• 8 hours ago

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BODY CORE PILATES - https://www.bodycore-pilates.com
BERGAMOT AND CEDAR OIL - https://c.klarna.com/al/CGnP/
DONNA BARTOLI - https://www.instagram.com/donna.bartoli/?hl=en
EMILY ENGLISH - https://www.instagram.com/emthenutritionist/?hl=en-gb
HEALF - https://healf.com
BIOCARE L GLUTAMINE - https://amzlink.to/az0OvQmI4r6z8
COLOSTRUM POWDER - https://amzlink.to/az0m0icin5WIy
ANCIENT & BRAVE TRUE HYDRATION - https://amzlink.to/az0vQWTtShioX
MICROBZ WOMAN HORMONE HEALTH - https://amzlink.to/az0uZr9iTPn9L
NATURAL CYCLES - https://www.naturalcycles.com
PLANET PALEO BONE BROTH - https://amzlink.to/az0j4vwWodD9O
HEYGATES STRONG WHITE BREAD FLOUR - https://amzlink.to/az092ivug502E
WITH LOVE MEGHAN - https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/81770808
HOLLAND COOPER RIDING LEGGINGS - https://c.klarna.com/al/CNK6/
PEARL EARRINGS - https://bit.ly/3tKyRsl
LEEGINGS - https://amzlink.to/az0OlKujBMhSQ
WRAP CARDIGAN - https://www.stylink.it/lbB5sMrBXB
LEG WARMERS - https://amzlink.to/az0oZWj50YIFe

ROLLNECK - https://www.intimissimi.com/uk/product/modal_cashmere_ultralight_high-neck_top-CLD28T.html?dwvar_CLD28T_Z_COL_INTD=231I
SHIRT - https://rstyle.me/+ZTmx1IOEPp4o8H6ia6x-Eg
BORG FLEECE - https://c.klarna.com/al/C61p/
BROWN JEANS - https://www.stylink.it/6qnjue2pvm
CASHMERE SOCKS - https://sineadkeary.com


The music in my videos is from both Epidemic Sound, a royalty free music sharing site which you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to access, Or Music Bed https://mscbd.fm/lydmln



00:00Good morning everyone we are up for Pilates and it is getting light before I get there
00:11and look at this sunrise I am honestly my heart cannot cope with this time of year I
00:18know I'm going on and on about it but look at that how does that just happen how does
00:24that just exist it's like a candy floss sky at just gone six in the morning what an absolute
00:32treat in case you don't know I haven't been to Pilates in it must be nearly two months
00:40I think I haven't been since Atlas arrived and I have missed it so much you have no idea
00:48I think I had to just be really realistic with myself I was going to drop down to like
00:52one day a week because I've been going twice a week but I thought I've got all year to
01:00go to Pilates still let me just get him settled I'm never going to get this time back I'm never
01:05going to get this opportunity to just drop everything in the evenings and go and put him
01:09to bed so that's what I've been doing and I honestly think it's paid off so much in that
01:15like he's really starting to know who I am and that means absolutely everything to me so now
01:21I get to go back just for one day a week at the moment to see Claire and I am so looking forward
01:27to this the aches and pains in my body since not doing Pilates is honestly ridiculous and
01:33to be going back when the sky looks like this can you see how beautiful that is I don't think you
01:37can it's one of my favourite places anyways it's gonna make me late but anyway so I'm heading to
01:42her house now and I am so looking forward to yet another clear blue sky day and starting it
01:50exquisitely on the reformer and also something tells me because it is pancake day today I think
01:56Mr Millen-Gordon is going to be whipping up a storm in the kitchen he has been mastering the
02:02art of American style pancakes and I honestly am like oh I married the right guy I married the right
02:14guy anyway I'm going to turn you around and show you this beautiful scene going through my village
02:20and I'll see you on the reformer would you look at that the street lights are still on
02:28but the skies are the main event oh my word
02:37over the little chocolate box house this is where we're gonna get to see some nice views
02:44I'm here oh my god it smells so nice in here
02:48oh wow and it's light I can't believe and it's frosty
02:55oh my god I feel like I haven't been here in forever
03:00I'm here if any of you were wondering what the scent was when I walked in it is this from the
03:07white company it has been a long time since I've smelt a white company fragrance and been like
03:12wow I feel like they paved the way in home fragrances in the early days but this is
03:19unbelievable this is bergamot and cedar and it smells almost like it's almost got like a sort
03:26of oodie-ness to it so it's really rich but it's also got the lovely essential oil notes from
03:32bergamot oh my god it's gorgeous absolutely gorgeous anyway I'm not here for the fragrances
03:36I'm here to actually do some work and I'm already late because I was filming the sunrise
03:42so let's turn around to face me from the back and then we'll form up
04:04so hold on to the box again same hips stay still
04:07push your legs in forward and then slowly raise good
04:31what's your favorite position CEO?
04:37I don't know
04:57oh it's kicking in on my arms
05:08so I was just saying to Claire when we were stretching out my shoulders and my arm that
05:15I think I've realized that I've started having pains in my like wrist and thumb you know I've
05:23got the problems with my ulna nerve and I hadn't put two and two together but it's because I've
05:28not been coming here and not been stretching out my body in the way that I usually do
05:33and I got used to the fact that I didn't have that problem anymore because I was stretching
05:37and doing so much more sort of mobility stuff and working out here as well she puts me through my
05:43paces so just now when we were stretching I was like oh my gosh like my shoulders my chest my
05:50arms my wrist everything is so tight and I hadn't even done the math that because I haven't been
05:57coming here regularly I haven't been experiencing the benefits that I got got so used to experiencing
06:05so it's very good that I've drawn those correlations because I will not take
06:08this long off ever again okay you have my word I apologize
06:13I'm going to really push that pelvis down first let the arms go over if you want to
06:34oh how does that feel so good honestly my shoulders feel like they have been
06:46completely released oh like a new woman gets that blood rushing around the head
06:54yeah it's just so honest like oh that I burst a blood vessel in my eyeballs
07:03let's let's not do that okay so I have finished up at Pilates and that was such a joyous class
07:13like I said when I was there I really feel like I'd like forgotten what my body felt like when I
07:19was doing that regularly and I think that is now I needed that time off to realize how important it
07:29is especially for my upper body how it feels when I regularly do Pilates when I'm regularly
07:37stretching and I cannot tell you so weird that I was like why is my arm starting to hurt again
07:42and it's because I've not been stretching and drawing that correlation between how my body
07:48feels not just how my body looks from these classes was I mean for me now it's a non-negotiable
07:55it's almost made me think that having one myself for the times when I'm not able to get
08:00to Claire would be so happy and also just helping me stretch out even more I just feel like a new
08:06woman so now I'm heading to the vet to give you an update on Portie's rash it actually has got
08:13better and we got the results back from the test and they did actually well they say they came back
08:18as conclusive but I I don't know whether they were just trying to say that because we'd spent so much
08:24money on them but they said that there's a lot of inflammation there which obviously I could have
08:30told them that because it's very inflamed and then they also said that there isn't any signs
08:36of cancer but because the sample was so small that obviously is a possibility however I'm just
08:44going to say that I just don't think it's anything cancerous it just doesn't it's just this is purely
08:51like on the surface of the skin this is like a topical thing in my opinion and so the next port
08:59of call is a steroid cream that I'm going to pick up I'm also going to run into waitrose to pick up
09:04some bits as well and then I'm heading home for pancakes because it's pancake day and I think
09:09what a lovely way to start the day I feel like every day for me is what a lovely way to start
09:14the day which is quite a far cry from the person that I used to be genuinely it amazes me how much
09:23joy I find in the world now when I used to literally think that the whole world was against
09:30me and that the world was awful and it's so easy to get into that frame of mind I often see it in
09:38the comment section of my videos quite a lot when I can see that someone can only see the bad things
09:45that are happening in the world that is very much their own journey and it's not for me sometimes
09:50that my videos I always like to sort of touch on these topics and just remind you that there is so
09:56much beauty in the world even when it doesn't feel like it there is so much beauty in the world
10:02and it doesn't mean that you're completely ignoring what is happening in the world it just
10:08means that you have to be able to live well in order to do right for those things and to be able
10:16to help with those things because I think we can often feel quite stifled and frustrated and
10:22helpless in the world at the moment and I know exactly how you feel when you feel that way but
10:32taking care of yourself is integral to you being able to take care of others anyway so I'm heading
10:39to Waitrose and pick up the medicine and then I'm heading home because I was having some profound
10:43chat with you there that was completely off the cuff and sometimes I just like chatting to you
10:48guys when I'm in the car it's quite nice I'll see you when we get home for pancakes because that sun
10:53is shining oh my goodness oh my goodness can you smell the pancakes
11:01you smell the pancakes
11:03you pushed that to the wire
11:07didn't I oh wow coming home to a pancake stack
11:16I got us some berries from Waitrose ready for the flip
11:21flip it out
11:22well done you're a pro
11:35thank you one two three four one two three fourth one's on its way amazing okay still warm up and
11:44feel them yeah lovely what do you want on yours yeah so this is what we are going to have
11:52greek yogurt with berries and a little bit of maple syrup well that's what I'm gonna have anyway
11:58Ali might change his mind throughout but that seems like a perfect I'm gonna have some hazelnut
12:03chocolate oh maybe I'll have the last one with a little bit of chocolate because this will be
12:08my protein after my workout this morning those pancakes were delicious and have set me up very
12:16very nicely for the day my goodness I know I keep saying it but I feel like a new woman after that
12:22class so happy that I've been able to draw those correlations between recurring injuries and
12:29ailments with my pilates because now I can really set like a manageable workout plan because
12:37obviously I was doing two days pilates and two days PT and I think what I will do now is probably
12:45aim to have like one pilates a week and then have like a ride in as well that kind of thing
12:54anyway speaking of all of the health stuff I was talking to my friend Donna Bartoli if you don't
12:59follow Donna Bartoli on Instagram and on YouTube actually she is pretty much one of the only people
13:05that I follow with regards to like health and well not health like health stuff um she basically
13:10promotes a anti-inflammatory diet but she knows so much about supplements and she's tried a lot
13:17of things she's kind of lived this way her whole life and now it's come to prominence in the last
13:22few years hence why I'm doing it but she's pretty much the one person that I go to I think she's an
13:27incredible content creator and I just love her as well the other person that I really listen to
13:31about like nutrition and things like that is Emily English and you'll see that I listen to her because
13:36I've been using one of her supplements that she told me about ages ago it's not one of hers but
13:40she uses it and she told me about it and it changed my life so um basically I was on health
13:49which is it's sort of like a health supplement store but they they focus on good health supplements
13:56and getting into the box it's not easy I needed to order my L-glutamine because I've been changing
14:03how I've been doing my L-glutamine so to explain to you L-glutamine is what I started taking
14:08because of Emily English she did a post on her stories basically explained um the symptoms that
14:14she was having and how this affected her and I was like my gosh that sounds like me when all of those
14:18times I was like I think I've got a gluten intolerance I think I've got a dairy intolerance
14:23I think I just needed some L-glutamine in my diet so I bought it I tried it and it changed the game
14:29but what I noticed was throughout the day I would be fine from having it but it would be towards
14:35like the end of the day if I like went out for dinner or something like that um I would get like
14:39my tummy would be a bit funny again on the tubs it usually says take once a day or take one scoop
14:44a day but you can actually take it with each meal but what I've been doing is putting a scoop in my
14:50Stanley cup this is what Emily does as well and I thought I'd never get into it because I was trying
14:55to have it with like flavored things but it just it was such a faff and I wanted it to be easy so
15:02I've trained myself to put a load of water a load of ice and my L-glutamine in this in the morning
15:08and now it's easy no problem and then what I do when I finish this I just do another scoop and
15:14another liter of water and that sees me through the day and what I have noticed is now I'm not
15:21getting unwell in the evenings so I needed some more L-glutamine because I've been going through
15:28it doubly quick um and I've tried a few so I've tried Thorne and Donna tells me that that has
15:35they generally have a little bit of like sweetener in their supplements I didn't know that
15:39um then I tried like the Oxfordshire supplements company which I loved and I'd probably go back
15:45to them but I did want to try something different so this is a supplement company that you'll know
15:50I use anyway I have a lot of their like drops and things but this is the Biocare L-glutamine now
15:57this is a lot smaller so maybe that's the price difference who knows um but I bought their
16:04L-glutamine powder and I'm going to be trying that out this is a 200 gram powder supplement that
16:13if you experience like it's almost like bizarre things would just set off my not set off my tummy
16:20like I'll just get an upset tummy that's but saying it blatantly obviously for you I get an
16:25upset tummy and I can't explain it it's just kind of out of nowhere and it's almost like it could be
16:30because I drink too much water with my meal it could be something that doesn't agree with me I
16:34don't know and I always notice that like the people that I'm with don't get the same thing
16:41since taking this it stopped it so it's almost like my my body just needed something to help
16:47with the processing of things I'm really really trying to get better with my gut at the moment
16:52because I'm experiencing or I was I haven't been recently but like such bad puffiness in the
16:59morning like my eyes would be swollen it was so strange like really really strange and I still
17:06haven't got to the bottom of what that was but it seems to have died down now however
17:11fresh L-glutamine the next one that I went for and this is a new thing but I've always like
17:17seeing Donna use it she basically uses um colostrum powder and this is a grass-fed and
17:25regenerative regeneratively farmed colostrum powder and basically the colostrum is the first
17:32milk after a baby is born now obviously as humans for us that is a very very short supply
17:43and at a very early age and there's not a lot of it and so what they noticed was that bovine
17:49colostrum I think that's what they called it is very very similar in the makeup of the colostrum
17:53and so what they do is they take it and it's at no detriment to the cows either and to the calves
17:59they are fed and looked after so it's basically it's done in a really really good way and then
18:07it is like dried don't ask me I didn't I didn't invent doing this but it's like basically made
18:14into a powder and you can add it to smoothies I wonder what it's going to taste like but apparently
18:20it is good for muscles bones and cartilage good for your gut and good for immunity defense so here
18:27you go this one says colostrum is the first milk produced by cattle in the hours following their
18:32infant's birth to develop the calves immune system and trigger growth which makes sense
18:38because when you have a baby they're very very vulnerable very very prone to infection and
18:43illness and so they need a lot of support so it makes sense that this particular substance
18:50is what mothers and cattle produce in order to support their babies our colostrum is from grass
18:56fed regeneratively raised cattle and is ethically sourced from the surplus left after the calf
19:02has been fully nourished so that's what I was trying to tell you we gently dry the milk into
19:07a powder which is packed with nutrients and growth factors but what I loved was that it focuses on
19:13bones and muscle and cartilage because your girl is very active now if she's not in the garden
19:18she's at the stables with her 700 kilogram horse if she's not at pilates she's doing pt if she's
19:24not running she's on a dog walk she's an active girly I need to take care of my muscles and my
19:29bones and my cartilage because I currently have a little bit of a knee injury and I also had a
19:33little bit of a back injury so I need to take better care of myself and the fact that this is
19:38also for your gut and also with defense because you know I get really ill very very easily and
19:42I need to do something about it so that's that this one was for the puffiness that I was experiencing
19:51this is the true hydration from ancient and brave and basically Donna is like she should be an
19:57ambassador for ancient and brave she is incredible and she knows her stuff she knows which are the
20:01good ones which are the bad ones which are the ones worth spending your money on if you want to
20:06know about supplements if you want to know with like anti-inflammatory diets you are going to
20:11want to follow her and I literally discovered all of these bits and pieces through her notice
20:17everything is in powder form because I am a baby and I can't swallow tablets this is their true
20:23hydration electrolyte because I'm worried that it's like me not absorbing water even though I
20:29drink a lot of water and the weird thing is is I'm one of those people that like I have to get up
20:34in the night and go to the toilet so I'm worried that I'm not absorbing my water better does that
20:40make sense so um I'm hoping yeah so this is just another thing to add to my water my goodness me
20:46I'm going to be drinking so much water um but yes this is made with natural coconut and is an
20:52advanced electrolyte formula food supplement that's one and then this one I just kind of added
20:57on even though I actually already have this I haven't finished it yet but this is the microbes
21:00woman hormone health I'm still on a mission to get better with my hormones and hack them
21:06and just generally live a better life now I try to eat really really well I do um but I'm not
21:12perfect when it comes to eating a varied diet and um so I do use supplements however if you're
21:18getting all of the goodness that you need you shouldn't need to um I just think especially for
21:23my gut I definitely notice that like I've got a gurgling gut I can just tell that Carrie's
21:30gonna cut that and put that in but those are the things that I bought from health um I was really
21:33annoyed because it was like if you sign up you get 10% off your order and I was like oh I don't
21:39want to sign up to another thing and they signed me up anyway and I didn't get 10% I was like
21:44you should have known that Lydia this is not your first rodeo shopping online so anyway I am going
21:48to make myself a little concoction apparently the colostrum is to go in a smoothie okay we're
21:53gonna give this a go if anything I'm just gonna do the electrolytes because I've got the L-glutamine
21:57although this is nearly empty but what I've noticed is I'm constantly like shaking it up
22:01because the thing with L-glutamine is you've got to be careful because it it stopped like congeals
22:05at the bottom so I'm constantly shaking it up and people always go do you want some water and I'm
22:09like no no I'm just shaking my L-glutamine anywho it's another beautiful day I haven't been outside
22:15of the greenhouse I did buy some things in Waitrose I actually bought some seeds and I bought
22:22two boxes of dahlia tubulars tubulars tube tubers because I watched a video last night on TikTok
22:30and the lady was saying that you could put them into pots and look after them in your greenhouse
22:34and then plant them out and I'm thinking I'm going to start small try my best I have tried
22:38with dailies previously but this was when I just thought you just shove everything in the ground
22:42and hope for the best now I understand that dailies take quite a lot of love and care and so
22:50I bought myself two boxes which have three tubers in each I'm going to do six pots and I'm going to
22:57see how they go and then plant them out in May because even just have a few little cut flowers
23:04I've obviously done sweet peas and my sweet peas are obviously my children and doing really well
23:08but I thought I could try something different I probably paid through the nose buying them from
23:12Waitrose but it felt manageable for me and I'm happy to do that so yeah good evening everyone I
23:21have had a very very slow and chilled day today I went and put Atlas to bed yesterday evening and
23:28it was just wonderful he will be having a bath imminently at the stables because tomorrow is a
23:36very big day it's actually a very big week for Atlas because this is the first time many firsts
23:45for him with me he's going to be meeting people other than Ali and Claudia and people at the
23:53stables he's going to be meeting people like in my life so tomorrow because he's going to be doing
23:58another first which is a photo shoot with me which I don't even know how much to go into this
24:07because I have had so many experiences like this in the past and so I don't want to like
24:14jinx anything but it's a very very big moment for me and I'm so grateful that I get to do it with
24:20him like it's just it's going to be a very very wonderful shoot I know it but I feel like I'm
24:27going to be overwhelmed but we shall see how that goes he's going to be meeting Carrie tomorrow for
24:35the first time he's going to be meeting Alex Power for the first time as well and he's going to be
24:42meeting some people and people that I know in work as well for the first time it's a big day for him
24:49so he's having a bath this evening and being all primped and pampered ready for tomorrow
24:56um so I wanted to go and put him to bed yesterday and he was just wonderful as always in fact I got
25:03there earlier than Claudia so what we did is we went for a little walk around the paddock
25:07and today excitingly I have just paid the deposit on our little bistro table and I wanted to go for
25:14two two chairs but the one I found has four and so that means that if any of the girls at the yard
25:19want to join us in the paddock or if the boys ever want to join us in the paddock they can it's
25:24actually so beautiful as well so if it doesn't go in the paddock I will have it at the house quite
25:28happily it'll be my afternoon tea table um but it's beautiful uh so today anyway because I'm
25:33worried about being overwhelmed tomorrow I've taken today quite calmly I've just been finishing
25:38off jobs finishing off bits of content um I've just fed my sourdough starter because Carrie and
25:44I are having afternoon tea in the garden this weekend so I'm going to make a fresh sourdough
25:49for my sandwiches um I also need to make a cake for it as well Carrie is on scone duties so
25:55she's going to be making the scones for afternoon tea and um that should be really nice but yeah I've
26:00started the process I've been making all of the notes down and I'm practicing practicing practicing
26:06it's now should start bubbling away I've set the timer for about two to three hours tomorrow I'm
26:11worried about being overwhelmed just purely because I obviously I have to be in front of the camera so
26:18he is not going to be my responsibility as such we have Claudia as stable hand on the shoot which
26:24I feel really lucky because he knows her so he should feel fine but my responsibility is to do
26:30the job on that day so I'm a little bit worried about that because I know I'm just going to want
26:34to like calm him down and you know I'm actually feeling like I'm going to cry talking about this
26:39I don't know why I think I'm very close to my time of the month where's my phone where's my
26:46natural cycles app oh yeah okay that explains it um yes so I'm worried about that because I
26:55don't want him to like get overwhelmed and things like that obviously this is I've talked and I feel
27:00like I've been really vulnerable with this journey and told you exactly how I'm feeling and the times
27:04that I feel like I'm not not sure and at times I feel worried and the things I've had to get
27:09overcome and the fears that I have to overcome but it's been such a good week and I wanted to
27:13make sure that that wasn't the only time he sees me this week so I went to see him yesterday made
27:20his dinner brought him in sat with him in his stables chatted to Claudia and that kind of thing
27:24so yes tomorrow is a big day a big day and I'm nervous because I've never done anything like
27:31this before a lot of the control of this shoot is out of my hands if that makes sense so
27:36usually I have like a screen because I'm someone that like I can see where I need to correct my
27:42body and my face and that kind of thing by seeing the image um I'm not someone that operates really
27:48well blindly so I'm hoping that the photographer will at least let me look at the back of the
27:52camera also there's a stylist it's just very different so I wanted to chat to you before
27:59and explain I don't know how much I'm going to be able to film this but it is actually going on
28:03at the yard where Atlas is as well so honestly like when I tell you that I feel like you don't
28:09think things are going to come together as beautifully as they do but when I tell you that
28:14this this stable is in the yard it is unbelievable everyone is so incredible there and they've just
28:22pulled this together so beautifully and they're so easy going so I can't believe that I'm getting
28:26to shoot at the yard it's also 20 minutes from my house so I can just drive there I can go kind of
28:31in my normal yard gear change into the outfits that they need me to shoot in and then get into
28:36my riding gear and hop off so that's tomorrow which is Thursday at the weekend on Sunday I was
28:43asked very kindly by Ali's brother and sister-in-law whether their daughter Delilah could
28:54come and see Atlas she's only little so she's not going to be like going on him although Atlas used
28:58to have Charlie's dogs on his back and that kind of thing um but she would like to come and see
29:05them so I think I'm going to take her to the paddock and then what we'll do is this for like
29:09a little petting zoo she'll go off and see the animals and then we'll get tacked up and she'll
29:14watch us ride out as well so he's going to be meeting Ali's side of the family as well I think
29:20my dad might come down tomorrow you know that my dad I've told you this before my dad and my auntie
29:25used to show jump um so my dad is just he loves I've never known him to want to come and see me
29:31so much as he has with Atlas okay so he's going to be meeting Atlas for the first time tomorrow
29:35if he comes down to the shoot and then he's also going to be meeting I think Ali's dad Ali's
29:39brother I think they all might be coming down which is really lovely so it's a big week it's
29:44a big week and I thought you know what seeing as I've had a nice chilled day I'll talk to you
29:48and tell you everything today and give you all of the context that I can before my brain fills up
29:52with brain fog especially because it is this time of the month as well so yes I've fed myself
29:58one of the other things oh hello dumper nickel
30:06what are you doing down there the other thing I wanted to tell you about
30:10now I haven't tried it yet oh actually lots of things to tell you about I had my first colostrum
30:17this morning and I just did it in water I really just went I thought I'd go in at the deep end
30:23with it and try it and I really like it I actually really like it um so I'm looking forward to having
30:29that every day and trying that but Claudia and she's honestly like a wealth of knowledge she's
30:34really into like health and nutrition and I feel like she should share more of this on her instagram
30:38because she's very into like the health and nutrition and the condition of horses but she's
30:43also into it in um like with humans as well and basically I was explaining to her some of the
30:49don't back up and knock my camera off I was explaining to her that some of the things I was
30:53experiencing and she said to me do you have breakfast in the morning and I said no I don't
30:58and I know most people say that oh gosh you've got to have breakfast most important meal of the day
31:02and that kind of thing but I genuinely am not hungry most of the time at breakfast so it's
31:07something that I have just grown accustomed to and so whenever anyone says oh try having something
31:13really breakfasty I'm like oh and um she said well I have a cup of bone broth in the morning
31:21and I'm thinking that sounds blooming expensive like a liquid bone broth of every day that's any
31:27good quality obviously you can make it yourself but like that's a lot of bone broth making a week
31:32and just drinking it as well I was like is that with the bits of chicken like first thing in the
31:36morning I'm not so sure and she told me about this thing called planet paleo and it's basically
31:45it's a powder that you just put in water and you do it in hot water you can sip it like a tea for
31:56like a warming nourishment you can also add things like I would add like some lemon juice or something
32:00like that to it but it can be used as like a protein powder as well and she's done loads of
32:06tests on this it's the the the whole bag is compostable it's organic it's sugar free gluten
32:12free bovine origin high protein plastic free dairy free it's pretty much everything that you could
32:20want and she's like this is it doesn't make you feel full up but it gives you that shot of protein
32:26that your brain most likely needs at that time in the morning so I'm going to report back on this
32:31I got on Amazon she told me about it and I was intrigued straight away so I'm going to have some
32:36of that tomorrow morning there's a lot of drinks going on in the morning I have to be honest at
32:39this moment in time you little shish kebab crying at the door and then running in um yes so I'm
32:47having a glass of colostrum in the morning I'll be having in fact I might put the colostrum in this
32:54that might taste rank though but we'll see um a glass of colostrum a glass of this I'm also having
32:59my electrolytes I'm also having my l-glutamine as well but I can have those in just my water
33:04but it's a lot I've also just taken delivery of my flour and this isn't usually something I would be
33:09so excited about but I'm gonna unbox it with you because I'm really looking to support as many as
33:16like as many of the local farms to where we live as possible oh my gosh don't tell Ali but I'm
33:22using one of the fancy snake steak knives and this is a local farm it's not for you loony
33:30loony my love
33:35good job this is wrapped in plastic in here do you mind my love do you mind we are going to
33:42need to rectify this situation my love because I um is this your way of telling me that you
33:47would like some food I feel like this is you would you would like some food wouldn't you
33:51don't play hard to get every time I'm going around with you don't play hard to get what do
33:56you want come on let's go get you some food come on not you I didn't say food you got you behind me
34:11your food is in there
34:12I know you just want to sit there for a little while don't you I'll just wait for you then
34:29oh thank goodness thank you for that loony much appreciated okay now that the lady has left the
34:37building um I ordered this flower because I first of all couldn't resist the packaging but
34:42also super local it's actually really close to where um Romeo used to where I first started
34:49riding Romeo I needed to stock up on strong white flower um and so that's what I've done
35:00so that I can practice until my heart's content so as you can see it is wrapped in plastic so
35:08Loomy's bottom being on it doesn't matter Porter can you get out of the empty box please
35:14so this is the hey I can't believe that I'm romanticizing flower I am absolutely nuts but
35:21this is the hay gates premier range fine lady strong white bread flour ideal for bread making
35:27machines and all the other good stuff and this is a Northampton strong white bread flour
35:37absolutely perfect so I'm going to pop these into stock remove the box from porcelain and
35:44crack on my life is literally just surrounded by animals at the moment I am not complaining
35:53at all in the slightest my next port of call for the day is to feedback on some house bits and
36:01pieces with fabrics and that kind of thing and bar designs oh my goodness anything I can show you
36:10I will do I've just booked in to go and do a bit of a like design day in London going around all
36:19of the like Chelsea textiles and places like that so I'm looking forward to that that's booked in
36:27this is when I'm really happy that I'm doing it this way because I'm getting to go and see
36:30like so much more and get exactly what what I want right fabric shopping day is booked in
36:38invoice has been paid first things first let's look at the bar unit okay so I can you've already
36:45seen this so it's amazing isn't it how like costs can just be so expensive so what we're hoping to
36:52do is like round the edges of the bar and I hope you don't mind me mentioning an actual cost here
37:01but just to do that is an extra eight thousand pounds but I know that from everything in our
37:08home that these little things make such a difference but yeah such a huge amount
37:28you how I just don't understand you never used to want to eat and now you love your dendins so much
37:38this is the most adorable thing about Barkley when he's waiting for his dinner
37:42he can't stay still his feet just constantly move like this because he's just so excited Barkley lives
37:55he's coming my loves
38:01I've just put the chickens away I'm trying to get on with my work and where is he
38:08for some reason he's not happy about something okay and then we've got this madam look at that
38:16resting bitch face and she doesn't want to use her perfectly adequate cat flap
38:26I just I'm right we're going to go and sit on the sofa just let me set it let your demanding
38:30sister in and then we can all go and snuggle on the sofa and watch with love Megan how about that
38:35once I've done my emails I know that's what you're crying for you want to watch with love Megan
38:41oh yeah now you're excited you love Megan Portie loves Megan
38:53not even a thank you right my second batch of sourdough dough has been made on my own
39:01um and this time so far no mistakes have been made I'm now leaving it to prove for an hour
39:08so I'm going to watch an episode of with love Megan and I'm going to give you my thoughts
39:12look at these two you are just too much come on then let's watch your favorite
39:19oh sorry Barkie that scare you oh play episode
39:33quick Portie it's starting oh starting with bees we like bees in this house
39:42so do they have bees then
39:43last time we came and checked on you're missing it I didn't know they had bees
39:50well Ali does it entirely by himself at home
39:56oh I like that she says it's like important that you should do something that scares you a little
40:01bit I feel like that with riding like riding is a constant test of me like being a little
40:07bit scared I mean with Atlas it's a bit different because I have a lot more confidence in him
40:13but yeah it's one of those things that you're always a little bit scared with
40:19so this is the part where I'm sad because it's like this beautiful like home but I want it to
40:27be her home also by the way if you don't like Megan and you don't want to hear me talk about her
40:31then you can skip past this bit I have no problem with anyone in this capacity especially when
40:38they're not like hurting anyone I understand that people think that she's like done things
40:43and said things and I say this as someone who loves the royal family and loves I'm a complete
40:50royalist and I'm super sad that her and Harry are like apart from it because I think their input
40:59in things would have given a real like modern spin on things and as you can see she shares so
41:05much interest like common interests with the king and that kind of thing I think that William and
41:12Kate are like super traditional less like modern they're like very very likable very very like
41:19they're people people people whereas Harry and Megan feel a little bit more modern and I think
41:27they could have really added different elements and so it makes me sad that that's not the case
41:33but I also think that that she was on a journey that I can hugely like understand when you're not
41:42prepared for something I don't think that she was prepared for what happened and for the ferocity
41:48that came for her I can relate to that on a massively huge like smaller scale it's not me
41:55what's the word like drawing any correlation but I can just understand I think that's something I
41:59can be I'm quite good at is I can understand what it's like to feel unprepared for something and
42:07that's something that I always say about my career is that I was unprepared at the beginning for the
42:12ferocity that I was met with and so I was kind of going whoa whoa whoa can everyone just calm down
42:17like I'm just processing this and really I should have been prepared for that before I went into the
42:24situation and I can see that this same thing for Megan so anyway that's just kind of like my
42:29thoughts on it but I know that a lot of people don't like her and I mean I find that super
42:35interesting in itself and I think there's definitely something to look into like I
42:40I hear people start talking about her and I'll be like have you met her because I wouldn't know any
42:47of those things so I just find the whole thing super bizarre and the ferocity of it like when
42:54I talk about her on my videos some of the comments I'm like guys come on we know better than this I
42:59feel like our community is so lovely and I think over the years the people that really didn't like
43:06me have mostly dropped off and they just find me boring now and but that that always shocks me that
43:15when I mention her that some of the comments are super ferocious with regards to her and I just
43:26even if there was someone that I saw doing things on tv or in the public eye or anything like that
43:34I don't know how I could have that level of ferocity to someone that first of all I actually
43:40have no idea truthfully about what went on because I wasn't there I've never met that person
43:47and I'm unlikely to and I can only take what I'm seeing and what I see is someone that perhaps in
43:58the beginning was a little bit unprepared quite a lot unprepared I think would be a fair
44:03thing to say but who's trying to show her evolution and is trying to establish her footing
44:11and I am not somebody that believes that you just strike someone off because they might do one thing
44:16wrong I know we've all been well there's been the eras of you know cancelling people for
44:24mistakes or things things they've said and we realize that that doesn't really happen
44:29um but you don't someone doesn't get cancelled they don't cease to exist anymore and so really
44:35it's it's it's like a moment of ferocity and it dies down and sometimes there are people there
44:42to pick up the pieces and put things back together and sometimes they look different
44:46and they are different and they're different human beings after that and I just have a much more
44:54empathetic and I'm just interested in the facts and there's so much that I don't know
45:00therefore I can't really judge on it all I can judge is what I've seen and that's what I judge
45:05on I don't listen to the tabloids I don't listen to the aides in the in the palace I don't listen
45:14to any of that stuff I just go on what I can look at as a human being and go okay this is what I've
45:22seen I've watched the interviews I've read the autobiographies I've watched the Netflix show
45:28and all of that kind of stuff that comes from those individuals anything else around it
45:38I really can't comment on and I think that that's a really balanced approach to take because
45:43when we start listening to gossip and aides and people saying this and this that and the other
45:47in other people's opinions I don't like making my opinion on someone off of the back of other
45:54people's opinions I really like making my own opinion with the facts that I have in front of me
46:01and there's not a lot of facts all I have is what has been released from them the palace hasn't
46:07released hardly anything and I respect that and I'm watching the show sorry for that rant but like
46:17sometimes I think we get very used to listening to people around us saying this person is this
46:22way and this person is that way and I think there is a real sense of
46:30strength in being able to go I can hear what you're saying and I can hear what you're saying
46:34but actually I can also see what's actually happening here and as a society we often look
46:41to the people around us to form our opinions I really like to form my own opinion without
46:48listening to people around me and my opinion is what I've just said and I have no no like I just
46:56could never understand the comments that are said about her I can I can understand the feelings that
47:02she must feel about that because I can put myself the ferocity just feels so bizarre to me so bizarre
47:09and yet here she is working with Netflix on not not just her series but also her brand
47:15it just goes to show that when you are a bright light despite how unprepared she was for that
47:22shining light when you are a bright light there will always be a polarizing opinion of you and
47:32that's where as a brand there's there's huge amounts of power I think but anyway sorry I
47:38got carried away we haven't even got we're literally two minutes and 48 seconds in
47:54I'm so gonna make some magnesium salts for Ali, Ali loves baths
47:58that's definitely a goal for me moving forward is have giving myself the time to prep more
48:11for when we have guests staying over because sometimes it can be quite last minute and I
48:16think that I would like to do that more I'm getting better at like making sure that things
48:22are chilled cakes are made my bread is obviously currently being made but I want to get better at
48:29a few things but what it means is just time for me but if you know what you do this is what I
48:34find with baking is if you know what you're going to make and you know how to make it like the other
48:40day when Timmy and Alice came over I literally whipped up a cake in like an hour and that was
48:46I felt so good about that because I just whipped up this cake
48:50so yeah would definitely like to do a little bit more with that
48:58interesting so she's made something and then she's saying that she's going to take something
49:03that's already made and display it I love that obviously for me it would be a little bit different
49:07because I wouldn't want to take something I don't know if this has UPF in it but I love
49:12personally the idea of making things for people but I think this is if you're time poor such a
49:19great little hack she's just kind of put together a welcome tray which feels a little bit more
49:24manageable with something like fresh like flowers some snacks something to for them to sort of
49:30indulge in whether that's like a body cream or a bath soak or something like that I really like
49:37that idea I'm never going to get through this there's like 20 minutes on there and we're only
49:43eight minutes in oh that is time for my first stretch and fold
50:03okay I'm going to just sit and watch this now because I think if you want to watch
50:06any more then you absolutely should go and watch it for yourself I think that I've already given
50:10you so many thoughts about it I'm just going to sit back cuddle my sausage dogs and my cat
50:17and enjoy the show well I'm one episode in and I have to say I really enjoyed it there's definitely
50:24a playful side to her that is fun to to see but also she's like teaching things that she knows
50:31whilst also learning from other people so like she said with the bees she doesn't know what she's
50:35doing or she doesn't feel comfortable and so she has someone there that knows what they're doing
50:40and is comfortable and I think there's a real strength to be able to to say this is one thing
50:44I'm not like the best at or that I know but I'm still going to bring you along for the ride because
50:49I think it's fascinating I really like that I've clipped my hair back now because I appreciate I
50:53was playing with it so much um my battery died so that was why all of a sudden I just got out there
51:00but it's obviously weird for me as well because it's that I totally see why so many people have
51:04messaged me being like oh my god I think you're gonna love this because there's so many similarities
51:08and it's it's really lovely to see those similarities and those like shared interests
51:13and also feel inspired as well to try other things I was really like googling candle making classes I
51:20would love to do a candle making class because I'd love to learn how to first of all utilize the um
51:27um leftover beeswax from our bees but also to really craft beautiful scents for candles because
51:36you will know candles are something that I just love so much they they really are an emotive
51:42thing for me they set the tone they set the the vibe for my evening they set the season the scene
51:49the theme everything and so I'd really like to look into that maybe a little bit more in just
51:54learning how to do it myself because I have a very specific type of scent that I like when it
51:59comes to to candles um I am now taking a break whilst I wait to do my next stretch and fold
52:06because I need to prep what I'm going to wear tomorrow I'm literally going to the yard and
52:11doing a photo shoot so all my outfits are going to be there already and I just literally get to
52:16go in like yard clothes because I'm going to go in jeans and boots turning up to a fashion shoot
52:21in jeans and stable boots oh my gosh this is going to be a first and I need to take my riding
52:26gear as well I've got this new set from Holland Cooper which I have been so excited to try um I
52:35have a new like the newest set from Holland Cooper which I actually don't own a pair of
52:42riding leggings um these are their new ones and I love the new take on the branding um it feels
52:50so much more paired back and looks like almost like a proper kit I really really love it like
52:57look at this like knocked back embroidery on their equestrian wear this is a navy set
53:05and I think navy looks really nice with chocolate brown anyway so that is what I'm going to wear to
53:11ride tomorrow and I'm going to go and put my jeans in the wash because these need to be washed as
53:16well so I might as well get some pajamas on and head to bed but Claudia has been sending me updates
53:21of the bath that the boys have been having it's like I've got a new horse he literally looks like
53:26a new horse I couldn't believe that I was like is that Atlas so I'm very excited for tomorrow but I
53:32actually think I might end this vlog here because I think I have chatted so much I'm going to go and
53:36do my stretch and fold in a minute I'm going to watch another episode um and I'll give you a bit
53:40of a debrief but I think if you're able to put aside your like personal feelings if you were
53:45able to I'd say if you were able to look at her as if you've never never encountered her before
53:52and you're just watching someone live their life and share it and and hopefully do something that
53:57inspires you that really all she's doing is sharing things that will enrich your life and
54:02and make life a little bit lovelier I would definitely suggest watching but obviously if
54:07you don't like her it's the same with my videos if you don't like me I don't know why you would watch
54:12because it's just going to make you feel something awful and I don't know why anyone
54:17would ever do that to themselves it's like it's like the ultimate self-sabotage because
54:22it's never going to affect me I mean it used to but it doesn't anymore it's never going to affect
54:28me negatively I just think why would you watch like that's so silly I don't go online and watch
54:34anyone's content that I don't like because I wouldn't want to make myself feel sad and so
54:38it's the same when it comes to her content if you don't like her don't watch her I really wouldn't
54:43it just it's just not going to end well for you but if you do like her or if you're able to look
54:47at her with fresh eyes I would suggest it because it's lovely feel good cozy calm content so I think
54:54you'll enjoy it personally because I have I swear this is not a Megan fan account either like I just
55:01I'm more of like a Joanna Lumley fan to be honest I love Joanna Lumley but I think with with her I
55:07just we obviously share some common interests and our content paths cross and so I've wanted to
55:16watch her stuff and I'm pleasantly enjoying it so far so I think I saw a review on TikTok where
55:22someone was saying you know all she's doing is taking people that actually know what they're
55:25doing and featuring them on their channel and it's like if I'd listened to that and not watched the
55:30show I wouldn't have understood that actually it is more than that and she is sharing her tips and
55:35her tricks and the things that she knows whilst also sharing things that she doesn't know but
55:39utilizing people that do know and that's what I mean about not listening to the things that you
55:43see online whether that's people that discuss other people in content on social media or whether
55:48that's tabloids and things like that you have to make up your own mind of things you have to be
55:53your own person have your own mind and not listen to like secondhand information on a person because
55:59I think you will be pleasantly surprised by a lot of people in life when you start doing that more
56:05anyway I've got jobs to do so I will see you guys in my next video will there ever be a day
56:10where I actually make a full sourdough with you in one video who knows but I will show
56:15you the what the sourdough in my next video bye
