• 2 days ago
Suits LA S01 E03


00:00Previously on Suits L.A.
00:02I thought we were friends.
00:03We are friends, Billy.
00:04Now, get back inside before someone-
00:07Who would have planted the bomb at Billy's?
00:09It's gotta be Jimmy Patrielle.
00:10Jimmy Patrielle? You're under arrest for the murder of Billy Esposito.
00:15This isn't what it looks like.
00:16It looks like after you stole his money, he wound up dead in your backyard from a gun that you own.
00:21I swear to you, I did not murder him.
00:22If there is anything else that you would like to tell us, now would be the time.
00:27Your client's wife was sleeping with the man he murdered.
00:30Your father's in hospice. He has three days to live.
00:33I'm here to offer you a job.
00:35I don't sell my soul defending criminals, and I don't want to skip to the front of the goddamn line.
00:42You let them kill B.B., you're gonna die alone.
00:56I was told you wanted to see me.
00:58I did.
00:59I gotta be honest, I thought I was the only one that got in this early.
01:01It's funny. When I lived in New York, I was a late sleeper.
01:05But when I got out here, I guess I sort of just stayed on East Coast time.
01:09So, you're from New York, originally?
01:11Manhattan. Born and raised.
01:13I'm from Philadelphia.
01:15Ah, so you have a chip on your shoulder.
01:17What is that supposed to mean?
01:18Every person from Philadelphia I ever met has a chip, because we're just as cool as New York.
01:22We are just as cool as...
01:25That's a perfect point.
01:29What's that?
01:30My gift to you.
01:32The employee records for every entertainment lawyer here.
01:35You're gonna decide which three we're letting go.
01:38How exactly is that a gift?
01:40It's the first order of business for the new head of entertainment.
01:46Meet me in room 107 at 2 tomorrow.
01:49Have your choices ready.
01:51Just, as far as gifts go...
01:53Lakers tickets.
01:55Better than deciding who gets fired.
01:57I mean, I like firing. I could be the fire marshal up in here.
02:00If you want me to.
02:06Erika, sorry to bother you.
02:07No, I'm not.
02:08Ted needs you to handle another client for him.
02:10So I've gone from Ted giving me his clients to you doing it?
02:13If you ask me, that's an upgrade.
02:14I see that.
02:15Hit me.
02:16Brian Bumgartner.
02:17You know him?
02:18Who doesn't?
02:19Well, Brian's annual Ask Ted for Something Crazy meeting is on the books for today.
02:24And Ted can't make it because...
02:25Murder case.
02:27So, whatever it is that he wants.
02:28Super Bowl tickets, meeting King Charles, cloning his puppy.
02:31Take the meeting, make him happy, and call it a day.
02:34Rosalyn, how is the murder case going?
02:38Not wonderful.
02:39Ted found out last night that Lester's wife was sleeping with his partner.
02:45Did Lester know?
02:46Ted and Kevin are trying to find that out right now.
02:48What do you know about this Kevin guy?
02:50I know Ted trusts Kevin with his life.
02:52And 15 years ago, they were the fastest rising team the Justice Department had ever seen.
03:01I cannot believe this!
03:02Hey, Lester, you're gonna have to calm down.
03:04Damn it!
03:06You want me to calm down?
03:07She was having sex with my business partner!
03:09And not only do I have to deal with that humiliation,
03:11but now everybody's gonna think that I knew and that I killed him!
03:16As an aside, it's not a good look for a man accused of murder to show this much rage.
03:22You're the one who said he must have known.
03:23If he didn't, this is the right reaction.
03:25Hey, Lester.
03:27You can throw that tantrum for 15 more minutes,
03:29after which, get it together because we need Valerie at trial.
03:32Screw her and screw your cock!
03:34And I will calm down when I am good and ready!
03:37Okay, well, he's got a process.
03:39I'm gonna go pay a visit to Valerie.
03:40I want you to find out what this prosecutor knows and how she knows it.
03:43You got it.
03:46Lester, I think she gets it.
03:50Process my ass.
03:54Leah, what can I do for you?
03:56I think you mean what can I do for you, know what I'm saying?
03:59Okay, fine.
04:00Since you know embarrassingly little about film and television,
04:03I've prepared a dossier on Baumgartner.
04:05Embarrassingly little?
04:07Let's move on.
04:08Brian Baumgartner.
04:09He was in a show called The Office.
04:11He played a character named Kevin,
04:12and I took the liberty of circling his face.
04:14Here is everything you need to know about him.
04:20Leah, how do you have all this?
04:22We made a deal for me to teach you about TV and movies.
04:26And I might have peeked at Rosalind's calendar
04:29and saw that she marked,
04:30tell Erica about Baumgartner today.
04:33Thank you, Leah.
04:36Hold on.
04:37Do you peek at my calendar, too?
04:39Oh, God, no.
04:40But between you and me,
04:42you probably won't make that dentist appointment tomorrow at two.
04:45Midday traffic.
04:47Damn it.
04:48I didn't think of midday traffic.
05:01Ted, Lester's not here.
05:03I know.
05:04He's at his office right now, breaking things.
05:06Oh, God.
05:07He knows.
05:08About you and Simon?
05:09Yes, he does.
05:11And so does the woman who's trying to put your husband away
05:14for a murder he didn't commit.
05:15So, you and I are going to discuss how we're going to play this.
05:19I'm sorry, I can't discuss this with you right now.
05:21Valerie, Lester's life is on the line,
05:23so whatever it is you have on your schedule can wait.
05:26What I mean is I've been advised by my attorney
05:27not to discuss this with anyone.
05:29Your attorney?
05:30I'm your attorney.
05:31Not anymore.
05:32I'm now being represented by Stuart Lane.
06:00I'm sorry.
06:14Brian, I'm Erica.
06:15We spoke on the phone.
06:16Thank you for coming in.
06:18Ted sends his apologies.
06:19Oh, please.
06:20I know what's on his plate.
06:21Lester Thompson is lucky to have him.
06:24Oh, well, I don't want to talk about them.
06:26I want to know what we can do for you.
06:28I want to kill Kevin Malone.
06:30Uh, what?
06:31Don't get me wrong.
06:32I love him.
06:33I love the role.
06:34It has given me basically everything I have.
06:37But it has come with a cost.
06:39It typecast you.
06:41I want the world to see that I can perform dramatic roles
06:45at an Oscar-worthy level.
06:52It's Kevin Malone!
06:53How's it going?
06:55Thanks for asking.
06:57Got to give the people what they want.
06:59Okay, Brian, about what you want,
07:02it's unheard of for a comedic actor
07:04to successfully transition into the show.
07:06No, it's not.
07:07It's happened many times.
07:08Robin Williams, Jamie Foxx, Tom Hanks.
07:12Okay, but those are the exceptions
07:14that make people think it's not a rule.
07:17But it is.
07:18Maybe, but I want to talk to one of them
07:20to find out how they did it anyway.
07:22And it just so happens Ted represents Tom Hanks.
07:26All I'm asking for is one meeting with Tom Hanks.
07:30Just the one?
07:31Just one.
07:37So, first you steal half my firm,
07:40and now this.
07:42You think I asked for this?
07:43I don't like it any more than you.
07:45I'm going to tell you this one time.
07:47Stay out of my case.
07:48Our kids have gone to school together since first grade.
07:50Valerie begged Helen to get me to help her.
07:53What was I supposed to do?
07:54I don't know.
07:55Turn her down?
07:56Since you're not even a divorce attorney?
07:58Well, like you once did with me,
07:59she said she needed someone that she could trust.
08:01And I am fully capable of handling this.
08:03No, you mean that you realize
08:05Lester needs her to stand beside him at his trial,
08:07which is your opportunity to take my client
08:10for everything that he's got.
08:12It's just a negotiation.
08:13To you.
08:15I am trying to save an innocent man's life.
08:18Wait, you really believe you didn't do it?
08:20Yeah, I do.
08:22So Valerie wants to negotiate.
08:25We'll see you at the table.
08:27Don't think that I don't realize what this really is.
08:30Someone betraying their partner
08:32while pretending to be the victim.
08:38Ted, hold on.
08:39There's something else we need to talk about.
08:40No, Stuart.
08:41There is nothing else that we need to talk about.
08:45Oh, my God.
08:47Look, they don't make pastrami like this in California.
08:50No, they don't,
08:51but these sandwiches did cost half my paycheck.
08:54If you think that's gonna get you in my pants, it might.
08:57I'll wait till you see how much I paid for dessert.
09:02All right.
09:04What do you want?
09:06I can't buy an old friend lunch without paying for dessert.
09:09I'm sorry.
09:11What do you want?
09:13I can't buy an old friend lunch without wanting something?
09:19I need someone to represent a murderer
09:21that I'm trying to put into WITSEC.
09:23I'm a corporate lawyer.
09:24I don't know anything about criminal defense.
09:26You're the best attorney I know.
09:27Ben, Stuart, I need someone I can trust.
09:31What's the catch?
09:33Until the deal is done, the mob might come after you.
09:36You'll stay with me, all right?
09:38We will be protected 24-7.
09:40Just tell me one thing.
09:42This guy you're going after,
09:44how important is it that you put him away?
09:47If I were to show you pictures
09:48of some of the things he's done to people,
09:50that pastrami that you just ate would be on the floor.
09:56Well, as long as I'm back in L.A. by Tuesday, I'll do it.
10:00You ready for me?
10:02Yeah. Come on in.
10:03Kevin, this is Stuart. Stuart, this is Kevin.
10:05No, no. I'll get up.
10:07All right, Stuart, before you make your decision,
10:09I've got detailed charts on how we're gonna keep you safe
10:11over the next two days, all right?
10:14All right, the blue represents you,
10:16the orange is Ted,
10:17and the green, they're the FBI agents.
10:20And which one are you?
10:22I'm black.
10:24Makes sense.
10:25Yeah. All right, look, the plan is...
10:27Kevin, he already said yes.
10:28You don't need to tell him the plan.
10:30He spent six hours on these damn charts,
10:33Coca-Cola and everything.
10:36Do you want to show me your charts?
10:38Okay. Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
10:41So let me get this straight.
10:43He doesn't want Super Bowl tickets.
10:45He wants to meet Tom Hanks so he can win an Oscar.
10:48Pretty much, yeah.
10:49Well, that's never gonna happen, so what do we have to work with?
10:52Well, if I learned anything about actors,
10:54it's that there's some truth to what they say.
10:56And he says he wants to be a serious, dramatic actor, so...
10:59He wants to reinvent himself.
11:01That sounds right.
11:03Now we just need to figure out a way for Brian to...
11:05Alfonso Ribeiro.
11:06He was in the same situation, and now he's a huge TV host.
11:09Alfonso Ribeiro.
11:11He played this iconic character in the show The Fresh Prince...
11:14Leah, I know who Carlton Banks is.
11:15You do?
11:16I'm a black girl from L.A.
11:17You think I didn't know the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
11:19In my defense, you didn't know what Cheers was.
11:21Well, I know all of them.
11:22Uncle Phil, Aunt Viv, Jazz, Jeffrey, and of course...
11:27I... I... What are you...
11:29Oh, my God, are you having a seizure?
11:30Roll on your side. Don't bite your tongue.
11:32No, I'm not having a seizure.
11:33I'm... I'm doing the Carlton dance.
11:35Oh, you mean... You mean this?
11:38That's what I was doing.
11:39Yeah. If you say so. Yes.
11:41You totally... You were doing that.
11:43Anyway, I'll show him there are other ways to reinvent himself.
11:47Great. But I do think it's important that you understand how to do the Carlton dance.
11:51You have to...
11:52Leah, you do that dance again and you're fired.
11:56Yeah, she loved it.
12:17Ted, I have something for you.
12:19You're not gonna like it.
12:20Then let it wait.
12:21It can't. It's from Stuart.
12:30Rosalyn, can I talk to you for a second?
12:33What is it?
12:34I met with Brian Baumgarner and, long story short, he wants to be a dramatic actor.
12:40So I just spent an hour trying to convince him there are other ways to reinvent himself and he wouldn't hear it.
12:45He is insisting on a conversation with Tom Hanks.
12:49But I figured...
12:50Erica, Ted is going through some rough stuff right now.
12:53He's never gonna ask Tom to do this.
12:55Find another way.
13:05Rosalyn, can I talk to you for a minute?
13:08I know Erica wanted you to ask Ted to call Tom Hanks.
13:11If you're asking me to reconsider, Leah, that's not gonna happen.
13:13That's not it. There's another client Ted has that might fit the bill.
13:16And I thought maybe if you called him...
13:18I'm not calling anyone, Leah.
13:20I understand.
13:22Sorry to bother you.
13:23Why is this so important to you?
13:26I know how hard Erica is working for Ted and how much this means to her and...
13:31Last week, I pooped the bed on the first real assignment Erica gave me.
13:35I want to make up for it.
13:36Pooped the bed?
13:37My mom says swearing isn't ladylike.
13:39She's such a farty-tarty.
13:42I'm sorry.
13:43I'm sorry.
13:44I'm sorry.
13:45I'm sorry.
13:46I'm sorry.
13:47I'm sorry.
13:48I'm sorry.
13:49I'm sorry.
13:50I'm sorry.
13:51I'm sorry.
13:52She's such a farty-tarty.
13:53You know what I mean?
13:55Who's the client?
14:03How many times are you going to cut my legs out before you get over being called a flea?
14:07Don't you say that to me.
14:09Valerie is one thing but if you think for one second that I'm going to let you handle my father's will...
14:14You're not letting me do anything.
14:16And for your information, I had no idea he named me executor until after he died.
14:20Fine. I'll make this easy for you.
14:22Whatever he left, sell it.
14:25Donate it.
14:26I don't care, because I don't want it.
14:29But I'm required to execute the entire will in the Will States.
14:33He's to be buried next to Eddie.
14:35Stuart, if you think for one second that I'm gonna let you-
14:39That's enough.
14:40You've been coming at me all day.
14:41I didn't do this.
14:43I even tried to warn you, but you didn't want to hear it.
14:45Your father bought the plot.
14:47He's being buried there in two days.
14:50It's done.
14:59Okay, Jimmy, let's wrap this up.
15:01I'm sick of looking at your face.
15:03Whoa. How about a little bit of respect, huh?
15:05This face is about to make you famous for putting away John Pellegrini.
15:08Then we're about to save your sorry life by making you disappear.
15:12For Wayne and Deanna for the rest of my life?
15:15I want Honolulu.
15:16You know, I want you to get the death penalty.
15:18So I guess we're both gonna have to live with disappointment.
15:20My client is risking his life to take the stand,
15:22and this offer is completely unacceptable.
15:24I don't care what he's risking.
15:27He's a murderer.
15:28He doesn't get Honolulu.
15:30What we're asking for is appropriate under the circumstances.
15:33The circumstances are, I can take this deal off the table,
15:36let him walk out the building, and he's dead in ten minutes.
15:40And the case you've been working on for years goes up in smoke.
15:43Then it goes up in smoke.
15:46He gets what he gets.
15:48And not a nickel more.
15:57What the hell was that?
15:58I'm representing my client to the best of my ability.
16:01If you didn't want me to do it...
16:04Why didn't you ask to put him on the moon?
16:05It's our opening offer.
16:06You counter with Miami.
16:08You don't storm out of the room.
16:09No, no. I gave you my counter.
16:11My counter is nothing.
16:12Ted, all I'm looking for is the same deal
16:15the previous witness got.
16:17The previous witness had a name.
16:19Billy Esposito.
16:20Your client murdered him.
16:23What's really going on here?
16:29I was supposed to protect Billy.
16:33And I failed.
16:36So I'm not gonna let that...
16:41live it up in paradise
16:44after what he did.
16:46Well, you're gonna have to.
16:49Jimmy has information.
16:52He doesn't know the full extent of it, but I do.
16:54What are you talking about?
16:56Pellegrini paid a lawyer to offer you a job.
17:00Jimmy only knows that lawyer by his last name,
17:02which is different than yours because after your father left...
17:05I took my mother's name.
17:06If it comes out that your father took money from the mob,
17:08everyone will think you're as dirty as he is.
17:10And my time at the Justice Department will be over.
17:13Dad, if I can't get Jimmy a decent deal,
17:14he'll get another lawyer, and it's going to come out.
17:21So be it.
17:22This is what we're giving him.
17:24Let the chips fall.
17:29And before he gets someone new...
17:32let me tell him it was me.
17:33He still doesn't know my last name.
17:36You could destroy your reputation.
17:38Why would you do that?
17:41Because you're the closest thing to a brother I've ever had.
17:48Before we get started,
17:50do you think that Lester knew about you and Simon?
17:53What does that have to do with...
17:54They want to know how you're going to look in court,
17:56which means they want to know if you think Lester did it.
17:59If Lester paid enough attention to know I was having an affair,
18:03I never would have had one in the first place.
18:05So, no.
18:07I don't think he knew.
18:09And I don't believe he killed Simon.
18:12Having said that, we've prepared a list of requested assets.
18:17Ferrari, the beach...
18:20You want the beach house.
18:21My client wants what she's entitled to.
18:23Your client signed a prenup that entitles her to nothing.
18:26And Lester needs Valerie with him at trial,
18:28so let's skip the foreplay.
18:29She wants half the assets earned during the marriage.
18:31She didn't earn any assets. She only spent them.
18:33Of course you'd say that.
18:35You never appreciated anything I did.
18:37You never did anything.
18:38I had an acting career.
18:39I gave it up for you.
18:41You were never any good.
18:42I acted well enough to make you look good.
18:43Every red carpet, every damn time you needed someone to work a room.
18:47You were something, all right.
18:48My best friend.
18:49You want to know what your best friend said
18:51when I told him how you treat me?
18:52He wanted to kill you.
18:53You are lying, cheating...
18:55Careful what you say to my client.
18:57Your client betrayed her, partner.
18:58And now she's trying to extort him for everything he's got.
19:01We could be asking for a hell of a lot more.
19:03It never ends with you.
19:04I'm representing my client to the best of my ability.
19:06You barely knew your client before yesterday,
19:08which is better than that other client.
19:12What are you doing? You were the one who told me to stay calm.
19:15You're right.
19:22Lester, is there anything on this list
19:24that you value more than your life?
19:33Then we have a deal.
19:37You know, for the record,
19:39you made a promise to stand by this man.
19:42You were his partner.
19:43And not only did you abandon him,
19:46but you did it by running right into the arms
19:49of the person that would hurt him the most.
19:58Are you moving offices?
20:00You should, because this one is awesome.
20:01Well, I'm glad you think so,
20:03because I'm not the one moving.
20:04You are.
20:07You're giving me this office.
20:09Well, we can't have the head of entertainment
20:11working out of that closet you're in now.
20:14Well, I don't mean to be rude,
20:15but calling my office a closet,
20:17that's kind of an insult to closets, you know?
20:22Because it's so small.
20:24Do I get to keep this face?
20:25You know, I wasn't sure if I liked you,
20:26but now, nope.
20:28Still not sure.
20:31Well, after today,
20:32I'm not sure these three are gonna like me either.
20:33If that's your list of who to let go,
20:35you can throw it away.
20:37I don't understand.
20:38Head of entertainment is in all rainbows and new offices.
20:41And you needed to know I had it in me
20:43to make the hard choices.
20:44Yes, but that's for another day.
20:46For today, Ted.
20:50Did you know?
20:51Know what?
20:52That my father made Stuart the executor of his will.
20:56No, I didn't.
20:58I'm sorry.
20:59Oh, I don't need your sympathy.
21:01I just needed to know how many secrets
21:02the people that I thought I could trust
21:04were keeping from me.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:16Leah, good, you're here.
21:19Wait, you eat?
21:19Yes, they're Fruity Pebbles.
21:20What are you, my dentist?
21:22Yeah, ba-da-ba-doo.
21:23I got an idea last night.
21:25I figured out what Brian Bob Garner needs,
21:27but we can't get Tom Hanks,
21:28so we need someone who can-
21:29No, we don't.
21:30I fixed it.
21:31Leah, please tell me you did not contact Tom Hanks.
21:33I thought of someone else.
21:35Rosalind spoke to him,
21:36and he's willing to meet with Brian.
21:38You're kidding.
21:39Who is it?
21:40Patton Oswalt.
21:41He's a comedian turned actor.
21:41That's perfect.
21:43You know who Patton Oswalt is?
21:44Leah, I know the talent in this town.
21:46I'm just not a fan of every movie and TV show ever been made.
21:48Wait, did you think I didn't know who Tom Hanks was?
21:51I don't know, anything's possible.
21:53Life is like a box of chocolates.
21:56Why are you talking like that?
21:57Don't tell me you've never seen Forrest Gump.
22:00I haven't.
22:01So then what Tom Hanks movies have you seen?
22:05I like the one with the helicopter,
22:09and the special agent,
22:12and the goldfish.
22:13So you've never seen a Tom Hanks movie?
22:15Good luck trying to prove it.
22:16Now, before sending that meeting with Patton,
22:18here's what I need you to do.
22:22What now?
22:23It's been a long day.
22:24It's about to get longer.
22:26This photo sure looks like less than new.
22:29His wife was sleeping with Simon.
22:35Where'd you get this?
22:36Our photographer from the LA Times, his old friend.
22:39Found it in their archives three hours ago.
22:41You're not gonna bury it.
22:42Which means it's gonna hit the front page of the papers.
22:44Tomorrow at the latest.
22:45Gives us a few hours.
22:48Rosalyn, I want you to call Lester.
22:49Tell him to come back to our offices
22:51and meet us on the 25th floor.
22:53What is it?
22:54Keep this to yourself,
22:55but there's a photo that makes it look like
22:56Lester knew about Valerie and Simon.
22:58Ted, Stuart didn't send over a copy of the agreement yet.
23:01If he realizes what's going on...
23:02He's gonna rip it up and re-sign it.
23:04Rip it up and renegotiate.
23:06Do you want me to nudge him?
23:07No, that'll tip him off.
23:09We just need to hope that he sends over the agreement
23:11before this hits the papers.
23:12But Rosalyn, good call.
23:15I know.
23:24Okay, I'm here,
23:26but if you can't get me Tom Hanks, I don't know why.
23:29Because, Brian, there is another actor
23:30who successfully made the transition
23:32from comedy to drama.
23:34Patton Oswalt?
23:36He starred in the movie Ratatouille.
23:38Okay, look, I know he's not who you originally asked for,
23:41but he came here for you.
23:43So why not give it a chance?
23:46Okay, come on.
23:50Patton Oswalt, I'd love for you to meet Brian Baumgardner.
23:52Hi, thank you for meeting with me.
23:54It's a pleasure.
23:55My daughter and I are huge fans.
23:56Oh, thank you.
23:57I'm sorry, Erica,
23:58but they need you downstairs for five minutes.
24:01I'll be right back.
24:03Mr. Baumgardner?
24:05My lordship.
24:13What are you working on?
24:15The divorce settlement
24:16between Lester Thompson and his wife.
24:18Heard about that.
24:20Also heard about you handling Ted's father's estate.
24:23Two clients I wish I didn't have.
24:27I never told you this, Stuart,
24:28but if I hadn't left Ted,
24:32I'm pretty sure he would have asked you
24:34to be his best man.
24:38What about Kevin?
24:39You two go back further.
24:40The man is nothing if not loyal.
24:42Sorry to interrupt.
24:44When did Ted's father die?
24:46Two weeks ago.
24:48Evidently he'd been sick for some time.
24:53Okay, I hate to ask this,
24:54but did either of you know what was happening
24:57when you decided to cut him out of the merger?
25:00If you had known-
25:01Excuse me, Mr. Lane.
25:03I just sent you an email.
25:04I think you should look at it right away.
25:06That is when I learned on live TV
25:10that huckleberry, not a funny word.
25:13Oh, oh man.
25:16It is such a pleasure talking with you.
25:20I mean, I don't know exactly how it's going to help me
25:22become an Oscar-level dramatic actor,
25:25but this is so much fun.
25:27Shall we?
25:28You want to become an Oscar-level dramatic actor?
25:31Oh, not want to.
25:32I'm going to.
25:34Brian, when I said I was a fan,
25:37I sort of meant it.
25:39I don't think you have it in you
25:40to get where you want to go.
25:42Well, who are you to say that to me?
25:43Look, I know this isn't easy to hear,
25:45but I mean, look in the mirror, buddy.
25:49What exactly have you done that hasn't sucked?
25:51Do you want me to pull up my IMDb page?
25:53I don't know.
25:54Is your phone small enough?
25:54What does yours say?
25:55Smallest role in the dumbest show ever?
25:57Kevin Malone was a key ingredient
25:59and The Office was a work of genius.
26:00Even Tobey was funnier than you.
26:02You voiced a cartoon rat.
26:04His name was Remy and that movie won an Oscar.
26:07I'm going to win an Oscar too,
26:08but I'm actually going to be on camera.
26:10The only Oscar you'll ever get close to's last name is Meyer
26:13and it comes in a Wienermobile.
26:14Jeez pieces.
26:15What the hell is going on here?
26:17I'll tell you what's going on.
26:18The next time I ask you to do something,
26:20either do exactly what I asked you,
26:22or you're fired.
26:24Your lordship.
26:26That's what she said.
26:28It's from his show.
26:30I never watched it.
26:34Okay, I'm here.
26:36What are we doing on this floor?
26:38This is the criminal floor.
26:40I thought this was about my divorce.
26:43This is about this.
26:52I swear there's an explanation.
26:54There always is with you.
26:56I have no memory of this photo being taken.
26:58It must've been doctored.
27:00You want me to go to a jury with it was doctored?
27:04It's Stewart, which means the article is dropped.
27:09I can tell from your voice you know what this is about.
27:12That photo proves nothing.
27:13Oh, it's more than a picture, Ted.
27:16The headline reads, he knew.
27:19It's time to renegotiate.
27:20Have your client here in an hour.
27:24I'm no lawyer,
27:25but you better think of something
27:26your wife wants more than money.
27:27There's nothing more that she wants.
27:29All she wants is money.
27:30If that's what you think,
27:31then you were not listening this afternoon.
27:49What are you doing here, Erica?
27:51You were obviously upset earlier.
27:52I just wanted to come and make sure everything was okay.
27:55Well, I don't know if you're gonna think it's okay or not,
27:58but frankly, I don't care.
28:00I'm taking a lead dramatic role in an off-Broadway play.
28:04Is this because of Patton Oswalt?
28:06Yeah, that pompous little son of a bitch.
28:08He told me that I don't have the talent.
28:11Well, I'm gonna show him and I'm gonna show you
28:15because if all you see is Kevin Malone,
28:18then you don't know a goddamn thing.
28:25What? Good how?
28:27Ryan, you wanted to talk to Tom Hanks
28:29so you could hear how he did it,
28:31but what you needed was for someone to insist
28:33you couldn't do it so you could fight for him.
28:35Wait, so you told Patton to start that whole thing with me?
28:38I did, and he agreed
28:41because he believes in you, and so do I.
28:47Thank you, Erica.
28:49Thank you so much.
28:53You want to know if I can still book you comedic roles
28:56if this doesn't work out, don't you?
28:57I do.
28:58Well, we'll bake that cookie when it's time.
29:01How did you know this was all gonna work?
29:03Because people have been telling me
29:05I don't have what it takes my whole life.
29:08I bet they don't say that anymore.
29:10You bet your sweet ass they don't.
29:12Oh-ho-ho! No, they don't!
29:15Come on. Let's play.
29:16You're gonna shoot some hoops with me.
29:18Okay, just one hoop.
29:21Okay, let's get to it.
29:22What's it gonna take to get this signed?
29:24I'm not here to renegotiate.
29:26I'm here to say that I won't be standing by that monster at trial.
29:30I swear, this is news to me.
29:32I didn't know the Stuart Lane story.
29:34I didn't tell him that I'm not gonna pretend
29:37that Lester didn't kill Simon.
29:39How can you think that?
29:40How can anyone that saw this think anything else?
29:42You killed him.
29:44You knew and you killed him.
29:45Hold on.
29:46I knew there was a reason why I had no memory of this.
29:49Look at my left hand.
29:50Who cares about your left hand?
29:52What does that have to do with anything?
29:53Lester's blind as a bat.
29:55Without his contacts, he can't see a thing.
29:57My eyes were bothering me that night.
29:58I wore my glasses.
29:59He's holding his glasses in his left hand.
30:01He couldn't have seen Valerie and Simon.
30:04No, he couldn't have.
30:06But this whole thing, I just...
30:07I'm sorry.
30:09Lester, I can't watch your trial.
30:13Give it to her anyway.
30:17We've already lost.
30:19Look what she thought I was capable of.
30:23Val, I'm sorry.
30:25I took you for granted.
30:27And if you don't love me anymore, I can accept that.
30:31But unlike me,
30:33Ted heard you this afternoon, and now I do, too.
30:36I've always believed in your talent,
30:37but like you said, I'm a jealous man
30:39and I didn't want to share you with the world.
30:42You deserve better.
30:44So I got you a role.
30:46A great role, just like you always wanted.
30:50Stand by me, or don't.
30:52But please know, I didn't do this.
31:01I'll stand by you.
31:06I think I'm starting to like you, boy.
31:10Thank you, Ted.
31:12You may have just saved my marriage and my freedom at the same time.
31:16It's what I do, Lester.
31:19It's what I do.
31:28I don't tell you often enough I love you.
31:31You tell me every day.
31:34It's still not often enough.
31:37What's this all about?
31:40It's Valerie and Lester Thompson.
31:44Stuart, we're not them.
31:46I know. It's just...
31:48There's a reason I don't do divorce cases.
31:51It's a lot.
31:54But it's not the only case that's a lot for you right now.
31:57Stuart, look, I know it's not your favorite
31:59when I put my therapist hat on,
32:01but do you think it's possible
32:03that you're misplacing some sadness
32:05over what happened with Ted?
32:07I take it back.
32:09I tell you I love you plenty.
32:14Look, I know Ted demeaning criminal defense
32:17took a toll on you over the years.
32:19And on the business side,
32:21I fully support you cutting ties with him.
32:24But there's a personal side, too.
32:26And with what he's going through,
32:28and you handling his father's...
32:29Stuart, I know what you're going to say.
32:31We're his only family, but he's going to be fine.
32:33I wasn't going to say that.
32:35I was going to ask what it's doing to you,
32:37but that your mind went to him.
32:40Maybe that means you're worried he won't be fine.
32:49What has you calling me this time of night?
32:53I just found out his father died.
32:56When everything else was happening.
32:58Roz, I mentioned something was going on with him,
33:00but his own father, he didn't even take a day.
33:02I know.
33:06Hey, if you want, I could come over.
33:09First of all, no.
33:11Second, you're feeling guilty about leaving him, aren't you?
33:14That's actually very insightful.
33:17When did you start knowing people better
33:19than they know themselves?
33:20You like that? Check this out.
33:22I used your whole
33:23knowing what the client really needs thing today.
33:26How did it feel?
33:27Pretty damn good.
33:29Look at you, growing and learning from me.
33:32I learned a little from you,
33:34but I have to give some credit to Ted.
33:36Let me guess.
33:37He gave you the learn from your mistakes line?
33:39He gave that to you, too?
33:41He called you Kobe, too, didn't he?
33:44Never mind.
33:45Good night, Ricky.
33:47Don't call me that.
33:48You know I hate it when you call me that.
33:49No, you don't.
33:50Good night, Erica.
33:51Good night, Ricky.
33:53I said I don't like it when you...
33:55Gotta go. Getting another call. Bye.
33:59Well, if it isn't Leah Power.
34:01Why are you using my last name?
34:02This doesn't bode well.
34:03I'm using your last name because I'm in a silly mood.
34:06Okay, thank God.
34:07I'll see you tomorrow.
34:09Wait, we didn't get to why I called you in the first place.
34:11Am I in trouble?
34:12You're in the opposite of trouble.
34:14We're going to Cancun?
34:15Well, you think the opposite of trouble is going to Cancun?
34:19I get nervous when I'm not in trouble.
34:22Leah, I called you to tell you how impressed I've been.
34:25You jumped in there with Brian's file.
34:27You came up with Patton Oswald
34:29and walked him through why he needed to crush Brian's dream.
34:31You killed it today.
34:32I didn't want to let the day end without telling you.
34:34I'm really glad we decided to take a chance on each other.
34:38So, no Cancun?
34:40No. No Cancun.
34:42Thanks, Erica. Have a good night, Leah.
34:58Ted Black's office.
34:59Rosalynn, it's Stuart. Please don't hang up.
35:01I need a favor.
35:02My days of doing you favors are over.
35:06It's for Ted.
35:07Like you dropping that bomb on my desk was for Ted?
35:10I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.
35:12What was I supposed to do?
35:13How about not betray him?
35:15Or cut him out of the merger?
35:17Or be a terrible friend?
35:19If you don't want to tell him what I have to say, you don't have to.
35:21But, Rosalynn, if you hang up on me, you're going to regret it.
35:28What is it?
35:32What's this all about?
35:34I don't know that guy.
35:36That is my father.
35:38The lawyer that your boss paid to offer me a job.
35:42Now, at a certain point, you may be tempted to use that information.
35:47So, let me explain how that's going to go for you.
35:50I will cut you loose.
35:52I will make my case another way.
35:55And as sure as you're standing here,
35:57She'll be dead in a day.
35:59So, take the offer on the table or leave it.
36:04You got five minutes.
36:17What's going on?
36:18What the hell am I doing here?
36:20Figured you should get used to this.
36:22I know why you offered me that job.
36:24Pellegrini wanted me out of the Justice Department so that I would stop coming after him.
36:29I didn't break a single law.
36:31You took money to instruct a federal investigation.
36:35I offered my son a job that I wanted him to have.
36:38And no one can prove anything different.
36:41Think for one second what would happen to me if any of this ever came out.
36:44Of course you didn't.
36:45So, if you want to call me your son, start acting like a father.
36:48How dare you talk to me that way?
36:50You want to talk about family?
36:52My friend just offered to risk his career to get me out of the jam that you put me in.
36:59What friend?
37:00Stuart Lane.
37:03And he is more family to me than you will ever be.
37:07Stuart Lane.
37:09And he is more family to me than you will ever be.
37:26You're off the hook.
37:28Jimmy is going to take the deal as is.
37:38How'd you know he'd cave?
37:39He's exactly like my father.
37:42All he cares about is himself.
37:46Well, I have to thank you.
37:50For what?
37:51For making me realize I want to be a criminal defense attorney.
37:56I know how you feel about it, but this is the most I've enjoyed being a lawyer since we went at it at the mock trial.
38:01Like, criminal law is what I was meant to do.
38:04So be a prosecutor.
38:06I'll make a call.
38:07Come on.
38:08We both know I like money way too much.
38:10And I'm going to need it.
38:12Because Helen and I are going to start a family.
38:14You're getting married.
38:16If you'll be my best man.
38:18So if I say no, you're not getting married.
38:20Damn, I didn't think this through.
38:23Be honored.
38:24Be honored.
38:28Thank you, brother.
38:30Speaking of relationships, where's Samantha?
38:32Uh, hey!
38:34Speak of the devil.
38:37I missed you.
38:38I missed you.
38:39Get in here.
38:44Aw, he really likes you.
38:47All right.
38:49Group hug.
38:50Get ready.
38:52All right.
39:05It's late.
39:06Is everything all right?
39:07I'm fine.
39:08But I have some news.
39:10Your father's being buried tomorrow morning.
39:13Next to your brother.
39:15I think you should go.
39:17Stewart put you up to this, didn't he?
39:20He did.
39:21But that's not why I'm doing it.
39:23Well, if he calls again, you tell Stewart I let the man die alone.
39:29He can be buried alone.
39:35Who's gonna be buried alone?
39:38Who died, Teddy?
39:40Was it someone you know?
39:42It was Dad, Eddie.
39:45Dad died.
39:47I don't understand.
39:48Why would he be buried alone?
39:52Eddie, it's...
39:54I don't care about what he did.
39:57He's our dad.
40:01Teddy, without him, I wouldn't have you.
40:06I love him, and I want to say goodbye.
40:11I can feel the love
40:18And from my father's hands
40:22A battle rages on my skin
40:29And the heart of gold
40:33Keep moving on
40:36Just keep pressing on
40:40And oh, my soul
40:46Please stay strong
40:53In my brother's arms
40:58Find shelter in the storm
41:02And the heart of gold
41:07Keep moving on
41:11Just keep pressing on
41:14And oh, my soul
41:19Please stay strong
41:31In my brother's arms
41:37Find shelter in the storm
41:42And the heart of gold
41:47Keep moving on
41:52Just keep pressing on
41:55And oh, my soul
41:58Keep moving on