• 2 days ago
Pemegang saham pengendali sejumlah emiten antara PTRO, BREN, LABA dan ERAA terpantau aktif memborong saham perusahaan dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. Terkait aksi buyback saham, analis pasar modal menilai langkah tersebut dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap pergerakan harga saham perusahaan di tengah tingginya volatilitas pasar.


00:00We're still in IDX Season Closing, and we're going to talk about the choice of investors.
00:09Where the shareholders of a number of emitters, including MBTRO, Brand, Laba, and Era,
00:15have been actively borrowing companies in the last few months.
00:19In relation to the stock buyback action, the capital market analyst estimates that
00:22this step can have a positive impact on the movement of company prices at the height of market volatility.
00:29The shareholders of a number of emitters have been actively borrowing companies in the last few months.
00:38According to the Indonesian Stock Exchange data, several shareholders are doing other purchase actions
00:43based on the energy sector such as PT Petrosi TBK, PT Baluto Renewable Energy TBK, and PT Green Power Group TBK,
00:51as well as the retail sector such as PT ERA Jayaswat Sembada TBK.
00:55The first buyback action was carried out by PT Petrosi, PT Kerasi Jasa Persada,
01:00which bought around 39.71 million PTRO shares.
01:04In short, PT Kerasi Jasa Persada added 16.77 million PTRO shares.
01:10Next, Mr. Joko Pangestu added a portion of the shares in PT Baluto Renewable Energy TBK.
01:15Mr. Joko bought 1.3 million Brand shares at a transaction price of Rp 6,077 per share.
01:20The next buyback action was carried out by PT Eralink International, a shareholder of PT ERA Jayaswat Sembada TBK,
01:25which bought around 65.88 million shares at ERA Jaya at a transaction price of Rp 360-364 per share.
01:34And finally, PT Green Power Group TBK, PT NEV Solid Energy,
01:39which was suspected of borrowing 3.95 million Green Power shares at a price of Rp 242-258 per share.
01:47The long-awaited buyback action was handled by Associate Director of Research and Investment
01:52Pilar Mas Efens Tidok Sekuritas Aksimilones Nikodemus.
01:56The valuation of the buyback action can give a positive impact on the company's share price movement.
02:01However, it stresses the importance of considering the buyback impact in the medium to long term.
02:07In today's condition, market volatility can be an opportunity for short-term investors.
02:13However, for those who do not like high volatility, it is preferable to wait and see.
02:19Meanwhile, Head of Research NHKurindo Sekuritas Liza Kamelia Suryanata said,
02:23the buyback action by the regulator is a good step for the market.
02:28This action is considered as a buffer or share price buffer,
02:31so that it does not fall deeper when the stock market is under pressure like what happened recently.
02:37In addition, this buyback guarantees confidence in the company's fundamentals, which is considered to be solid.
02:43However, investors do not understand that the buyback action does not directly cause the share price to rise significantly in a short time.
02:49The buyback should be acted on as a step of stability compared to the sudden increase in the share price,
02:55as a source for the IDX genie.
