• 2 days ago
00:00Kendrick Perkins on first take. It's high noon here on Jones and Keefe.
00:05Just in case you didn't hear, Perkins picking the Celtics to win it all.
00:09I know Celtics fans tend to get angry at him. Celtics players tend to get very angry at him.
00:13That's true. They are sensitive to Perk. He is indeed
00:16picking the Celtics. It is high noon on a Wednesday, which means it's time for pure hoops with Terp.
00:22I know Terp, you're doing a fantastic job on Twitch getting up all the uniforms there.
00:26Do you have a favorite basketball uniform? Favorite basketball uniform? I do like that one Keefe has on. Thank you.
00:31Right now, what's better than a dinosaur dribbling basketball?
00:34He's coming in and trying to curry favor. I don't like it.
00:38I actually had a question for Keefe. Oh, did you? Yeah. Does he have a favorite point or point scored from LeBron's 50,000?
00:44Somewhere to choose from. Yeah. Yeah. They were all selfish. Every one of them.
00:49LeBron is already the leading scorer in NBA history. That way he just has 50,000 combined playoffs and regular season.
00:54Wait, has anyone ever done that before? No, it's never been done. Wow. But what he doesn't want to be is the face of the league.
00:59He's made that very clear. He does not want that attention. No, no, no, no, it's kind of happened. Get it off of him.
01:04He didn't want it. He didn't manipulate the whole league and ruin the league. Didn't want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated when he was 16 years old or whatever.
01:09No, he didn't want that. Why would you want that? Didn't pick and choose every one of his teams and teammates. I appreciate your tone there, Keefe.
01:15That's our goat. Just saying. That's our goat. So pure hoops, where should we start? On the court or with a Celtic City?
01:21Either way, Celtic City just debuted. Maybe we want to start there. So episode one of a nine-part series. I didn't watch it till last night.
01:28So I heard you guys talking about it a little bit off the air yesterday. Jones seemed to be a little bit more down on it. Shocking.
01:34I liked it. Now, Terp, this is the start. I just said, I don't think we need nine of these, but that's all I said. It's well done.
01:41But so there were, what, 10 episodes of the Dynasty and that was a 20-year run. We didn't need 10 of those.
01:48There were a bunch of shorter episodes. Agreed. They weren't all a legit hour like this thing was.
01:52All right, I'm just pointing, I'm just painting the picture. Then there was also 10 episodes of The Last Dance, which was excellent.
01:59And it was also one season. This is going to be nine episodes on 60 years, 70 years of Celtics basketball.
02:08So episode one really highlighted Bob Cousy, Red Auerbach, Bill Russell. I'm sure the next one's going to sort of leap forward and then leap forward a little bit.
02:17There's going to be some great Larry Bird stuff. There's going to be some great Paul Pierce stuff.
02:20I heard Mego say today we're not even getting to the 80s until like episode five. Yeah, that was episode five was the 80s.
02:26Because that's the one they showed at the launch. He just said. I double checked with her. I saw her in the hallway.
02:31I heard her say this with Greg. Were you at the premiere of that? I was. But they did show episode five and it was the Larry Bird one.
02:37So Mego saw episode five. She's like, yeah, they get to Larry Bird. I'm like, they get to Larry Bird in episode five?
02:42Oh no. From what I understand, there is an entire episode on the Celtics-Lakers rivalry, though.
02:47OK, so that could jump around. Is that episode eight? When do we get to that?
02:50Well, I mean, it could be. So Jerry West was featured in this episode. I like Jerry West.
02:54Will Chamberlain. Yeah. Some of the old footage with Russell and Wilt together, I thought was pretty good.
02:59No, I liked it. I mean, I think it's going to be really good and we'll see what they do.
03:03I mean, if it's just a couple of seasons at a time, but if they do go into like Celtics-Lakers, because they're also talking about the city.
03:09I mean, the thing's called Celtic City, but it's talking about what was going on in the 50s and 60s.
03:13How the league was being sort of viewed at that time. I liked the first episode.
03:18Yeah, I loved it. I thought it was really interesting, too, that it was Bill Russell and Red Auerbach telling the story like through archives and older interviews.
03:26It's them telling the story. I thought that was really neat. And I think they do a great job tying it back to the current Celtics, where Jalen Brown at the beginning, where he's talking about like there's misconceptions around the city, but they really do stand firmly on justice and racial prejudice and all that.
03:41So I think it's interesting how they tie it all back together and really, really appreciated Bill Russell's kind of input because I think he's kind of forgotten.
03:49Like a lot of the times it's talking about like the 80s, like Larry Bird and all those guys and kind of Bill Russell sometimes.
03:56Who was the one who said, because you mentioned the Wilt and Russell footage, which I hadn't seen a lot of that.
04:01Like Bill Russell's interviews and Red Auerbach's interview, what are they supposed to do? They're dead.
04:05So like it's not like you have new interviews with those guys, but that's not none of that is new per se, like that's all been shown and seen and that's not new footage.
04:12I felt like some of the Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain stuff I hadn't seen before. Yeah.
04:16Although were you the one telling me this Terp? There's people complaining on social media that like they were able to uncover this footage, but there's still no footage of his 100 point game.
04:24No, that wasn't me, but I mean, I didn't really consider it that way. I did see that. You want to keep spirits either?
04:30We're watching Bob Cousy dribble out the clock in like the 50s. Where's the footage? I'd like to see it.
04:37But anyway, no, I look, I think it's well done. I just, there is a little bit of like Bill Simmons just fanboying out on this thing and making it nine episodes, which I guess.
04:47He's the king of long form. Well, true. If you're a hardcore Celtics fan, this is obviously for you.
04:52If you're a casual Boston sports fan, I wonder how much time and patience you have for this.
04:57And if you're a non Celtics fan, I think you have no time for this thing.
05:00All right. So rank them outside of Boston, the Red Sox one we just watched about the comeback, the Patriots dynasty in this.
05:07I think this has the most, I'm not, I don't completely disagree with you. They're the least polarizing team.
05:13But this is the most sort of, cause it's so many years. So you might hate Pierce, for example, if you're like a current Laker fan.
05:20But if you're a basketball fan, aren't you kind of interested in Bill Russell?
05:23Aren't you kind of interested in just sort of educating yourself on the history of the league?
05:26I think that's what gets a lot of people is the history.
05:29I don't think, I think Celtics fans are watching this and I don't think anybody else is going to watch this is what I think.
05:33Maybe people aren't as curious as I am. Yeah, maybe not. Not everybody's called Whiskers.
05:37I was a minor, I minored in history too. So I am.
05:40Do you disagree with that though? You think basketball fans are going to watch this?
05:42I think there's some interest in Lakers fans as well. I mean, they had a couple of the Lakers writers in there and there's obviously going to be a whole episode on this apparently.
05:49So I think there's some interest with Lakers fans as well.
05:52Would you watch a Yankees documentary or a Duke basketball documentary?
05:55No. Oh, maybe Duke because that's in my lifetime.
05:58Am I going to go back and watch like a full 10 episode, 100 year Yankee history? No.
06:02What if it's Babe Ruth smacking dingers?
06:04I didn't watch the Jeter thing. I didn't watch the stupid Jeter.
06:06I'm not watching Jeter or anything, but what if it's like Lou Gehrig? No.
06:09Sock and Ding Dongs? No.
06:10Mickey Mantle? I know the history.
06:11Roger Maris? They won all those World Series. I get it.
06:13Chase for 61? I'm not, would you watch that?
06:15Uh, probably not.
06:17Red Sox fans wouldn't watch that.
06:18No, probably not.
06:19No, this is probably, this is a bit niche.
06:22We're talking to Boston sports fans.
06:24Yeah, so we like, I mean, we should like it.
06:25But I'm saying it's, I don't know.
06:28I wonder if I'm just not a hardcore Celtics guy, if I'm going to commit to this.
06:31We're going to because of the show. I do wonder about that.
06:34So the Bulls one might be well done.
06:36The Bulls one might be the most unique only because it came out during COVID.
06:39The timing was super significant for that.
06:41What else did you have to do?
06:42If this came out during COVID, I think this would be super popular.
06:46I still think a lot of people are going to tune in for this.
06:48I mean, from everything that I've read and everyone that I've talked to about this,
06:52I mean, people love it.
06:53People are really entertained and we're only an episode into this thing.
06:56So I really think like if you can captivate an audience like that,
07:00and I know you're not a big fan that it's nine episodes,
07:02but if you can keep it that entertaining and that interesting,
07:04I don't think it really matters.
07:06Okay. What are we, uh, so it's going to take us five episodes to get to Larry Bird in the 80s.
07:11That feels like they're slow playing that.
07:13There is, there should be a lot of stuff with the new team though.
07:15But that, that has the potential to be fascinating.
07:17I think. Yeah.
07:18I'd love the, even the beginning with Joe Missoula in there at the beginning,
07:21uh, they had Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown showed in there.
07:24And even the stuff with like Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett,
07:26I think that'll get a lot of people.
07:28Uh, I mean, I really enjoyed even the sixties, like that early, early part,
07:32because like I said, they did a great job tying it to the current Celtics.
07:35You love Pure Hoops.
07:36He is. It's the purest form.
07:38Like John, I mean, uh, Bob Cousy dribbling on a fastball.
07:41What's better than that?
07:42So I was looking this up and I don't know where this would fall into,
07:44but you know how we did streaming service ranks yesterday.
07:47So if you go to HBO max or I guess max and they have like today's picks,
07:53they also have like what you're watching.
07:54They also have top 10 most watched top 10.
07:57Well, is this a movie or a TV show?
07:59It's probably neither TV.
08:01Well, that's the thing.
08:02So I don't know.
08:03Docu series.
08:04No, but it's not.
08:05So it's more, it's more TV show.
08:06The movie.
08:07I think it would pop up in top 10 series if it was top 10, but it's not.
08:10So I remember doing this with, uh, the dynasty as well.
08:12The dynasty did very poorly on that.
08:13When I was always,
08:14cause I was like those top 20 and they were always like in the teens probably.
08:17And that, that did poorly.
08:19And I'm football is just way more popular than basketball.
08:21But I guess for our purposes, it doesn't really matter.
08:23This is for, this is for us.
08:25For Bill Sip for Bill Simmons.
08:26It matters.
08:28You want people watching.
08:29I mean, maybe it doesn't actually,
08:30maybe it's just a pet project and it's just,
08:31I get to talk about my favorite team and yay.
08:33Cause you think more people.
08:34So when he first launched the 30 for thirties on ESPN,
08:37which were fantastic,
08:38those were until they started to get into like two parters,
08:41those for the most part were one episode.
08:43And so I think more people maybe,
08:45was it just more digestible where you're like,
08:48I'll watch this on the Wayne Gretzky trade or all,
08:50you know what I mean?
08:51I'll watch this at the university of Miami football team.
08:53With the 30 for thirties.
08:54So a lot of those are just one specific event.
08:57Like this is,
08:58this is the course of history.
09:02I like it.
09:03I mean,
09:04I'm looking forward to seeing too.
09:05I mean,
09:09you know,
09:10if it's live,
09:11I might be like,
09:12all right,
09:13let's get to it.
09:14But well,
09:15Bryce for it.
09:16You're about to get,
09:17you're about to get the post cozy Russell Celtics.
09:18We got Heinsohn.
09:21Then you're going to get Cowan's in there.
09:22I have a check.
09:24The ball famously.
09:26But you got it.
09:27You got at least three episodes before you were getting anything good.
09:28But what I would consider anything,
09:29if they do Celtics Lakers as a whole episode,
09:32that'll be all 60 years.
09:35That'll be,
09:36we'll Russell.
09:37It'll also be bird magic.
09:38It'll be Kobe.
09:40It'll be all that.
09:41I think I haven't seen it.
09:42So I also just think there was a ton of like little details in there that I found really
09:47Like one with bill Russell and the martini when he went out.
09:49So that was,
09:50that was really interesting.
09:51That stuff where he offered the reporter his martini after to see if he would drink out
09:56of the same glass as a black guy.
09:58Like that,
09:59that stuff's interesting.
10:00He knew he could trust him.
10:01He knew he can trust.
10:02Although tough test,
10:03because what if that guy has zero racial issues,
10:06but he's like,
10:07I don't drink.
10:08So he's just like,
10:09he's a teetotaler.
10:10He's actually now he was like,
10:11now I'm a recovering alcoholic.
10:12I can't,
10:13now you're labeled a racist.
10:15I can't pass this test.
10:16And they're like,
10:17this guy,
10:18I don't trust this guy.
10:19So luckily he passed the test.
10:20He did,
10:21but that was good.
10:22He had the whole story.
10:23I'd heard the story about them having the exhibition game in Kentucky and the black
10:26players on the team not being allowed to eat.
10:28And then they're like,
10:29we're not playing in it.
10:30And then the other guys were like,
10:31we're kind of caught in no man's land.
10:32And they ended up playing in it.
10:33The detail in there about red,
10:34driving them to the airport.
10:37so that's,
10:38I had definitely heard that story,
10:39but I,
10:40I didn't realize maybe how big of a controversy in real time.
10:42That was like,
10:43that was a,
10:44within the team.
10:48you guys are going to stay and play and we're going to go back home.
10:49But like,
10:50they're doing it to honor Frank Ramsey.
10:51Cause he's from Kentucky.
10:52So I love the story about Sash Sanders.
10:53He's like,
10:54I hated Frank Ramsey.
10:55He's like,
10:56and then we became best friends.
10:57We became really good friends.
10:58He's like,
10:59I just hated his voice.
11:00I love the Bob Cousy and a story in there to a Chuck Cooper.
11:02When they were out at the restaurant,
11:03they were having a couple of beers and there was a segregated bathroom.
11:06So they decided to go out together and public urination.
11:10I'm not going to defend a criminal Bob Cousy.
11:13Chuck Cooper is a,
11:14is a good point too.
11:15Cause going back to like what Jalen Brown was saying is like a lot of guys,
11:18maybe around the league,
11:19you know,
11:20and we've unfortunately had to hear it from like Kyrie and Durant about Boston.
11:23And then these guys maybe don't know the history.
11:25It's like the first black player drafted by the Celtics,
11:28the first black head coach by the Celtics.
11:30Like they,
11:31a lot of guys around the league.
11:32Don't remember when Jay Williams on ESPN,
11:34a couple of years ago,
11:35they hired him a Udoka.
11:37And he was like,
11:38finally Boston gets with the times,
11:40like their first black head coach.
11:41And they're like,
11:43They're like the guy before Brad Stevens was like the first one ever was Casey
11:50Jones one.
11:51And that's the guy who played in the league and everything else.
11:53And he had no idea of the history of,
11:55I would understand forgetting about ML car.
11:57If you were from outside,
11:58Boston didn't go so high.
11:59Casey Jones,
12:00one title.
12:01What are we doing?
12:02Multiple champions.
12:03A little bit of a mess.
12:04So a good text here.
12:16Why do you guys have tarp on?
12:17And if neither of you shut up,
12:18fair point.
12:19So with the team on the floor,
12:22we injected a lot of our own insight there on Celtic city episode one on the
12:23floor last weekend,
12:24they're blowing 20 point leads left and right all the way down to one
12:25possession against Denver.
12:26They were up 25 to three against Cleveland.
12:27Is that a concerning pattern?
12:28Not being able to,
12:29I mean,
12:30they won the nuggets game,
12:31but are they able to keep and protect 20 point leads against top teams?
12:34I don't think so.
12:35Because that's just how basketball is now with the pace of play and the
12:38three point volume and all the way the game's played now,
12:42it's just not the same,
12:43especially when you're talking at 20 point lead in the first quarter,
12:45like eventually the team is going to make a run and that's going to
12:50So I don't really look at it as multiple 20 point leads against
12:54I think more so the 17 point third quarter lead,
12:56because once you get into the second half,
12:58it's still,
12:59it's still safe from just because of how quick the game is.
13:02And like I said,
13:03the three point volume,
13:04but you'd like to see them kind of hang on to that.
13:06And I thought for the most part,
13:07their execution wasn't bad.
13:09Cleveland just made big time shots and they were able to sneak one out
13:13What's the scuttlebutt on true holiday.
13:16Cause this seems like it's going to be pretty significant.
13:19We've sort of talked to all season,
13:20like, you know,
13:21statistically he's not having the greatest year,
13:23but he doesn't really need to.
13:24And we know of all guys that can flip a switch.
13:27It's true holiday.
13:28You know,
13:29we're getting the final month and change of the regular season.
13:33where's he at?
13:35Joe Mozilla said yesterday that he went through the entire practice session,
13:37which probably could be a little bit misleading because especially when
13:40you're in the middle of a homestand here,
13:42you have a game or a back-to-back misleading because Joe Mozilla said it
13:46you don't know what he's really trying to say,
13:48but with the game tonight and obviously tomorrow as well,
13:52they're not going to be going crazy during practice,
13:54but the key part in there was he was able to shoot.
13:56And once they lifted the curtain,
13:57I did see him get a little quick shot up yesterday.
13:59And when he talked on Sunday,
14:01he hadn't done any shooting yet.
14:03So that leads me to think they're starting to progress this a little bit.
14:06They're finding a tape job.
14:07Cause that's what it's really all about.
14:09Cause the finger has to be in a splint the entire time.
14:12So it's about finding the tape job that allows you to kind of play like
14:16because obviously you have a splint on your finger.
14:18It's a little bit different.
14:19It's hard to find that,
14:20but I think it is going to be,
14:21he'll be back shorter and sooner rather than later.
14:24So maybe this answers my next question,
14:26but just cause he's on the floor,
14:28doesn't mean you're getting the same drew holiday.
14:31So how,
14:32even if he's back and playing,
14:33how much is this going to impact him?
14:36I think it will impact the shooting.
14:37Like I think the stuff he does with this defense is off ball pressure,
14:40all that.
14:41I don't think that's really a problem because he's still out there.
14:43It's just his finger.
14:44Maybe it's rebounding a little bit.
14:46He might be a little bit timid.
14:47Cause that's how we heard it is he was going up for a rebound.
14:50So maybe that impacts it a little bit.
14:52His shooting,
14:53obviously he hasn't been having a great shooting season as is.
14:56So this is probably not a great thing that he hasn't been able to shoot
14:59now for a couple of days,
15:00or he just got back to shooting.
15:02But I I've said it every time we've had this conversation that drew
15:06holidays just earned the trust.
15:08He's earned the reputation that you believe that he's going to show up
15:11when it comes to the post.
15:13I agree with that.
15:14But like,
15:15he hasn't been dealing with a mallet finger.
15:19Say it again.
15:20We're also over a month away.
15:23But this is what I'm asking you.
15:25is this,
15:26this might still be an issue in a month,
15:27even if he's back in playing,
15:28this might still be bothering him and he might still be dealing with it.
15:30And no,
15:31I agree.
15:32Drew holiday gets the benefit of the doubt before this injury with this
15:35I'm like,
15:36I don't know.
15:37That's the kind of thing that could throw him off and throw them off.
15:40they're already pacing him throughout the year.
15:42Joe was a little mentioned it kind of impromptu yesterday that they were
15:44well aware that he had the long postseason run and then went to the
15:46Olympics and obviously his age.
15:48So they're well aware of all that.
15:49And they were already pacing him as is.
15:50And now with this,
15:51I think they're just going to further furthermore do that.
15:54So I don't know.
15:55I mean,
15:57if it's not healed,
15:58come playoff time,
15:59that's a conversation for them.
16:00But right now,
16:01as long as it continues to heal and assuming that he's healthy and ready
16:04to go for the postseason,
16:05I don't think there's any concerns around drew holiday in the middle of a
16:08big homestand,
16:09seven straight games at home,
16:11Portland tonight,
16:12Philadelphia tomorrow,
16:13kind of whatever.
16:16Big one.
16:17Let's get to it.
16:18I think we asked you this at the trade deadline,
16:20maybe once after,
16:21but the likelihood of a Celtics,
16:23Lakers NBA finals.
16:25what would you put it at?
16:26They've won 17 of their last 20.
16:28They're first in defense and fifth and offense over that stretch.
16:31Do you know off?
16:32How many of those did they have?
16:34So he's played nine.
16:35I think they're seven and two with Luca.
16:37so they were,
16:38they were hot before Luca.
16:41But they're playing good on both ends of the floor.
16:42The two seed right now in the still lean Oklahoma city.
16:46I still do,
16:47but next Wednesday,
16:48by the way,
16:49it's a good little homestead in poor Portland coming into Boston tonight.
16:53And then they get Oklahoma city on Friday.
16:55So poor Portland.
16:56But I mean,
16:57if you're looking at that,
16:58like you're talking to you 20 games,
16:59sample size of them being one of the top teams in the league on both ends of
17:03the floor,
17:04obviously 17 and three is nothing to scoff at.
17:06And since turning,
17:07I don't know if you saw this keep since turning 40,
17:09LeBron putting up numbers equivalent to winning one MVP.
17:14I mean,
17:16they're a good team to watch,
17:17but I still lean Oklahoma city.
17:18I like to see that birth certificate.
17:23Do you take the Lakers more seriously than Denver?
17:25We just saw Denver this weekend.
17:28to me,
17:29I said this to Keith earlier in the week,
17:30out of the games last weekend,
17:32the blown lead against the calves.
17:33Am I more discouraged by that or more encouraged by the win over the
17:37I am more encouraged by the win over the nuggets.
17:38That's a legit championship contender.
17:41I maybe I'm,
17:42I'm being a hater.
17:43I still am not sure Cleveland is,
17:44I know they have a great regular season record.
17:45I still don't love that team.
17:47Should we take the Lakers more seriously than Denver?
17:50I think so.
17:51Just because Jamal Murray is so important to what Denver's trying to do.
17:55And they're really,
17:56everyone's looking at Nicola Yoke,
17:57but they're really only going as far as Jamal Murray brings them.
18:00Like they need him to bring it each and every night.
18:02And if you're looking at it,
18:03you're going to trust LeBron and Luca over Jamal and Jamal Murray and
18:06Nicola Yoke,
18:07which I think I lean the Lakers.
18:08I know there's still some concerns about the Lakers at the five.
18:11Like they don't really have a true big and what they're going to do.
18:13But right now what they're doing is working there.
18:16Like I said,
18:17an elite team on both ends of the floor right now,
18:19they're really starting to click at the right time.
18:21So I do think them being the two in Oklahoma city,
18:24being the one is pretty accurate as to what the eye test is saying.
18:28Is there anything the rest of the way outside of health of some of these
18:32guys that you're really looking for?
18:34We highlighted the two great match-ups with the Lakers and the thunder
18:36coming up,
18:37but really just trying to get through the rest of the way,
18:40Is there anything else you're looking for?
18:42I mean,
18:43I'm healthy.
18:44I'm obviously keeping an eye on Jason Tatum and his passing,
18:45which I think has taken a real big leap,
18:47especially over the last couple of weeks here where he's like flirting with
18:50the triple double night in and night out.
18:52And more so that's towards with an eye towards next season as well.
18:55Because if he's doing that,
18:56if he's getting near a triple double each and every night,
18:59that's how he's going to win.
19:00The MVP is when the passing comes with it.
19:02So that's more of a long-term thing,
19:04but it's also the Celtics are much better when he's moving the ball and
19:07using his gravity like that.
19:08I also just look at how the bench continues to provide,
19:12When the bench,
19:13like they got destroyed on Friday night against Cleveland,
19:15but they actually had Sam Houser and starting lineup.
19:18And that's pretty big loss.
19:19When you're looking at your two bench scores are Sam Houser and Peyton
19:22How does Tori Craig fit in?
19:23That's another thing.
19:24And do they keep riding this double big where Joe Mizzou has loved it?
19:27So those are a couple of things.
19:29A few more tests for the Celtics coming up specific to Lakers on the
19:33It is pure hoops with Terp high noon,
19:35every Wednesday on a Celtics Wednesday,
19:37at least when he doesn't have jury duty.
19:39That's true.
19:40Every Wednesday at high,
19:41it's true.
19:42Pure hoops with.
