00:00Yeah, they've just passed, there's two bikes towards the A47 roundabout.
00:07217, I've got a sting of sight.
00:10Bretton Gate, junction of, I think it's Atherton Avenue there.
00:14Just past the hospital junction.
00:16MPAS 16, we're on the scene. Contact with those two mopeds.
00:21Currently Bretton Gate.
00:23Yeah, that's all copied, thanks MPAS.
00:26Southbound Cranford Drive, stand by for direction.
00:31They're now off road.
00:34Heading towards Ledbury Road, Ledbury Road.
00:40I've taken to the footpath behind Wilton Close.
00:43They're south towards the Westwood Garage playing fields.
00:50Onto Ledbury Road, and they're now westbound, generally towards Thorpe County Primary School.
00:57Both vehicles approaching the junction with Thorpe Park, stand by for direction.
01:03212, for information, now officially failing to stop for me.
01:09Left, left, Thorpe Road, towards the A1179.
01:16212, for information, I am directly behind the two subjects.
01:20MPAS 16, it appears one of the pillion passengers is possibly filming on their phone.
01:24They're onto the roundabout with the parkway.
01:31MPAS 8, both vehicles now off road into the Broadwalks Nature Reserve area.
01:38Generally towards Thorpe Meadows.
01:44But it still remains off road onto footpaths.
01:50OK, they haven't taken that footbridge, they've continued eastbound towards the town centre, north of the river.
01:58They're just south of Veers and Platts.
02:06They've entered underneath the railway bridge and they're stationary, probably aware of our presence.
02:10So they've stopped underneath the railway bridge, on a footpath, just south of Veers and Platts.
02:2016, both vehicles now off, off, off again, turning into Veers and Platts.
02:42And it's reset back towards the railway bridge.
02:48Subject's slowing and it's a stop-stop.
03:02One pillion passenger got off, taking a photograph of them, they're back on now.
03:06Both vehicles off, off, off, westbound on that footpath.
03:1316, both vehicles have stopped, one's off and running.
03:18Both of the vehicles are still moving.
03:21Standby, one has decamped to a property, I'll give you the address very shortly.
03:35Thorpe Lee Road, one's in the front garden.
03:41Both vehicles now off, leaving that one pedestrian on his own.
03:46Yeah, moped's done, moped's done.
03:50So you've got one going down, in towards town, in towards town.
03:54And then you've got the other one towards Mayfork.
03:59It is now right, right, right, towards Rivergate.
04:02Right, right, Veers and Platts, clear of ASDA.
04:09I passed the other moped boy with that, it's Vince's close.
04:1810-90, Veers and Platts, where's he gone?
04:23Get out of our view at the moment, waiting to see if he goes to the blue bridge for a decamp.
04:28Vince's close, I've got one decamped, one unit to Vince's close, please out, go on, hop in.
04:35He's trying to get in the back door, he's forced the back door into Angus Court.
04:40There was a potential name attached to this job with this chap, what is it please?
04:44Tyler Eastbrook.
04:47Do you receive?
04:54We've run back to 5-2, has the second bike been located?
05:01There's a man at the front of Angus Court, got officers with him?
05:12Yeah, we're with him, he's just come from town and he doesn't know how to get back to Brighton and he's lost.
05:17Yeah, I'd go co-dive with him, from the thermal image, it's very similar clothing to what we saw.
05:24I've got an email link to that location, the previous of Knife Point Robbery, by the name of Harvey Carr, I don't know if he's connected.
05:33Any clothing descriptions? Harvey is in this address, but he's sat with the family and obviously they're saying that he's been there all the time.
05:40He's not wearing a lot, so there's no real clothing description to go on.
05:44It's the one we chased down to Henryton Walk, he's in a black parka jacket, hood up, black trousers, Nike Air Max trainers.
05:53Yeah, from 1-5-6, this man's got black Nike trainers on, white socks underneath his jeans, black jacket, hooded jacket and black woolly hat on.
06:04Whereabouts are you?
06:07Angus Court.
06:10What colour socks has he got on?
06:13He's got white ones underneath his jeans.
06:18Billion Passenger on the Domino's Scooter had white socks on.
06:25Yes, yes, all received, and the Domino's Scooter is out the rear of this property as well. This man is currently under arrest.