Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup menguat 0,27 persen atau 18,15 poin ke level 6.636 pada Jumat (7/3/2025).
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 21,05 miliar dengan nilai transaksi Rp10,35 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 927.208 kali.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 21,05 miliar dengan nilai transaksi Rp10,35 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 927.208 kali.
00:00Indonesia's share price in the second half of the day is still closed in the green zone, experiencing a strength of 0.27%
00:13and the share price seems to be able to survive at the level of 6,600.
00:19In fact, the trading closing position in the second half of the day is at 6,636.
00:26The highest level today for the share price index is at 6,682.
00:32It was depressed after the opening in the first session to 6,577.832 and was opened flat this morning.
00:40Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:42Viewers, we will try to see the update of the closing position of several other indexes.
00:47To the first graph, MNC36 is still weak at 0.41%.
00:51Jakarta Islamic Index is strong at 0.40%.
00:54LQ45 is weak at 0.41%.
00:58To the next graph, sectoral movement rotation, technology, is far ahead of strength at 5.14%.
01:04There is DCEI there.
01:06Then steel is also strong at 2.21%.
01:09Meanwhile, transportation and logistics are weak at 0.76%.
01:14Moving on to the next graph, health is also weak at 0.64%.
01:22The graph of stock positions that are in the top gainers list today is goto, cuan, wafi, and brand.
01:32Dominated by conglomerate stocks, Rayogopangestu Group.
01:36Goto is strong at 86, cuan is strong at 8,325, wafi is strong at 2,330, and brand, Rayogopangestu Group, is strong at 6,475.
01:47Meanwhile, stocks that are weak today are strong at 3,810, Adaro is strong at 2,000, ADI is weak at 6,475, and Aman is also strong at 6,550.
02:02That's all for today.
02:04I hope it can be a reference for you, especially when it comes to trading next week.