• 2 days ago
Kementerian Perhubungan dan Kementerian Perindustrian telah mencapai kata sepakat, untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan zero over dimension over load atau odol di Indonesia. Langkah ini sekaligus membatasi truk modifikasi ilegal yang beroperasi di jalan raya.

Kebijakan zero odol bagi kendaraan pengangkut barang ini sedianya diterapkan sejak tahun 2021 lalu, namun ditunda karena berbagai alasan termasuk adanya pandemi covid-19, serta adanya penolakan dari pelaku usaha.

Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasamita mengatakan, langkah bersama ini juga untuk menekan biaya logistik tinggi dalam jangka menengah dan panjang, menghilangkan pungutan liar atau pungli, memastikan keselamatan di jalan raya, serta menekan biaya atau anggaran pemeliharaan jalan.


00:00In this program, we will talk about the latest news from the Indonesian market.
00:21Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:23Live from IDX Channel Jakarta, I'm Prasetyo Wibowo.
00:26Welcome back to Market Review, a program that deals with the issues that are the driving force of the economy in Indonesia.
00:32You can also watch our live streaming on IDXchannel.com.
00:36Now, let's start the complete Market Review.
00:41Market Review
00:48The Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Industry have agreed to implement the Zero Odol Vehicle Policy.
00:56The implementation of Zero vehicles, over-dimension, over-loading,
01:00aims to improve the safety of transportation and also the efficiency of national logistics distribution.
01:11The Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Industry have agreed to implement the Zero Over-Dimension Overload Policy in Indonesia.
01:20This step also limits illegal modification trucks operating on public roads.
01:26The Zero Odol Policy for this vehicle has been in place since 2021,
01:32but was postponed due to various reasons including the COVID-19 pandemic and the rejection of entrepreneurs.
01:39The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, said,
01:42this step is also to reduce high logistical costs in the medium and long term,
01:47eliminate wild or pungli forests, ensure safety on public roads, and reduce road maintenance costs.
01:54Today, we formalize an agreement between the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Industry
02:09that the Zero Odol Policy has been implemented in the field.
02:28Meanwhile, the focus of the implementation of the Zero Odol Regulation is a logistical company that has the potential to produce Odol vehicles.
02:34Meanwhile, Kemen Perin also encourages incentives for logistical companies to implement Zero Odol,
02:39development of solutions and practices such as improving road quality,
02:42fleet readiness, SDM strength, and bridge optimization.
02:54Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation, Dudi Purwagandi,
02:57gives appreciation for the agreement with the Ministry of Industry on the implementation of Zero Odol.
03:03The government will also implement the Zero Odol Regulation in full, not in stages.
03:13Minister of Transportation, Dudi Purwagandi, welcomes the agreement with the Ministry of Industry
03:17to immediately implement the Zero Overdimension Overloading Vehicle Policy on land,
03:22because it is a step to ensure the safety of transportation, especially blood transportation.
03:28Minister of Transportation, Dudi Purwagandi, affirms the implementation of Zero Odol as a form of government concern and commitment
03:33in listening and answering the complaints of the public regarding the operation of Odol vehicles on public roads.
03:39The government will immediately take concrete steps by implementing the Zero Odol Vehicle Regulation in full without going through stages.
03:46Minister of Transportation, Dudi Purwagandi, gives appreciation for the agreement with the Ministry of Industry
03:50on the implementation of Zero Odol Regulation in full without going through stages.
04:16The complaints of the public are heard by us from the Ministry of Industry and Related Affairs
04:25and this is the result of our commitment.
04:30Dudi added that the Ministry of Industry will also cooperate with other stakeholders
04:34to ensure the implementation of the Zero Odol Vehicle Regulation is effective throughout Indonesia.
04:46Yes, Mr. Mirso, to discuss our topic this time,
04:48Waiting for the Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Zero Odol Policy,
04:52we have connected via Zoom with Mr. Deddy Herlambang.
04:56He is the Chairperson of the Forum on Road Transportation and Railways of the Indonesian Transportation Community, MTI.
05:03Hello, Mr. Deddy, how are you?
05:05Good evening, good news.
05:07Okay, thank you for your time, Mr. Deddy.
05:09Mr. Deddy, before that, we will review first from MTI
05:13related to the energy of land transportation, especially during Ramadan,
05:17then after the holiday of Eid al-Adha.
05:20Please, sir.
05:23Yes, good.
05:24We are still concerned because there are still many accidents or tragedies
05:31caused by Odol Trucks.
05:35So, as mentioned, overloading.
05:39So, the last one, Odol, is also the worst.
05:44The fatality was in Tol Jagurawi.
05:48That was very bad.
05:51But after that, there were also many Odol Trucks that failed to brake and so on.
06:00But for the map, actually, the Ministry of Transportation has given a master plan for Zero Odol in 2019.
06:15Then, from the time of Perin, it was difficult because the engineers were not ready.
06:21So, it was postponed to 2023.
06:28Because we have to admit that for direct Zero Odol, it's not that easy.
06:36It takes stages or step by step.
06:40Maybe every 3 years or 5 years, or maybe 10 years, it can be zero at once.
06:46Because there are several transportation contracts,
06:50whether it's a project, a contribution, or commercial logistics.
06:55Usually, the contract is per year.
06:58Well, that's also impossible.
07:00Or maybe there's a long-term or multi-year contract.
07:04No, if it's directly Zero Odol,
07:08it can actually affect the logistics mobility itself.
07:15So, from 2019, then the map was postponed to January 1, 2023.
07:22But on January 1, there was no action at all for Zero Odol.
07:32Because after 2023, until now, 2025,
07:37it turns out that there are many thousands of accidents caused by Zero Odol Trucks.
07:44So, Zero Odol Trucks is not only a woman's domain,
07:49but also the owner of the goods or the owner of the goods,
07:58and also the owner of the truck, or the truck operator,
08:00should also be involved in the mapping of the Zero Odol issue.
08:06So, the map is clear here.
08:09There is a connection and distribution, trading,
08:13then for the association.
08:15The association here is AP Indo and AP Trindo.
08:20Well, from this stakeholder, of course,
08:23later it can be for cooperation, of course,
08:26to give Zero Odol how good it is and when it is ready.
08:32That's why, like Mr. Menhoo's statement earlier,
08:38it should be instated elsewhere, for example, to the police.
08:42Okay, Mr. Deddy.
08:44Yes, these are some interesting data for us to look at.
08:46But we have also joined the next source, Mr. Gemilang Tarigan.
08:51He is the General Director of the Indonesian Truck Operators Association or AP Trindo.
08:55We will ask him directly,
08:57as they are the operators of large trucks or trucks on the field.
09:02Hello, Mr. Gemilang, how are you?
09:04I'm fine, sir.
09:05Thank you for your time, Mr. Gemilang.
09:08We have discussed the implementation of the Zero Overdimension Overloading policy.
09:17Well, if we review first from you,
09:20how is the update from the truck transportation business sector
09:24that can be conveyed to the viewers, Mr. Gemilang, so far?
09:28Yes, thank you.
09:30Good morning, Mr. Deddy Herlambang.
09:33Good morning, sir.
09:35Actually, we from the Truck Operators Association
09:39are very happy with the existence of this Zero Overdimension Overloading program.
09:44Since 2017, we have been following this program.
09:51But unfortunately, this program did not succeed.
09:56At that time, we had cut our vehicles.
10:00But there was a problem.
10:03The vehicles that had been cut, the long ones,
10:07the long advantages, we cut them.
10:10The problem is,
10:12first, we can't afford it.
10:15Second, our difficulty in writing letters,
10:20if you want to normalize it like that,
10:23you don't automatically get an official letter from the government
10:26that this car has to be followed for a long time
10:30and even not completed.
10:32This is our bureaucracy,
10:34which is very troublesome for us to deal with.
10:38Okay, related to the implementation of the Zero Overdimension Overloading policy,
10:42there has been an agreement from the Ministry of Transportation,
10:44Ministry of Industry,
10:46the implementation will be complete,
10:49there will be no more steps, Mr. Gemilang.
10:52This is something that you said earlier,
10:56your appreciation is quite positive with this policy, Mr. Gemilang.
11:01Yes, we actually,
11:03if we look at the current situation,
11:08with the optimism that
11:10100% implementation can be done simultaneously,
11:19I'm not sure this will succeed.
11:25Because actually, we have been saying for a long time
11:28that there are conditions to implement this.
11:34the rule in our country is called MST.
11:39Our MST is 8 tons and 10 tons in the road class.
11:46This applies,
11:50our transportation capacity is very low,
11:52so this is rejected by our servicemen.
11:56Because, as we know yesterday,
11:59if we look at the last case that was presented,
12:02if you look at it closely,
12:06that in the road class, 20 tons are allowed,
12:11whereas the road class is only 10 tons,
12:15which means twice as much.
12:18If we implement it now,
12:20we already know the consequences,
12:23the price will definitely increase twice.
12:27Okay, okay.
12:28That's also rice.
12:30If it's rice, now it's transported by
12:32a kind of 3x4 coal diesel.
12:35All of it is 7 to 6 to 7 tons.
12:40If it's milled, it's 3 tons.
12:42Well, what will happen later?
12:45That's why the government needs to adjust our transportation capacity first,
12:50because our transportation capacity is the lowest in Indonesia.
12:54This is interesting.
12:55It has also been announced by the Ministry of Industry
12:58that there is an incentive for logistics companies
13:01if there is an implementation of Zero-Waste.
13:03We will discuss this in the next segment, Mr. Gemilang.
13:05Mr. Dedy, we will take a short break.
13:07And Mr. Mirsa, make sure you are still with us.
13:21Thank you for joining us in Market Review.
13:23We will continue our discussion with Mr. Gemilang Tarigan,
13:26Chairperson of the Indonesian Trucking Association, APTRINDO.
13:29Then, Mr. Dedy Herlambang,
13:30Chairperson of the Transportation Forum,
13:32Road and Highway, Indonesian Transportation Community.
13:36Mr. Dedy, as mentioned earlier,
13:38the efforts of APTRINDO
13:40in order to overcome the lack of
13:46over-dimensioned vehicles,
13:48over-loaded vehicles,
13:52which side should be taken care of
13:55so that there are no more vehicles
13:58that are overloaded,
14:03Actually, we have to break it down first.
14:06As long as it's over-dimensioned and over-loaded,
14:09we have to break it down.
14:12As long as it's over-dimensioned and over-loaded,
14:15it's actually if it's in the Law 22-2009
14:18on the Road and Highway,
14:20it's actually different.
14:21The problem is different.
14:22Because the law is also different.
14:24If it's overloaded, it's a violation of the law.
14:28Violation of the law, the law is only for vehicles.
14:31Only vehicles can do it.
14:33Maybe in the PPPKB or where,
14:36or in Jembatan Timbang, the law is for vehicles.
14:39But if it's over-dimensioned,
14:42the violation of the law is different.
14:44Because it's a crime.
14:46Actually, if we want to discuss it,
14:49we have to separate these two laws.
14:53Because if it's over-dimensioned, it's a crime.
14:57Because a truck that should be two axles or two wheels,
15:06can be added to make it three.
15:08Or add a long one, for example.
15:10The chassis is also a violation.
15:12Because the strut of the body is also different.
15:16So this is a problem.
15:17That's why if this one is a crime,
15:20the other one is a crime.
15:23In terms of heavy violations,
15:26only violations can be separated.
15:28Actually, the most common one is the overloaded one.
15:35The overloaded one.
15:37We should solve this overloaded one first.
15:42Because the problem is,
15:44our law enforcement,
15:46as I said earlier,
15:48is our legal ecosystem ready?
15:52Because even now,
15:54for the elimination or violation that I mentioned earlier,
15:59in this matter,
16:03before there was Law 22,
16:07Law 2004,
16:09there was PPNS.
16:13PPNS is a criminal investigation agency.
16:17It can be eliminated.
16:19If there is a violation,
16:20maybe a violation like over-dimensioned,
16:24it can be eliminated.
16:25If now, it can't.
16:27In Law 22,
16:29if it is eliminated,
16:31it must be accompanied by the police.
16:33We can say it's the police.
16:35Meanwhile, the number of police is limited.
16:38The number of police is limited.
16:40Therefore, it is not possible for every police to be at Jembatan Limbang.
16:44not all trucks want to enter Jembatan Limbang.
16:49Or PPNS.
16:50We have often seen
16:51some videos,
16:53on social media,
16:55trucks don't want to enter Jembatan Limbang.
16:58And there is no evidence.
16:59Because there is no legal authority
17:02to investigate or eliminate.
17:06In the past, there was an obligation
17:08to allow people to enter Jembatan Limbang.
17:12Now, there is no obligation.
17:13So it's difficult for us
17:16to arrest those who overload.
17:23Berat, Canada.
17:24Okay, let's go to Mr. Gemilang again.
17:26Mr. Gemilang,
17:27the efforts of your friends from Up3No,
17:29how did you give a direction to the members
17:34when the implementation of Zero Odol,
17:38how is it that there are no more trucks with excessive capacity,
17:41how far has the excessive dimension itself been, sir?
17:49this overload problem
17:55is more related to
18:02Because the number of trucks now
18:05is 6.5 million
18:07all over Indonesia.
18:09And I don't know,
18:12it looks like the utilization is also low.
18:17Because everyone can own a truck.
18:20Because there are three owners of this truck.
18:23One is a legal entity,
18:26there is also a legal entity for the group itself
18:28such as a cement factory,
18:30an oil factory that has its own,
18:35a person.
18:36Everyone can carry goods
18:40and rent this.
18:42In fact, in the law,
18:44only the yellow plate can pull the cart.
18:48Those who own their own truck,
18:50the return,
18:51the goods are delivered to their own needs,
18:54they don't take the cart home either.
18:59the demand
19:01on the ground is very varied.
19:05this factory itself is also competing with them.
19:08They, as we see,
19:10the drinking water in the tank is also
19:15because it competes with them.
19:17If they don't do it the same way,
19:20of course they will lose the competition.
19:22This is the complex issue.
19:24We as carriers,
19:27how do we
19:30support our customers?
19:32Because what we provide
19:35is asked by our customers.
19:39If other people can do it, why can't you?
19:41That's how it works.
19:44What is the strategy?
19:45So that we can solve the problem
19:47of the competition level
19:49which is getting more competitive.
19:51But we still have to prioritize
19:53safety and safety
19:55of vehicles on the highway.
19:56We will discuss it in the next segment.
19:58We will be back in a moment.
20:00Stay with us.
20:18You are still watching Market Review.
20:20We will discuss the implementation
20:22of Zero Odol policy
20:24for large vehicles or trucks in Indonesia.
20:27Mr. Dedy, as mentioned by MTI,
20:29what is the strategy?
20:31What should be done?
20:33So that this tight business competition
20:35turns out to be one of the factors
20:37when it comes to vehicles
20:39that are in the ODOL category
20:41over dimension, overloading?
20:47Actually, we have been talking about this for a long time.
20:50There is a concern
20:52if Zero Odol is really implemented,
20:55it will even become inflation.
20:57That's possible.
20:59But because we are not economists,
21:02but at least we already know.
21:04As mentioned by Mr. Tarikan,
21:06for example,
21:09for drinking water,
21:11for example,
21:13the permit is 10 tons,
21:16but it turns out to be up to 20 tons.
21:18With the same rental cost,
21:22then if we break down,
21:24per bottle per liter,
21:26if overloaded,
21:28it will usually be cheaper.
21:30But if we are tight,
21:32of course it will be more expensive.
21:34Similarly, for other sources,
21:36for example, rice,
21:38then even the contractors of BUMN
21:42are actually overloaded.
21:45So we have to be critical
21:49and also have to be creative to investigate this.
21:52So I'm not sure
21:56that if Zero Odol is really like
21:59the on-off button,
22:01it's impossible.
22:02That's why staging is needed.
22:06For example, in 5 years,
22:08how many percent of Zero Odol?
22:10Maybe 50% first, for example,
22:12or 30% first.
22:13Next year,
22:15up to 100%.
22:17Like that.
22:18Well, to investigate,
22:20in fact,
22:22if it is indeed shaken by the contractor too,
22:24or later,
22:25it will be a loss to the community too
22:27as a user or as an end user.
22:30So we should voice it.
22:33Indeed, especially for the stock market,
22:35it should get subsidies from the government.
22:40That's why there is no concern
22:43for fear of inflation
22:45or fear of expensive goods, for example.
22:48It can be investigated.
22:50Because we also pay attention to the truck truck.
22:53With truck contractors or truck crews.
22:55If on the road,
22:57they pay a lot on the road.
22:59Happy on the road.
23:01To pay for the post.
23:03But if on the toll road,
23:05the toll road is expensive.
23:06So it's also confusing.
23:07This is too much.
23:08For example, toll road.
23:10If for that,
23:12the government should,
23:13at least if you want to pass the toll road,
23:15there is an additional tariff, for example.
23:17Or maybe,
23:19even in Sweden, for example,
23:21it can be cheaper.
23:22I think like that.
23:23All right. This is interesting, Mr. Dedy.
23:25As Mr. Gemil said earlier,
23:27it's quite complex.
23:29Mr. Gemil, what if this is finally implemented?
23:32So far, there has been information
23:34that it will be implemented at the moment
23:36of the anniversary of this year,
23:37or after Eid?
23:39If you have received information
23:41that this is really not gradual,
23:43but directly full power
23:45for the implementation of Zero Odor.
23:49We heard about this implementation
23:51from the mass media.
23:53There was a discussion.
23:57As for us,
24:00to do this,
24:02of course there must be a strategy.
24:07using the implementation of
24:10blood transfusion manifesto digitally.
24:13This is important.
24:15Because the approval letter
24:16that was secured by the Undang-Undang 22
24:18in 2009,
24:20has not happened until now.
24:22The approval letter has never been checked.
24:26if a vehicle is on the road,
24:28it must be equipped with
24:30an extended car, etc.
24:32One of them is the approval letter.
24:35If this is done
24:37with a digital manifesto,
24:40of course it can be captured
24:42by anyone who does overloading.
24:46the increase in MST,
24:48because it's 810,
24:49while other countries
24:52have reached 13 tons.
24:5511 to 13 tons.
24:57We are the lowest.
25:00the containers that come from abroad
25:02enter our country and are overloaded.
25:04So, that's also a problem.
25:06So, we want to...
25:09of course there is
25:11a logistics network.
25:13If in the port,
25:15the MST is above 10 tons,
25:18above 13 tons.
25:19Because if it's not,
25:21the cranes won't be able to run.
25:24Our haul also has 13 tons of MST.
25:26Our industry has 13 tons.
25:28Why don't we just apply
25:30this logistics network
25:32for 13 tons?
25:33So, our regulations
25:35support these heavy vehicles.
25:38Then, there is also,
25:40for example,
25:41according to us,
25:42the application of ODOL
25:43should be per product,
25:45strategy haul.
25:46For this product.
25:47Let's try it first.
25:48For example, cement.
25:50Let's wait for the cement factory
25:53at the door.
25:54No one will pass by.
25:57the governor suggested,
25:59don't do
26:00a traffic jam on the road.
26:02Just wait at the factory door.
26:04That's it.
26:07Yes, that's it.
26:08It means that we need
26:09a more mature preparation.
26:10And hopefully,
26:11this will also be the attention of the government,
26:13especially from the Ministry of Industry
26:15and the Ministry of Transportation
26:16who have reached an agreement
26:18to apply it on the ground.
26:19So, everything is really well socialized.
26:22The infrastructure also supports
26:24what has been said by the Ministry of Transport,
26:26Mr. Deddy.
26:27Okay, it's time to say goodbye.
26:28Mr. Gemilang, Mr. Deddy,
26:29thank you very much
26:30for the information update
26:31that has been given
26:32to the audience today.
26:34Congratulations on continuing your activities again.
26:36Stay healthy.
26:37See you again.
26:38Mr. Gemilang, thank you, Mr. Deddy.
26:41Thank you all.
26:42All right, audience,
26:43don't leave your seat
26:44because we'll be right back
26:45with another interesting topic
26:46related to the government
26:47that guarantees food stability
26:49until Eid al-Adha 2025.
