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00:00Hi guys, good morning! Welcome officially to Heath and Mariah's wedding vlog! It's
00:27here! Okay, we just got to the venue. It is stunning. I'm literally standing in this
00:32gorgeous botanical garden, which Cal and I almost got married in a botanical
00:36garden, so it's giving me all the wedding vibes. It's so crazy because obviously
00:40it's February, we're in Jersey, so it's so cold outside, but in here it's like
00:43warm, it's temperature controlled, it's nice and humid, it's so beautiful. We just
00:47stayed at a different hotel for the past couple nights and then a slight group of
00:50people got to move to the actual venue for the night of the wedding, which we
00:54got picked, which is so exciting! So we're currently waiting to check in to the
00:58hotel, but Mariah's getting ready right now, Heath is getting ready right now.
01:02It's so beautiful. So we're at the Pleasantdale Chateau in Pleasantdale in
01:07New Jersey. It's stunning. As I was saying, look at this botanical garden, and while
01:11we're waiting for our room, we're in this really cute little sitting area, which I
01:15lost Cal. I don't know where he went. He's probably exploring. So beautiful! Look at
01:20this! Oh my god, and there's this Porsche outside, a vintage Porsche that Heath
01:25rented with like little bows on it, if you can see. She's all the way over there.
01:29Right there. So cute. We got breakfast! Okay, I couldn't decide. First up, I got a
01:36blueberry bagel with sausage and egg. Oh yes! And then I was like, that's a little
01:41sweet. Yeah? Yeah! I got a croissant, bacon, egg, and cheese as a backup, and then
01:48anything I don't eat, I will eat tonight when I'm drunk! And we also got a French
01:53toast bagel to share. Taste test coming now. Let's try our croissant. This is the
01:58biggest croissant I've ever seen.
02:05Not bad. I think the bagel might have been the move. The croissant was a little too
02:12airy for me. There we go. Mm-hmm. Oh wow, you guys. My god. This is the French toast? Mm-hmm. That's insane. Oh, it's cream cheese. Oh, cream cheese on my bagel. I wanted more cheese.
02:34Hello, guys. Okay, we checked into the room. It is so beautiful outside. There is snow
02:40on the ground. It's so pretty here. I love it so much. This is a little overview
02:45of the room. I think each room is actually a little bit different themed.
02:48Adorable. I love the baby blue. It's so cute. The baby blue walls. Here is the
02:54bathroom. I actually really want to get ready. We have like two and a half hours
02:57before the ceremony starts. I actually think the lighting might be like pretty
03:00decent here in the bathroom. Yes, two and a half hours or so before the ceremony
03:04actually starts, so I want to be ready in like two hours. Honestly, my hair like
03:07looks decent from yesterday. I'm just gonna do like a touch-up on my blowout,
03:11so I need a little less time. Makeup, I really want to like, I want to glam. I
03:15want to have fun. I'm really excited about my look. The attire for tonight is
03:19all black, and I'm really, really, really excited about my outfit, so I cannot
03:23wait. I'm gonna just take my time, get ready, have a little girl time, and yes,
03:26I'm so excited to be on property because obviously like the whole wedding is
03:29right here, so when we're tired, we can just come right back to the room, hang
03:32out, have fun with everybody. It's gonna be so much fun. We didn't go to bed last
03:36night till like 4 a.m. or so. We were up so late just like hanging out. It's been
03:40so much fun. It's been like so chill, so great. With that being said though, I'm
03:44gonna get ready, and I will keep you guys updated along the way. Hi guys. Okay,
03:48quick little update as to what's going on. Let me prop you up a little bit. We're
03:52in the midst of getting ready, and I was like maybe a third of the way done with
03:56my makeup, maybe like halfway done with my makeup or so. I was about to put my
03:58lashes on, and then Zayn FaceTimed because Keith wanted to cover up his
04:02hand tattoo, and I was like, oh my god, Alicia and I have been saying for months,
04:07anything you need, day of, leading up to it, anything, we are here, we are here. We
04:10got our first summons to go help out, so we ran over there with our makeup bags,
04:14did our best to cover it up with what we could. We were only given a couple
04:17minutes, so I think we did a decent job. The makeup is looking pretty good. I'm
04:22not mad at it. It looks pretty good. Don't mind if you can hear Cal snoring in the
04:25background. My sweet love angel is taking a nap. I swear, he can sleep through
04:29anything. It's so impressive. Honestly, I'm a pretty deep sleeper too, so we're
04:33kind of like a match made in heaven. Waterproof mascara, always for a wedding.
04:37Okay, that looks cute. Now, I'm gonna do a little more blush. I've been really
04:42liking this Huda Blush. I've only used it two days in a row, but I really like it
04:45so far. This one, oh, and we need a little nose highlight. I'm gonna put the
04:48finishing touches on, and then I need to do the hair. Then we got to change. We're
04:52ready. Updates, guys. Okay, I put the dress on, my hair and makeup. Did I show you yet?
04:57Hair and makeup are done. I'm gonna not tuck the hair behind the ear, because I
05:00like this like little swoosh in the front. Dress, I just put on. You have to
05:03see. I will say, I really need it. I'm wearing my, they're not the Spanx brand.
05:07They are my honey love. They're my favorite underdress garment to snatch,
05:13and this is the dress. It's from House of CB. It's the Persaphone dress. This is
05:18the one with the satin.
05:19Did you say Persaphone?
05:21It's called Persaphone.
05:24You're lying, Cal.
05:26It's Persephone.
05:28You're lying.
05:30A Greek goddess.
05:34Unfortunately, as much as I want to cut that, I am gonna leave that.
05:38Have you been calling it Persephone for days?
05:40I've never said it out loud. I've only ever said it in my head as Persephone.
05:46Cal, as you can see, is the smarter one out of the two of us. So this is the Persephone dress.
05:51In my defense, it looks like Persephone, and I am blaming, I have no one to blame
05:56for that one, but regardless, this is the dress. They do have it in other like styles,
06:00or not styles. They have it in other fabrics and like finishes, if you will. This one is a satin.
06:04There was a velvet. I initially wanted the velvet, but this was the only one on Poshmark. And again,
06:09I was, did I tell you guys? Oh my God. I've been vlogging for my phone as well as the Patreon.
06:13I think I didn't tell you guys. I found this on Poshmark for like half the price of what it
06:17normally was. So obviously I will take what I can get. But I think actually like looking at it now,
06:22I like this satin so much. Cal steamed it gorgeously. I've got my wide foot heels ready
06:28to go. It is a little long, but I think once the heels are on, we'll be fine. Cal's looking shnazzy.
06:33Oh, perfect. Very handsome. Very handsome. Thank you. You look beautiful. Thank you, my love.
06:39I will say I'm going to put my necklace on that I brought. Oh, I brought new earrings,
06:43but I think these are shiny enough. I wish I brought my little cleaner, but I will say,
06:47I feel like I need a little pop of jewels. You know, I feel like it's a little bear.
06:51I brought my necklace that I bought for my birthday party dress, and I feel like this is
06:54really going to elevate the look. I will say, I think because this one is like previously worn,
06:59the like center part is a little crinkled, but it's totally fine. I really am so happy
07:04with my purchase. Here's the hair. Here is the necklace. Boom. And that is the look.
07:09Wedding ready. Ready. You look so handsome. Thank you. You look beautiful. Thank you, my love.
07:15Let's go get the Mary. Guys, we are here at the ceremony. We got the most beautiful little cars
07:22with the wax seal. I love it. This is so exciting. Yay. Hey, girls. Hi. We are here.
07:31Matt and Patricia are over there. You got to walk me through that. All right.
07:37It was so beautiful, guys. We cried. It was gorgeous. It was amazing. We are now at...
07:42Look at the happy hour. This is just... Or the cocktail hour. This is all the food just for the
07:46cocktail hour. There is an entire Asian section. I will be hitting that up. This is the craziest
07:51cocktail hour I've ever seen. This is absolutely bonkers. Jordan, say hi to the vlog. We're so
07:56close to the oysters, guys. This is insane. Oh, also, they're like East Coast oysters. I bet
08:03they're so yum. All right. We've got this plate so far, you guys. We had a duck pancake, calamari,
08:09meat. It's just a lot of meat and a lot of fried food, and I'm not mad about it.
08:13And Cal got more meat. This is the appetizer. This is the cocktail hour. I got one of everything.
08:19The duck is incredible. I was going to say a little duck taste test.
08:23It's so pink. He's like... The guy was making it. I don't even know that. What are you talking?
08:29Delightful. Oh, my gosh. Cal, get that extra tuna poke.
08:33Hold this. Hold this. Hold this hand. Put your order in with the waiter.
08:46Jordan's having the best night of his life. They have fresh mozzarella being stretched,
08:51you guys. This is so Mariah and Heathcote-ed. Okay, ice sculpture and seafood tower. Hello,
09:01This time, I'd like to officially welcome all of our family and friends here this evening to the
09:07beautiful Pleasantdale Chateau. Tonight, we get to celebrate the wedding for two people we love
09:15and adore. Please put those hands together for the new Mr. and Mrs. Heath and Mariah Husserl.
09:46Dinner is served at the Husserl wedding. Fish, fish, chicken.
10:01That is... That's a mound of mashed taters.
10:15That's a nice one. Cake time. It's cake time. It's cake time.
10:46We're at the after party. You guys, look at the food at the after party. I feel like I even
10:54missed like half the food tonight. We've got breakfast sammies. We've got desserts. We got
11:00these like shell-looking croissant things that look gorgeous. We've got some cheesecakes,
11:06cookies. We got a Cal Robert. I got Wabba. We got a gentle monsters. We got fried chicken
11:13sandwiches. We got fries. We got sliders over here. Wow, these look amazing. A little DIY
11:20station. Hi guys. Okay, I got myself a burger and then oh my god, it's cold outside. Egg,
11:26bacon, and cheese. Heath told me that what you say in this area is egg,
11:32bacon, cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup. Yep. Here we go. Oh wow, that looks good.
11:37I got a croissant this morning, obviously. And I went up to the burger girl. I said,
11:46hi, can I get pickles and tomatoes? And she said, only? And I said, yeah, sure. And then I think
11:50she thought I meant only pickles. They gave you a lot of pickles. She gave me a lot of pickles.
11:56And I'm like, oh, can I get a burger too? She's like, oh my god, I'm sorry. I said, no.
11:59I love pickles. Burger, pickles, tomatoes.
12:03Oh my god. Yeah, it's really good. Wow. The fresh off the grill one,
12:12incredible. Insane. I looked out the window. There's a pizza cart right there. A freaking
12:18pizza truck. Vodka sauce pizza. I know this whole vlog, the whole wedding vlog has just
12:28been nude. But trust me when I say, I've never seen this much food in my life. That smells amazing.
12:34It's so good. I'm sorry about food, but it's been the best food ever at a wedding ever.
12:40Like there's literally, you can't get more food. This is like, they have had all the food
12:48fresh off the oven. Wow. Out the oven. Yeah. Hello guys, it is the day after the wedding.
12:57We're on our way home. That was so much fun last night. We are now at the airport. Alicia
13:01Cowles and I are on the same flight and we are at the Delta One Lounge and this place is crazy.
13:07We just signed up to get a massage very soon, but now we're going to eat.
13:10Here's the menu. We're at the restaurant. Everyone say hi to the vlog. Hi vlog. Everyone,
13:15did we have a good time at the wedding? We had a great time. I think maybe even someone here
13:19had the best time. I had a great time at the wedding. ASMR. He can't speak. He has no voice.
13:26This is the menu for the lunch. We're so excited. I'm going to get the crudo and the calamari and
13:31the steak frites. Yay. Look at this fine dining experience. Wow. Look at this plate. This is
13:38kind of crazy. I just got a massage at the airport. It was fantastic. Now Alicia and Zane
13:42are getting massages. Thank you. And our dessert arrived. Look at this strawberry cheesecake.
13:47It looks like a popsicle. That's a cheesecake? I think so. No way. I think there's cheesecake
13:52on the inside. Oh wow. Whoa. She's got a center. We got a chocolate opera cake. Zane got the olive
14:01oil cake and Alicia got the chocolate souffle, which looks insane. I don't even want to touch
14:05it. This is a work of art. This is such a treat. This is crazy, you guys. Taste test.
14:13The hangover from the wedding is hitting me, but I'm really enjoying my experience right now.
14:17Head back. You guys, I've got stopped in the airport actually like 12 times for my
14:23Sunny Angel laptop. They loved it. New York loves Sunny Angels. Now to go home.
14:30Time for home. Me too. That was hot. We need this now more than ever. Touch the outside girly.
14:39Hello guys. Okay. It is the next day. Let me put you down in the car. I just had a whirlwind of
14:45a morning and I just needed to take like a couple seconds to just sit with myself. Catch up with you
14:50guys. Hello. As you saw yesterday, we got on the plane. We had like a five and a half hour flight
14:55or so. Landed home at about like seven-ish. Got back home. My parents dropped off the dogs. We
15:00had a really chill night with the dogs last night. Just took a shower immediately. Put on my pajamas.
15:04We ordered some dinner and then watched White Lotus and then went to bed early. That was my
15:08night. It is now the next day. Oh my God. What is going on with my camera today? I don't know
15:12what's happening with this focus. Hold on. Okay. Hopefully I fixed it. I don't know what's
15:15happening. I feel like my camera got like a weird setting put on and now hopefully I'm in focus.
15:20Okay. Yes. Last night was chill. I woke up this morning and it has been such a stressful morning.
15:25There has been so much stuff that went on, but everything is better now. I'm so grateful. I'm
15:29actually on my way over to the studio. We are recording Pretty Basic today. We are getting
15:33right back to it. We've got to record two episodes today. I'm really excited. We're doing one recap of
15:37the wedding and just everything that's been going on. And then the other, our managers are coming on.
15:42I know a lot of you guys that are watching are aspiring creators and I get DMs from you guys all
15:47the time asking for advice and just things like that. So we thought it'd be really cool to bring
15:50on our managers onto an episode to answer your guys' questions for smaller creators or just
15:55creators in general. It's a very confusing industry and I truly would not be able to do it without my
16:01team. So I give them their flowers every day. They are incredible. Obviously I need a little
16:05breakfast and some coffee before we go record. So I wanted to show you guys my breakfast that I made
16:09this morning. I've been so out of my routine lately and I feel like that's partially why my brain was
16:14just like this morning. I could not focus. I'm so happy to be back home, get back to some semblance
16:19of a routine. We were gone for like actually almost a week. Like it was a good amount of time.
16:23I'm happy to be cooking again. I'm happy to go back to working out again. I'm waitlisted for my
16:28Pilates class tonight. So I really hope I get into that because I feel like my mental health needs it.
16:32But for breakfast, I did a mixture of my matcha chia seed pudding. My brain is like running way
16:37slower than my mouth right now. I need to lock in before we record two podcast episodes. I did some
16:43whole milk yogurt mixed with my matcha chia seed pudding. So that's why it's got this like really
16:47pretty light green color and then some fresh blueberries. So I really need to eat this.
16:55I made myself an iced latte and I waited to stir it until we were together. You guys know the drill,
16:59my cookie dough, Chobani creamer, latte, whole milk, and then today's coffee pod from Nespresso
17:04is the sunny almond iced flavor. Let's give her a good mixy mix. Oh yes. Oh, you know what?
17:11Too much milk. That's okay though. I have to figure out my perfect ratio.
17:17Yes, absolutely. Oh my God. Why are you out of focus? Absolutely. Okay. My brain is coming
17:23alive. Let me give you a little wrap up of what happened with the drama at the wedding. So the
17:28wedding ends so much fun. Incredible. Best time ever. Food was amazing. Everything was so incredible
17:34and we had done the coat check. Like we, we checked my coat. So Cal goes back to the coat check to get
17:39my coat and he had like a little ticket. He gives him the ticket and when he had checked my coat,
17:43he also put a really nice camera that he's been taking photos on in the pocket. Obviously it was
17:48a wedding. So the whole venue was just like just Heath and Mariah's family and friends. It was like
17:52brought out for the whole wedding. So when Cal goes to give the ticket for the coat, they find
17:56out they lost it or they can't find it. They don't know where it went. They don't know if they gave it
17:59to the wrong person. They don't know if someone stole it. They're like, we don't know what happened.
18:03We're so sorry, but it's midnight and everybody's going home. Everybody's drunk. Everybody's tired.
18:07There's just a lot going on. So Cal starts talking to them and they're like, we're so sorry. I go talk
18:12to them. They're like, we're so sorry. We don't know what happened. We have to wait till tomorrow
18:16now for the like morning manager to come in. So we're like, okay, no worries. We're staying on
18:20property. It's fine. We go back to our room, we go to bed and then we wake up the next morning. It's
18:24time to check out. So we are at the Chateau, which is where the wedding was, but half of the wedding
18:30was also still at that first hotel that we stayed at. So that night after the wedding, half the
18:34people went back to the other hotel. Half the people stayed on property. We stayed on property.
18:38We went to bed. We woke up in the morning and as we were going to check out, Cal went to go talk to
18:42the morning manager now, which I just have to say every single staff person at the Pleasantdale
18:47Chateau was incredible. They were so nice. I feel like in a lot of scenarios where the coat check,
18:52you know, might misplace something. Also, I heard that they misplaced a couple people's. It wasn't
18:56just ours. It just sucks because obviously it was my coat, but even more than that, the camera and
19:00even more than the camera, what was on the camera, all the photos that Cal had gotten of the entire
19:05wedding, we were really bummed about. We were praying and hoping that it would come back. So
19:08again, the staff was incredible. They were all so sweet, so apologetic and really worked with us.
19:12So the morning manager was like, I'm going to figure this out. He was like, okay, can we get a
19:17timestamp of like when you maybe check the coat? And then we're going to go through all the security
19:21cameras. So they went through the security cameras for like three hours. We fully left. We had to go
19:25catch our flight. So we went to the airport. And then while we're at the airport, the manager
19:29finally calls Cal back and says, hi. Okay. So we found out we did give the coat to the wrong person,
19:35but the cameras were only facing inside the coat check, not outside the coat check. So you see
19:40someone's hands take it, but you don't see actually the face. Cause we were like, oh, just get us a
19:44screenshot of the face. And we can ask Keith and Ryan, we can ask them, you know, do you have the
19:48coat? Do you know where you put it? What happened? And they're like, no, we can't see the face. So
19:52we're like, shoot. Okay. I guess it's probably gone. Then we hadn't heard anything from Heath and
19:56Mariah yet. We hadn't heard anything from like any of the lost and founds at the hotel. So the hotel
20:00was amazing. And they were like, this is fully our fault. We literally gave the coat and the camera
20:05to the wrong person. So we will cover all of it. So they were so sweet. I had to go back and like
20:10my Amazon history and find like screenshots of like the price for the camera and like all the
20:14accessories for it. I just got Cal a bunch of accessories for it for Valentine's day. So I had
20:18to screenshot all of that and the coat. And overall, what sucks is the camera when I bought it like
20:23three years ago, it was like a third or like a half, like a third of the price of what it is now,
20:29because the camera went super viral on TikTok, which then made everybody drive up the price of
20:34it. So the camera's like three times the price of when I bought it, which made me feel so bad for
20:38the Chateau, obviously, because that's not anyone's fault, but they were so nice. And we got an email
20:42this morning that they were going to write us a check and they figured it out with like, you know,
20:46their insurance and everything. And so they're going to cover everything, which was so sweet of
20:49them. So that's one part of the story. On the other side, this morning, we were trying to put all the
20:54cameras together for the Patreon vlog. So we vlogged this whole weekend for the Patreon. And
20:59in case you guys didn't know, we vlogged for the Patreon on these little Canon V10 cameras. They're
21:03like little square black cameras. And we have a different strap on each of them because oftentimes
21:07when we go out, we have four of them, one for each person. We'll all get our own cameras. They're all
21:11the same. So it's easy to get them mixed up. So we have like a different strap on each camera. So I
21:16know this weekend we were predominantly vlogging on the camera with the rainbow strap and the camera
21:20with the strap that's on my phone. This one from Casetify, this one. I had this strap before I put
21:26it on that camera. So I bought a new one for my phone, but we logged on those two cameras at the
21:29mall, at the wedding, everything. And this is not the first time, but obviously when we go out and
21:34everybody's got their own camera, it's small, you're throwing it around, you're giving it to
21:38people to vlog, you're drunk, like you often misplace them. So when we put all the cameras back,
21:43actually this was at the airport, we were like, okay, let's make sure we have everything before
21:46we officially leave the state of New Jersey or New York. We realized the one with the rainbow strap
21:52was potentially missing, but we're like, oh, we'd already checked our luggage. We're like, it's
21:55probably in the luggage. We're fine. We get home this morning. We're looking through all the luggage.
21:59We can't find the rainbow strap. We're like, what is going on? I'm calling Zayn and Alicia and I'm
22:03like, you guys check your suitcases too because someone had it. It has to be somewhere. I'm
22:07calling the Pleasantdale Chateau again to be like, hi, I'm so sorry, but do you happen to have a little
22:14black camera with a strap on it? They're looking in the lost and found, but the lost and found person
22:18isn't in today. So they're going to call me back tomorrow. I'm telling Zayn. Zayn and Alicia can't
22:21find it in their suitcases. Zayn is like, should I call the other hotel maybe? And I was like, yeah,
22:25why don't you just see? We had it for sure at the wedding, but why don't you just call and see? Maybe
22:30someone found it. So he's calling and then he's texting me. I'm texting Heath being like, hey,
22:35if you find a V10, it's ours just so you know. Heath texts me back in that same moment. Zayn
22:40texts me and Zayn's like, wait, what was the camera that you and Cal lost? And I'm like, oh my god,
22:44no, no, don't worry. We found it because then Heath texts me. Actually, I have it. He had the camera.
22:49That's why we couldn't find it. That's amazing. Zayn's like, no, what camera did you and Cal lose
22:54in the coat? And I'm like, oh, it's this camera. Zayn's like, I think they have it at this hotel.
22:58I'm like, wait, what? So I call back now the other hotel and the guy is the lost and found guy is
23:04so sweet and he's like, hi, yeah, we have a camera here, but obviously he's like, I don't know you,
23:08I don't know if you're trying to steal this camera. He's like, what kind of camera is it?
23:10And I'm like, it's this camera. It's got a red button. It's got this strap on it. He's like,
23:13yeah, we have it. And he goes, and did you perhaps lose something else too? Again,
23:17like trying to make sure that I'm not lying, obviously. I'm like, it was in a black fur
23:21aloe coat. He's like, yes, I have them both. So what I think happened, first off, we found the
23:26V10. Patreon vlogs saved. On the other side, which we should have checked earlier and don't worry,
23:31we are going to develop a new, a new system. I think I'm going to put an air tag on all of them
23:35because at least once every like five vlogs, someone loses a camera. We always find it,
23:40but someone loses a camera. But yes, I think what had happened is the coat check gave someone the
23:45wrong coat. Someone that was staying at the other hotel. They went home. They were probably drunk.
23:49They didn't realize. And then when they woke up in the morning, they're like, oh my God, wait,
23:52this is not my coat. I'm going to give it to the lost and found, but it was at the other hotel.
23:55So we didn't realize we got it all. We're going to get the camera back. We're getting the coat
23:59back. Obviously I'm going to, we didn't even cash the check obviously yet from the hotel, but we're
24:04going to let them know, Hey, don't worry. We found it. Please keep the money. They were so gracious
24:08and so nice about everything. And we got the V10 back. So all to say, all is good. We are fine,
24:14but it was a bit of a hectic morning. So now I'm on the way to the pretty basic studio. We're going
24:18to record some episodes and it's going to be a good day. It's already a great start to the day.
24:22Let's go. We just did two episodes of PB. Our first, we recapped the wedding. Second, we just
24:28had Tommy and Abigail. Way cute. Hi. It went so well. And look what Alicia put in between us
24:39when we record. A Lulu the pig. Lulu the pig.