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00:00A seven-time NBA champion, Robert Ory, is here courtesy of BetOnline.
00:05You can check out BetOnline for updated NBA title, conference, division, and awards odds,
00:10plus updated win totals and player stats.
00:12They're going to want to up that Celtics win total.
00:14I think it was 58 and a half entering yesterday.
00:17Robert Ory, thanks for joining us here on WEI.
00:19Oh, man, guys, thanks for having me on.
00:21How are y'all doing?
00:22Oh, we're doing spectacular after the Celtics last night.
00:26Simple question, is anybody beating this team?
00:28I mean, after that blowout, that's just what it was.
00:32No, it was a blowout.
00:33So is anybody beating this team?
00:34Because it doesn't look that way.
00:35Well, you know, it's early, but, you know, I think this is the best team in basketball.
00:41I think they don't have, you know, when you look at teams, you look at flaws, if they
00:44have any flaws.
00:45I don't see this team having any flaws, other than size, and as soon as Frisinga gets back,
00:50they will have size.
00:51But this team is incredible, and it's so weird because, you know, everybody is going to play
00:57with a chip on their shoulder, you know, and they look and, you know, I've never seen
01:01a team come into a season where they're freaking mad, you know, because they won a championship.
01:07You become excited.
01:08They're mad because of what transpired this summer with the Olympics and stuff.
01:12What was the biggest challenge for you when you were on teams that won back-to-back?
01:17You did it earlier in your career with Houston, you did it again with the Lakers, but going
01:20into that next season after winning, what was the biggest challenge?
01:25You know, it came down to injuries, injuries, and because it's hard because you go so long
01:31into the summer that you don't have the proper time to let your body rest, and then you're
01:35right back at it.
01:36So I think injuries was number one, and the second one was complacency.
01:39You know, some guys get, you know, you're tired of being high on the hill, you get complacent,
01:43you think, oh, I don't have to do this, I don't have to do that, but the hardest thing
01:47to do is to defend your title, and you look at so many teams, you look at what Dallas
01:52did, they won and didn't win.
01:54Denver, you know, everybody thought Denver was going to take over, they only won one.
01:58They thought Milwaukee was only going to win one.
02:00I know the Celtics franchise as a whole has the most, but, you know, that's in the past.
02:04You talk about this team right here, are they going to be able to go back-to-back?
02:08And it's hard to do that.
02:09You got to have the right mindset, you got to be, you know, really lucky.
02:13So a lot of us say complacency, I think it's an interesting word that you bring up, but
02:18I don't think we necessarily, everybody can wrap their heads around exactly what that
02:24So in your experience as a player, and you, as Rich just pointed out, you won back-to-back
02:28in Houston, you won three in a row with the Lakers, with the Spurs, they were unable to
02:33repeat while you were there and even before you were there.
02:36What specifically did you, when you say complacency, like what specifically did you experience
02:39during your playing time?
02:41Well, you think about when you come in, you take the summer off, you out partying, you
02:46out enjoying that moment, you love the fact that people are calling you a champion, and
02:51you don't get back into the lab, you don't get back there and work on the ground.
02:55And then you come out and you disrespect teams in the sense like, oh, this is a young team,
02:59like, let's say a Utah, we're not going to come and respect them, or this is the Washington
03:03Wizards, you know, the two teams in basketball that nobody's talking about, and next thing
03:08you know, you're down 20, you got to fight really hard to get back in that game and you
03:11still lose.
03:12And you don't respect teams, that's the complacency I'm talking about.
03:15You come in thinking that you're better than everybody, and I understand that anything
03:19can happen on any given night, you jump on a team, you get them down, you put that doubt
03:24in your mind, and you beat them up, and then they start making those subs, and that's what
03:27you got to do.
03:28But once you get in these games where you start to, oh, we got a team beat, and next
03:31thing you know, they're back in this ballgame, and they make you work harder than you need
03:35to, that's the complacency I'm talking about.
03:39What is your thought on Coach Joe Mizzoula?
03:42Locally, we've kind of learned to love him, and he wins the title last year.
03:46He does say a lot of really strange things, and I'm just curious, from the national outside
03:51perspective, what do you think of Coach Joe Mizzoula?
03:53You know, he's a little different.
03:56You know, the fact that you, you know, you think about it, though, Phil Jackson was different.
04:03You know, you think about him burning the stage in the locker room, making you meditate.
04:07You know, sometimes you need to go outside the box to get these guys' attention.
04:11You know, you got to break up the monotony.
04:13You know, you think about it.
04:14You play basketball, you dribble, you shoot, you pass.
04:17You got to do something to excite these guys and bring attention to other things.
04:22I think with Mizzoula, he keeps the team on his toes, and you need that throughout the
04:2782-game season.
04:28Talking to Robert Ory, a seven-time NBA champion from BetOnline, he's joining us here on Jones
04:33& Keefe on WEEI.
04:35From your playing days to now, and this is, you know, you don't have to get on your pedestal,
04:39my era versus this era and everything else, but like, do you like the direction of the
04:45The Celtics shot 61 threes last night.
04:46They attempted 61 threes.
04:48That was 64% of their shots.
04:50Pretty much everybody on the team shot more from three than they did from inside the arc.
04:55Do you like the general direction of the league?
04:58I like if you're making them, but I tell people, I don't care if you shoot three, shoot a four
05:03if they had one.
05:04It's about getting buckets.
05:05You get buckets any way you can, and it doesn't really matter.
05:09The only thing I don't like about the league is they give the offensive players so much
05:15You know, so many guys travel now.
05:17So many guys carry the basketball, and you take, you know, basketball is a game that
05:22people love because you're able to play offense and defense in one possession.
05:26You know, you don't have to have a line change like football, and that makes it great, but
05:30they're totally taking defense out of the game.
05:32It's about who can score, and that's the only thing I hate about the game.
05:36I know Adam has talked about, you know, trying to give the defense, you know, more of a leeway
05:42than it used to, but it's so hard when you allow a guy to travel.
05:46It's so hard when you allow a guy to carry.
05:49You know, every step back now is a travel, and people think, no, it's not.
05:53It's one, two, three.
05:54That's three steps is a travel, right?
05:55So it gives the offense such an advantage.
06:00There was ring night, obviously, last night for the Celtics.
06:02They got their rings.
06:03They're insane.
06:04They're like the size of a baseball.
06:06They're nice.
06:07You got seven of them, and I'm curious, you won your first two in the 90s, so I can only
06:11imagine sort of the evolution, like with all your rings laid next to each other.
06:15I'm sure some look like, well, it's very different than maybe some of the others.
06:19Oh, man, my first ring was nice, and my second ring you would thought was going to be really
06:25nice, and every, when we opened the box, we're like, what is this crap?
06:29It's so terrible.
06:32You think about, in Houston, we was the first Houston team to ever win a championship for
06:37that city, as big as it is, and the many franchises they have, and then we went to back-to-back,
06:41and then Payless, he skimped on our rings.
06:44I was like, I was so mad, but let me tell you something.
06:48That third ring with the Lakers that has the purple diamonds and the canary diamonds, it's
06:53something special, and then when you get to the Spurs, these things are gigantic with
06:57the Spurs symbol, and it's like, the evolution is crazy.
07:01They get bigger and bigger and better and better, but it's like, great, terrible, great,
07:06great, great, great, great, but every time I see Payless, I'm talking about Alexander,
07:10I be looking, I'm like, man, you owe us a ring, dude.
07:13So you're known to speak your mind.
07:17I was reminded of this, Robert, in the Twitch chat, twitch.tv, slash, Boston W-E-E, I reminded
07:22me of this.
07:23You once threw a towel in Danny Ainge's face.
07:27What would you not love about Danny Ainge?
07:29He wasn't your favorite.
07:30Oh, see, you know, it's funny, it happened in Boston, and I remember one reporter who
07:35was a dog wagging a ticket.
07:38Oh, no.
07:39Oh, no, this is-
07:40No, cut out, Robert Ory.
07:41Oh, middle of the Ainge story, Ainge is playing with the phones.
07:44Ainge is playing with the phones.
07:45We can't hear you.
07:46If you can hear us, Robert, we cannot hear you, mid-Ainge story.
07:50That is frustrating.
07:51Nick, do you want to try to-
07:52I found something he did on social media where somebody asked him, did he regret throwing
07:57a towel at Danny Ainge?
07:58I remember watching that game live when it happened, too.
08:00And he said on Twitter, Keith, this a couple of years ago, no, I wish there was a brick
08:03in it.
08:05That's incredible.
08:06That is tremendous.
08:07Oh, man.
08:08That's unfortunate I wanted that, I did want that answer, because I-
08:09How about the nickname for the Rockets owner, Payless?
08:10Oh, that's great.
08:11That is great.
08:12No, it's like, you know, who's paying for the Celtics ring?
08:13I want to know that.
08:14No, not Payless.
08:15Not, not, what was it?
08:17Les Alexander.
08:18Les Alexander.
08:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:20So interesting.
08:21All right, try one more time.
08:22Oh, no.
08:23Oh, no.
08:24Oh, no.
08:25Oh, no.
08:26Oh, no.
08:27Oh, no.
08:32Robert, are you there?
08:33Yeah, I'm here.
08:34I'm sorry.
08:35I just heard a boom and I think the сделал tower went out of here.
08:39Yeah, I think Ainge, we thought Ainge might have taken your phone.
08:42We were nervous for you.
08:43So what-
08:44I thought so too.
08:45I thought the Boston fan found my addressing and was coming at me.
08:48Yeah, you can't rule it out.
08:49But no-
08:50What didn't you like about Danny Ainge?
08:52The thing about Danny Ainge we, you know, we moved to Houston Rockets.
08:56He did that terrible act by hitting Mario in the face on the ball with the ball
09:00And he told us when I got to a Phoenix that he did it on purpose and Mario's my boy
09:04You know, we live by each other we hung out together
09:06So that just made me mad and then he had the nerve to say I was the worst defensive player on the team one time
09:12When I play with Wesley person
09:16And I play with Danny Manning you try to him an m3 or better
09:21So now you see where the ball is going
09:24Then he takes over the team that my first day game back in Houston. He benches me and doesn't play me
09:29I'm like, dude, you asking for ass whooping
09:31So and it just got to a point where you know
09:34He had took over his coach and he just was you know
09:36I was so mad when Dallas made the trade and I wasn't in that trade. I just didn't like it, man
09:41You know and to me there's certain things you do not do and he crossed the line with a lot of things
09:46I know a lot. He's loved and by the people of Boston
09:57But you know, it just was one of those things man, well, you know
09:59I was like Papa I had enough is enough and I had to do what I had to do
10:03You know and and I wish you guys would have had a film of the locker room after that
10:08It was like it was bananas in there where you know
10:11I thought I was gonna have to be beat a couple of people up in there because you know myself Mark Bryan
10:17And Chuckie Brown were the newcomers to the teams and I had I was in there was funny last thing
10:21I remember I said this is why we beat y'all because y'all ain't got no heart and you know
10:25Like y'all a bunch of that's it in certain where I won't stay on air
10:29It was a it was it was mayhem and then you know, you know, it worked out for the best for me and him
10:35You know, they intervention made the playoffs that year, but I went on wins like, you know, what five more championships. So
10:46Robert a great great story time with Robert Ori good takes on the Boston Celtics
10:51You could check out all his work bet online follow him on social media. He's a good follow there Robert. We appreciate the time
10:57Thanks so much
10:58No, thank you guys. You guys been great. I really enjoyed this one. All right, awesome. You hear that?
11:03He really enjoyed this. I love anytime you can bring up Wesley person and wave at his Dale a date
11:07He made the best you are speaking my life
