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#jatie #jatievlogs #joshandkatie


00:005, 4, 3, 2, 1
00:05What's up JDFam?
00:07Guys, wait, how are we already at our second gender reveal?
00:11Second gender reveal, I don't know where the time went, time flew by
00:14But today is the day, it's going down, we're finding out
00:17I, we both are, you're still thinking girl, right?
00:20I'm team girl
00:21Do you guys remember this outfit? It's from my maternity shoot
00:24It's a little big because I was a lot more pregnant then when I wore it
00:27It's fine, it's still cute
00:30Got a cute backdrop
00:31If you guys are in the Gilbert area too, I'll link who did this
00:34Because I think it's balloons by Caitlyn and I'll put the at
00:36It's so, she literally did so good
00:38Guys, we even did the ring test again today just to see
00:41And it did come out as a girl again
00:44If it's wrong, I will be so shook
00:47So I'm putting all my money on team girl this time
00:49Yeah, same
00:50So all the work you did
00:52It might have
00:52Oh baby!
00:53Okay, so it says oh baby, we still have to tie the bottom down
00:55The O is the only one that's actually tied down
00:56So it'll look a little more, you know
00:59Put together
01:00I got the boy or girl banner up here
01:02I made these super cute little bouquets all over the house
01:05And then I basically DIY'd these waters
01:07I took off the tags
01:08And then I put pink and blue strips on them
01:11Which I thought was so cute
01:12Cheap little cute DIY
01:14And then we have our team boy, team girl pins
01:16We have some cookies
01:17And then, oh, this is another one of my bouquets
01:19These flowers were so much prettier yesterday, but they died
01:22But how cute is this?
01:24And they put a little ribbon on it
01:25We got some snacks over here
01:26I still have more like food I need to lay out
01:28But I'm going to wait till people are back here
01:30And then this is the gender envelope
01:32So this is what the gender is
01:34And then we have two boy ones and two girl ones
01:37And then our friend is going to go to the guest room
01:40And then go open that
01:41And then give us the ones that we have to open
01:44And then like seal the top
01:45Alright guys, Bri is about to find the gender
01:47Figure out the gender
01:48And then we're going to do the gender reveal
01:49Because I'm getting impatient
01:50So I'm going to leave the room
01:52And she's going to get after it
01:53I'm so nervous
01:55Okay, let's see, it says he or she
01:56What will baby be?
02:00I'm shaking
02:00Why am I nervous?
02:01It's not my baby
02:02It's all of our babies, isn't it?
02:15But seriously, how cute are these little bouquets?
02:16And with the little bows I did
02:18I love them
02:19Honestly, the whole setup looks so much better
02:20Than I thought it was going to be
02:21Because we quickly, last minute
02:23Like put together this party
02:24Because we're not really having like a big, big party
02:26We just have some of our friends in Arizona
02:28And then my dad and my sister
02:29So like last time, so many people from Michigan
02:31Knew about it, flew out
02:32This time we wanted to do something like more low-key
02:34We almost did a cake
02:35But we decided to do like a little party
02:36Just to celebrate with like some friends that are here
02:39This just turned out so freaking good
02:41Like I'm so happy with this
02:43I love this
02:43Okay, we have 30 minutes before everyone's here
02:45We got to feed Skye
02:46I got to do her hair
02:47And then I got to set up some more food
02:49And then we're ready to go
02:51I'm so excited
02:52Skye's outfit is so cute
02:53Let me show you guys
02:54Okay, her hair needs a little work
02:55She just woke up from a nap
02:56But she got this cute little dress on
02:58And then a jean jacket that says Big Sis
03:00Show me your jacket
03:02Oh yeah
03:03Okay guys, we got some
03:04A little charcuterie board set up
03:05We got some veggies and fruit
03:08And you know, the good stuff
03:09The cookies, look super cute
03:11And Ashley's here
03:12And she's about to have her baby
03:13Literally any day
03:15Her like due date was a week ago
03:18But she was supposed to get an induction
03:19So we're waiting on
03:21Waiting on the doctors
03:22All right you guys
03:22My friend Taylor made some cupcakes
03:24What's the insta?
03:28Look how cute they are
03:29I see the little blue ones
03:30We got the pink
03:31So cute
03:32Everyone say, do you think team girl?
03:33Team girl
03:34Team girl
03:36Team boy over here
03:44Team girl
03:45I need my pen
03:46All right Zae, what do you think?
03:47Team girl or team boy?
03:50Let's go
03:51Can you show them your shoes?
03:52For the occasion, he said
03:53Just for the occasion
03:55Yup, yup
03:57Now I know a lot of the boys
03:58Place money on this
03:59You have money on this?
04:01I do
04:01And what are we going?
04:02I got 500 on boy
04:04500 on boy
04:05What about you?
04:05We got 10,000 on team
04:07Team girl, you know the ring test
04:09Oh yeah, ring test
04:09I got like 2 grand on girl
04:11On girl, for real?
04:13And 20 on boy
04:15Oh, Dougie
04:1735,000 on girl
04:19Dougie's trying to psych himself out
04:21He wants a boy
04:22So he put team girl on
04:24Cause last time he guessed boy
04:25And it was a girl
04:27Oh man, he's trying to psych himself out
04:28All right
04:29With Caleb
04:30What are we going with?
04:31Team boy
04:33See who got it on?
04:34Locked in
04:3510 bucks on it too
04:37Talk to me
04:37Team girl
04:38I got 10 bucks
04:38With the pink fit too
04:40I had to
04:40Clean, clean
04:41Come on
04:42Let's go
04:4320 on girl
04:4420 on girl
04:47Okay, to be a way
04:48It's time
04:49Our final message
04:50What are you saying?
04:51Okay, message to baby
04:53We do not care whether you're a boy or a girl
04:54We are so excited and so blessed
04:56And we just pray that it is a healthy pregnancy
04:58And we are so excited to meet you
04:59And I'm just like
05:02I like hate gender reveals
05:03I don't know why because I get so nervous
05:04But I'm like, why am I nervous?
05:05I don't care
05:06This is just making it all set in
05:08It's all becoming so real yet again
05:10And we're so excited to meet you
05:12Whether you're a boy or a girl
05:13That's why
05:13It's like crazy
05:14Really like now
05:15This makes it like real
05:16This is super real
05:17We got our friends here
05:18Some family
05:19Everyone that can make it
05:20And we're just going to do it
05:21I just want to like get it over
05:23I'm so nervous
05:23I feel like I'm going to feel like
05:25Yeah, let's just pop this thing
05:26Let's figure it out
05:27And let's yeah
05:29So let's do it
05:30We love you
05:30And we're about to find out which one's
05:32We're excited to meet you
05:33I already see the team girl tag
05:35So we already know
05:36Yeah, we are
05:36What are the odds?
05:37We have like seven girls
05:38That's true
05:39Do you want it to be a boy?
05:40But you're just assuming it's a girl
05:42I do want it to be a boy
05:43But it's a girl
05:45We're going to see
05:45So you're just like Dougie
05:46You're just like Dougie
05:47She's doing the opposite
05:48I like that
05:49I like that
05:50Young Lou got the team girl patch on
05:52Yes, team girl
05:53Come on, Revan
05:54You got bet on it?
05:5510 bucks?
05:56Wow, heavy better this guy
05:59Trying to read her
06:00Trying to read her
06:01I don't know
06:02How bad
06:20Oh my God
06:21I thought it was a sister
06:33I almost thought it was a boy
06:34Because I saw your face
06:35You were like
06:38How do you feel?
06:40I'm disappointed
07:03Another one
07:05We lost this one
07:06But Zae
07:07We got him next time, okay?
07:09Don't forget about both
07:10Boy next time
07:13Wait, where's Zae's reaction?
07:14I asked him
07:15This is so funny
07:17I know
07:18I need to go clean myself off
07:20Guys, look at Brie
07:21Brie literally is covered
07:23How do you feel?
07:25You're gonna have a little sister
07:27We knew it
07:28We're literally
07:29I knew it
07:30I was
07:31I told Katie the other day
07:32I was like, I might have a bad reaction
07:33If it comes out blue
07:34Because I'll be so surprised
07:36No, I was actually
07:38Literally, like when it went off
07:39I was like, I knew it
07:40Okay, for a split second
07:42I thought it might be
07:43For a split second
07:44I thought it might be a boy
07:45Just because my friend Brie
07:47Who is the one who like
07:48Looked at the cannons
07:49To give us the right ones
07:50I saw her walk out of the room
07:52And she had like a face like this
07:54To all our friends
07:55She was like this
07:56And she wanted a boy
07:57And so I was like
07:58Oh my god, it might be a boy
07:59No, I saw it
08:00As soon as I grabbed the thing
08:01Right before I was about to launch it off
08:02You weren't supposed to look at it
08:03I saw that
08:04I saw a little pink on it
08:06And I was like, I knew it
08:07But I wasn't like 100% sure
08:09Because I was too focused on
08:10Getting ready to pop it
08:11But I was like
08:12It's a girl
08:13I'm just glad I was able to pop it
08:15You're gonna be a sissy
08:17She was already gonna be a sissy
08:21She's like, you're gonna be a sissy
08:23You're gonna have a sissy
08:25Yeah, you're gonna have a sissy
08:26A little sissy
08:28Girl dad
08:29Girl dad time
08:30Girl dad
08:31When I found out I was pregnant
08:32I was like, we're gonna be parents
