• 4 hours ago
Fortnite just gave us one of the biggest mid season updates in recent memory... so let's go look at everything new including new mythics, new exotics, new skins, and more!

Use code tomato because it's exotic (Epic Partner)

Music from epidemicsound
00:00The first major update of Season 2 is here, and it is very major.
00:05From a million exotics to new mythics to much more, let's go see what's new.
00:10There is so much new stuff in this update that it actually feels like a new season again.
00:15Welcome to Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2.5.
00:18The pump and dump shotgun SMG combo is here in the game,
00:23and I would like to find one of those immediately.
00:26I cannot wait to try that out.
00:28It's like the first time we've ever had anything like that in Fortnite.
00:30I'm kind of hoping it's at the black market.
00:34Okay, we got...
00:36This is disgusting.
00:37So we don't have that, but we do have the rocket drill.
00:40First, only 600 gold.
00:42Here we go.
00:45Oh, so you can drill attack like this.
00:48I don't know what that's gonna do.
00:49Surely that doesn't do damage to like players.
00:52Probably the better part is that you can do this and travel pretty far.
00:56Also, this will help you open vaults.
00:59So let's go open one.
01:00Oh, there's so much stuff I don't even know what to talk about.
01:03Okay, let's talk about the big thing.
01:04Outlaw key cards.
01:06What is an outlaw key card, you may ask?
01:08Well, it's actually a little confusing.
01:09If you head over to your quests, there's a new one called the outlaw key card.
01:14The first one is a community...
01:16Oh, I clicked it out.
01:17The first one is a community quest.
01:19Rally together with Midas and make a run on Fletcher Kane's gold reserves.
01:23As you can see, it's only 1% done.
01:25Everybody globally on Fortnite needs to open vaults and steal gold bars,
01:30and that will help us complete the community quest.
01:32What does that do, you may ask?
01:34Actually, a lot.
01:35When that community quest is complete, we unlock a uncommon outlaw key card.
01:39This lets us gain access to an extra room in the black markets
01:44where you can get exotic weapons.
01:46Yes, and there's a lot of them.
01:47I'll explain all the weapons in a second.
01:50Oh, hey, I just wasted 600 gold.
01:52I'll show you all the new exotics in a second.
01:54First, let's open up this vault and see what we can get.
01:57First of all, how much does the rocket...
02:00Wow, that makes it go incredibly quickly.
02:04I'm flying around.
02:05Okay, so the rocket drill is an insane way of opening the vault very fast.
02:10Take this, clown!
02:11Oh, I'm dead.
02:13I got eliminated by a guard.
02:16All right, we're chilling.
02:17The vault is open very quickly.
02:20Let's take some dill bits.
02:22All right, let's see what we get.
02:23I honestly can't see a thing because there's menace everywhere.
02:26All right, we didn't get the puppet dub,
02:28but let's head over to a different black market with our dill bits and get something good.
02:32Okay, so once you get the uncommon outlaw key card,
02:35that lets you get into the secret routes.
02:37However, you can upgrade it even further.
02:40There will be more quests unlocked after that.
02:43And when you get into rare, you can open a free outlaw chest,
02:47which has free gold in it and probably some weapons.
02:49And then when you upgrade it to epic,
02:51each black market shopkeeper will sell you a loadout for a specific amount of gold.
02:56And they're crazy.
02:58Skillet will sell you a sticky grenade launcher,
03:00a mammoth pistol, a kneecapper, a chug jug, and a bunch of boons.
03:04I'm not going to read them all because they're actually just full loadouts,
03:06like five weapons each, but I'll put them on the screen right here.
03:10But those are going to be insane.
03:11You're going to be fully looted up in approximately three seconds.
03:14All you need is probably a lot of gold.
03:16And when you finally upgrade it to legendary,
03:19the outlaw chest in the black market also gives you a golden weapon and a dill bit.
03:24So you're just going to be unstoppable with this key card.
03:27It's not even funny.
03:28Speaking of unstoppable, I just got the mythic puppet up.
03:36Let's actually go.
03:37Dude, I cannot wait to see how this works.
03:39There's also a legendary version right here.
03:41Should I buy two?
03:42I don't need to double pump them.
03:43I'm already double pumping.
03:45With your left click, you use the SMG.
03:47And with your right click, use the shotgun.
03:49And you can do both at the same time.
03:50It is so wild.
03:52Oh, new weapon, by the way.
03:53I forgot to mention.
03:55How dare you?
03:58Ah, outlaw shotgun.
04:00Outlaw shotgun.
04:02I am not sure how I feel about the outlaw shotgun.
04:05It seems kind of bit.
04:06However, I'm very excited for this.
04:09I lagged, but it's OK because it kills so fast.
04:12Don't worry, everybody.
04:13There's a lot more to talk about.
04:15Stay tuned.
04:16Also, watch this elimination.
04:18I have rockets drilled in.
04:19Vader, let me get the kill.
04:22See ya.
04:25This is nuts.
04:26Honestly, it's a little hard to get used to.
04:28Because you have to try to time the shotgun.
04:30But I'm convinced that once I get used to this,
04:32this is probably going to be the most fun.
04:38Let's go, dude.
04:39It's just like so good.
04:41This is not fair.
04:42Wait, did they remove the sensible part?
04:44Now that I'm thinking about it.
04:46Didn't that black market used to have a sensible pump in it?
04:48And now it has this.
04:49And then they also added the outlaw shotgun.
04:52It's possible that they replaced the sensible pump with the outlaw shotgun.
04:55In that case, I like it a little bit more.
04:57Oh, just kidding.
04:58It's right here.
04:59Never mind.
05:00Yeah, I feel like we have too many shotguns that are bad.
05:05I'm here.
05:07Nice, Vader.
05:09Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
05:13Run, Vader.
05:14What is this?
05:15A sniper?
05:16Baron tax?
05:18I've never seen that in my life.
05:19Is that new?
05:20Watch this.
05:22I missed.
05:23That did not miss.
05:26There's players everywhere, dude.
05:28Who's just shot at me?
05:30See ya.
05:31They're right.
05:32Hi, everybody.
05:35There's one.
05:36Let me get closer with the puppet up.
05:43Wait a second.
05:45This is so good.
05:47Vader, get them.
05:49I can't see.
05:51They're running away.
05:52Get them.
05:54Wait, that's not them.
05:56Where'd they go?
05:57This is a very confusing first game.
05:59But so far, literally all of the changes are fun.
06:02All right, what else do we have?
06:03I have more notes.
06:04Hold on.
06:04Oh, right.
06:05The exotics that are in the black markets.
06:07We've got the lawless version of the puppet dump,
06:10which gives you the bleak dashes, which is really good.
06:13The lawless heavy impact tracking rifle.
06:17What's going on with this house?
06:19That was rather rude.
06:21Seven damage.
06:22That's not that much, but this is.
06:26Did I just no scope them?
06:28That was kind of an accident.
06:30But you know what?
06:30I like it.
06:32See ya.
06:32Hold on.
06:33Let me get closer.
06:34All right.
06:34What was I saying?
06:35Oh, yeah.
06:36The lawless heavy impact tracking rifle.
06:39I actually don't know what weapon this is.
06:41The lawless steak rifle.
06:43The lawless Trinity assault rifle.
06:46I don't know any of these guns.
06:47I'm assuming they're just exotic versions of what we have in the game right now.
06:51But I could be wrong.
06:52The lawless shockwave rocket launcher.
06:55And also an exotic version of the rocket drill.
06:58All of these are insane.
06:59And they're going to be available in the black markets.
07:01Once we unlock the uncommon key card.
07:04By the way, let's check out that quest.
07:06Okay, we're still at 1%.
07:08Speaking of quests.
07:10There's also Midas quests to unlock the brand new Midas skin.
07:14All you got to do is get 10 levels in your battle pass.
07:17And I have an easy way of getting that actually.
07:20All you got to do is hop on our map.
07:22Red versus blue medallions.
07:24We have all the brand new weapons on there.
07:26So if you want to practice with them, there's your place.
07:30And also, it'll help you get your 10 levels for the Midas skin.
07:34Also, guess what?
07:36We have 164,000 favorites.
07:40Which is a lot of favorites.
07:42Like that's a lot.
07:43Imagine how cool that would be if we could get that to 200,000.
07:46So if you enjoy the map, make sure to favorite it and favorite me.
07:49Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
07:51There is a brand new getaway limited time mode.
07:55This actually was a super old one.
07:57And they just brought it back after like a billion years.
08:00I haven't tried it yet.
08:01I'm not sure if I'm going to make a video on it yet.
08:03I don't know how cool it is.
08:04But it's here.
08:05Oh, there's also like this new thing with a reboot van.
08:07Hold on.
08:08There's only 10 players left.
08:09There's still stuff to talk about while I'm playing this game.
08:12It's crazy.
08:13It's hard to focus on both.
08:14So reboot vans are going to be updated either in this update or next week.
08:19You can buy reboot cards for 500 gold.
08:21Which I don't understand.
08:23Like if you can't get to your teammate's reboot card,
08:26you can literally just go buy it.
08:27And also, you can reboot all your teammates for only 1,000 gold.
08:32Which will almost give them a full loadout of shields and weapons.
08:35Not just the suppressed pistol.
08:37Another cool thing is that ranked has siphoned again.
08:40And hello, players.
08:41Gotta be careful.
08:42Hey, we're not here.
08:43Oh, no.
08:45Get ready.
08:48Oh, they're about to...
08:49Oh, hello.
08:51That was insane.
08:52Their car went flying, dude.
08:55I hit him.
08:57Dude, we're doing good, I think.
08:59Wait, that's someone else taking him out.
09:00I don't know if we're doing good or not.
09:01Stop shooting me.
09:02It's rude.
09:03That's it.
09:03I'm going in.
09:04Might be a horrible idea.
09:06Oh, hi.
09:12Oh, I hit him.
09:13But I'm hurt.
09:15They're so hurt, dude.
09:16Break that rock.
09:17Hey, you better run.
09:18I'm using the wrong gun for this.
09:23That took forever.
09:24Only five players left.
09:25I need health.
09:26Wow, this player has stuff.
09:29A lot of it.
09:30Four players.
09:31It's a team against a team.
09:34Oh, hey.
09:35Please don't do that.
09:36Oh, no.
09:37I have to reload all my stuff.
09:40I really don't have enough health.
09:42Okay, see you later.
09:43Oh, it's one player left.
09:45And they're shooting at us.
09:46Is it a bot?
09:47No way.
09:48I'm going in with the puppet dump.
09:52Oh, no.
09:55Good thing it's a bot.
09:56Otherwise, I totally would have died.
09:58But that's a victory royale on the first day.
10:01Of the new season update thing.
10:03Whatever it's called.
10:05That was insane.
10:06I'm pretty sure I got all the new stuff as well.
10:09I might have missed a few things.
10:10I know there's some new skins coming out soon.
10:12Like the Shohei Otani collab.
10:14Leave a like.
10:15Use code Tomato.
10:17That's it, I guess.
