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Amor poste in Luce: Love songs from the earliest printed books

Musica Antica perform love songs from some of the earliest songbooks, printed by Ottaviano Petrucci from 1501 onwards. Collating a tradition of 15th Century music that was sometimes written down, but often improvised, Petrucci left us with one of the greatest musical legacies of the Italian Renaissance, if now all-too rarely heard.

Frottole, interspersed with works for the lute:

Antonio Capriola (1470 - after 1514): Sotto un verde e alto cupresso
Antonio Stringari (active 1505 - 1514): Poi ch'io son in libertade
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (c. 1470 – 1535): Per dolor me bagno il viso
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (c. 1470 – 1535): Non val acqua
Josquin des Prez (c. 1450 - 1521): In te Domine speravi


Jessica Eucker, Soprano
Oliver Doyle, Tenor
Peter Martin, lute

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