• vor 9 Stunden
In der schwarzhumorigen Serie Hacks von HBO Max bildet sich eine gefährliche Freundschaft zwischen einer Las Vegas-Diva und einer 25-jährigen Außenseiterin. In der Hauptrolle ist Jean Smart (Watchmen) zu sehen.

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00:00Well, aren't you a big, brave girl?
00:06I guess I am.
00:10It's for the best.
00:14We'll see.
00:31Blackmail on day one?
00:35Not good.
00:37She's been doing this for 50 years.
00:39You're not gonna beat her at her own game.
00:42Nobody beats Debra.
00:47This is a big moment for you.
00:51But you gotta dance with the one who brought you.
00:54The woman of mystery.
01:00Let's celebrate!
01:09Let go. No, let go!
01:16Ma'am, get out of the vehicle.
01:17I'm live on Instagram.
01:19You are being recorded and broadcast directly to six witnesses.
01:23Five. Four witnesses. Five. He's back. Five.
