Love Never Lies Poland S02 E03
00:09Amanda Paula Sandra Marek max Paulina time to leave the villa
00:17Get ready for visitors
00:24Okay big guy I assume you like drinks yes, I do
00:27Someone you know my cunt. Yes, are you happy to see me? No
00:33Ready to see what your partners are doing. Yes, so do you feel guilty about what you did to her? No
00:42Turns out I'm stupid
00:46Now I'm with her but maybe later on I won't be and what
00:52I'd like to try building something with Yvonne. I think it could be good
00:57Now he says he doesn't know if he'll be with me after the show
01:03Let's go premium to a thousand a million
01:11If I hadn't asked I doubt he'd have said anything really he doesn't talk about her at all
01:19If someone hides a relationship, you know, what's up
01:23I'm fucked. Oh, you're fucked. I think so
01:27you do anything no, but
01:29You want to yeah
01:31Excuse me
01:37Yvonne is a terrific captivating dancer. She catches your eye. She moves. Well
01:46Oh, yeah, I'm done wait, hold on
01:55That wasn't a normal dance the beginning was fine, but that ass-shaking and he's actually into her
02:02If he's doing stunts like this after knowing this chick for a few days, I don't know what I'm doing here
02:07I might as well go home
02:10Like I said, I think you should sleep on it and not make any big decisions while you're emotional and once before having a conversation
02:25Okay, take that thank you come hug me
02:32Let's think it over it'll be okay
02:42You're holding it together
02:44That was totally crossing the line. We're not in a relationship. We're engaged. So these types of situations shouldn't happen. I
02:51Thought this was love I guess it's just fucking habit
03:06The only thing I feel is anger anger at Krzysiek that he had the audacity to come here
03:14He's my number one enemy so should I roll the clip? Yeah
03:22Once we started living together, it turned out that we're
03:26He's really messy and lazy
03:28Even when a light bulb goes out. I'm the one who fixes it
03:33Krzysiek showered me with small gestures. Why can't max do things like that for me?
03:44Do you value her I've never wondered if she feels appreciated or not
03:51I appreciate Karolina, but I could show it more if everything turns out. Okay between us
03:57thousand for the premium
04:03Are you happy to see me now I
04:08Noticed max disappeared from Instagram, so I just assumed they may have split up
04:14It was too much for me too many emotions
04:19Don't cry anymore
04:21You're not alone
04:24Max never confronted me about hitting on his girlfriend. Did he have a reason to be jealous a bit? I think
04:31Maybe I am a better partner for Karolina than max
04:35It's good to see your perspective at five
04:38Okay, cool
04:42We decided that we would remain friends and that we would just wait and see what happens next
04:50I don't fully know how she feels
04:54I really don't know what to think. They're talking. Yeah, she cleared the air
05:02Yeah cleared the air shook hands
05:06Karolina kept denying everything. She said the only thing on her conscience was that she had coffee with him. I believe her
05:13I have to I don't have any other choice
05:15Unless she's still lying
05:19He's blatantly saying that I never confronted him, but I clearly did
05:24She's going through it
05:27She cried in the bathroom
05:30Maybe it's because she cheated with him get real
05:36It's a weird reaction either she's kind of scared of him or she has something on her conscience
05:46Hi Paula, hi
05:49Why so sad I regret being here why
05:55She'll be right there
05:57I'm not ready for that right now. I just want to
06:01Pack everything. I have all my things and go home
06:05Don't give up everything you're going through is a lesson. You decide what you get from it
06:13Thank you, I'll try to keep that in mind
06:17Shall we begin?
06:22Hey, hey Natalia, nice to meet you
06:26So tell me why you're here let's talk
06:30I think I'm a Natalia's type because of the way she looks at me
06:33Just hit on him something like your girlfriend isn't jealous that you're with a woman like me
06:40Why not because I'm prettier than you it'll be fun
06:50Know when we fight in our relationship Paula tends to switch off she stops communicating
06:58Something doesn't seem right in that relationship
07:05She wasn't even confident enough to approach him you could hear that somebody had to encourage her to do something
07:10As soon as she heard about me she had to nitpick just so she didn't completely lose her confidence so you're okay. Mm-hmm. I'm okay
07:20Do you want to watch the premium deer
07:23No, not really. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Thank you
07:37What a slut she doesn't even know what to say, but she's still fucking talking she should have shut up
07:49Please take a seat. Are you ready to watch? Yes, let's roll
07:58Which girl do you like Roxanna? Oh
08:03How sweet?
08:05You can tell Piotrek caught her eye yesterday. She told me that she liked for mark to be more open
08:10You like the new guy? I do Peter
08:16With Piotrek, I feel very feminine and comfortable with myself how awesome I am how beautiful
08:24Turn your other cheek
08:26What did he kiss her butt?
08:31That's some striking footage it pains me that she finally felt beautiful it is striking it really hurts and that kiss
08:41That's a blow
08:42Roll the premium. Yeah
08:45Thousands lattes
08:50This strap feels weird what's going on back there? Geez stick it out more
08:57When I asked him why he's on the apps he started twisting things around he's still on them. Yeah, what for?
09:06This attack I feel so more like a mother than a girlfriend you're too young for that
09:17My dream is for Matic to look at me and treat me the way that Piotrek does
09:26I'm really open to anything. I feel freaking amazing
09:32We'll see if I leave single
09:36I'm speechless
09:41Unfortunately, I think you will leave here as a single man I
09:44Came here simply to give her the sense of security that she keeps talking about
09:50We're here mainly so she can trust me
09:52But what I'm seeing here it makes me doubt my ability to be able to trust her
09:59I've also never heard Roxanna utter an honest. I love you
10:03When we're fighting like during the day of the ceremony, I'm scared to even hug her because she doesn't really want to be touched then
10:12It's really upsetting when you want to go up and hug someone but you feel you can't
10:20Then you see your other half really be totally relaxed with a person they've known for literally a couple of days
10:33Shall we watch mm-hmm. Let's go
10:37Hi Anya, hi Paulina Paulina, yes
10:42Yes, they look alike no way fuck me, no, they don't no way the guys are clueless
10:48Yeah, I know that Ania likes me. That's it. Yeah for you because you're a challenge
10:56To being awesome
11:00And there's some thoughts
11:02I'm a bit annoyed with what?
11:05So that she didn't turn down her kisses and she's already taken she was excited and said how awesome she is
11:11Sorry, but you're really not
11:14So premium. Yes
11:161,000 of course
11:21You're really similar to my Paulina you talk more than her I kind of have to pull teeth with her
11:28And if you didn't what she I?
11:31Don't know I've known you for quite a short time and you've already said so much you're like an interesting person
11:37You've got a lot to say and that's what's cool
11:40Damn, I'm glad
11:43My Paulina isn't so forthcoming this Paulina is chatty with a rich vocabulary
11:54What's wrong with her they're all crazy
12:01No, she got carried away, I don't think she'd like it if the roles were reversed
12:08I'm not happy that talk. She had with Pearl
12:11She made me seem like someone who's not that intelligent and doesn't have many interests
12:19That was pretty rude
12:20The problem with Anya is that she talks an awful lot and interrupts people when I open up and start talking BAM
12:27You know what this is what I feel or this is what happened with me. That's when I take two steps back
12:34So it's not a problem with opening up, but not having the space
12:39I'm generally a quiet person, but I don't have a problem talking
12:43Thank you. Thank you
12:45He's done by the swap. Oh, thanks. I'm really angry after what I saw
12:49I knew there'd be something there that I'd get a bit hurt, but I didn't think it would be this bad
12:57I'm so fucking pissed if they let me into that house right now
13:00I'd fucking dance with them right in front of her. So she'd have to watch see how she likes it
13:06At least Anya didn't say she'd fuck her. He didn't say that
13:10Anya asked do you want her? He said yes. Really? Yeah, do you want her? Yeah, I'm sorry
13:19All in all in that clip I didn't see the person I met
13:23The same I don't know why we came here
13:30In the last three days everything went to hell
13:35He doesn't love me it's simple I
13:39Think he does love you. He just made a mistake, but he definitely loves you
13:48Hey, oh gosh, are you crying come here?
13:57He loves you if he did he wouldn't do this that's not love
14:06He fucking assured me he swore he stood over my father's grave telling him that one day we'd come here when I'm pregnant
14:13So we could tell him he'd be a grandfather
14:17I'm so disappointed
14:22Why is he with me
14:30While the residents of the villa of doubt are dealing with uncertainty and sadness the villa of temptation is full of desire
14:53Even though I'm a poet Ivona gets me going. She's like a predator getting paired with her was a lucky stroke
15:01I think that if I told Cornell I wanted to build something with him it could happen
15:10Alicia and I have a great vibe things are going well. No point in hiding it. I
15:16Can see in Bill's eyes that he's into me
15:19There's definitely chemistry between us and it's not just on my end
15:35Are you waiting for Amanda?
15:38I'm scared to see her. I think it's finally dawned on me. What?
15:43Is that I'm not the only one who's bad and that I've always tried to excuse her behavior what behavior
15:52For example, we didn't move to England together. That was a really big opportunity for me and
16:00Giving up on something you really want something. That's your dream is very difficult
16:05I was supposed to work in the gym where Anthony Joshua trained
16:12Feel like I gave up on myself for her
16:16So you would have gone if not for her yeah
16:20It haunts me
16:21It's coming back. It's like a demon
16:25I've totally ended up in a place. I shouldn't be in at work. I constantly feel like I'm being ground into the floor. I
16:33wanted to cry fucking scream into my towel like I
16:37Don't know what I dream of just not having to be there
16:42What did she say?
16:45Endure it
16:48Sorry, I just don't get that money is not that important. No way not like mental health
17:00I'm constantly doing stuff just for Amanda
17:02I even keep sacrificing things that are really important to me. Just show that I care about her
17:11How would he react if she ended things now, I don't know
17:28I don't want to talk
17:36Those years together and the first chick that comes along
17:42Everything will be alright. Don't get in your head about it. Okay, I
17:48Tried to justify his behavior in Mallorca, but I just can't justify it now, but then again, I don't want to end what we have
17:56fucking nuts
18:04Feel exactly the same as when I talked to that other girl face-to-face for the first time. I'm just a wreck. Oh my god
18:15I thought that if I found something out here, I wouldn't even care but you do
18:22All this time here I wanted to give him a chance because I really miss him
18:28But then I see this stuff and it's just pathetic
18:35I'm starting to realize that some of the problems are me
18:38I'm talking about the situation with his friend where they knew each other for a few years
18:42but after a while their relationship became too involved I
18:45Should have believed Camille before truly forgiven him instead of just saying it
18:59What do you fight about
19:01Stupid stuff like Paula stop being late. We set a time
19:06Camille don't walk into the bedroom with your shoes on I've told you a hundred times that it pisses me off
19:11She just has different standards
19:13It pisses me off
19:17I feel embarrassed when we argue especially in public
19:22Did you ever want to break up?
19:27There was this one situation with my friend
19:30She was sending me photos in her underwear like after a workout, and I think she wanted me to rate the picture
19:37Ice on her photos too, but I didn't think anything of it
19:40Paula felt like we totally crossed the line and I only realized it later
19:45Any fears Paula has will be resolved by this show. I'm not afraid of anything
19:52Tell my Paulina that she's beautiful every day. Does she say I love you. Yeah
19:57No, if I say it to her, then she responds with me, too
20:02But she's never come to me of her own volition and said I love you sweetie pie
20:08She's never done that. Yes. It's nice to hear right? Everyone wants to hear that they're loved
20:35Have this one thought in my head
20:40There was a situation
20:42Anya was at her place and invited some people over, you know, her closest friends and
20:47After some drinking she kissed a friend
20:51Your brain automatically starts second-guessing was it just one kiss or was it something more?
20:59And that's what I'm afraid of I do trust her but I still have some questions
21:06There's that 1% uncertainty about what happened
21:13Worried about what's going on there
21:15I'm hung up on Karolina's reaction when she saw Krzysiek. Did she get scared because he just appeared there?
21:22Or does she have something on her conscience?
21:32I've got a favor to ask. We want to talk to all of you. Okay
21:39We thought it would be good if we explained our relationship to everyone
21:46What happened here, well the reason I'm here is kind of the consequence of a misunderstanding
21:53I wouldn't be here if Karolina hadn't mentioned me earlier, right?
22:02When I saw him it was like a smack to the face I
22:05Didn't like seeing him because even though I'm in a relationship I could tell he liked me and I just felt weird
22:14If you felt so uncomfortable with the whole thing, so why did you get coffee with me? Why not?
22:23She didn't tell me to back off because she had a boyfriend
22:27Did you get coffee together or run into each other by accident good question
22:35We met for coffee in the mall, yeah
22:43Okay, hold on so you met up with him for coffee or did you accidentally run into him at the mall
22:50It was a coincidence we agreed to meet but she disagrees
22:57Yeah, we agreed to meet
23:08That's right
23:10So you said that we accidentally met in the mall. No, we agreed to meet at a particular time and place
23:26Whoops I screwed you
23:36Fucking shitty thing is that her boyfriend's going to find out like this. It's a shit situation
23:44You lied so max wouldn't know max might go crazy
23:49Yeah, but I don't know to what degree I didn't want that to happen. I know it's stupid but that's what I did
23:58I'm gonna change and then let's party. Yeah, we gotta start some good shit tonight. Let's go. That's what's up. Let's go
24:06Let's start some shit. Let's go
24:12There was a big storm and now it's passed
24:28Oh, yeah, can I join I'll penetrate
24:33This is a new one for me. I love you
24:54Great spirit
24:56Listen to our prayers
24:59Let's spin in a circle
25:02We organized a ceremony to help our partners resist temptation
25:12Cast off evil spirits find partners elsewhere somewhere else
25:22Cornell doesn't appreciate me. I love him. I'd never do that to him
25:29Need a razzle when I see them together having a great time at a party. I'm jealous. I'm pissed off
25:39The trust is almost non-existent everything he promised me has suddenly crumbled into nothing again
25:58Know that I'm priceless. Yeah, I can't even hide it
26:23Mishka and civilian focus my the residents of the villa of temptation have been very busy
26:27Let's see how they react to the news. I'm bringing
26:35Good morning, darlings
26:39Can see you're in a good mood
26:41Yeah, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. All right, but we're curious why you're here
26:46Wash spoon. It's just your time together has come to an end
26:55It's time
26:57Alinka let's hug it out
27:00Thank you
27:07It's time to say bye, yeah, will you forget me? No me neither
27:19This now I'm still version I think you're a great person
27:24You're sensitive honest and you've got a big heart. No one said that to me. Give me a hug. It's a lot on. Yeah
27:33Will you miss me? I will
27:37I'll miss our chats
27:40You help me sort through some things my head that's the best you're trying to move forward come here
27:52Know that on my end we won't be keeping in touch
27:56What I feel is that well, you haven't been completely honest. I'm glad I found myself here
28:03And I guess that's all
28:08Krzysiek and I have cleared up everything and now I feel like we have closure. I
28:13Really miss max. I just want to learn from this experience
28:17We had fun. We hit it off
28:20We did we had stuff to talk about it was nice
28:24I wanted to get to know her talk to her because she's an intelligent person
28:29There was a moment where I kind of lost control. I'm worried how Amanda will view all this
28:35The most important thing now is talking to Amanda so we can try to make some changes
28:42If you want to spend the rest of your life with her you will have to make some changes
28:48I'm miss her and I'm scared. Those are my two feelings
29:10God no
29:12Maya Maya came in and my stomach was a knots. How are you all?
29:19Terrible terrible so so
29:22horrid horrid
29:24I'm battling my thoughts
29:27Which way are you leaning? I'd like to talk to him
29:32So you're giving this a chance. Yeah for now. All right, Sandra
29:39I'm very disappointed as you can probably see
29:42And it's rough, but I'm trying to stay positive and attempt to move forward
29:47I feel helpless because
29:50Well, I can't do anything about the fact that we can't see each other. You could really use a good talk
29:54I really want out of this villa
29:58I have news that will cheer you up
30:05We're packing you're packing
30:13This villa is pretty but I hate it
30:18Pack your things darlings. You're leaving the villa. Thank you. I was worried. It was something bad. It's a miracle
30:28We felt really happy even Amanda wiped her tears and smiled goodbye to this shit I
30:35Hope the group that comes to stay here thinks twice
30:40And feels a bit guilty
30:51My heart is pounding
30:55She says you're a tooth ritchie. I'm glad I'm back. I couldn't handle one more day in that villa
31:02All I can hear in my head is let's cover the cameras and fuck
31:08It reeks of that chick's perfume in here fucking stinks
31:18Look here I see them. I look there. I see them. Is there a place in this house where they haven't been?
31:29What a view
31:33The roles are reversed now
31:37We'll have space to talk and chill out a bit
31:41She might try to get back at you maybe
31:46Like at the first ceremony, she'll say to all that's right
31:55Your girl may cut loose over there. No, she'll cool down like us. Yeah
32:03How will the new residents adapt in the villa of doubt it won't be easy
32:07Especially since their partners are facing another ceremony. Yeah, what lies will come to light this time?
32:14I plan on being tough and not crying like the past week
32:19No matter what happens I'm putting myself first
32:25Deep in my heart. I feel that everything's okay, but my head keeps saying something else
32:30Krzysiek was here with Karolina. What's the worst that could have happened?
32:37I miss bill. I hope he didn't go too far. Maybe nothing else happened between them there
32:44Thanks. Yeah
32:46I miss her if I didn't believe in Roxanna, I wouldn't really be here, but I love her very very much
32:54If I could ask Camille one question I'd want to know if he and his friend exchanged nudes
33:02Have some doubts in my mind as to whether Anya cheated on me at the beginning of our relationship
33:16Good evening dears. Good evening. I'd like to welcome you all to the next love never lies ceremony
33:24Unfortunately, I can't guarantee you'll have a pleasant evening, but I am very glad to see you all
33:28You should come out. She said tonight. You'll all learn that truth is essential to progress
33:34For yourselves and also your relationships
33:37Each of your partners has been tested with the I detect lie detector
33:43That moment there are 105 thousands lattes in the pool
33:50Your partner's truthfulness will influence your shared balance, but more importantly your relationships and your emotions
33:59Is this to be ready I guess
34:04Max please come join me
34:11Any thoughts
34:14I expect Karolina made up with Krzysiek. My heart supports are a hundred percent
34:18But there's a little voice in my head that keeps saying something might be wrong
34:26Let's watch a clip
34:31Like max to be more romantic
34:35He won't even buy me flowers when it's my birthday or
34:39Some other special occasion. I think what I miss most is being appreciated by him
34:46Did you get coffee together or run into each other by accident good question we agreed to meet
34:53But she disagrees. I
34:56Mean yes, we agreed to meet that's what happened
35:03Total cringe
35:06Whoops I screwed you
35:10Sometimes I'm scared of Max's reaction. I didn't want him to get pissed off, but he'll probably get angry. Anyways, I
35:18Asked her how does max feel about this? She said max knows and everything's okay
35:25I'd say it's a good thing that I found out that she's not honest with me. But what else is she hiding?
35:35She's lying like crazy it's embarrassing. She said she's scared of your reaction. I
35:44Don't know anyone else who's as calm as me I never react impulsively it's a stupid excuse nobody's forcing you to tell these lies
35:52What happened to you Karolina?
35:55Why do you think she met him for coffee?
35:58I'm curious about that too. If she misses little romantic gestures, let her find a different partner
36:06That's not an explanation
36:13Carolina answered the question. Did you use Krischik to make max jealous?
36:23Yes, the verdict is
36:38Maybe she figured she wanted to feel that she was important make me jealous
36:42But do you think she was right and going about it like this in this situation she did nothing right
36:50Karolina's truth added 2,000 to your pool
36:56Carolina Carolina was asked one more question before the show. Did you think of leaving max because of Krischik?
37:06She said
37:11The verdict is
37:22Instead of moving forward, thanks to this show. We're going backwards
37:28Several steps, I'm disgusted disappointed embarrassed
37:36The ceremony opened my eyes to who Carolina is I'm done idealizing her if you lie you have to face the consequences
37:43And that's that
37:45Carolina's lie has taken away 2,000
37:50Thank you
38:04Are you a bit stressed worried that I'll be a little disappointed again
38:12Ready for the first clip. Yes, I
38:17Don't know if I spoil her too much I just give sometimes I'd like her to do something for me
38:23Does she say I love you? Yeah. No, she just responds with me, too
38:29Things work when two people want it. It doesn't when one person keeps taking three steps back, right?
38:35Then it won't work
38:39She was with her friend and two guys approached them and she exchanged Instagram handles I figured it out on my own
38:45I mean, I hope she's being honest
38:51Anya is very jealous
38:53It was just one time and to this day. She throws it back in my face
38:57I did it without thinking and I won't do it again
39:01Do you feel the need to say I love you
39:06She says it so many times that I always reply with me too. I never get the chance to say it first
39:13I'm aware that she needs me to say it often and I'm still learning how to do that
39:20Anya was asked
39:23To have you had sex with anyone since being with Paulina on your funny answered
39:34The verdict is
39:41Have you ever wondered
39:45During the last party she threw she kissed her best friend
39:48So I started to wonder was it just a kiss or was there something more so thank you for specifying the question
39:56I feel much calmer that there wasn't any cheating such a relief on your truth added mm to your pool
40:07Anya answered one more question. Do you hide your tears from Paulina when you feel hurt by her?
40:14Anya answered
40:22Truth I
40:27Hadn't noticed that
40:30No, I don't do it on purpose to hurt her feelings I feel bad when I can tell she's feeling sad
40:37Do you cry in front of her?
40:39No in front of anybody
40:45When did you cry last?
40:47Yeah, well probably a year ago. I do feel sadness and whatnot, but I'm not the type of person who constantly cries
40:56I came here to like show Anya more and more of these feelings and emotions
41:02But I still need time to work through this. I'm constantly trying
41:07Anya's truth added 2,000 to your pool. I have one more clip for you. Oh
41:15My god
41:19Bella chicks like these sort of things
41:27Fuck the mic is broken. Don't sleep with your clothes on
41:36Anya Anya, I brought you this bowl in case you need it
41:42God I feel terrible
41:51It's kind of cringe
41:53It's a lot. She showed her lack of class. She should be the one sitting here explaining herself
41:58I don't understand what she was thinking to do something like that here
42:04Do you sometimes feel embarrassed by her when she's drunk like that I feel ashamed for her
42:10When my mom sees these clips, I think she'll simply ask God Paulinka, who are you dating?
42:17I really don't know what Anya was thinking. It was very stupid. It's cringeworthy
42:26Mark come join me
42:33Mark how are you?
42:36I'm nervous. Let's get it over with. I'd like you to see something
42:43You're like sociable I like that you can talk to anyone
42:49Marek doesn't have that like positive energy that bit of madness
42:54Piotrek talks to me a lot. He asks me about my mood and so on. Is this the best date you've ever had?
43:02Honestly, yes
43:09Know he'll probably just say he's the one who's been wronged more in the relationship or that he feels the hurt more deeply
43:18But I just feel sad that I'm with a person that I don't feel happy with
43:23Doesn't notice that I'm trying
43:25Aren't you wasting your life with him?
43:28I mean I do care about him
43:31If he keeps focusing only on his emotions and not noticing how much he's hurting me with what he's doing
43:37Then continuing this doesn't make sense
43:41Let's go have fun
43:51This is sad to watch everyone here will tell you that did you know she's someone happy no
44:00Roxanna was asked. Do you think your relationship with mark is stifling your growth?
44:07Her answer was
44:17No, no, no, I don't know what kind of growth she means Roxanna still a student. She doesn't work
44:23I have no clue what kind of growth we're talking about
44:26Roxanna's true answer added 2,000 to your pool. The next question. She heard was do you feel happier with Piotrek than you do with Marek?
44:37Her answer was yes
44:42The verdict is truth
44:49Didn't come here to look for another love or something
44:52I didn't come here to look for another love or something, but for us to concentrate only on ourselves
44:59But I see there won't be anyone left by my side
45:03Will you fight for her? I want to do you I do
45:12Thank you very much Marek Roxanna's truthfulness has added 2,000 to your pool Sandra, please join me
45:26Don't want to regret giving him a chance. Mm-hmm
45:30Sandra bill answered the question. Did you engage in a long-term relationship with a girl you cheated on Sandra with?
45:40Bill answered
45:48Talk to the verdict is
45:51Truth I
45:55Know exactly who he's talking about
45:59Do you think there's more?
46:02We've cleared everything up, but I can never be completely sure
46:07Bill's answer added 2,000 to your pool
46:11Sandra is ready to see a clip
46:20You can feel it when it starts to rain cuz she's coming like a hurricane
46:45You can feel it when it starts to rain cuz she's coming like a hurricane
46:51Better not stand in her way
46:54Or she'll take you down with
47:20The troublemaker