.
09:16I was happy to find out that he had a goofy name.
09:20The Doof Warrior.
09:22I know.
09:23It's fun.
09:24It's fun.
09:25I don't know what these little boxes are.
09:27Oh, there's guys with guns?
09:29Yeah, dude.
09:30They've been shooting you for a long time.
09:32That was really the main problem.
09:34What are these other guys, though?
09:36They have, like, knives.
09:37Yeah, there's stabbies.
09:38There's just a million guys in this room.
09:41Yeah, I guess so.
09:43Oh my god.
09:44I'm getting fucking...
09:46I have other gu-
09:47I can change between the guns?
09:50Are you-
09:51Hold on.
09:52I'm exploring my gun options.
09:54Are you going punchies?
09:55Am I supposed to, like, be seeing the guns that I have?
10:00I feel like I am.
10:02Oh, well.
10:04Because, you know, in Doom, usually, like, the guns are on the screen.
10:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:07And you can kind of see it, right?
10:09Well, Doom was the gold standard.
10:11Yeah, Doom was the best.
10:13Can't beat Doom.
10:16Although, I will say, I...
10:18I played Quake...
10:21Just fuck-
10:22Absolutely wasted in my college dorm room.
10:25With a bunch of friends.
10:26It was a LAN party.
10:27Oh, dude.
10:30It was really fun.
10:31You can't fucking beat a LAN party, dude.
10:34Well, I like-
10:35I like gaming with a bunch of people, but, like, they-
10:37For me, they need to be in the same place.
10:39Yes, yes, yes.
10:40A hundred percent.
10:41I mean, playing online is fun and everything.
10:43It's its own experience, but...
10:45Dude, a LAN party?
10:46There is nothing that beats a LAN party.
10:49Just, like...
10:50Bringing all your computers and...
10:52Screaming at each other.
10:53Yeah, killing someone, and then from, like, the other side of the room, you hear, like,
10:56What the fuck?!
11:00Yeah, absolutely.
11:01Yeah, super fun.
11:02I say try to kill that guitarist early on.
11:04Well, I get surrounded.
11:05That's the problem.
11:06Because I have to get up here, and that puts me in a position where I'm very surrounded.
11:10And I-
11:11Dude, I'm fucked, man.
11:12This is so hard.
11:14I can't handle this kind of pressure.
11:16If I had, like, a grenade or something, that'd be great.
11:18Maybe I can get behind him.
11:19Nope, he's right there.
11:21Are you trying to...
11:23Like, sort of...
11:24Give me a hint?
11:26Like, if I had a grenade or something.
11:28Like, maybe...
11:29Maybe if you handed me that grenade that you got in your pants right there.
11:34Aaron, just because I said these pants are set to explode...
11:38Doesn't mean I'm carrying weaponry with me.
11:42Well, maybe you should be a little clearer with the words that you pick, bro.
11:44You're right.
11:46You're right!
11:47You really...
11:49You really convinced me that, uh...
11:51One day this was gonna-
11:52I got him!
11:54Nope, he came back up.
11:56Maybe that was a different guy.
11:57I think that's a different guy.
12:00Might have been a different guy.
12:02Feel a little shitty about that.
12:06If I kill this guy, is he just gonna...
12:10Oh, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead!
12:11Nice, nice, nice.
12:13I'm about to die.
12:16Alright, now I just gotta clear the room.
12:19Oh, there's too many men with guns!
12:21There's too many men with guns!
12:22Keep running.
12:25Jeez, Satan.
12:26I know!
12:27Chill out!
12:28This is cray-cray!
12:29Oh, man.
12:32I can't leave through the door.
12:35I can't leave through the door.
12:41Alright, alright, alright, alright.
12:42This time, I got it.
12:43I know what to do.
12:44This is the one.
12:45I focus, I focus, I focus my power.
12:47I focus, I focus, I focus my power.
12:52And if I do it enough in a rhythmic fashion...
13:01I'm sweating, dude, I'm sweating.
13:02I can see.
13:03This is too hard.
13:04Well, it's a hot room.
13:06That they're in.
13:10He's dead.
13:12Now I just gotta not die myself.
13:15I gotta juke, I gotta juke, I gotta juke.
13:18Son of a bitch!
13:21This is hard!
13:27Oh my god, I'm getting shot at left and right.
13:32From the left and from the right.
13:34Okay, you've got a hundo.
13:41Did I get him?
13:42I heard a...
13:43That was a different guy.
13:45Might have been a different guy.
13:46I can't let these dudes with guns get...
13:48Just have their way.
13:49I'm trapped.
13:50I'm bodyblocked.
13:51Bro, I'm bodyblocked.
13:52You're alright, you're alright, you're alive.
13:54You're dead.
13:55Bro, they fucking bodyblocked me!
13:56Did you see that?
14:01Here we go!
14:03You gotta lay into him as soon as possible.
14:05That's my Raptor Pro tip.
14:08One health.
14:11Well, that's the threshold.
14:13Even if I just stand...
14:15Let him come to me.
14:16So they're shooting at you from the balcony, bro.
14:18I know!
14:19Alright, he jumped down.
14:20You think I don't fucking know that?
14:24Oh, Christmas.
14:26I'm sure these guys would hate that, huh?
14:30Am I right?
14:34There you go!
14:35Gotta run, gotta run, gotta run, gotta run, gotta run, run, run, run, run.
14:39Stay out of my way, bro.
14:43Reload, reload.
14:45Get more ammo.
14:47Oh, get out of there!
14:48Oh, you're alright, you're alright, you're alright.
14:50Find a plant.
14:51I'm finding plants, I'm finding plants.
14:54I picked up an apple.
14:55The apple helped.
14:57Did you see that?
15:00Here we go!
15:04Just gotta clear out the men.
15:06Separate the boys from the men, you know?
15:10Oh, man.
15:11Should I change weapons?
15:12I feel like maybe this weapon isn't good enough.
15:15I don't know.
15:16Pick up all the ammo that I can.
15:19Then run down the center.
15:20I lured them away from the center.
15:21Okay, well, I died.
15:22And that's just a part of it sometimes.
15:31Here we go, baby.
15:32I feel like I might be doing something wrong.
15:34Or maybe I'm just bad.
15:36Both possibilities.
15:39I play Doom Eternal.
15:40I'm a real gamer.
15:44Oh my god, there's so many people shooting at you.
15:46I know, dude!
15:50My nerves!
15:52They're rotten!
15:54To the core!
15:55You know what I mean?
15:58The thing that's so funny is that, like,
16:01I can survive just fine.
16:03And then when I kill the guy, it's over.
16:05It's over for me, you know?
16:06That's my favorite song.
16:14There's a literal heart on the ground.
16:17That's health.
16:18That's health.
16:22Just let him come to me.
16:29I think I got him, dude.
16:33Is he gonna be okay?
16:36Does that hurt the Satanist?
16:40Dude, I did it.
16:41Oh, yeah!
16:42That was the move.
16:43That's it.
16:44They don't even know I'm here.
16:46Get some ammo.
16:48Get some greens.
16:50You need more ammo.
16:52I'll find ammo, don't worry.
16:54There's some.
16:56And there I go.
16:57Okay, okay.
16:59Had to reload for a second.
17:04And now this guy's up here.
17:06Take him out.
17:07Take these fuckers out.
17:09They're doing pretty well against me.
17:10That's fine.
17:11That's alright.
17:12It's Satan.
17:13Can I go past him?
17:14I can!
17:15Oh, nice.
17:16He was blocking my forward motion.
17:18Maybe that was just, like, one of those, like, survive, get through it levels.
17:21Yeah, I think so.
17:23Use F for flashlight.
17:24Oh, hello.
17:25Good day.
17:29Hello there.
17:30I'm hiding down here.
17:32Here's my armor.
17:33You'll need it more than I will.
17:35They aren't my only surviving brothers.
17:36They will surely help you.
17:39They will boost your weapons, health, and armor.
17:41God bless you, my child.
17:45Pretty cozy down here.
17:47You gonna be, uh...
17:48You gonna be okay, or...
17:50You don't need it?
17:53Send you a letter, or...
17:54What's the address here?
17:56Forwarding address?
18:00123 Satan Avenue.
18:02Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
18:04Whoa, whoa, whoa.
18:07That thing was way too cute.
18:08Can't you just throw rats at me?
18:11That would be fucking...
18:12That would be a shame.
18:14Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
18:15Oh, there's one right behind me!
18:18Okay, seems like overkill in retrospect, but...
18:22It's getting creepy in here, dude.
18:23Hey, three point...
18:24Oh, skulls.
18:32Skull spiders.
18:34Now that's cute.
18:35Oh, how adorable.
18:37Oh, they kind of, like, come at you.
18:38They're like...
18:39Not that cute.
18:40As it turns out.
18:45That big dead body was, uh...
18:49Oh, yeah.
18:51Yeah, I kind of, like, caught right in front of me.
18:58This is gross.
18:59What am I, watching a Nine Inch Nails video circa 1994's The Downward Spiral?
19:06My whole existence is odd.
19:13Shows how much I know about 1990-whatever's Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral album.
19:18You get me closer to Rod.
19:21Rod Stewart.
19:23You know, I have different musical tastes.
19:25There he is right now.
19:26I feel like my body and you think I'm sexy.
19:30Well, the answer is I do think you're sexy.
19:32Well, great.
19:34So do I.
19:35And I'll tell you so.
19:38I'll let you know.
19:40We sound like two roosters.
19:42Bawk, bawk, ba-ga!
19:45Crocodoodle D.
19:47How long is this game?
19:48I don't know, dude.
19:49I'm trying to find this fucking green key.
19:51What do you think I care about how long it is?
19:53I just want to find the green key.
19:54I just want to find the green key.
19:56Why just be-
19:59Oh, this dude can't climb stairs.
20:02Where'd he go?
20:03Right down there! He's climbing stairs!
20:06This dude can't climb stairs. Where is he?
20:08Currently climbing stairs.
20:10Right at me. Right towards me.
20:12Looking for flesh with his mouth.
20:15Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
20:16Oh, oh, oh, I'm so sorry.
20:17Did I interrupt?
20:18Oh my god.
20:19What was the purpose of that little clock that you got?
20:22That's ammo.
20:24Are you kidding me?
20:25Well then, never mind.
20:27Bro, you didn't notice I've been picking those up this entire game?
20:30I thought that was ammo that you just picked up.
20:32That box.
20:33That's a different kind of ammo.
20:34That's this gun.
20:36This is, this is the ammo for like the machine gun.
20:38I stand corrected.
20:41Wow, dude.
20:43I'm sorry, in the last level everything was red.
20:44It all looked the same to me.
20:45Guess you're not a gamer.
20:47I never, ever claim to be.
20:49Ever claim to be.
20:52I do not take pride in being called or accused of being a gamer.
20:58You accuse me of being a gamer?
21:02That is really how it feels sometimes.
21:03Yeah, question mark, exclamation point, question mark.
21:07I think I might die.
21:09Like, right now.
21:10Are there hostages that you can release?
21:12What do you mean?
21:15I thought I saw in that room with the big boss, there were hostages.
21:19Was that an, they're not?
21:20Oh, I was.
21:21Wait, yeah.
21:22I only saw the torches very quickly.
21:27I'm embarrassed.
21:28I looked away for a second.
21:30Then when I looked back, bam, torches flying off the screen.
21:33I understand.
21:35Oh, the little mousey got you.
21:37He got me.
21:38Yum, yum.
21:42Mother, father, come, we eat for days.
21:45Oh, I gotta talk to this fucking guy again?
21:47Alright, that's fine.
21:49I mean, he does give you a shotgun.
21:52And I appreciate that.
21:53He does give me a shotgun, he gives me armor.
21:55This is a very holy place.
21:57Yeah, because I'm going to put a bunch of holes in it.
21:59Oh, nice, Arin.
22:02Bro, are you bringing it right now?
22:04I think you're fucking bringing it.
22:05Thanks, man.
22:09It's been a rough couple weeks, you know, doing my best.
22:12Has it been?
22:13Yeah, of course.
22:14Are you alright?
22:15No, not really.
22:16Cool, we'll talk about it off screen.
22:19I love you.
22:20Oh, well, thanks.
22:25Means a lot to hear.
22:27So what's been going on with you?
22:31I don't know, this weird guy told me he loved me.
22:34Made me uncomfortable.
22:38What was it that I was watching?
22:40Oh, it was Mad TV.
22:42This is a sketch with, um...
22:45It was like a Hamburger Helper commercial.
22:47And it was like the Hamburger Helper glove comes out of nowhere, you know?
22:51He's like a little CG glove.
22:53And he's like,
22:56It's the fourth time he called me this week.
22:58It's just macaroni and hamburger.
23:00I don't know what the big deal is.
23:01He's like, it's just...
23:02I don't know, it's just so...
23:04So lonely around here, you know?
23:06It's nice to have somebody that helps.
23:09If you want to stick around for a little bit.
23:11He's like, alright.
23:15And then it's, you know, smash cut to them in bed.
23:18Oh my god.
23:19Smoking a cigarette.
23:20That's awesome.
23:22And then she's like,
23:24Wow, it's really nice having a man around, you know?
23:27I feel like I...
23:28I feel like I love you.
23:30And he's like, that's...
23:42Oh my god, that's so insane.
23:45Fucking killed me.
23:46What era is that from?
23:48I don't know.
23:49It was part of like a...
23:51Just like a random compilation of good MadTV sketches.
23:56Oh, not SNL.
23:57No, no, no.
23:59I was going to say,
24:00That's pushing it a little for SNL.
24:02Oh, yeah.
24:05We've been binge-watching a little bit of MadTV.
24:07All that is to say,
24:08I also love you, my friend.
24:12That whole bit spawned from the fact that I did not respond.
24:14Right, of course.
24:15No problem.
24:17I might have to watch that.
24:19Oh, yeah.
24:20It's very good.
24:21I do friggin' love...
24:23MadTV was weird.
24:25Yeah, and it was one of those things where like,
24:27Only a couple people in your school would watch it.
24:29So you'd get to commiserate with them on Mondays.
24:34Dude, did you see that?
24:35Oh, yeah.
24:36It was nuts.
24:37I think it spawned from just like watching a bunch of their...
24:40The Spishak stuff.
24:42That's the funniest stuff.
24:43That's like their Acme.
24:45Like their fake company.
24:46Oh, yeah, yeah.
24:47They have the commercials.
24:49It's as easy as one, two, two.
24:55Spishak presents...
24:56Pillsbury Doughboy, MadTV.
24:57Wow, there's a lot of...
24:58No, no, it's Hamburger Helper.
24:59Hamburger Helper.
25:01There's a lot of other Pillsbury Doughboy stuff.
25:06Oh, my God.
25:07It's like turning it on right now.
25:09What's that?
25:11The sketch?
25:12Oh, yeah.
25:13We're gonna watch it while we're doing the show.
25:15I just want to see what it looks like.
25:20Oh, it's like really well done.
25:22It's like full CGI...
25:25Imposed character.
25:29Oh, yes.
25:30That's right.
25:34I remember that actor.
25:36I think it was Stephanie Weir.
25:38Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:39Oh, boy.
25:40Hello, hello, hello.
25:41Uh-oh, are you out?
25:43I'm almost out.
25:44Dude, are you cool?
25:45No, actually.
25:47It's getting pretty dire.
25:49Ooh, yeah, blue key.
25:51Usually when I get the key, things get a little heated.
25:54Dude, did you draw something?
25:59He's all right.
26:01Walk it off, big guy.
26:02Curled up.
26:04Oh, hello.
26:06Hello, hello, hello.
26:09Nice, nice.
26:10Oh, holy water.
26:16I think you want to save those for big mamma jamma.
26:19This is all I got, dude.
26:20Oh, dear.
26:21I have five shots with the other gun.
26:23Nice making them count.
26:25Is that going to be toxic?
26:28To your body?
26:36Holy water, holy water, holy water.
26:37Now's the time.
26:38Now's the time.
26:47That's a big one.
26:49Oh, yeah.
26:50Oh, yeah.
26:51You noticed.
26:53He's big.
26:54I'm out of everything, dude.
26:55Oh, dear.
26:57And I need the red key.
26:58Oh, dear.
26:59Next time on Game Grumps.
27:00Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
27:02I need ammo.
27:03I need ammo.
27:04I need help.
27:07Shit is he dead? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Oh, oh, I'm stuck down here. You're not stuck in here with me. I'm stuck in here with you!
27:15Yeah, no shit. Oh
27:17Man, oh a little better aim on that. You gotta punch him. You gotta punch him. I don't have punch. You don't punch
27:22No, I don't have punch. I never had punch!
27:38Don't know what to do. I don't know. I think you just got to die homie unless you unless you can punch
27:42I can't punch figure out how to punch
27:48It's all I got three weapons is all I got
27:51Well, that's bad, that's real bad. It's got to be ammo lying around somewhere. Why would there be these corridors?
27:57Why would there be these little lanes?
27:59For me to walk down. Maybe they think you're not gonna be stupid enough to jump down here without enough ammo
28:14God man this fucking skull sucks. It's got to be ammo around here somewhere. It's not it's got to be
28:21There has to be
28:24Just humping every wall, I'm humping every wall, I'm humping every wall. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Oh doors locked doors locked
28:31Humping every wall. This is this is a drag man. Well, I might as well just
28:37Meet my fate. Here it comes
28:40Any second now
28:46Wow, maybe he doesn't come down the corridors. It's pretty uh, it's pretty exciting
28:54Where'd he go? Oh
29:00All right, good job Arin. Well next time on Game Grumps. Oh, man. Oh Satan
29:08You're fun. Boy, this game is pretty authentic. Oh, yeah hard difficult to see. Yep
29:17Infuriating yeah and fun and fun. Yep. See you later everyone. Bye. Bye