In der Krimi-Serie Your Friends and Neighbors von AppleTV+ verliert ein Hedge-Fund-Manager (Jon Hamm) seinen Job und beginnt daraufhin seine reichen Nachbarn auszurauben, um weiter den Lebensstil seiner Familie zu gewährleisten. Nur leider bricht er in ein falsches Haus an.
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00:00No one would ever suspect a guy like me.
00:08Where are the kids?
00:09Oh, they're fine.
00:10Wife, ex-wife.
00:13Well, I gotta deliver some bad news.
00:15You're fired.
00:19Viewed from a certain perspective, life boils down to a series of interconnected decisions.
00:24You get the house, the cars, the stuff.
00:27But how the hell could everything go so wrong, so fast?
00:31Has anyone ever told you that you talk a lot?
00:32Well, I misplaced my inner monologue and my wife right around the same time.
00:38How you doing, Cookie? Okay?
00:39Hey, you two, can I just say, I love that you had such a friendly divorce.
00:47You know, it's getting harder to pretend that nothing's going on.
00:51I just need to know how long I could float on what I got.
00:54Six months, tops.
00:57I'd been thinking.
01:00These houses have all this stuff no one would miss for a while, if ever.
01:06Rich guy loses his big job, has equity problems, turns to petty crime.
01:10That's not savvy, that's stupidity.
01:13Maybe it's just desperation.
01:14That's the first honest thing you've said.
01:17I'll give you 65 for it.
01:27Sorry, guys.
01:28There's a lot we could be doing that was more important than this.
01:37For a guy with no job, we sure are busy.
01:43If you get caught, there will be penalties.
01:45I needed that money!
01:48Tell me the truth.
01:49It was your job to fight for Mom, for us.
01:53I'm in trouble.
01:53How bad?
01:57You ever look at something you've been staring at for so long,
02:01you suddenly realize you stopped seeing it a long time ago?
02:06It's not yours if you can't keep it.
02:12What'd you get up to last night?
02:13Oh, uh, you know, not much.