• 19 hours ago
Incredible Northern Vets S01 E09


00:00Hang on to your hat, because you're going to go for a ride.
00:04Matey digging is for everyone.
00:07I'm a little intimidated.
00:08I just would hate for me not to be there,
00:10and then it starts to bleed.
00:12Ear infections tend to be quite painful for dogs.
00:15Oh, it's so red.
00:16Oh, good boy.
00:17We were driving.
00:18Somehow he slithered out and hit the side of the road.
00:22The bone just broke right in half.
00:25Means a lot.
00:27Across the country, indigenous vets
00:31are using their knowledge and skills
00:34to help the animals we love stay happy and healthy.
00:51Hi, Izzy.
00:54Is that who you're going to bring in next?
00:56All right, yatcha.
01:00I'd really like her to be on her belly.
01:03Yeah, that's better.
01:05Izzy is a orange female cat.
01:07She's here to get spayed today.
01:11OK, nobody open the doors.
01:13Orange cats, they just flip the switch and they let you know.
01:18Yeah, that hurt, didn't it?
01:19Izzy was a stray that has now became the resident cat
01:24at a local hardware store here in town.
01:27She had showed up as a stray cat at somebody's house.
01:30And then when they found out we needed a cat at the store,
01:33they brought her to us.
01:35Did you find what you were looking for?
01:36No, I'm actually looking for some straws.
01:38Let me show you, right behind her.
01:41Izzy, she's a little bit of a mischievous cat.
01:43She gets up on the counters and knocks things off.
01:45But we forgive her for that, because she's
01:47sweet and lovable.
01:48It's a good girl.
01:50And she does a really, really good job of keeping
01:52all of the mice at bay.
01:53She's a very important person in the store.
01:55She's loved by everybody.
01:58This is the first time we've seen this kitty.
02:00Izzy is a replacement for the previous store cat,
02:04whose name was Pumpkin.
02:05Oh, she'd been there a long time, since I was a kid.
02:08We live in a small rural community,
02:10so it's pretty close-knit.
02:12Pumpkin just lived in the store.
02:13She ruled the store.
02:15Clients, you know, they're not always just a new face to us.
02:18They're a family friend.
02:20I have lots of my former teachers
02:23that bring their pets here.
02:24And I still can't come to call them by their first name.
02:27Now, Izzy will get nice and sleepy.
02:31Izzy is here for a spay today.
02:34Oh, hold on.
02:42Hold on.
02:43Do you want to come look at this cat?
02:45Maybe I did find her space.
02:46Now, it's just way low.
02:49Oh, yeah.
02:50Well, that seems very low.
02:52It appears that she has a scar that
02:54would indicate that she has received a surgery to sterilize
02:58her at some point in the past.
03:00We should scan this cat, make sure she's in a microchip.
03:07I don't think she has nothing.
03:10There's no microchip.
03:12If an animal doesn't have a microchip,
03:14being reunited with their owner can be pretty difficult.
03:19I guess I can phone Kelly and find out some information.
03:25Hey, Kel.
03:26It's Corey.
03:27How are you?
03:28What's the history on this cat?
03:30I'm thinking she's spayed already.
03:36Do you want me just to wake her up
03:37and we'll just see what happens?
03:42We're going to wake her up.
03:44We're not going to do an exploratory to look.
03:47It's pretty invasive just to try and answer a question
03:50you assume the answer to be accurate, so.
03:57Hi, fancy.
03:58Did you have a rough day today?
04:00She didn't.
04:00No, she didn't.
04:01She had a great day.
04:02She got to have a really good nap for no reason whatsoever.
04:07We thought she needed to be spayed.
04:08Turns out she already is spayed.
04:10So she came for her first vaccine, some deworming,
04:13and some anesthetic for fun.
04:16All right, Iz.
04:18Let's go back home.
04:20You're welcome.
04:29Hello, guys.
04:30I'm Dr. Allison Haid.
04:32Today we have Keisha, the Cocker Spaniel,
04:34coming in for an ear infection that hasn't been clearing up.
04:37What's been going on?
04:38Not only is she just scratching a little bit,
04:41she's whacking them.
04:43And then now it's both ears.
04:45Whereas before, it was more just the right ear, I think.
04:48The ear, OK.
04:49My parents got Keisha four years ago.
04:52They didn't bring Keisha in because they are traveling
04:55in Ecuador right now.
04:57I just would hate for more permanent damage.
05:01Keisha is part of the family.
05:03She's a puppy child to my parents.
05:07She's talkative, stubborn, and cuddly.
05:11I just would hate for me not to be there,
05:14and then it starts to bleed.
05:15Or if something is there, to burst.
05:18Seeing them get worse was just a red flag
05:21to call the vet to come in.
05:24Yeah, and it just looks so red.
05:26And she's so sensitive.
05:29Ear infections tend to be quite painful for dogs.
05:32It can make it really unpleasant for that pet
05:34to have it looked at.
05:35What I'd like to do would be to collect
05:37an ear sample from each ear.
05:39If there is infection, given how sensitive
05:42she is to her ears being touched,
05:44it's probably easiest for everyone
05:46if she just gets quickly sedated here.
05:49We clean the ear out really well,
05:51and then we put in a special drop that lasts four weeks.
05:55And then you don't have to do anything at home.
05:56I know that it's also hard because it's not your dog, right?
06:02You know, this ear's the sore one.
06:05Good job.
06:08This feels very yucky down there.
06:10Here, you eat those treats.
06:13While I'm out, I don't know if your parents are like,
06:14you can come pet them.
06:16I can try to, yeah.
06:19It's really important if you're going away
06:20and leaving your pet in someone's care
06:22that you really trust that person.
06:27And that you discuss with them beforehand.
06:30If something comes up medical with your pet,
06:32what your wishes are.
06:35Oh, it's a yeast party in here.
06:38It's enough yeast to make bread.
06:41It's a fasting bread.
06:43Oh yeah, there's definitely bacteria in this ear.
06:47So the right ear had a whole whack of yeast.
06:50The left ear had both bacteria and yeast.
06:53This is her first time with ear infections, right?
06:57If she gets it again, I do start to think of,
06:58okay, why is she getting these infections?
07:01I don't think we need to dive down
07:02that rabbit hole just yet.
07:03I think let's treat her ear infection.
07:05We're hoping a one-time treatment
07:06and then it doesn't come back.
07:10It's been an ongoing thing.
07:11Oh, all right, you're ready to go.
07:13I think the drops will take a little while to work,
07:15but I'm hopeful she just feels better.
07:17Good job, good job, good job.
07:20We're sedating Keisha to be able to look in her ears
07:23and treat them.
07:24Just hang out till you're sleepy.
07:26If she was awake for that,
07:27it would have made us assessing her ears very challenging.
07:31Really important that you go and seek treatment
07:33if you think that your pet has an ear infection.
07:36Oh, it's so red down there.
07:38That ear canal can actually get so inflamed
07:41that it closes shut,
07:42and a pet that's always in pain
07:44or is scratching at their ears until they're bleeding,
07:47that's not a good quality of life.
07:50So right now I'm just instilling a special ear medication
07:54that lasts for four weeks
07:56and will kill off the yeast and bacteria in the ear.
08:01It also has a little bit of steroid in it,
08:03which helps with the inflammation and pain.
08:09So Keisha should be feeling better,
08:11hopefully within the next 24 hours or so.
08:14Are you done?
08:16Oh, oh, good morning.
08:19Oh, you're doing it.
08:20She should continue to feel better,
08:22and hopefully this is the end of her ear infection.
08:25Hi, Keisha.
08:26She's ready.
08:28Are you okay?
08:30You're a good girl?
08:31It's just not fun to have an ear infection,
08:33especially for a dog.
08:34You can't ask them how they're feeling.
08:36So I hope that there's relief in what they did.
08:39Here you go.
08:42You okay, Keisha?
08:56Good morning.
08:57Hi, doctor.
08:58How are you?
09:00Oh, you know, not the greatest weekend, I would say.
09:03Yeah, I feel pretty bad about stuff like that.
09:06That's why they're called accidents.
09:08Yeah, but still.
09:10I know.
09:11This is Major, a six-month-old mixed dog,
09:14and unfortunately on the weekend,
09:15we were driving and the back window was down.
09:18Next thing you know,
09:20I just see his tail end out the window.
09:22Somehow he slithered out and fell,
09:24hit the side of the road.
09:28Means a lot.
09:30He's a family member, right?
09:31He's a great dog.
09:33I feel horrible for Major's owners.
09:37He wanted to hang his head out the window
09:40and next thing they know, he's actually out the window
09:44and now fallen onto the ground while they're driving.
09:48We don't know what's going on with his leg.
09:50Well, if we could keep his mobility, then that's...
09:53He's a very, very, very active dog.
09:55He's very active.
09:56Yeah, he just loves it.
09:58It's okay.
09:59Oh, good boy.
10:00Good boy, Major.
10:01Good, brave boy.
10:03What a brave boy you are.
10:07This way.
10:08Do you want to just put him on the scale?
10:11All right.
10:13You be brave, okay?
10:16But Major's in good hands
10:17and everything will turn out the best it can.
10:21We just hope for the best.
10:22Oh boy.
10:24No, I know.
10:25Dogs are tough.
10:29You're very cute.
10:30Yeah, you are.
10:32While examining Major,
10:33he's not using one of his back legs
10:36and there's quite a diffuse amount of swelling
10:39in the mid thigh.
10:40We are going to make a plan to sedate this dog
10:43and get some x-rays on him.
10:46Come on, buddy.
10:47It's okay, I know.
10:49When I watch Major walk,
10:50I can tell that there is definitely
10:52some looseness to that leg
10:54and there is a concern that there is a break there.
10:58I know, I know.
11:00It's okay.
11:01If you've ever felt bone crunching
11:04or grinding against bone when it's broken,
11:06it just makes me cringe
11:09because I know how painful it is
11:10as someone who has suffered a broken leg.
11:16Okay, a little poke.
11:17Good boy.
11:19Yeah, it can be bad, yeah.
11:23All fractures are bad,
11:24but within that, some are much worse.
11:27We need to take x-rays in order to define how bad it is.
11:32That's our x-ray.
11:37A mid-shaft femoral fracture.
11:38Jeepers, dog.
11:44Yeah, that's gotta be fixed.
11:52Yeah, that's gotta be fixed.
11:56Major has a fracture to his femur.
12:00It's a complete transverse fracture.
12:02A transverse fracture is where the bone
12:05is actually just broke right in half.
12:07It's clean cut.
12:08It's like someone just went and broke it.
12:12Not overly displaced, which is good.
12:15He'll need a plate
12:17and he will need a referral to a veterinarian
12:20that does internal orthopedic repair.
12:23I don't do that here.
12:25Okie dokie, I'll make some phone calls
12:26and see what we can do about that.
12:30I have a young puppy here that has a fractured back leg.
12:36I was wondering if it was possible
12:38to have it repaired at your practice.
12:40Yeah, that should be no issue.
12:42He's still going to be painful until this is fixed,
12:46but we'll manage that as best we can
12:48to give him the best quality
12:50while he's waiting for that repair to happen.
12:53I reached out to a colleague of mine in Prince George
12:57and he is able to do the surgery on Wednesday.
13:01We are so blessed to have the referring veterinarian
13:03we're sending him to.
13:04Major's going to be well looked after.
13:07The stars align for him, so that's good.
13:11You're welcome.
13:12I know, I know, I know.
13:14He's just chilling like a villain.
13:17We gave him some opioids, so that helps a lot.
13:21Silly boy.
13:23We're going to get him set up.
13:25We're going to get him set up with a sling
13:28and then send him home.
13:36Oh, look at you go, you're just zooming.
13:39Major's young, healthy, and with the type of injury he has
13:44with surgical repair, he should make a full recovery.
13:48There you go.
13:49Good boy.
13:51All in all, I'm pretty thankful for what happened.
13:56It's not worse.
13:58What a brave boy.
14:09All right, one, two, three, hit.
14:17Oh my God.
14:20We are at Culture Days in Saskatoon for a jigging class.
14:28The fiddle came over here from Scotland, Ireland, France,
14:34and now the Métis, we took it as our own.
14:38I am Indigenous.
14:40I am Vuntuk Gwich'in from Old Crow.
14:43It's incredibly important for me
14:44to learn more about my culture,
14:46but I don't know any other Vuntuk Gwich'in.
14:49So it gives me great pleasure to introduce Courtney.
14:53Hang on to your hat because you're going to go for a ride.
14:57I come from Muscopeeding Saulteaux Nation
15:00and I've been instructing jigging
15:02for the last 17 to 18 years.
15:06Jigging does have a huge history in my family.
15:09It has been passed down from generation to generation.
15:14All right, how many of you think it's hard?
15:18Hard by just watching it, or it looks hard.
15:22I'm a little intimidated.
15:25I like to break it down step by step.
15:27So don't get nervous about when I say double heel toe tap.
15:30We're going to support each other through this.
15:32Thanks, Shanna.
15:33You're welcome.
15:35And left.
15:37I'm third generation Métis.
15:39I've never jigged before, but I have been exposed to it.
15:42I'm just very excited to get some of my culture back.
15:48So this is your hop when you start to add in those hops.
15:52There definitely has been some hesitation
15:54to go to cultural events.
15:56This will be my first one.
15:57Just not knowing if this is one where I'd be welcomed
16:01or if this relates to Gwich'in culture.
16:06My family comes from Old Crow, like way up in the Yukon.
16:09Like, how different is it?
16:10Like, are these basic steps?
16:11If I went to Old Crow, like I'd be...
16:13You would have a different style.
16:16So it's about sharing our culture.
16:19So whether you're the only Gwich'in in town or not.
16:22Coming to events is important to find that connection.
16:26Métis jigging is for everyone.
16:29There's no right or wrong way.
16:31So don't be nervous on that.
16:33Okay, everybody.
16:39Good job.
16:42Seeing other people jigging and learning,
16:44it calmed my nerves about not fitting in.
16:49We dance to heal others and ourselves.
16:54Dancing does bring joy.
16:56It's the movement within your soul.
17:01I think this was a great step
17:02into learning more about my culture.
17:05But I certainly hope that my journey has lots more to come.
17:09Good job.
17:18Oh, easy, easy.
17:21Major, Major.
17:22Good boy.
17:23Six weeks since he's had surgery,
17:25Major's here today for a follow-up on his broken leg.
17:31How's this guy doing?
17:32He thinks he's just as invincible as before.
17:38Oh, Major.
17:39Trying to find some outlet for that energy
17:42that wouldn't damage the leg.
17:44It's like having a 65-pound toddler with teeth, you know?
17:50He's a lot of work to manage.
17:54Hi, Major.
17:55He had a pretty significant injury
17:58and has hardware in there holding it together.
18:02He's lost a lot of muscle mass.
18:04Yeah, yeah, from not using it.
18:06Yeah, exactly.
18:08All right, big fella.
18:09I would like to see you using that leg a little bit more,
18:11but I'm not gonna stress out about it.
18:14What's he on for pain meds?
18:17He's not on anything now?
18:19It's only six weeks since he's had that surgery,
18:21so I think we're expecting maybe a little bit too much
18:24from him at this point in time.
18:26I mean, I think he should be on anti-inflammatories
18:28at a minimum.
18:29He hasn't whined or complained or anything.
18:31Yeah, they never do.
18:32No, he's so tough.
18:34Most dogs bellyache over having their nails trimmed,
18:37yet if they break a leg, they don't even seem to mind it,
18:39so I don't know.
18:41I would be the exact opposite.
18:44I'm gonna see Major a couple more times just to follow up,
18:48but at this point, I anticipate he's gonna make
18:50a full recovery, and he'll live a great, happy life.
18:54There you go, handsome boy.
18:57Oh, it's like, oh, my favorite lady.
19:00We're just so grateful to the amazing vets that we have,
19:04especially Dr. Corey.
19:05Okay, buddy.
19:06We'll get you on your way.
19:07Thank you again, Dr. Steven.
19:08I so appreciate you.
19:11We've been coming to her for 17 years now,
19:14and she's near and dear to our hearts.
19:16Okay, all righty.
19:18Now, let's go easy this time.
19:19Easy, easy.
19:21Let's go home.
19:22Good boy.
19:28How's Izzy doing?
19:29Izzy's doing great.
19:30We took her in to get fixed, but we've had no surgery, so.
19:35Izzy is very important with our store and surrounding areas.
19:39We get lots of mice.
19:42Izzy probably works harder than the rest of us.
19:45I haven't seen a mouse in quite a while.
19:47She is a loyal red pair.
19:49Her job is rodent control.
19:52She gets her treats every morning,
19:54and she gets loves by the customers
19:56and the employees every day.
20:00Cats can thrive in the store clinic environment
20:04because they're elusive and independent.
20:07John John.
20:08I had always sworn off of having a clinic cat
20:11because they need to be looked after on weekends.
20:14And if they stay in the clinic,
20:15they often get into bags of cat food and dog food.
20:18Johnny, get out of there.
20:21Johnny is this crooked tail, long haired cat
20:25that came into my life as a rescue.
20:29This is his one downfall.
20:31He eats my mouse pad, and I haven't quite figured this out.
20:34Leave the mouse pad.
20:36When he was domesticated enough,
20:39we let him out of the kennel and we let him run around.
20:41And this was probably a month of care here.
20:43Shake paw.
20:45I started to notice that whenever a dog or cat would come in,
20:49Johnny would come from wherever he was
20:51and he would actually join that family.
20:55Oh, he sure does know Johnny's there.
20:57He's happy.
20:58He'd crawl into carriers with sick cats.
21:01He's happy.
21:02He'd crawl into carriers with sick cats.
21:06He would curl up to sick dogs.
21:08And they all were very willing to let that happen.
21:14What do you think in there?
21:16And at that point I was like,
21:18okay, something's going on with you.
21:20I don't think I'm willing to let you go somewhere else.
21:23So I decided he was gonna stay.
21:27He's certainly famous in a small town here.
21:30He even has his own calendar.
21:33He is just one of the most wonderful cats ever.