What makes Easter special for you, and how do you usually celebrate? Do you have any family traditions such as chocolate Easter eggs, a hunt or a family roast?
00:00I don't, no. I work for a religious organisation, so obviously Easter is quite big for them.
00:10But personally, no. The only tradition maybe is waiting for a few days after Easter for
00:19the cheap Easter eggs. Maybe that's a tradition, I don't know. But yeah, not religious, so
00:29it's all about the chocolate. Not really at all. Just chocolate.
00:35Generally time off. I think having a double bank holiday, and now half term at schools
00:41and stuff, it kind of forces you to have time off work and go away as a family. So we're
00:47a non-Christian family, but we still celebrate by getting together at Christmas. And again,
00:52I think it's having that. Having a double bank holiday helps. So yeah, it's just family
00:56time usually. Easter Sunday meals and stuff.