Deputy Mayor, Cllr Fitzgerald, met with representatives of Kidney Research UK to raise a flag and awareness for World Kidney Day. Video: PCC
00:00So welcome everybody to our flag raising ceremony outside the Town Hall today for
00:06World Kidney Day which is actually tomorrow and we've got the team from
00:10Kidney Research with us today and we've been upstairs in the parlour having a
00:16cup of coffee and talking about what it actually means to have kidney disease
00:21and how it affects the UK's population. So we are about to raise the flag but
00:26Sandra would you like to say a few words about why we're here today as well?
00:31So we're here to recognise World Kidney Day tomorrow and that's great to have the flag going up for the flagpole
00:36but we're also here to mark the beginning of a really important project
00:41here in Peterborough to raise awareness of kidney disease, to enable people to
00:46stay healthy, keep their kidneys healthy and we're working with people across the
00:51city and we're very open to working with anyone else who wants to join us to make
00:56sure more people think about their kidneys. So Think Kidney is the big message from today
01:02so that we can all live with healthy and happy kidneys for longer.
01:07That's fantastic. So Daisy's also been involved in the committee as has Edwina.
01:12Either of you want to say anything before we do the big thing?
01:14No we're fine.
01:15Oh you're happy?
01:16I can say a few words.
01:17Oh yes, come on Daisy.
01:18I'm really proud to be part of the Peterborough project. It's going to be great
01:23and hopefully we can raise awareness about kidney disease and prevention within Peterborough.
01:28Thank you Daisy.
01:29Okay, I think Ernest and I did see Dennis somewhere.
01:34Feel the people.
01:36We've not made them redundant yet.
01:38They still got me next year.
01:40So I think Ernest if you do the honours aided by Dennis and let's celebrate
01:46I think you will kidney date for tomorrow and be very happy.
01:51It's going well, it's okay.
01:52Do I not go on to the next one?
01:57Ah, here we go.
01:59You can come and have a go now Dennis.