00:00I don't have a pussy for real, so how do I have a crush on him?
00:26Well, you ain't got a pussy, so you don't gotta worry about that.
00:28I got a pussy, so what about that?
00:29Please stop talking to me.
00:31Pop off.
00:32Stop talking to me.
00:32Pop off.
00:33You think Dick Carell is here for you?
00:35I don't know who she here for yet,
00:37because I ain't really the only one I heard she really been flirting with.
00:40You feel what I'm saying?
00:41This is Cassie.
00:42This is Erica's best friend.
00:44Hi, Cassie.
00:46She looks fucking good, like, oh.
00:48This is called the Gang Bang Kissing Challenge.
00:59Two are actually going to be going home tonight.
01:06Pussy lips, come on down.
01:07I just feel like you might be a little too comfortable.
01:11I'm going to have to eliminate you tonight.
01:13Unfortunately, rat-a-tat, this chain isn't for you.
01:17I'm ready to fall in love, and you motherfuckers better be too.
01:22Sleep tight.
01:24Shit gets real from here on out.
01:30Damn, he fine, though.
01:38She's cute, too, whatever.
01:59She's cute, too, whatever.
02:30I'm in my zone.
02:34I'm in my zone.
03:01I'm in my zone.
03:04I'm in my zone.
03:10I'm in my zone.
03:12So what's been going on with you?
03:15Like, you know, you've been very separated from the house.
03:17I haven't really been seeing you vibing with anybody.
03:20What's going on?
03:23I'm sitting here, and this is the thing.
03:25What's up?
03:26A conversation with me.
03:27And I kind of want to see what he has to say.
03:30What's on your mind, Mr. Thing?
03:32I don't know.
03:33I just feel like I'm just, like, the outcast.
03:35I've been lied on.
03:36I've been ganged up on.
03:38I've been, like, ostracized in this house.
03:41You know, it's getting to me.
03:42I woke up a little bit emotional today, you know?
03:45Mr. Thing is always thinking of things.
03:48And stop being a little baby.
03:50Last night at elimination, Migos always got some shit to say to me.
03:54I've never been with a man.
03:55I've never kissed a man.
03:56I've never touched a man.
03:57I've never done anything to people.
03:58Are you attracted to men?
03:59Erica, I've been loyal in the house.
04:01I have not been in people's beds.
04:03Migos, what did you just ask him?
04:05He said he never touched a man, kissed a man, fucked a man.
04:08Cool, you're a virgin.
04:09Are you attracted to men?
04:10If I was attracted to men, I'd be with a man.
04:12No, Erica.
04:14Do you like men, or do you like women?
04:15Women, or do you like men?
04:17Like, why the fuck you always got some shit to say to me?
04:19Migos, leave me the fuck alone.
04:21You don't even have a fucking place to stay.
04:23But you worry about who the fuck I'm fucking.
04:25Bitch, leave me the fuck alone.
04:28So you think they're just trying to get something off you?
04:30They're just trying to get something.
04:31They're trying to get a reaction, because they know, like, I'm very sensitive and shit.
04:34I don't want Erica to think that I'm just here starting drama.
04:37Mr. Thing, don't talk shit.
04:39And you're last here.
04:40How do you feel about, like, what happened at eliminations?
04:42Like, of course, pussy.
04:43We both agree, pussy lips deserve to go.
04:46But how do you feel about Ratatat, like?
04:47I mean, I don't feel like Ratatat should have went home over Deacon O,
04:51because Ratatat had more to show.
04:54I feel like Deacon O, it's been the same thing.
04:56Like, Ratatat, you can tell how passionate she is.
04:59Like, the way that she kissed her, I know she fucked up at the challenge,
05:02but, like, the way that, like, she shows her love for her,
05:04like, even though I don't like the hoe, you can really tell.
05:07If I'm being honest with you,
05:08I really don't give a fuck about having an alliance with any of these hoes in this house.
05:11I just want to just secure my spot with one person.
05:15But the alliance ain't really real.
05:17So, um, I just want to say that, like, I do apologize by what I said on the bus.
05:23You're the bottom!
05:25Um, no, you're not a man.
05:27Trans, yeah.
05:28You know she was a man.
05:31I didn't actually know you was a man.
05:32I just said something, because I just felt like,
05:34why the fuck she keep talking to me?
05:35Let me stop you there.
05:37I'm not a man.
05:38You're not.
05:39You're not.
05:40Trans woman.
05:41Trans woman.
05:42I didn't know you was a trans woman.
05:43I just said some shit on the bus.
05:44I do apologize.
05:45You know, when I was saying that you was a bottom,
05:47it was really just because, like, at first, you know, you just gave.
05:51But knowing you more and stuff, like, you know, I take it back.
05:54And a lot of my anger towards you was because of Pied Piper.
05:57Like, you know, I was talking to Pied Piper, and then you would talk.
06:01And, like, I was just getting very annoyed with that.
06:03So I do apologize to you for that.
06:05Like, I can be a real ass bitch and say that.
06:07But I think—
06:08I accept your apology.
06:10I accept yours, too.
06:11I think that we should definitely, you know, talk about alliance and stuff.
06:15Why don't we get an alliance?
06:17Let's focus on—
06:18I think the alliance should be getting the people who don't have that loyalty trait.
06:22Because at the end of the day, I do care for Erica, and I do want the best for her.
06:27I'm not forming no fucking alliance with you.
06:29You're too fucking messy.
06:30So, you ready to turn this shit up?
06:33I am.
06:35Well, let's go talk to other people and stuff.
06:37And, again, don't separate yourself.
06:39Get tea on people.
06:40Report back to me, okay?
06:42I got you.
06:43All right.
06:49Went to a couple of spots.
06:50Definitely trying to, you know what I'm saying, get ready for today.
06:52It should be a good day.
06:53Me, too.
06:54I heard we were having a pool party or something like that.
06:55Yeah, I definitely heard the vibe.
06:56So I tried to pop out a little bit.
06:58Yeah, a little ready for the pool.
06:59For sure, for sure.
07:00What up, yo?
07:01It's hot outside.
07:02What up, gang?
07:03What up?
07:04Golden ticket.
07:05What up, y'all?
07:06Looking good, looking good.
07:07So now I'm in the theater room.
07:08I'm with Golden Ticket, and I'm with Migos.
07:11And we still here.
07:12Where the box of Lucky Charms at?
07:14In my pocket.
07:16You got the rabbit ready?
07:18I ain't doing that shit.
07:19That shit is corny.
07:20I ain't ever going to lie.
07:21They want you to pull everything out of your hat, your pockets, your ass.
07:24I'm not doing that, bro.
07:25I'm not doing that.
07:26If I pull something out, it's going to be his dick.
07:30I did pretty much want to let Golden Ticket know he might have to pull some more tricks
07:35out the hat or his ass.
07:37But either one, he better get to tricking.
07:40So how you feel about eliminations?
07:42I ain't worried.
07:43No, about what happened yesterday.
07:45Oh, last night was hectic.
07:47I don't know.
07:48You seemed like you was explaining yourself a lot.
07:51Man, that's because she want to hear that.
07:55I don't know about Ratatat.
07:56That was kind of a surprise, though.
07:58That one threw me off, too.
07:59That one threw me off.
08:00Ratatat threw the fuck out of me.
08:01I felt like what was crazy was Erica giving Pussy Lips a kiss.
08:05Let me kiss those lips.
08:07You'll see me again.
08:08The first kiss?
08:10Come on.
08:11That shit blew my mind.
08:13The only reason I feel like she kissed Pussy Lips,
08:16she feels like Pussy Lips' lips look like her pussy,
08:19and you know Erica's into herself anyway.
08:22I don't know what's going on between the girls,
08:25but I'll say this.
08:27Erica is kind of pissing me off a little bit
08:31because she got Bambi over here throwing mad shade.
08:35Do she got Bambi throwing shade, or is Bambi just throwing shade?
08:38I think she got Bambi throwing shade.
08:39I think she'd be like, yo, get on this nigga's ass
08:41so he can be doing this and that and the third,
08:43but I ain't that type of nigga to be doing that.
08:45I think that's how Bambi come in regardless, my friend.
08:48I ain't going to cap.
08:49That's just what girls do.
08:51She's sizing you.
08:53She's trying to see if you're solid.
08:54You feel me?
08:55See how you really coming.
08:56Golden Ticket, where the fuck is this shit about to go?
09:00It's been so many wild turns.
09:02And then Miss Thang.
09:04Is you really here for E, or are you here for the boy team?
09:08My boy, you going two ways.
09:10What's really real.
09:12All right, man.
09:13But listen, y'all boys and girls live to fight another day.
09:17That's your pool party get up?
09:18Yeah, where's your bathing suit?
09:19What's up?
09:20This is my pool party.
09:21I am dripping.
09:22All right.
09:23What's drip to a motherfucking wave?
09:24You jumping in like that?
09:25I ain't jumping in shit, except if it's Erica.
09:28Oh, now this.
09:29What could you plan with?
09:30Come on.
09:31That's all I'm saying.
09:32Keep the energy, Willie.
09:33That's all I'm fucking saying.
09:34Well, I suggest you find a motherfucking rabbit
09:35to pull out that hat.
09:36I ain't pulling no rabbit out no fucking hat.
09:38Because it's not happening.
09:39Pulling this motherfucking golden ticket out
09:41and putting it in Erica.
09:42I'm about to go to this pool party.
09:43It's not happening, my boy, unless you
09:44pull a rabbit out of your ass.
09:45Yeah, it is.
09:48It feel like I've been running just for so long.
09:50Girl, I'm stressed.
09:51I can't complain.
09:52Stiff, these heavy weights make my back hurt.
09:54Niggas talking only frats.
09:56Chins up with the backwards.
09:57It's why I'm with the fam.
09:58Grinding like it's about to catch first.
10:00Even when I'm down, I'm never thinking backwards.
10:03She gonna do it for me.
10:04I don't even got a ass hurt.
10:10I have my official one-on-one with the only pussy breaker.
10:15Now, I got to say, I'm a little nervous just because we're
10:18stepping into a no-judgment zone.
10:21But at the same time, my gut is telling me
10:23that there's more to this man than we all see on the internet.
10:30How you doing, beautiful?
10:33Good morning, winner.
10:37You know, I do what I do, and I do it well.
10:40So I felt.
10:43How you feeling?
10:46Are you?
10:47Blessed. How you feeling?
10:48I'm feeling good.
10:49I see Erica out there looking good and shit.
10:51We finally get our one-on-one time.
10:53She finally get to learn actually who I am outside of the internet.
10:57You know what I'm saying?
10:59I'm happy we actually finally got our one-on-one.
11:01I've been waiting for my time to shine.
11:04I don't care.
11:05Is that why you kind of been so quiet and held back?
11:09No, I'm a quiet and reserved person.
11:13I know there's more to you.
11:15So tell me, you have said repeatedly that what you do for a living
11:19is to make a living, to be a man, and hold yours down.
11:22Tell me more about that.
11:24I have a daughter.
11:25I have custody of my little sister who's 16.
11:28My mom is terminally ill, so I just got to take care of my family.
11:33What made you take the initiative to have custody of your sister?
11:37My mom just started to get too sick.
11:39She couldn't work no more.
11:40She couldn't do nothing.
11:42It was hard for my little sister.
11:44I was like, okay, well, yeah, just send her with me.
11:46It'll be easier.
11:48So you're like the leader, the provider.
11:51Yeah, it's always been that way.
11:53Me and Erica are having discussions about my upbringing.
11:56Life kicked in quick.
11:58I did everything I could do to provide and be the man.
12:02And you said you're a dad too?
12:05You love being a dad?
12:06Hell yeah.
12:07You want more kids?
12:08Hell yeah.
12:09How many more?
12:10I need two boys.
12:12I need two boys, and I need them back-to-back.
12:14You want them back-to-back?
12:16To sit across from a man that actually is honest and passionate about being a provider
12:24is literally a breath of fresh air.
12:26Did you have a relationship when you started your career?
12:28I got started with a girl.
12:30She was helping me out, but she was like a famous solo OnlyFans girl kind of thing.
12:35A significant other of yours at one point is the one who got you into this world.
12:41You going to work?
12:42I would be like, so like, don't go to work.
12:47You think you'd be able to deal with that?
12:49I don't know.
12:51As freaky and geeky as I am, it has to be like a connection.
12:55And based off yesterday's challenge, there was a something.
13:00I am disappointed you didn't know that was me, though.
13:02I would have thought if it was you that you would have went for my face or my mouth.
13:07But what you did do, did enough where it was memorable.
13:14I had goosebumps, and that says a lot.
13:17I thought I could have did what any of them would have did, and you would have had the same reaction.
13:21Because of that connection.
13:23It's just different when it comes from me.
13:25I'm feeling good.
13:26I'm feeling like she got to know me a little more.
13:29And see past the first layer.
13:32I got to ask.
13:33Do you like your name?
13:35I feel like my name was given to me by a fantasy for you.
13:38You don't want my pussy broken.
13:39I do.
13:41Break that motherfucker, put it back together, and break it again.
13:45Damn, that made me hot.
13:47You want to go by the pool?
13:49Come on, let's go.
13:50Don't let up, okay?
13:51All right, babe.
13:52Come on.
13:54Can I hold your hand?
13:55The broke one?
13:57What the fuck?
14:13I'm trying to think what happened in elimination.
14:15Ratatat got fucking eliminated.
14:16Oh, yeah.
14:19And pussy lips.
14:20And pussy lips.
14:21I ain't even going to fake it.
14:22That threw me.
14:23I thought it was going to be you.
14:24Shit, I didn't.
14:26Me and my dog, Pee Wee, we all chopping it up.
14:28Gangsta big.
14:29We talking.
14:30We all in the living room and just thinking about kind of everything that transpired.
14:34Like, I made it through another elimination.
14:36I'm grateful.
14:38That shit was definitely a shocker, though.
14:40When Ratatat won?
14:41I'm pissed.
14:43That was your roommate?
14:44No, Ratatat, my homies.
14:47Hey, guys.
14:49What's up?
14:50Y'all look cute.
14:53Where everybody at?
14:54Shit, I don't fucking know where these motherfuckers at.
14:56Get the fuck down here, bitch ass.
14:58Come on, guys.
14:59Come out, come out.
15:01Where are you at?
15:03Bam B and Cassie decided to call us all in the living room.
15:07But at this point, I'm already fucking pissed.
15:09And I'm also feeling like I'm going to talk away about Cassie.
15:12Because what you mean?
15:13Come out, bitches.
15:14Like, I'm not no fucking bitch.
15:16Like, I don't know.
15:17Everything just starts to fucking get into me in this fucking house.
15:19How y'all feeling today?
15:20Feeling good.
15:21Feeling good.
15:22You guys look great.
15:24Y'all, you look good, too.
15:25Love it.
15:26Yeah, you lost some of your clothes.
15:28You look like a whole different person.
15:30You know.
15:31Actually, for real.
15:32We have a day 40, okay?
15:35Everybody say 40.
15:40Oh, what's up?
15:41Bam B and Cassie let us know that we're having a pool party.
15:44I'm so excited.
15:46I can't wait to show these people what I'm wearing and everything.
15:48To get all eyes on me.
15:51To show Cassie and Bam B who's the real star here.
15:54So, we're going to be outside.
15:55It's going to be fun.
15:56We're also going to have a challenge with it.
15:58Oh, wow.
16:00What y'all about to have us do today?
16:02Bam B, you always come with the challenges, man.
16:04I know.
16:05We got to make it spicy.
16:06We got to make it fun.
16:07Are we going to be licking anything?
16:09We're going to be licking anything?
16:10You never know.
16:11You never know.
16:12You never know.
16:13Day party.
16:16That's my motherfucking forte.
16:18Red cups in the motherfucking air.
16:20Spark the motherfucking blunts.
16:22This shit about to be a motherfucking blast.
16:24But just be prepared to have some real good fun.
16:26Every single person got to participate in the challenge today.
16:31So, yeah.
16:33So, make sure y'all bring it.
16:35We're going to have fun.
16:36All right.
16:37Y'all ready?
16:39Turn up.
16:44She said we're licking something.
16:45Y'all ready?
16:46Let's get it.
16:47Let's do it.
16:48Pool party, baby.
16:52Excuse me.
16:53Your time's limited.
16:54Shut the fuck up.
16:55Your time's limited.
17:14So, boom.
17:15I hate that motherfucking pool party.
17:17Y'all put that shit on per usual.
17:19Everybody looking like they just got they shit from the flea.
17:22I ain't going to fake it, y'all.
17:24I don't really see Urka in a bathing suit, though.
17:26Y'all already know that motherfucker be moving in the jeans.
17:29If it's moving in the jeans, it's going extremely stupid in a motherfucking bathing suit.
17:34Who wants to get fired?
17:41Hi, y'all.
17:45Erica walked over to us and gave us a hug, and then she moved on to the next.
17:50Per usual.
17:52Let me see.
17:54You got your back.
17:55You got your back.
17:57She looks good.
17:59Let me just say this.
18:01The fact that you could switch it up, you love that?
18:04I do.
18:09Ooh, I love that ass.
18:10The rest of the party, they was jealous, but oh, well.
18:16Oh, don't turn me on now.
18:18You really turned on to this.
18:20Yeah, I get really turned on.
18:23So wait, let's have this conversation.
18:26That turns you on.
18:27It turned me all the way on.
18:28All right, let me see if you like.
18:30Let me see.
18:31Hold on.
18:36Oh, my goodness.
18:37I don't know.
18:38Not too much.
18:39Not too much.
18:40I don't really feel you, like, getting excited.
18:42Oh, because Erica?
18:44I'm just touched really good today.
18:47Say less.
18:48It is so nice catching up with Erica.
18:50She looks so fucking sexy in that motherfucking bathing suit.
18:52Nom, nom.
18:53Give me a hug.
18:57Later, baby.
18:58I'm going to talk to you later.
18:59What up, though?
19:00How are you?
19:01Don't sit here.
19:02Don't pause.
19:03Oh, you going over there?
19:04I have to.
19:05Okay, I got you.
19:06They called me out.
19:07I have to.
19:08I have to, because it's crazy.
19:09So why y'all so close?
19:10We just got done having a conversation.
19:11We smoking, so.
19:12Like, standing close together?
19:13Why you bending over in front of Kat, though?
19:14First of all, why are you questioning me?
19:16I feel like you be trying to regulate, but you're not really stepping up to the plate,
19:17and that's what annoys me about you.
19:18I just won a challenge, though, and I still ain't get my date, so what we really talking
19:20Oh, yeah, you won a challenge, but you weren't the first place winner.
19:21I just need some time.
19:22That's it.
19:23All right, but earn your time.
19:24This is a fucking competition.
19:25Yeah, right now we talking right now.
19:26What's up?
19:27Why y'all thinking y'all supposed to get shit?
19:28You supposed to earn it.
19:29Hold on.
19:30I ain't ask for nothing.
19:31I just read my receipts.
19:32So when the time come, the time gonna come.
19:33I'm here, though.
19:34You feel me?
19:35All right.
19:36You feel me?
19:37If you could redo your challenge right now, what would you do?
19:38If I could redo my challenge?
19:40The second one?
19:42What would you do right now?
19:43I won.
19:44You got, like, 10 seconds.
19:45No, no, no, no.
19:46I feel like you need a redo.
19:47I won.
19:48Are you gonna take the opportunity or not?
19:49Show her.
19:50Show her.
19:51Show her.
19:52Show her.
19:53Show her.
19:54Show her.
19:55Show her.
19:56Show her.
19:57Show her.
19:58Show her.
19:59Show her.
20:00In five.
20:01I won.
20:03I won.
20:05I won.
20:07I won.
20:09I won.
20:10You lost.
20:13Eric came out of nowhere, tried to put me on a challenge on the spot.
20:14I might have dropped the fucking ball.
20:16I want to go where I know my pussy is appreciated right off rip.
20:17Pussy eat it.
20:18I mean, not pussy eat it.
20:19Oh, shit.
20:20Pussy lips.
20:21Oh, shit.
20:22Your first kiss?
20:23Is crazy.
20:24Is insane.
20:25What the fuck was you thinking?
20:26I didn't know you needed to kiss on me.
20:28You know what?
20:29She put my feet in her mouth.
20:30I wasn't going to kiss you for the first time, but you blindfolded me.
20:33Why not?
20:34Not knowing who I was.
20:36I'm coming to you.
20:37And what?
20:38You feel that way, right?
20:39I'm short of fuck.
20:40You feel that way, right?
20:41Did you not go where you needed to go?
20:42So, you want to kiss me now?
20:43What's up?
20:44I do.
20:46Come here.
20:47That is very, very fucking sexy.
20:49Oh, wow.
20:51She got to go home.
20:53And I'm like, damn, yo.
20:54You didn't even let me get a chance to do what I came to do.
20:55So, just fuck us, right?
20:56You're kissing her, but she doesn't know how she likes to fuck with peeweeds.
20:57No, we can let this happen.
20:59Who's really the favorite, though?
21:00Who's really the favorite, though?
21:01I don't got no favorites.
21:02Right, there is no favorites.
21:03Calm down.
21:04You see what you just did?
21:05She's kissing her, but she doesn't know how she likes to fuck with peeweeds.
21:06Why not?
21:07I don't know.
21:08I don't know.
21:09I don't know.
21:10I don't know.
21:11I don't know.
21:12I don't know.
21:13I don't know.
21:14I don't know.
21:15I don't know.
21:16Watch where that tongue goes, because you don't know where that other tongue goes.
21:17What were you guys saying?
21:18What would you guys say?
21:19Because that's what happened.
21:20Were you saying something to each other?
21:25What were you saying?
21:32Yeah, because I start spitting game and all that, and I felt like everybody was watching,
21:38and it was big mad.
21:39What's going on with you?
21:40Why are you sitting right here by yourself?
21:42It's always like this.
21:45It's good money, though.
21:46I don't know.
21:47I just feel like I am misunderstood in this house.
21:51Like, I don't even know.
21:52Oh, you're crying.
21:53Yeah, because I think it's like a wrong impression.
21:54Oh, my gosh.
21:56Don't do that.
21:57I'm not.
21:58Um, and I feel like she don't understand
22:00where I'm coming from.
22:03Like, and it's kind of hard, because every time
22:05it's always about.
22:06Cassie, get over here.
22:08It's always about, like.
22:08He's upset.
22:09I'm feeling emotions coming out.
22:12But I'm kind of, like, trying to separate myself
22:14and not let my emotions show.
22:16Because I'm like, I don't know if Erica
22:18wants a fucking emotional sister to a motherfucker.
22:20I'm not trying to be weak.
22:22I'm like, you know, like, I'm a gymnast,
22:23so I'm kind of up and down.
22:25It's always kind of like, you know.
22:27I do like you.
22:28I feel like you're kind.
22:30I just need, I need to see more.
22:31Maybe, obviously, because I'm early.
22:33And, um, yeah.
22:35Let me come talk to you for a second.
22:36Oh, goodness gracious.
22:37But thank you for, like, you know, talking to me.
22:40Hey, boo.
22:41But I think you look pretty.
22:43Don't worry about it.
22:44Thanks, baby.
22:46Nails done, hair done.
22:47Everything did.
22:49When I seen Cassie dick ass, I was like, oh, shit.
22:52I know I'm here for Erica, like I said, y'all.
22:54But I do have a, I just have a thing for the BBWs.
22:58I can't help it.
22:59You're one of my favorites so far.
23:01I still need to talk to other people,
23:02but you're one of my favorites so far.
23:04See, this is the difference between me and them.
23:06They want to be seen.
23:08I don't too much care about none of that.
23:10I got style in a real way.
23:12That style, you know what I'm saying?
23:13So wait, say who you are without having to speak.
23:14How you doing, ma'am?
23:16Yeah, so like, I'm a gentleman with edge
23:18and ribs and everything, with a balance.
23:20I'm not just one dimensional.
23:21I'm not boxed in.
23:22And I feel like, you know, Erica needs a man that can,
23:25you know, make her laugh, that can protect her.
23:28Me and Tiki over there on the chairs,
23:30kicking it with Cassie.
23:31So just vibing with her.
23:33So what do you want with my girl?
23:34What's going on?
23:35Honestly, I want to pursue Erica.
23:36She's a fly woman.
23:37She fights for what she believes in.
23:39She has a strong personality, confident.
23:40I believe I can be, you know, a good balance for her.
23:43That doesn't even sound genuine.
23:45I can be a good balance, we can actually
23:45compliment each other.
23:46Because I'm very, like, chill.
23:48But also, like, down to do what I had to do, you know.
23:50Cassie don't believe that.
23:51You got to listen.
23:52I'm listening.
23:53I'm listening.
23:54Remember, I got to see a lot more than this.
23:56Hey, you guys.
23:57All right.
24:00All right, you sexy motherfuckers.
24:02And I'm like, what are we doing for the challenge?
24:04I've been anxious all fucking day.
24:07I want you guys to get ready.
24:11I want you to buckle up.
24:13And I want to see if you guys are really down to fucking
24:16ride with a real bitch like me.
24:18As crazy as I am to have this poolside gathering,
24:22there's always a reason for my madness.
24:25And this leads us into today's challenge.
24:30With that being said, follow me.
24:33Let's get it.
24:34Let's go.
24:40Hey, you look cute.
24:43Don't look cute.
24:46Come on, fuck it.
24:48Fuck it.
24:48Come on, bitch.
24:49Come on, bitch.
24:54Pull up all the eyes, lit.
24:57Baby, know we out like a Rihanna.
25:00And she be looking for a rich one.
25:02And she think that I got it.
25:04She pull up, pop out.
25:05She know that she want it.
25:11I'm anxious.
25:13I'm scared.
25:14And I'm ready at the same time.
25:17See, I ain't never rode on a bull before.
25:18But we about to do this shit.
25:19And then I'm drunk as fuck.
25:20So let's get this shit cracking.
25:25That's right.
25:27Listen the fuck up.
25:29Because if y'all disappoint me in this challenge,
25:31what should be a one-person elimination
25:34tonight might be multiple.
25:36I'm cleaning the fuck up when it comes to this house.
25:41I'm ready to fall in love.
25:43And after today's date, trust and believe
25:46y'all motherfuckers got a lot of competition.
25:50When can we just have fun and then not be a fucking challenge?
25:54Tonight's challenge is testing your longevity, OK?
25:58So you got to last long.
26:00And you got to be creative.
26:01And the icing on the cake is that you
26:03have to do it with one hand, OK?
26:06One hand.
26:08I'm ready to take this shit by the horns.
26:16Mr. Deacon, your holy matrimony.
26:19Go on.
26:20You want to go first?
26:21You want to go first?
26:23You guys ready today?
26:24One hand.
26:24Deacon, no.
26:25Deacon, no.
26:26Deacon, no.
26:28Deacon, no.
26:29I never rode a bull before.
26:30But I'm down to do anything for my girl, Erica.
26:33Hopefully this goes well.
26:36Ready to ride.
26:37That was pretty high.
26:41Erica, I swear to Jesus.
26:45You said yee-haw.
26:48Oh, no, no, no, no.
26:49We can't give yee-haw, bitch.
26:50Bye, Deacon old bum-ass.
26:52Did he say yee-haw?
26:53That shit was lame as fuck.
26:55Was that funny?
26:56That shit was lame as fuck.
26:58Bro, you got to step it up.
26:59Like, you ain't on shit.
27:01You not proving nothing.
27:03We thought he was going to be gone
27:04kind of like three episodes ago.
27:06OK, mini-mina.
27:08Get on up there.
27:09I'm waiting for you, baby.
27:10I don't give a fuck.
27:12Oh, my gosh.
27:13Oh, she riding that shit.
27:14Oh, my God.
27:15One hand, baby.
27:16Oh, my fucking Jesus.
27:19One hand.
27:20One hand.
27:21One hand.
27:23Messaging one hand.
27:25She's got two hands.
27:26What the fuck?
27:27She's riding with two hands.
27:30One hand.
27:31One hand.
27:36Pack that shit up, gang.
27:38Pack that shit all the way the fuck up.
27:44What the fuck?
27:45Y'all boring!
27:49Hey, hey, hey!
27:51Master Cheeks is drunk as fuck.
27:53And she was on there for a long time.
27:55But that bitch had two hands.
27:56So I really don't even think that that counts.
28:00Master Cheeks.
28:03Master Cheeks, bitch, what the fuck are you doing?
28:05Why are you always sticking your dirty-ass tongue
28:07down my wife's mouth?
28:08Like, Erica, you don't know that girl got bronchitis?
28:11Y'all can really talk to me nice.
28:12Y'all don't talk to me at all.
28:15Amen, baby.
28:16I love it.
28:17Cat dog, you're next.
28:18You're next.
28:19All right.
28:20Wrong way.
28:22You're the right way, bitch.
28:23You don't know how to ride.
28:24You're nothing.
28:26No, you can't use two hands.
28:28Look at that.
28:32You don't know what's going on for two seconds, bitch.
28:38Oh my god, look.
28:40What the fuck?
28:41What the fuck going on with her?
28:42Did she knock it off?
28:43Did the bull pull it off?
28:44Like, damn, did they fall off?
28:46Like, I ain't know what the fuck happened.
28:49I can't fucking breathe.
28:53Oh my god.
28:55Damn it!
28:56I can't fucking breathe.
29:00Oh my god.
29:02I've never seen nothing like that in my life.
29:08I can't breathe.
29:09Oh my god.
29:10Oh my god, bro.
29:13Wait, I gotta pee now.
29:15Bitch, you won that one.
29:17Like, you got that one, baby, because that was comical.
29:21Pussy Breaker, you're next.
29:24Sexy motherfucker.
29:27You little sexy motherfucker.
29:30It was my turn up there, motherfucker.
29:32You know, I come up out the shirt,
29:33give a little excitement.
29:34You know what I'm saying?
29:35I see some sweat drops run down Erica's forehead.
29:38She got hot in that motherfucker.
29:40Baby, remember, don't break the hand that makes us money.
29:58I could definitely see myself being the bull one day.
30:01If my pussy stays intact.
30:04Oh, shit.
30:08Look at that.
30:11Is you gonna let him break your pussy?
30:13I'm so fucking loopy.
30:15Because he said he could fix it on my date.
30:17I approve of this breaking up the pussy.
30:19And I approve of that shit, too.
30:20I want you to walk like you've never walked before after that.
30:22I want to be like.
30:23I want you to walk like you rode 10 horses.
30:25I want you to sea walk.
30:26I want you to, I want you to walk like.
30:27All right, Dickerella.
30:29You're up.
30:31Come on, Dickerella.
30:32It's your time to shine.
30:33It's about time you give me a challenge.
30:35It is your time to shine.
30:36We know you know how to ride dick.
30:38Imagine that's my pussy.
30:39You better show us those riding dick skills.
30:57OK, Dickerella.
30:58I see you, honey.
30:59Go, Dickerella!
31:00Go, Dickerella!
31:07When he about to come and I'm not getting that, baby,
31:09you not pulling out.
31:10That's all I can think.
31:18The bitch is thinking that she's riding dick.
31:19Of course she's going to fucking ride dick.
31:20She's riding dick.
31:21She's riding dick.
31:22She's riding dick.
31:23She's riding dick.
31:24She's riding dick.
31:25She's riding dick.
31:26She's going to fucking laugh.
31:27That's all the bitch can do is ride, ride, ride
31:29like a fucking cowgirl.
31:30Good job, Dickerella.
31:31I love it!
31:32I love it!
31:33I'm not mad at it!
31:34Are you OK?
31:35She definitely know how to ride.
31:36So take notes, all right?
31:37Golden ticket.
31:38Lucky you.
31:40OK, he got on the bulletproof vest.
31:41I love it.
31:42You're ready to ride this motherfucker with your
31:43bulletproof vest, aren't you?
31:44That fucking part.
31:45My nigga.
31:46I'll ride this bitch like this.
31:48Let's go.
31:59Hey, hey!
32:01Oh, shit!
32:02So fucking un-serious.
32:03Why the fuck you doing this?
32:04What's up, baby?
32:05I got you, baby.
32:06You ready, dawg?
32:07I got you, baby.
32:08I want to see if you can really ride for me, Mr.
32:10I got you, baby.
32:11He gonna blindfold himself.
32:25That means that's how he's going through life.
32:32Come on now, like what?
32:40Just keep the music on.
32:41Okay, we'll keep the music on.
32:42Keep the music on.
32:43Please don't ever do that again because I don't even think you made her pussy throb like not one little bit.
33:00So just hang it up.
33:01That's not one of the things that you could put under your belt.
33:04Bounce that dick! Bounce that dick! Bounce that dick! Bounce that dick! Bounce that dick!
33:12There's no way that that is a straight man.
33:15Do you not see the way his tits are moving?
33:16It looks like that he's imagining that Erykah is Pussy Breaker or somebody and he's giving a little lap dance show to him.
33:22That guy ain't the only motherfucking nigga break a pussy around this bitch.
33:27Gangsta bae! Gangsta bae! Gangsta bae!
33:32I got this motherfucking challenge in the motherfucking bag.
33:43Oh, okay, okay, okay.
33:56She definitely know how to rock.
33:58I'm done.
33:59It was good.
34:00Great job.
34:01Next, I am gonna go with Closet Freak.
34:07Alright, I got this in the motherfucking bag.
34:09Give it up for Closet.
34:20Riding and riding.
34:21Well, it probably wasn't even that long, but it seemed like I was riding for a long time, you know?
34:35Okay, Usher.
34:36Hey, my turn is over.
34:37But I was cute, though.
34:39Hey, Pee-wee.
34:40Put your cut there.
34:41Look, I didn't know we was doing gymnastics.
34:43I didn't know this was the Olympics slash cabaret strip show.
34:47I thought we was just riding the bull with him.
35:02I just hopped up third, you know.
35:04Yeah, I see how that went.
35:05Now we're down to the two studs.
35:09Who could really ride this wild goose ass pussy?
35:15They have both got the same mannerisms.
35:16I really have no choice but to call this the stud-off.
35:19It's not something I was expecting to happen, but I'm happy it did.
35:23So with that being said, I am ready for them to get busy and show me who's the better stud.
35:30Migos, get your ass on that motherfucking bull.
35:32I wanna see how you really hold it.
35:35I gotta try to figure this shit out quick.
35:37Gotta jump in my Magic Mike bag.
35:40What would Magic Mike do?
35:59I ain't bad, say less.
36:01I'm about to pop my shit.
36:03We can do this.
36:18This whole stud thing was new to me, but now I'm intrigued.
36:23She did say she would fuck the shit out of you, though.
36:34Goldie, go one more time.
36:37And shit, Erica, let me tell you, I don't ride nothing, but I definitely ride this one thing for you, baby.
36:43I've never been with a stud for real for all of my life.
36:46Migos was definitely a vibe, but here comes Goldie Locks and the way she rode that bull,
36:53and the way she kept herself so sexy in the process, this is the shit I was waiting for.
37:01Each and every one of you definitely showed out today in your own way.
37:04It's time for elimination.
37:06Get cleaned up and meet me right back here.
37:10That elimination might be one or two of you.
37:13That's how much I'm ready to clean up shop.
37:15From here on out, you could be eliminated during elimination,
37:20or you could be eliminated right at the spot of the fucking moment.
37:30Whether you with me or not, don't care about conditions.
37:32I'm going to go get it, whether it's rainy or hot.
37:34Came from the bottom, crabs in a bucket, made my way up to the top.
37:37They laughed and said I wouldn't make it.
37:39I hollered back at them like not.
37:41Don't look at him.
37:43What are you doing?
37:44Back up.
37:46You know better.
37:47You know better.
37:48You know better.
37:49Back up, Tom.
37:50Back up, Tom.
37:51I keep going in and out of rooms, babe.
37:53That's all that you do.
37:54You're not going to do shit.
37:56You're not going to do shit.
37:58You're not going to pull up on those shorties.
37:59So, when we get done with the Bull Reign Challenge,
38:01I go in the kitchen and I'm thinking, let me start some shit.
38:06Do you want her?
38:07Because you keep eating her pussy every other night.
38:09That's crazy.
38:10When did she eat my pussy?
38:11That's a crazy accusation.
38:14Show the print.
38:15Where's the print?
38:16Show the print.
38:17Yesterday at 1.32 p.m., she was in the room.
38:18They came out at 1.46 p.m.
38:20CatDog, you throwing a lot of accusations out there.
38:22Is you for real right now?
38:24I'm for real.
38:25At 1.32 p.m., she walked in there.
38:26At 1.46 p.m., she walked out.
38:28That's where the fuck happened.
38:29Go back to your cabinet, bitch.
38:32Make me go back.
38:33Make me go back.
38:34Girl, shut the fuck up.
38:37Okay, girl?
38:38Like, all she ever does is just fucking run her mouth.
38:40And honestly, I'm just fucking sick of it.
38:43Make me go back.
38:44Give me a ball.
38:45I'll splash you, girl.
38:46You wish.
38:47So, give me a ball.
38:50So, give me a ball.
38:52There's a ball.
38:53Go get it.
38:54Give me a ball.
38:55I'm glad you're doing something other than eating her pussy.
38:56You know what I mean?
38:57And wanting attention.
38:58So, I just had to throw that bitch a bone.
38:59You want attention?
39:00Here's a bone, bitch.
39:01Go play fetch.
39:02You aspire to be someone else.
39:03All you bitches against me.
39:04You aspire to be someone else.
39:05And guess what?
39:06I'm your biggest competition.
39:07You're mad because I exposed.
39:08Do better.
39:23You're mad.
39:24You're mad.
39:25You're mad, bitch.
39:27You're mad.
39:28You're mad.
39:29Get my leg.
39:30You're mad.
39:31You're mad, bitch.
39:32You're mad.
39:34You're mad.
39:55I got this in the bag. I'm not worried about nothing and I'm just like who's going home. I
40:01Don't like none of y'all. We don't give a fuck. Come on now. I still ain't got no worries. We had our one-on-one day. I
40:09Did get his hell on the bull?
40:13I'm not really worried spit on y'all asses
40:16Today was really really really fun. I feel like you guys all put yourselves out there to have a great time
40:22Everybody was opening up tonight
40:25We're gonna pick a winner
40:28Go ahead pick me right now. I stood up on that shit. Love it. FYI. Love it
40:33Thank you who I think will probably win the challenge tonight
40:35Probably gonna be between cheeks or pussy cheeks. I'm gonna say pussy cheeks
40:40I'm gonna say pussy cheeks. I'm gonna say pussy cheeks
40:43Probably gonna be between cheeks or a pushy breaker as you guys know
41:01It's giving all black today. Yeah. All right, you need a black cane
41:07You want to give it to me of course, here we go
41:14I just do shit like that sometimes
41:18Like Bambi said stop playing with me I got shit in my head off
41:24When she take her back this is called Coco Loco when you take your back you can think of me
41:29I told you to bring a rabbit out your hat
41:32I'm appreciating how they're showing out for me and proving themselves to me in their own way. Let's get right to
41:41Tonight was fun. It definitely showed me a lot at the same time. I have to let two of you go tonight. I
41:50Feel like this is the first elimination that I might actually care how people are starting to feel
41:56It's not gonna be easy
41:58But we got to get down to the nitty-gritty and I want to find the one take it. No step up
42:05Goldilocks step up dickerella cat dog. Please come down grocery shopping today
42:16What do you have there take a no, you know, I'm gonna show you down praying for you and thinking about you
42:21you know, I got some uh
42:23Got some roses and everything because I feel like my lady deserves flowers turtle. I already did that
42:31Like me
42:36The roses came out the bag
42:39The motherfuckers falling on the ground like it's fall and leaves come down. Let's say it's the thought that
42:48Honesty along with some other liquor and everything you like to party and everything, you know, I'm saying
42:53It's gonna put that leave that right there. He took that from the hotel room
42:59Niggas there from the minibar
43:01Ain't no fucking way you don't buy her gifts with her own fucking money. Did you serious?
43:07Let me get my shit off though. Let me get myself
43:13I'm sick. He'll hit it from the back. What's the nigga bless you?
43:21This bum-ass motherfucker really aren't you a motherfucking T kid pull it the fuck together
43:27Are you that ass right now?
43:33Want to hit that pussy from the back?
43:36That way is going to hell
43:39Hit it from the back watch the nigga bless you I want to know lies
43:43I will be respectful got that dog in me. Yeah, they can flex to
43:48Hit it from the back
43:51Make that ass clap
43:53Like what are you doing? They want nothing for you. They won't do
44:05Know yes, I know your aspirations like it's fake
44:13Here son for college, let's build some knowledge
44:16Please stop bro. You know, I mean just just cut it out and again you go. We go together. Tell him he this we go together
44:27Hit it from the back let up bless you
44:32That will live rent-free in my head for the rest of my days. I had no idea you were a rapper
44:43It was a cute gesture it was a little ghetto
44:47I mean, I'm happy with just this
44:51But I'm not gonna lie
44:53My friend is on the same level as me when it comes to tequila and she will not drink that shit
44:57Ever is it from the hotel piano key? Honestly, some of that's what I'll tell with the road the roses
45:06The roses in the kitchens are not
45:10Mm-hmm. I told you I told you go stand back up there
45:21Today's challenge
45:24Some of you really did your thing and some of you
45:27Allow that bull to just slaying your ass across the motherfucking yard. Go D locks. I
45:36Love the fact that you did whatever it took to hold on no matter how rough they got
45:42You're probably not used to riding or maybe you are I'm not but the fact that you held on
45:49For dear life spoke volumes to me
45:54For fuck's sake the fact that your wig flew off and you didn't give a fuck and just kept holding on
45:59You obviously don't give a fuck about anything, but what you're here for and that's you. So, thank you
46:04Thank you. I've read my natural hair out for you today. That's your natural
46:09Right from the Scout. So if you went back on that donkey that wouldn't fly off. No, okay
46:15Bitch you gonna stop playing on my motherfucking top, but I'm gonna set to this time
46:22For sure, you know how to ride
46:26You three
46:29We're definitely the top three challenge winner is
46:39Take a roller
46:45No, she hasn't practiced she just experienced this is her forte, you know, so
46:52Makes sense. You definitely know how to ride
46:55Now you have to prove that you really are here to ride for me
46:59Step up
47:01Are you down for two ways with Erica man? Absolutely. You are safe for tonight
47:09So no shot grilled a gorilla
47:12now cat dog and
47:16Goldilocks even though you aren't first place
47:23You guys are both safes for tonight
47:26Maybe Erica's she's still fucking with me. Maybe it's good. You know, it's something there that we could really dig into
47:35Pussy breaker
47:39Chicano and
47:41Closet freak
47:45Elimination is getting heavy. The game is getting heavy
47:48Competition is getting heavy
47:50Pussy breaker
47:52Our date today definitely set the tone
47:56You definitely proved by telling me your story that you definitely are a stand-up man
48:01And you did tell me that if you were to break my pussy you would fix it again
48:08Are you down for two days with a recommended giving this nigga a chain every time what the fuck you got on white forces in
48:14the grass
48:16big commitment
48:20They might not understand why I'm keeping him around but it's really not for anyone to understand but for me to kind of
48:26Figure this out and that's what this process is for me
48:36This whole motherfucking elimination
48:42Mastercheeks you got something to tell me Tarzan you have something that you tell me tell me
48:50What what was going on with right right right to take tell me what's going on with Gigi?
48:56What the fuck's going on peewee? I heard he broke that right to take down goddamn. He said he was in Gigi's Gigi's
49:07Do you fucking need pussy breaker you have something to tell me Oh
49:15What's done in a dark
49:17definitely gonna come to light of
49:19Course eliminations wouldn't be eliminations if we didn't have the fucking ghetto
49:26Activities fucking happening about you. What about you babying yourself?
49:31Very well, very well, it could be true, but it also could be made up because
49:37That's what you have to do to kind of knock out your competition, right
49:41And I'm definitely gonna keep it in back of my mind and get down to the bottom of it one way or another
49:46Closet freak. I don't think I could really say anything bad about you so far, but I don't want you to get too comfortable
49:53Come on down, baby
49:58Are you down with two ways with Eric Amena?
50:14Why are you looking like that
50:17Standing next to Deacon Oh, what's that mean? Oh, no
50:20What's that mean? No
50:23Nervous, how did I get here?
50:25Migos you and the gorilla be playing with each other on your ass is out the motherfucking door. You're here for me, right? For sure
50:33I'm more in tuned and interested than I've ever was to be with a stud. So
50:45Migos step on down, baby
50:47Are you down for two ways with Eric Amena for sure?
50:51It was nervous yourself. I ain't gonna lie safe
50:55Just for tonight
50:57That deacon Oh boy, whoo, that's your shirt. Yeah get back on there
51:06Deacon oh I
51:10Appreciate the fact that
51:12you've prayed over my pussy, but I
51:16get a feeling like
51:19When it's time to get down and dirty I might be a little bit too nasty and freaky for you
51:26With that being said I
51:31Really appreciate you taking the initiative to come out here and being who you are, but unfortunately
51:38your two ways has now become one way and I
51:42Have to send you on your way now
51:44I just know I'm gonna corrupt this man and it's just I might even cheat on him
51:49Who knows and I'm not even a cheater. So I just I just don't want to waste my time or his
51:56Thank you so much
51:58my pleasure
52:00She ain't rocking with it, you know, I'm not the right man for her
52:04I made a best man a woman or trans women at this point
52:09Yeah, I'm thinking Oh Erica I'm disappointed I saw that coming
52:17Golden ticket step on down master cheek step on down gangsta bang step on down
52:27You are
52:45Like how is this even fair to the rest of my people that are here for me for real
52:49I don't really feel comfortable. You would get the fuck out of my house immediately
52:53Hey poppy rose
52:55Help me
53:00Better blessing and an honor knowing you these past ten years. I love you to the moon
53:07Then I'll be no more fucking eggs me
53:10Who's the one that came to us and told us that you had a fucking alliance with mr.
53:15Thing I'm not in no alliance like I promised all right, bitch, and I'm not in one and I'm not fucking the leader of one
53:21So then why did your lapdogs raise their hand with you
53:27He's confirmed the girls have an alliance yeah
53:31Y'all getting yourselves out. Are you falling in love?
53:35I know that Goldilocks has a little thing going on. Have you ever slept with someone in this house?