1972 erschien mit Der letzte Tango in Paris ein bereits damals umstrittener Klassiker rund um die Beziehung eines fast 50-jährigen Witwers Paul und der 20-jährigen Jeanne. Die damals 19-jährige Maria Schneider erlangte durch ihre Rolle Weltruhm. Dieser Ruhm hatte jedoch ihren Preis. Diesen Preis beleuchtet die Dokumentation Maria. Schneider bekam nach dem Film nur ähnlich freizügige Rollen angeboten und war vor allem von einer Vergewaltigungsszene traumatisiert. Diese sei Schneider zur Folge so nicht im Drehbuch gewesen. Ihr Schauspielpartner Marlon Brando gab zudem 2013 zu, Dinge vorher nicht abgesprochen zu haben, um ihre authentische Reaktion hervorzulocken.
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00:01What did you think of it?
00:03It's beautiful, but it's dark.
00:05It's not a family movie, that's for sure.
00:09Who do you have in mind for the male role?
00:11Yes, Marlon Brando said yes.
00:13You would be the second headliner.
00:19And how is Brando?
00:23He's fine. Very fine, yes.
00:26Your presence, your qualities...
00:30I hold you back, kiddo.
00:34It's crazy, you know that?
00:36Cut! Wonderful.
00:38Bravo, little sardine.
00:42The movie already has a great reputation.
00:45They say there are a lot of scenes that...
00:48Well, vulgar things, raw things.
00:51The judgment was made yesterday.
00:53The movie is forbidden.
00:54Bertolucci, Brando and I are condemned.
00:57I told you I wanted it to be intense.
01:00Not like that.
01:01That one.
01:03Mr. Bertolucci.
01:04He got me into real things that I'm not comfortable talking to anybody about.
01:09He pulled it out of me.
01:11What do you want?
01:13Do you hear me? Don't look at me!
01:15There's a scene that leaves a mark on the mind.
01:17We wonder how you approached it.
01:20It wasn't written like that in the script.
01:22It was real.
01:27I didn't play.
01:30The tears were real.
01:31You wanted to be an actress, you wanted to be famous.
01:33Not like that.
01:40What's your name?
01:43Maria Schneider.