• vor 15 Stunden
Der introvertierte, 12-jährige, von Albträumen geplagte Morgan verbringt in Marshmallow seine Ferien in einem abgelegenen Sommercamp. Vor Ort werden seine Albträume zur Realität als Figuren aus einer gruseligen Lagerfeuergeschichte zum Leben erwachen und die Campbewohner zu einer gefährlichen Mission drängen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/marshmallow


00:06Hear that you are going to summer camp I'm being sent to summer camp
00:12Sweet tell your counselors if you have any trouble sleeping they can get in touch with them. Hey, welcome back guys
00:18Hey, how are y'all? Welcome? I
00:20Know you don't understand this but you need this and I swear it's gonna be the best summer
00:26First year here. Yeah, I can tell your file mentioned that you have nightmares sometimes
00:40There used to be cabins all throughout these woods
00:44One of those cabins belong to a doctor
00:47We had this huge cellar in the basement
00:51If you stay up too late, or if you leave your cabin past curfew
00:55You just might see the doctor I
00:59Saw him he's not real Morgan. It's just a dumb story