• yesterday
స్కూలుకు వచ్చిన తర్వాత హాజరుపట్టికపై సంతకం చేయటం ఉద్యోగుల బాధ్యత. అలాంటిది ఓ ప్రిన్సిపల్‌ రెండురోజుల ముందుగానే సంతకాలు చేసేశారు. అదీ.. విధులకు హాజరుకాకముందే. శ్రీసత్యసాయి జిల్లా తనకల్లు మండలం ఎస్టీ బాలికల గురుకుల పాఠశాలలో ఈ ఘటన జరిగింది.


00:00On next Monday, the 17th, you and your brother-in-law have to go for teaching, it is their duty.
00:08You have already signed as if it is their duty.
00:11You have also signed as if it is their duty.
00:14On Monday, their souls will come and leave.
00:17They will sign when we come, they will sign when we leave.
00:24There will be entry and exit levels.
00:27They will sign as if they have already joined the duty.
00:30You have already signed on the day you came.
00:34You have also signed as if you have joined the duty.
00:39On next Monday, the 17th, you and your brother-in-law have to go for teaching, it is their duty.
00:46You have already signed as if it is their duty.
00:49You have also signed as if it is their duty.
00:52They will come and leave on Monday.
00:56They will sign as if they have joined the duty.
01:00They will sign as if they have joined the duty.
01:03There will be entry and exit levels.
01:05They will sign as if they have joined the duty.
01:09You have already signed on the day you came.
