• 4 hours ago


00:00You were called into court again, sir.
00:02Yes. And I was told that they would start detaching my wages, taking my taxes.
00:07And I sent them copies of this paternity test and, I mean, they wouldn't hear it.
00:11They said because there was two parties that took the test that I had to resubmit it again.
00:16So you took the test again?
00:18Yes, I did.
00:19And it again excluded you?
00:20Yes, correct.
00:23Did you have to pay for the blood test?
00:25The second one? No, I did not.
00:26Did you have to pay for the first one?
00:28Yes, I did.
00:29What did you have to pay for the first one?
00:31I believe it was $440.
00:34Did you have to pay for a lawyer?
00:36No, I represented myself completely.
00:42Did you have any other expenses, sir, as a result of this proceeding? Out-of-pocket expenses?
00:50Court fees?
00:51How much were the court fees?
00:54Anything else?
00:59Now, for my own information, Ms. Gentry, what happened when they blood tested the other man who you claimed that you named?
01:06They're still trying to find him.
01:08Are you working now?
01:09No, I'm not.
01:10Why not?
01:11I'm trying to establish where I'm living and, you know, I'm trying to get a job, yes.
01:18Where were you working before?
01:20Just odd jobs through a temp agency.
01:24So why did you stop working?
01:26Because I just couldn't handle it anymore.
01:31I couldn't handle him.
01:32He came to my work or someone came to my work and I just couldn't take the harassment anymore.
01:39What harassment?
01:40From him.
01:41I just couldn't take it anymore.
01:44What was going on?
01:45Well, explain to me what was going on, Ms. Gentry.
01:48I don't understand what was going on.
01:50Well, just he would harass me and he would...
01:53How did he harass you?
01:55He would call me.
01:56He would threaten me.
01:57How did he threaten you?
01:58He threatened me and my friend over the phone.
02:03What did he say, madam?
02:05That he was...
02:06If I didn't watch out, I was going to be shot, things like that.
02:12I don't...
02:13Did you ever say that to her?
02:15You know...
02:17The problem, Ms. Gentry, is when a court gets the impression that somebody's a liar,
02:23they question everything that they say.
02:26Now, you told this man that he was the father of this child.
02:28He believed you.
02:30I did tell him that there was another guy,
02:33that there was a possibility that the other guy might have been the father, but...
02:38I don't believe that.
02:41It doesn't strike me as being accurate, madam,
02:43that you gave him any suggestion whatsoever that this was not his child,
02:46because if you did, it is unlikely that he would have left his mother's house
02:50and moved to be closer to the baby,
02:52that he would have gone over and spent days with this baby,
02:55bonding with this baby, feeding her according to you,
02:58holding her, taking her out, taking her to...
03:01You're his mother?
03:03Did he used to bring the baby to your house?
03:05Visiting a grandmother, getting this whole family involved with this baby.
03:09If you had said to him,
03:10listen, there's a chance the baby's not yours.
03:12Doesn't make sense.
03:14That's why I think you're a liar.
03:16And I think you're a liar when you say that he threatened to shoot you.
03:21And I...
03:22I do.
03:24I do.
