KHABAR Muhammad Malick Kay Saath | Jaffar Express | ARY News | 13th March 2025
00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, you are watching Khabar Lahariya, I am Muhammad Malik.
00:27Today we are going to talk about Balochistan.
00:29It is unfortunate that in Pakistan's media, Balochistan is discussed only when there is a big incident.
00:36We also go to events.
00:38We leave aside the media, but we can see that the same is the case with the government.
00:41We go to events.
00:43Today, there was a big incident that could have been a catastrophe, but it was saved due to the army operation.
00:50Where people thought that there would be hundreds of massacres, there were only 23 massacres.
00:5633 terrorists were killed.
00:58A big calamity stopped.
01:00But having said that, what happened today?
01:02In the National Assembly, the same drama, the same worries.
01:05They are criticizing them.
01:07Khawaja Asad spoke.
01:09Then Asad Qaisar Sahab gave an answer.
01:11Then they are shouting at each other.
01:13The Prime Minister held a very high-level meeting.
01:15I don't understand that when all this was happening for the first 48 hours, where was the Prime Minister?
01:19Where was the Cabinet?
01:20Where was the National Security Committee?
01:23Post facto, everything happens in this country.
01:25And when we saw the same things there, they were generalized.
01:27The same national unity, the same everything.
01:29The words are very good.
01:31But the devil lies in details.
01:33Was there any discussion in the specifics?
01:36Was there any policy debate in the National Assembly?
01:39Point scoring is happening.
01:41Is this such a small incident?
01:43Terrorism is on its spike.
01:45Maybe in the last 5-10 years, it was not such a dangerous situation as it is today.
01:50Today, as we speak, there was another suicide incident in KP.
01:55About 9-10 terrorists were killed.
01:58Within hours of that thing.
02:00The Prime Minister also said some old things there.
02:03That many Taliban were kept in the middle of Imran Khan's government.
02:08Then there were talks about General Bajwa in the National Assembly.
02:11I will talk about that too.
02:13Because I have raised this issue again and again in this program.
02:16Because my information is that there was no plan of resettlement.
02:20And I also said that if General Bajwa has really resettled.
02:23Call General Bajwa in front of the Parliament.
02:26And let him answer.
02:28Because everything is being sold in Pakistan by oversimplifying.
02:32If he did it, it happened.
02:34If he did it, it happened because of him.
02:36What are the issues?
02:39If the army goes to Hajj and they have to solve the problem.
02:42Armies can fight terrorists, not terrorism.
02:46Terrorism, fighting terrorism and fighting terrorists.
02:49These are two different things.
02:51For that, civil structure, intel, all those things are there.
02:55Today we will also talk about some specific things.
02:57And we will try to get some answers.
03:00Because as far as the government and the rulers are concerned, there is still disappointment.
03:04We are getting political statements.
03:07And this political statement is very interesting.
03:09When these people are in the opposition, then Balochistan is very high on everyone's radar.
03:13But when they come to the government, then suddenly everybody grows very amazingly silent.
03:19What is happening?
03:20And where is Balochistan going?
03:22What is its treatment?
03:24And can everything, a kinetic action, deliver results alone?
03:28Certainly not.
03:29There have been terrorist movements all over the world.
03:32There has also been a war on terror.
03:35Along with that, there have been negotiations in Track 2.
03:38People have also been brought into the conversation.
03:41In our country, you are either a traitor or a terrorist or you are nothing.
03:45We will talk about all these things.
03:47Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch has joined us.
03:49Former Chief Minister of Balochistan, President of the National Party.
03:52Major General Retired Zahid Mahmood has joined us.
03:55Thank you very much.
03:56Mr. Javed has joined us.
03:58Major General Zahid Mahmood has a very interesting career.
04:02When he was a Lieutenant Colonel in Bajor, he had serious injuries.
04:08He had been shot six times.
04:10And he also lost a limb.
04:12So I think when we talk about this, he is more than qualified to give us his opinion.
04:18It's just not a rank that we invited to the office.
04:20We have actually invited an officer who has done his part.
04:25Doctor, I will start with you.
04:28In the meeting that took place in Quetta today,
04:30it was a very high-powered meeting.
04:32It got a lot of coverage.
04:34I have two basic questions.
04:36Are the same things that are said only for the media,
04:40dialogue, this and that,
04:42or have you seen any specific difference in the thinking
04:46of the civil leadership and the army leadership?
04:50Have you seen any difference in their thinking?
04:53Because the situation in Balochistan has changed a lot.
04:57Mr. Malik, thank you very much.
04:59I am also grateful to my participants.
05:02Look, I haven't seen any difference in the thinking of Islamabad yet.
05:10Because those people still don't understand Balochistan.
05:14Instead of dealing with Balochistan politically,
05:21they are dealing with it in terms of security.
05:24Because of that, Balochistan is not being managed.
05:29And this narrative of our militants,
05:37this narrative of freedom,
05:41this narrative of a school of thought,
05:43you cannot finish it with a bullet.
05:46For that, you need multiple dimensions.
05:52But there is a loss.
05:55As you know very well,
05:59we don't have the right to vote in elections.
06:03We win and someone else gets the result.
06:08Development has stopped in our country.
06:12Our people are unemployed.
06:15So we need to address all these issues.
06:19We need to solve the problem of the unemployed.
06:23We need to create an environment
06:28in which we can negotiate.
06:32I haven't seen anything like this.
06:35Honestly, Mr. Malik,
06:37I have spent my entire life in Zindabad and Murdabad.
06:44I have never seen a parliament like this.
06:56We are unfortunate that instead of solving the problems,
07:03they are making it more complicated.
07:05And instead of understanding Balochistan,
07:08they are making it more complicated.
07:11I request the PM to sit here for a couple of days
07:19and implement our recommendations.
07:23We have given suggestions in every forum.
07:27The problem is that our people are moving away from us.
07:36They say that they won't get anything from this democracy.
07:40I tell you honestly,
07:42it is becoming very difficult for us.
07:46This situation has also arisen.
07:50The mindset that I have felt so far
07:55is not the same.
07:59This is very relevant.
08:01I always say that we see Balochistan
08:05from a security lens.
08:07That is why our solutions are also kinetic oriented.
08:12But tell me one thing,
08:14the Chief Minister has also said that we should negotiate.
08:17The Prime Minister is also talking.
08:19Who will we negotiate with?
08:21Because there are only two categories
08:23when they hear that they are terrorists,
08:25they are enemies of the country.
08:27Let it be Harbiyar or Switzerland or Paris.
08:31They must be consuming goods from India,
08:33right and left.
08:34Some Gulf states also invest money.
08:36But among the foot soldiers,
08:38there are many who have been misled.
08:40I don't think anyone wants to live in caves.
08:44And if there is any hope for a better life.
08:47Who will we talk to?
08:49When you were the Chief Minister,
08:51did you also try to negotiate?
08:53Why didn't things move forward in your time?
08:55No, I did talk.
08:58I was given a mandate at the All Parties Conference
09:02in which the Army Chief was also present.
09:04And the representatives of the agencies were also present.
09:07I talked.
09:0980%, 70, 80% were successful.
09:13And I came happily.
09:16I told the PM.
09:18He said, go and tell General Ryan.
09:22I told him.
09:24I told his team.
09:26So suddenly I felt that
09:29there is a school of thought in the government
09:33that says there is no need for compromise.
09:37We will eliminate them.
09:40And I said, you sent me.
09:43I worked so hard.
09:46With great difficulty.
09:48I managed things.
09:50So all those things were wasted.
09:52Now it has come into the hands of the youth.
09:56Especially the BLA and BLF.
09:59They are not ready to negotiate.
10:01What kind of things were decided?
10:03What kind of things were decided?
10:05When you say that 70-80% were decided.
10:08We had two conditions.
10:12One was not to challenge the security of Pakistan.
10:16Second, to accept the constitution of Pakistan.
10:20They said, okay, we will accept it.
10:23And they did not have any big demand.
10:26That demand was of some schools.
10:29It was of some jobs.
10:32I told the PM, I can do this on behalf of Pakistan government.
10:38So at that time, things were absolutely ready.
10:42There was a lot of pressure.
10:45Okay, I mean, including the rest of the friends.
10:47General, you have also participated in operations.
10:50You have done everything.
10:52Can the ultimate solution be kinetic?
10:56I am talking to your former army chief.
11:00He said, one of the greatest fortunes of Balochistan is that
11:03the geography is in our favor.
11:06Because it is so big.
11:08And the population is so large.
11:10That no terrorist can take over.
11:12They can only do this.
11:14There was an explosion here and there.
11:16Guerrilla warfare was going on.
11:18This cannot happen again.
11:19But this thing will continue.
11:21But I have talked to the serving former army officers.
11:25Many who have served in Balochistan.
11:27They say, there will be a parallel dialogue.
11:30But as you heard Dr.
11:32When it comes to dialogue,
11:34Then they say, no, we can eliminate it.
11:37In the name of God.
11:39First of all, thank you very much for the invite.
11:42And thank you very much for the respect you have given.
11:45It is an honor that I am sitting with Mr. Malik and Mr. Javed on this panel.
11:49See, unfortunately, an impression is given that the military mind
11:54They only believe in kinetic.
11:56Pakistan's military and any military's primary purpose is to achieve peace.
12:01Now with kinetic, this is basically a political tool.
12:05It is a political instrument.
12:07The problem in Pakistan is that
12:09When the political part does not take ownership of the war.
12:14When it does not take ownership of its responsibilities.
12:16It wants to come in power.
12:18This is an issue across the board in Pakistan.
12:20Whether it is Balochistan or I am sure that Mr. Malik has seen things very closely.
12:27But when the time comes or when you get power,
12:31Then we seriously fail to fulfill your responsibilities.
12:35Then we want to go into history.
12:37Whoever you talk to, they say that no one understood Balochistan.
12:41In my opinion, unfortunately, even the people of Balochistan did not understand Balochistan.
12:46Who kept ruling it.
12:48In 1972, when initially a province is formed.
12:52It is a baby province of Pakistan.
12:542500 teachers, non-Balochis are expelled.
12:58They are removed from the morning.
13:00Someone has asked that what was the purpose behind that?
13:0214 out of 17 Sardars are Chief Ministers there.
13:06I don't want to get into the past.
13:09I want you to get into them.
13:1014 out of 17 Chief Ministers are Sardars.
13:16I would like to publish a white paper.
13:20How many funds have been given to Balochistan since 1972?
13:24So that it can be identified.
13:26Who is responsible if there is no social development there?
13:32So I think there are accumulative mistakes.
13:34I do not say that if they have removed it, then they will be responsible.
13:38The accumulative mistake is that those who were giving them funds.
13:41The commoners have been complaining all their lives.
13:46That the state has been investing in Sardars.
13:49Sardars have been looked after.
13:51Sardars who come to power, they become silent for that period.
13:56But when they go to the opposition or when they are out of power.
13:59Because they had to fight the election.
14:02Politics was based on this.
14:05They have been deprived of everything.
14:07There has been a state failure.
14:08But politics was also based on this.
14:10No one tried to find a solution.
14:12And today, as of today.
14:14Until political ownership is taken.
14:18And again and again it will be said that the agencies did this.
14:21In the name of settlement, they will put it towards Jal Bajwa.
14:24Tomorrow, when this chief leaves, then something will be put in his account.
14:27There are a lot of things in the account of Mr. Pravesh Musharraf.
14:30So the dirty laundry or the failures, you do it from there.
14:35I say that if we want to get out of the baggage of the past.
14:39Learn from mistakes.
14:41But don't go under the baggage.
14:43So accumulative mistakes.
14:44Even today, the situation in Balochistan.
14:46This is different from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
14:48Its threat is different.
14:50This is a serious threat.
14:52And the serious approach has to be taken by political leaders.
14:55Ownership has to be taken.
14:56Because only political people can do conflict resolution.
15:00But the common people think that the biggest reason for this problem is that
15:04the people there, the elected people, as the doctor said,
15:08they are not genuine leadership.
15:10And who will be elected?
15:12They are more selected people than the election.
15:14And they do the establishment.
15:17And this mistake has been made by the establishment.
15:19And people have disconnected from the elected people.
15:23So when he will not talk to the elected people,
15:25sometimes someone will come, sometimes Marang will come.
15:27Come, eliminate Marang.
15:29A new Marang will come.
15:31So that will keep feeding a narrative.
15:34Look, Mr. Malik, first I said that there are accumulative mistakes.
15:37But let me tell you honestly.
15:39These big things in debates, whatever you are talking about,
15:41they are all in debates.
15:43Practically, when democracy is not practiced at all,
15:48when it does not even go into practical shape,
15:50then these things happen.
15:52That you look at the same power centers from which they want to come or are coming.
15:57And everybody across the board,
15:59I honestly tell you that everyone goes there and talks about bringing us.
16:04Look, I am saying that until they do not take ownership,
16:07or politics itself ...
16:09Sir, why does everyone talk about bringing us?
16:12They know that they will bring us.
16:14No, that's what I am saying.
16:15They create that environment.
16:17No, you decide.
16:19Mr. Malik or whoever is there for that matter,
16:21the political leadership,
16:23today political parties decide that we are doing it on our own.
16:26Okay, today there is a situation.
16:28Leave the past.
16:29Today there is a situation.
16:30There is a situation after the train.
16:32Today political leadership should take over.
16:34Political polarization is necessary.
16:36Polarization is necessary for political stability.
16:38So whoever is in government or opposition,
16:40everyone should sit down and decide that we have to address this polarization.
16:43This malfunction has happened because of this.
16:46Now let's put this aside and move on to our way forward.
16:49Let's move on to our way forward.
16:51Nusrat, where do we start now?
16:55Now, where do we start?
16:56Now, I think that whoever is saying that there will be a political dialogue,
17:01he is living in a world of dreams.
17:05Look, there are many countries in the history of the world
17:10where terrorism is prevalent.
17:13But very little has happened
17:16that a train which has 450 passengers...
17:20This is the stuff of movies.
17:21We used to see these things in movies.
17:23Now, till last night at 7 o'clock,
17:27at least I was convinced that
17:30we did not go anywhere for at least 5-6-7 days to clear this.
17:35Bombay was coming to our mind.
17:379-11 was coming to our mind.
17:39And Shatte is also coming to our mind a lot.
17:41And then that he was coming.
17:43Was he coming or not?
17:44Now, whether you like it or not,
17:47those who have the force,
17:50they did not let the second night to be completed.
17:55Now they will say,
17:57whom should we talk to?
17:59If they will do such things,
18:02then what is Dr. Malik talking about?
18:05Now, Dr. Malik,
18:07I remember one year ago,
18:10I had a very humorous relationship with him.
18:15The people of our Makran,
18:17very few people know,
18:18they have a very self-aversive humor.
18:20And they are very lively people.
18:23So, we are so-called Lahoris,
18:25we think that we are very...
18:26This is also too much.
18:28But I have known him for so long,
18:32Dr. Malik was so worried.
18:34So, I said to him,
18:35I said, Doctor,
18:36understand, what happened to you?
18:38He mentioned two women to me,
18:41one of whom was probably a student of MPhil,
18:44and the other recently did MA.
18:46I said, I know that she went there.
18:51So, see,
18:52the development that is taking place behind this,
18:56now no one will talk about the past.
19:01Now, those who have the force,
19:02they will say,
19:03whatever had to happen has happened.
19:04Yesterday, Sanam Loh did not talk about it.
19:06She said,
19:07now the leadership has gone.
19:08Now, as the Prime Minister said today,
19:11he admitted,
19:12he made a small mistake in the fact-check,
19:15that everything was fine in 2018,
19:17when Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister.
19:20Nawaz Sharif was not the Prime Minister.
19:22He was disqualified in 2017.
19:26But the question arises,
19:28when the control was gained over terrorism,
19:32then at that time,
19:33the Chief Minister was Dr. Malik.
19:35So, there was an agreement with Dr. Malik,
19:38for two and a half years.
19:40When Sanahullah Zehri comes,
19:42then where does the father come from?
19:44He also used to talk,
19:45Mr. Shahbaz, sitting there.
19:47He said,
19:48when everything was fine,
19:50we were fine,
19:51but then the father came from somewhere,
19:53and the children of the father
19:54brought us to this house today.
19:55Let me tell you another story about the father.
19:57There was Rai Tahir.
19:59So, when this was made there,
20:03CTD was made,
20:04in Balochistan.
20:05So, Rai Tahir was appointed there.
20:08Now, Rai Tahir had done a great job in Punjab.
20:11Few months down the road,
20:13Ghauz Mazinjo was your Chief Minister.
20:16He asked the Prime Minister to dismiss him,
20:18because Rai Tahir had caught some people,
20:20who were related to Influential.
20:22Ghauz Mazinjo?
20:23No, Khadooz Mazinjo.
20:25Khadooz Mazinjo,
20:26God forgive me.
20:27Khadooz Mazinjo,
20:29my and Dr. Malik's story,
20:30Baba is from Balochistan.
20:32Khadooz Mazinjo,
20:33Khadooz Mazinjo dismissed him.
20:35And when the Prime Minister
20:37spoke to a person who mattered,
20:39he said,
20:40No, no, look,
20:41we need the things of the father,
20:42votes and everything else,
20:43so, it's a compulsion.
20:44So, that person was removed from there.
20:47when the father spoke,
20:49the father's contribution was also that,
20:51it's not straight.
20:52But I want to talk about
20:53a few specific things,
20:55I spoke to many of my experts
20:58on counter-terrorism,
20:59and those who understand Balochistan,
21:02I pointed out a few things.
21:04They said,
21:05as I said in the beginning,
21:06the army can fight terrorists,
21:08but not terrorism.
21:10And for that,
21:11you need a structure,
21:12you need an intelligence structure.
21:14At least in Balochistan,
21:15nothing else happens.
21:16You do tenure posting,
21:17the police officer comes,
21:18the intelligence person comes,
21:20the SP commissioner comes,
21:21their tenure of 2-3 years
21:23should be there,
21:24tenure posting,
21:25only then that work is done.
21:28nothing is established.
21:29Your A category,
21:30B category areas
21:31are established.
21:3390% of your areas
21:34are in the B category,
21:36in which levies are made.
21:38And the general idea is,
21:39in fact,
21:40I would like you
21:41to tell us about this,
21:42that they are in the
21:43chiefs' accounts.
21:44A year's expenditure
21:45is Rs. 92 billion
21:46in levies.
21:48absolutely ill-trained.
21:49There was a study
21:50that 60%
21:51do not have a job,
21:53and 30-40%
21:54who do have a job,
21:55they are so poorly trained,
21:57that if there is an incident,
21:59they just disappear.
22:01In 92 billion,
22:02you could have established
22:03the entire police force
22:04and the entire structure
22:05in Balochistan,
22:06when you were the minister.
22:08You had started
22:09some efforts
22:10to increase these A areas,
22:11to finish the B areas.
22:13Why didn't it happen?
22:15Who stopped you?
22:19I had converted
22:21three districts,
22:23Mr. Malik.
22:29which I had,
22:30used to run there.
22:35and Panjgur.
22:37That is not the point, sir.
22:39The point is that...
22:41No, first,
22:43Mr. Raksha,
22:44please explain to me
22:45why that thing
22:46went ahead
22:47and why later
22:48those areas
22:49came back.
22:50I will tell my audience,
22:51I will tell my audience,
22:53the category A and B.
22:55even today,
22:56in the last few days,
22:57there was a debate
22:58in the parliament
23:00should we keep
23:01these areas
23:02or not?
23:03Should we declare
23:04these areas
23:05or not?
23:07what I understand
23:08is that
23:09right now,
23:10the urban war
23:11that you have,
23:12that urban war
23:13is being fought
23:14in your cities
23:15which are
23:16the police areas.
23:19the urban war
23:20is being fought
23:21in your cities
23:22which are
23:23the police areas.
23:26in some time,
23:27the guerrilla war
23:28that took place
23:29in Pahadun
23:30is over.
23:31It has been
23:33into an urban war.
23:35Mr. Raksha,
23:36what I am saying
23:37to you
23:38is that,
23:39what the
23:42I have
23:43a lot of
23:47when people
23:48to this extent
23:49from their
23:51excuse me,
23:52they know
23:55they were
23:58the drugs
24:00has come
24:03drug dealers
24:04have come
24:09of 2014,
24:10this was
24:11an election.
24:12This was
24:13a market
24:18one or
24:19two more
24:21take place
24:22like this,
24:24will be
24:25no election.
24:27this time
24:28it was
24:29a complete
24:33do not
24:37in order,
24:40will be
24:43I think,
24:46we need to
24:48the fundamental
24:50We need to
24:51address the
25:12has brought
25:13them here.
25:16people have
25:17said that
25:18I know
25:19that I
25:20have won
25:21So, we have been defeated by a party which is neither of Turbat nor of Gwadar.
25:26Now, what is the solution to this?
25:30My workers tell me that we were getting 10-12 votes in the elections and they gave us only 3.
25:37So, in this way, I think, Akhtar Mehngal, Mahmood Khan, Chikzait, or JUI, they have put everyone on the Kudelain.
25:48Now, they have brought unknown people.
25:52There is one more issue of missing persons which is a very serious issue and it will not be solved.
26:00General sir, I was talking to a former army chief and a head of Intel.
26:08I asked him to tell me why this problem is not solved.
26:11He gave two suggestions.
26:13In different words, but just one.
26:15First, he said that the ISI and MI in Pakistan do not have the rights of arrest.
26:23If a person is caught, he has to be handed over to the police.
26:29The police officer who has arrested him goes to the court.
26:33When a lawyer asks him four questions in the court, he does not know the background nor the case, he will be released.
26:40Then people say, what should we do in that case?
26:42First of all, there should be a permission that the terror, espionage, these things should be allowed to be arrested.
26:53So that the institution comes and you can put a ban on it.
26:57That if you have kidnapped a person, you will bring him to court within 48 hours.
27:01After that, you can also make a civilian oversight that after every three months, you have to give an answer to the people you have.
27:08But this is such a big technical issue that a lot of people get out of the net and that terrorism spreads further.
27:15You were in operations.
27:17Is this just a matter?
27:19Because along with that, there is a fear that if permission is obtained for formal arrest, then people say that the intelligence agencies do not leave, they take it.
27:28Will this be better or will it be a loss?
27:32Look, Mr. Malik, the situation in Balochistan is very evolving and it is changing so quickly.
27:40This resistance or the friction from there has also changed hands very quickly and a lot of corrections have been made.
27:50Sorry for the interjection.
27:52That's why I asked, if this continues, your issue of missing persons will end.
27:57Look, whenever you establish things under lawfare, at least their validity or their right purpose will definitely be solved.
28:08I will honestly tell you that in the case of this missing person, I am sure that the situation is also very different.
28:14There are now so many characters in the middle of Balochistan, especially after this interference, which is now clear that it is being waged by a sponsor.
28:22A proxy sponsor is present and is waging it.
28:26And apart from that, there are many other international applications.
28:29Because there is a whole state in Balochistan because of the Chinese interest.
28:34But look, exploiting is definitely happening.
28:38We agree that India is spending a lot of money.
28:40There are also two or three Gulf states.
28:42Everyone knows their reasons.
28:44But they say that you can't hang your coat until there is a hook on the wall.
28:47The reasons are genuine that they are exploiting terrorists.
28:49No one is addressing those reasons.
28:51I am asking because of the technical issues.
28:55I totally agree.
28:58If their laws are established, they get their rights.
29:02So I think they will not have any problem in declaring.
29:05They will not have any problem.
29:07Look, I say that this is an issue of missing persons.
29:09It is a genuine issue.
29:11Some incidents do happen.
29:13And we are in the state of war.
29:15Collateral damage is going on in the war.
29:17And this is not happening only in Pakistan.
29:20It is happening only in Balochistan.
29:22If you look at the history of any war in the world,
29:24if you study Sri Lanka,
29:26the counter operations they have done,
29:28and their military involvement,
29:30that has gone beyond the limit.
29:32If you look at Bangladesh,
29:34it happens everywhere in the world.
29:36But it has been exploited a lot.
29:38It has been exploited.
29:40Social movements take over.
29:42It is on the right cause.
29:44I am not saying that it is on the wrong cause.
29:45It is on the right cause.
29:47Because there is a lot of money involved.
29:49A lot of money is involved.
29:51And you see, Mr. Malik,
29:53with all my respect,
29:55when the government is formed,
29:57whether it comes from Route A, B, or C,
30:01corruption in a state like Balochistan,
30:03and due to misgovernance,
30:05if you talk about the levies,
30:07out of 83,000,
30:0960% are not on the ground.
30:11And honestly,
30:13there is a feeling,
30:15even the security forces
30:17are a little afraid
30:19that they are either policing,
30:21or law and order,
30:23or protecting someone.
30:25Now, let me tell you,
30:27the bus that was stopped the other day,
30:29in which seven passengers,
30:31500 meters between
30:33there were two levies posted,
30:35and they were manned.
30:37It was not that people were missing there.
30:39And in the middle of that,
30:41people were taken off the bus and killed.
30:43And nobody reacted.
30:45These are the issues.
30:47So, look,
30:49in the midst of the missing person,
30:51people also politicized in it.
30:53You have seen terrorists in many places,
30:55who were on the list of missing persons,
30:57they were killed,
30:59they were found there.
31:01Because a narrative has been built against the state.
31:03And this is not a common thought.
31:05It is not that an angry Baloch
31:07took a gun and left in anger,
31:09and the same thought is being implemented.
31:11There is a whole state behind this train,
31:13there is its thinking,
31:15which wants to capture Pakistan's position.
31:17Yes, but sir,
31:19the enemy will always be there.
31:21First, we will order our own house.
31:23We can't keep blaming people for exploiting us.
31:25Our issue is, let me confess,
31:27that when we make laws,
31:29which are made for a purpose,
31:31unfortunately, they are misused a little.
31:33And that thing creates a problem.
31:35The law that you have made for this purpose,
31:37then political settlement…
31:39Sir, there is a break now,
31:41I am being told,
31:43I want to discuss specific measures today,
31:45I have a permanent panel with me,
31:47and the former chief minister is also here.
31:49We will discuss some specific measures after this break.
31:59Yes, welcome back to the show.
32:01Yesterday, in my program,
32:03when former Senator Sana Baloch
32:05said something very interesting.
32:07She said that confidence-building measures
32:09should be taken, and it seems that
32:11if you look at the narratives of terrorists,
32:13of politicians,
32:15you will see that their actions are not clear,
32:17and that is why there is a problem.
32:19But the biggest problem is missing persons.
32:21During the break, the doctor was telling me
32:23that there are so many roads in Balochistan
32:25that are related to missing persons.
32:27That means, if the issue of missing persons
32:29is resolved,
32:31then perhaps the great power of this narrative
32:33will be broken.
32:35In this segment, I will try to ask
32:37all three of my friends
32:39how the issue of missing persons
32:41can be resolved,
32:43because the missing persons commission was formed
32:4511-12 lakh months ago,
32:47and that report is still not in front of us.
32:49And people talk about it again and again.
32:51Doctor, first of all,
32:53how can the issue of missing persons
32:55be resolved, or how can it be mitigated?
32:57Look, the issue of missing persons
32:59will be solved in a simple way.
33:01If someone
33:07or if someone
33:09got involved in a killing,
33:11then you
33:12should arrest him
33:14and put him in some jail
33:16and investigate him.
33:18After all, we have seen
33:20Bhutto's insurgency
33:22in the 70s.
33:24Arrest him, take him to the criminal branch
33:26and torture him
33:28for a week or ten days.
33:30Then put him in a jail
33:32and these cases
33:34would go on for two, three, four years.
33:36I think
33:38that at least
33:40those who are very dangerous
33:42should meet their family
33:44once a month
33:46so that the family knows
33:48that their son is alive.
33:50So, if you solve this issue,
33:52I think
33:54that at least
33:56in Balochistan,
33:58you will be able to open up.
34:00And your people
34:02will have more sympathy
34:04on this issue.
34:06And your people
34:08will be more involved in it.
34:12you will have to provide
34:14job opportunities,
34:16you will have to develop,
34:18you will have to do vote governance
34:20and at the same time,
34:22you will have to conduct
34:24free and fair elections
34:26for the people's trust.
34:30Your point has come.
34:32General sir,
34:34when I talk to law enforcement,
34:36they say that we know
34:38that he is a terrorist
34:40but because there are no laws,
34:42I want such laws to be made
34:44so that those agencies
34:46if someone picks me up,
34:48then they answer for me,
34:50they go to court,
34:52they prove my crime,
34:54if there are other things,
34:56then is this a way forward?
34:58Yes, Malik sir,
35:00Balochistan does not have
35:02many administrative divisions
35:04and districts.
35:06In my opinion,
35:08CBM can be a starting point
35:10and I would suggest
35:12that when they pass,
35:14then they should have
35:16the will to implement it
35:18and take 3 to 4 districts
35:20as model districts,
35:22the administrative things
35:24that you have to put there,
35:26the law offices that you have
35:28to establish,
35:30take those districts where
35:32there is more issue
35:34and in a transparent way
35:36and I say that
35:38the people of civil society
35:40should also put them
35:42and among them,
35:44when there is a solid body
35:46that announces that
35:48he is a black,
35:50but there are some terrorists
35:52and some people
35:54that you may not be able
35:56to declare or whatever issues
35:58there are,
36:00but there is a body
36:02that is monitoring it
36:04and telling everyone
36:06that whatever website
36:08you want to do,
36:10establish it in 3 to 4 districts
36:12and you can do it.
36:14I am not saying that
36:16you should not do it
36:18and you should not
36:20do it in a transparent way
36:22but you should have
36:24a solid body
36:26that announces
36:28that you are a black,
36:30you are a terrorist
36:32and you are a black person
36:34and you are a terrorist
36:36and you are a terrorist
36:38and you are a terrorist
36:40and you are a terrorist
36:42and you are a terrorist
36:44and you are a terrorist
36:46and you are a terrorist
36:48and you are a terrorist
36:50and you are a terrorist
36:52and you are a terrorist
36:54and you are a terrorist
36:56and you are a terrorist
36:58and you are a terrorist
37:00and you are a terrorist
37:02and you are a terrorist
37:04and you are a terrorist
37:06and you are a terrorist
37:08and you are a terrorist
37:10and you are a terrorist
37:12and you are a terrorist
37:14and you are a terrorist
37:16and you are a terrorist
37:18and you are a terrorist
37:20and you are a terrorist
37:22and you are a terrorist
37:24and you are a terrorist
37:26and you are a terrorist
37:28and you are a terrorist
37:30and you are a terrorist
37:32and you are a terrorist
37:34and you are a terrorist
37:36and you are a terrorist
37:38and you are a terrorist
37:40and you are a terrorist
37:42and you are a terrorist
37:44and you are a terrorist
37:46and you are a terrorist
37:48and you are a terrorist
37:50and you are a terrorist
37:52and you are a terrorist
37:54and you are a terrorist
37:56and you are a terrorist
37:58and you are a terrorist
38:00and you are a terrorist
38:02and you are a terrorist
38:04and you are a terrorist
38:06and you are a terrorist
38:08and you are a terrorist
38:10and you are a terrorist
38:12English version of it.
38:14In that, there is a thank you note
38:16of the armed forces.
38:18In that, it says military, and someone has written
38:20air force with his hand.
38:22This is the level.
38:24Okay, we can say that
38:26they didn't know this much.
38:28Tell me,
38:30did the Minister of Internal Affairs come to the National Assembly
38:32to tell us what happened?
38:34Did the Minister of Defence
38:36see any commentary today?
38:38I say,
38:40it is appreciable.
38:42I am saying this with great knowledge.
38:44Maybe he is upset
38:46that the Prime Minister
38:48didn't get all the powers.
38:50Why are the issues going on inside?
38:52If there is a problem with him,
38:54then there is no such problem with Khawaja.
38:56He has the blame
38:58that he is the Minister of Defence.
39:00So, three or four of them
39:02look, it is a good story
39:04that within two days
39:06in a place
39:08where the road is 26 km long,
39:10but the problem
39:12is that the people
39:14who were sitting in the train
39:16were poor people.
39:18If this attack had happened in a five-star hotel,
39:20I said yesterday
39:22that they were poor people,
39:26Okay, tell me,
39:30there is a little time left,
39:32but if the conversation and the question
39:34were left in the middle,
39:36what should be done with all the people?
39:38There are Marang,
39:40there are other people
39:42who you say are the mouthpiece of terrorists.
39:44Who will you talk to?
39:48I understand that
39:52there are two organizations,
39:54BLA and BLF.
39:56But they will not talk
40:00they are both young,
40:02born in BSO,
40:06you should at least
40:08make a little attempt.
40:10At least try.
40:12The rest of the people
40:14who are sitting outside,
40:16some of them should say
40:18Salam to them,
40:20some should talk about confidence building,
40:22so that some things
40:24are initiated.
40:28there have been wars
40:30and negotiations in Balochistan.
40:32If you completely
40:34reject these negotiations,
40:36then things
40:38will be
40:42Everything will be ruined.
40:44Despite this,
40:46Amas says
40:48that we will talk.
40:50All such things
40:52are destroyed.
40:54Amas should not talk.
40:56Now what to talk about?
40:58But he says that we will talk.
41:00Ultimately, we will have to talk.
41:02Thank you all very much.
41:04Let's take a break.
41:06Stay with us.
41:14Welcome back to the show.
41:16You heard all the panelists.
41:18One thing is very clear.
41:20Our third program on this issue
41:22is that the biggest issue is
41:24missing people.
41:26This is also a reality.
41:28When we talk to the law enforcement,
41:30they say that we know
41:32that we have caught
41:34active people.
41:36But the law
41:38comes out through the sleeves.
41:40Legislation should be done.
41:42Negotiations and development
41:44will take time.
41:46Let's go.