• 4 hours ago


00:00Previously on High Stakes Poker.
00:02Steve gave a table talk master class.
00:05I don't think I've ever seen you feel more comfortable.
00:07You could have three jacks.
00:08Yeah, and I'd probably lose them.
00:09One eleven.
00:10What the?
00:13Why don't I give you action?
00:14Peter Forbett, six high and one.
00:17I fold.
00:18Let me see the river.
00:22And then David picked off an Alan Keating bluff.
00:26You win.
00:27I said to myself on the flop,
00:28I'm just gonna play this soft to let him bluff.
00:32He put three bricks out there for the four high.
00:36Cash is so sweet.
00:37Out come the bricks.
00:39Crispy cash on the table.
00:40Missed this.
00:41I'm all in.
00:42These ladies ain't ladies unless they're your ladies.
00:44Got your hands on a monster and that's what it takes.
00:46If you got what it takes then you can play High Stakes.
00:53Hey everybody, welcome back to Aria Resort and Casino
00:56for High Stakes Poker Season 14.
00:59Oh, we had quite a night last time as Ryan Feldman,
01:03the judge, and Alan Keating battled.
01:05Tonight, Nick, well, we're back with a new group.
01:09Highlighted by the one and only Phil Hellmuth,
01:11everybody's got an opinion about the 17 time
01:15bracelet winner.
01:15Nick, what's your opinion?
01:17Learned a lot from Phil over the years.
01:19Icon, AJ.
01:22Talks a good game but also has a good game.
01:24Jared Blesnik, now the backer, is here.
01:26He likes to tangle with Phil quite a bit.
01:29Play much with Jared?
01:30Tricky as they come, AJ.
01:33And there's Scott Seaver, another Long Island guy
01:35but also his debut in High Stakes Poker.
01:38This guy's a legend.
01:39Likes to tangle with Phil.
01:40Got the best seat in the house for that.
01:42Truly an all-time great.
01:43AJ, his first time on High Stakes Poker.
01:46Seaver, unbelievable.
01:48The buy-in was 100,000 but guys like Blesnik
01:51and Kento Mori came with a little more cash than that.
01:55So, we've got a table full of guys
01:57who like to have some fun.
01:59Dead serious.
02:00He thinks I have it.
02:01A lot of really bad players can get there
02:04in these limit games.
02:05Yeah, exactly, but I'm saying that's a good thing.
02:07That's like.
02:08Not to mention any specific names.
02:09Yeah, you know, I'm right here, I know.
02:11I get it.
02:13No, I mean, I go public.
02:14I thought you, I said it to you and you admitted it.
02:16I said you play 15% too many hands.
02:18Yeah, Jared said I play 50% too many hands
02:21but you guys were.
02:22You say 15 or 15?
02:24He said 15, Jared told me 50.
02:26About 15.
02:27Jared told me 50.
02:28But all the champions each summer,
02:30they play 15 too many and they cash every day
02:33or they have a bad summer.
02:35And I just sit there and play perfect.
02:39Of course he does, he always does.
02:41You play good, I don't think you play perfect.
02:43You play good.
02:43You have no idea, Jared.
02:46You would think, I would have thought you'd have
02:48figured it out because only the greatest players.
02:49You know what?
02:50The greatest players are.
02:51Everybody else is like, you get to like number 10
02:53in the world and down to 100.
02:55They're all, they don't really understand.
02:57They ask me about you.
02:58They don't understand what's happening.
02:59You know what I just told them?
03:00Of where?
03:01Of where?
03:02Top five players in the world,
03:03they don't understand what we're doing.
03:04I literally just did an interview.
03:05They asked about you.
03:06I said 80% of the high stakes community thinks you suck.
03:08And I said I'm in that 20% that think you're like
03:11the best of the best.
03:13I don't think 80%, Jared, that was 10 years ago.
03:16They saw, everyone noticed when I won 23 out of 24
03:19televised cash games.
03:21They noticed.
03:22I mean, because you said it out loud every time.
03:24Yeah, it's true.
03:25I did say it out loud.
03:26But they kept fact checking.
03:28You kept pointing and saying, look at me,
03:29it's right here.
03:30But they kept fact checking and fact checking.
03:31Oh, he did win 23 out of 24 televised games.
03:33I mean, it does help.
03:34I want to know how he did on 24 un-televised games.
03:37I was pretty tired.
03:38I wanted to go home.
03:39Book a win, book a win.
03:40450,000 I won in Rob's game.
03:42Absolutely, that is true.
03:43That's not $12.
03:44I agree, it's not.
03:46But sometimes it is $12 and you start yawning real loudly.
03:51I yawn when I'm up 300,000.
03:53Yeah, that one's just like, oh man,
03:55God, do you know this guy?
03:56My phone's ringing, I think.
03:57Yeah, yeah, sorry.
03:58Gottlieb raises to 1,100 with ace-jack.
04:01She needs me at home.
04:03I would love to stay.
04:04There's nothing I can do.
04:05Yeah, I have to go.
04:06I just have, my hands are tied.
04:11You know, the other day in the tournament,
04:12I played with Phil Hellmuth III.
04:14His son.
04:15No, really?
04:16I'm not kidding.
04:17I didn't know that.
04:18Nice game.
04:19Wow, chip off the old block.
04:20That's over here.
04:20Have you seen that one?
04:21I might not have played this one.
04:22He just took my 200 into the stack.
04:26I swear to God, I was like, wow.
04:27I would have called this for 9, but not 11.
04:30Okay, speak of the devil.
04:33Oh my.
04:38Note he checked it back in relatively short order.
04:411,400 now from Gottlieb on the turn.
04:44Phil raises to four dimes.
04:46The sort of stutter step delay from Hellmuth.
04:50He loves taking these kind of crafty unorthodox lines.
04:54Gottlieb is in.
04:56Can't get rid of him.
05:01There's a check on the river.
05:12Best hand every straight.
05:14All right, Phil.
05:16Note Siever with a little quip.
05:19Best hand every straight.
05:20He was right.
05:33Straddle time?
05:34We'll do a round.
05:35All right, straddle time it is.
05:37I'm down.
05:43By the way, if you want to fold that hand,
05:44you got to make it like 20,000.
05:47He learned now though, at least, right?
05:49I learned a lot there.
05:5015,000 probably gets it done, but 20,000 for sure.
05:52This is what they don't understand.
05:53They think you lost that hand.
05:54You invested 4,000 in information you didn't have,
05:58and they don't realize that.
06:00Gottlieb makes it 2,000 on his pair of fives.
06:03Now, now it's about to come to roost,
06:05because everyone knows you always get aces
06:08the hand after playing a hand stupidly.
06:11Phil makes it 6,000 actually, ace check.
06:13That he does.
06:14By the way, this is a tough seat for Hellmuth
06:15with Siever on his left.
06:16Not just poker-wise, but Scotty relentless
06:19with the table talk in his own right.
06:21Right, never.
06:22Never, right?
06:23I know, I just heard him.
06:25Like, ever.
06:26Like, maybe literal never?
06:31All right, here we go.
06:33I like your side.
06:34You have more discipline than I do.
06:41Oh, man.
06:42Top pair, top kicker for Hellmuth,
06:43bottom set for Gottlieb.
06:46What a nice start from Hellmuth,
06:48somehow coming with the check back.
06:554,200 from Seth.
07:04Raising to 11.
07:07An understandable pursuit of value after check, check.
07:10Gottlieb came with roughly third.
07:12He deems his jack worthy of juicing it up.
07:16Gottlieb's coming over the top, AJ.
07:18I love this.
07:18This is getting interesting.
07:19Nice, 26 dimes.
07:21Oh, man.
07:30Generally, they fold when they say,
07:32oh, man, what the, you know, but.
07:34Yeah, yeah.
07:35But this is Phil Hellmuth.
07:36Oh, man.
07:37A set, really?
07:41I'll show you, Phil.
07:43Yeah, I slow played this hand,
07:44this is the last hand.
07:46Remember how normally I check back like a king there?
07:49Do you know what I mean?
07:50And I decided not to check back to king.
07:53I mean, I decided to, I didn't have it that time.
07:55So now, of course, you know I have
07:56at least an over pair here, right?
07:58Which is a real bad spot for me, I guess I have.
08:00Story time.
08:01Oh, boy.
08:02All right, Phil.
08:03Interesting, he, all right, here we go.
08:06I assumed he was getting away when he said set once again,
08:08but he's in, AJ.
08:11Brag time story hour with Phil Hellmuth.
08:14This has so backfired on me, it's so frustrating.
08:28Here comes Gottlieb, makes it 28,000.
08:34And it's interesting, I feel Gottlieb perhaps
08:37is not afraid of the club, given Phil's speech on the turn.
08:41Of course, he may have done that with a draw,
08:44but it kind of felt like what it was.
08:47The only show I've run bad on is high stakes poker.
08:50It's the only one.
08:51So I thought maybe I'd win 300 today.
08:54Really good feeling.
08:58This is what happens.
08:59Would you drive cross country with Hellmuth?
09:01Really good feeling.
09:06It'd be entertaining, put it that way.
09:07I mean, I don't wanna drive cross country
09:09with anyone, to be fair, but.
09:11I mean, even if he has nine done of clubs,
09:18he hit a miracle.
09:21Oh, Scotty loves it.
09:22Look at Scotty, AJ.
09:26Look at the genuine joy on Seaver's face.
09:29Yes, yes.
09:36What do you have, my man?
09:42That's really great, thank you.
09:45All right.
09:47I call.
09:48I got a set.
09:50You don't see the bad things.
09:51Okay, Philly boy.
09:54I was gonna say the two fives,
09:55that's why I brought up Phil's before,
09:56because remember you put Phil exactly
09:58on two fives in the green room?
09:59I was gonna say he has two fives,
10:00and he has nine eight of hearts.
10:02Oh, how can I ever have nine?
10:04I'm the tightest player in history.
10:05Nine eight of hearts.
10:06No, I have at least ace jack.
10:08Three fives and a nine eight of hearts, Phil.
10:12You know what's very tilting about this?
10:16I realized right away,
10:16this is a guy you check back top pair to,
10:19because he's gonna pay you with ace jack high.
10:21So I flopped top pair, and I checked it back to him,
10:23and he somehow cooled me.
10:26I just don't have enough time with him to understand.
10:31Honestly, it's Jared's fault
10:32for choosing a straddle this hand out of nowhere.
10:34This ball would have been so much smaller
10:35without that straddle.
10:37Scotty relentless with these sort of
10:39Yeah, he knows how to
10:41Insidious needles.
10:42He'll get me back, Phil.
10:44I have no doubt.
10:45These mixed game players' needles are on another level.
10:47There we go.
10:48Really not fair.
10:49Speaking of the devil,
10:50I am nothing compared to Jared.
10:51Jared is much better at this than I am.
10:58The last time I was in the studio,
11:00I threw a mic pack,
11:01and it was the most justified mic pack throw ever,
11:04but then what happens, right?
11:06People like Doug Polk, fake news, Doug.
11:09They turn it into a clip where Phil's
11:15And I am completely wrong for throwing the mic pack.
11:19But they turn into something it isn't.
11:21And so, I mean, that's actually really good for me.
11:24And then there's all the haters.
11:25So I knew the minute that I threw that mic pack,
11:27I knew that there was gonna be a firestorm of negativity,
11:31only there wasn't.
11:32I couldn't believe it,
11:34but I guess Doug Polk's got his hand on it now,
11:36so he's the great,
11:38he's the one that'll show you part of the clip
11:40and make you look as bad as you can.
11:42Fake news, Doug.
11:44Fake news, huh?
11:45Well, you know, last time I was at Bellagio,
11:48I actually stabbed a guy,
11:49but, you know, they'll tell you it was something nuts.
11:53Guy's fine.
11:54Have you been to Vietnamese before?
11:56I have not.
11:57It is stunning, stunningly beautiful.
12:00So, I agree, and then the fires came.
12:07And that's not your fault.
12:08So that's why you gotta take those down payments
12:10when you can get them.
12:11My agent's pretty smart.
12:12That's considered an act of God.
12:16So my agent reached back out to them,
12:18so if I go to Ibiza,
12:22and we lowered our price, so it'd be 150 per.
12:27That's not bad, though.
12:28Blesnik raises with 10-7.
12:31Doesn't mind messing with Phil.
12:34No, in fact, he loves it.
12:38Well, other than, you know, props mix games,
12:40but I haven't played a hand with Nolan Goldham
12:42since the series.
12:48It's a kind of classic Blesnik face, mouth open.
12:52Yes, it is.
12:53Phil's gone with the not flush draw.
12:58I thought that was gonna be a check dark hand.
13:02Is it?
13:04My instinct said to move in there.
13:07Jared, when people limp,
13:08he raised every, last time I played with him for two days,
13:11every time somebody limped, he raised.
13:13And every time you limp, you had a big hand.
13:15You're supposed to dial it in, but say nothing.
13:17I had ace, three of clubs.
13:18I had you beat him, pretty sure.
13:22You gotta let him just keep it in the small pots,
13:24but don't say anything, and then you hang him for it all.
13:28Yeah, but it didn't work last time.
13:31Yeah, but he doesn't, he won't adjust anyway.
13:34That's actually true.
13:37Godfrey raises to 1,000 with King-Deuce of spades.
13:45It was 1,000?
13:48Sorry, 3,500.
13:52I saw you call, Bo.
13:58Oh my goodness.
14:00Tell me, Phil.
14:02Oh boy.
14:04Ooh, makes it 12,000.
14:11That was like, did I tell you that?
14:13That's probably not, there was,
14:14well, I guess I'll let you hold out those hands.
14:15Not going away, obviously.
14:17I got aces.
14:18Bang, bang.
14:20Nice hand.
14:23The queen?
14:24Yeah, queen.
14:26Cooler city.
14:28And you gotta use the brick.
14:34Oh, one, okay.
14:37Whatever you want, Phil.
14:38How many times do I have to go?
14:38Whatever you want.
14:39One time.
14:40Here we go.
14:41Okay, one time, AJ.
14:43Get in love with quick.
14:53That's just interesting.
14:57Who do you think's happier right now?
14:59Gottlieb or Seaver?
15:02Now that's interesting.
15:03Probably Seaver.
15:06But nine grabs.
15:07Nine of clubs is looming.
15:17Take it, Seth, what a start.
15:19I quit.
15:20Big start for Gottlieb.
15:20Was that I quit?
15:22That was fun.
15:23I think he said I quit, AJ.
15:24Come on.
15:25And the mic pack is, it's off.
15:27He took about 90 grand, I feel like.
15:29He might just be going for a walk to cool off.
15:32We'll see.
15:32I would imagine.
15:35Could Phil have his fill?
15:36No way.
15:39All right.
15:40Good game, sir.
15:42Good evening, if he's gone.
15:43He didn't say bye to the rest of us.
15:44He was gonna win 300,000 tonight, he said.
15:46What happened?
15:47No, no.
15:48Marcus and I, we got like a salad together before playing,
15:52and we both said the moment he loses like one big pot,
15:55he was gonna quit.
15:56I thought he would quit when we were set.
15:58I was actually impressed.
15:59He stayed.
16:00How long did he last?
16:0140 minutes?
16:06I got aces.
16:07You tried to win.
16:10Good hand.
16:10I quit.
16:13That was fun.
16:18I put a million dollar bounty, okay?
16:20There's a Wemba Nyama card.
16:23Oh, I watched the video of that.
16:24I put a million dollar bounty on this card.
16:27If the product releases this Wednesday,
16:29there's a chance that I got my shipment in today.
16:31If I did, I'm gonna get some.
16:33We'll be the first in the world to open this product.
16:35What does that mean?
16:36Puts a bounty on a baseball card?
16:37He runs a sports cards business.
16:39Oh, that's right.
16:40So, you know, Wemby, obviously,
16:41I don't know the nuances of what's what.
16:45So, Wemby's kicking ass this year.
16:47Oh, he's good.
16:48Oh, yeah.
16:49Okay, I'm gonna get.
16:49Seven foot and change, hitting threes, unbelievable.
16:52You're setting the market price, though, basically?
16:55Because you're-
16:56Yeah, he's putting out an open offer.
16:58It's like a pretty standard thing with things like this.
16:59You're just like,
17:00hey, if anyone wants a no negotiation, whatever,
17:02whoever opens it, open offer standing.
17:06But if we pull the super.
17:08Yeah, you have to not say anything
17:09because you would change the entire market.
17:12Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
17:13Yeah, because it would actually change the whole-
17:1510, 10, three on the flop.
17:17I'm literally paying a million dollars.
17:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:20How many players?
17:21I think just you and me.
17:34Blaz raises to 2,500.
17:37Something of a value type raise from Blaz.
17:44Severs in.
18:03Likes his fours.
18:06Bets 4,800.
18:08This is really nice from Seaver.
18:10Just a value bet with tens and fours.
18:13Really putting Blaz on the three.
18:15Blaz is in.
18:21Yeah, it came right off.
18:22Seaver with the full house.
18:25And a difficult card for Blaz if he was ahead on the turn.
18:27He's likely still ahead.
18:2917.4 in the middle.
18:42That's 11,000.
18:49There's something so much less stressful.
18:51No one would hold them
18:52when you know you're not gonna get raised.
18:54It's like all the tension just.
18:57Yeah, I agree.
18:58You know what I mean?
18:59Even with nothing or like a weak hand or a great hand,
19:01it's just like, okay, cool.
19:03We got past the like, do I gotta like be locked in?
19:08Like my job is now done this hand, which is nice.
19:12You didn't want to come with the raise there?
19:13Take it down, sir.
19:14I did.
19:16Jared has done that to me before.
19:18She was on the board.
19:19He gives my crazy speech about like
19:20whatever she did when he hit me with a raise.
19:22And I hit him with like some crazy,
19:24like, oh, I don't know what to do.
19:25And then I jammed on him.
19:26We both just had the stone knots.
19:27It's like, okay, cool.
19:29What's the background on Seaver?
19:31In what regard?
19:33Computer science, brilliant guy.
19:35One of the best poker players of all time.
19:37Unequivocally, absolute legend.
19:39I wonder why he hasn't played in high stakes poker.
19:42You know, he's had some major tournament wins,
19:44but much of Seaver's poker is played
19:46at the highest of stakes,
19:48tucked away in the back of the card room.
19:52Let's go.
20:08It's a V3 bet.
20:09He definitely called fours out to that hand.
20:13That was my exact thought process.
20:14Yeah, yeah.
20:21That's 6,000 with eight, seven clubs.
20:24I noticed players like raising with these type of hands,
20:27Nick, why exactly?
20:28You're absolutely right, AJ.
20:30They just play very well deep.
20:33So many possibilities, not just to make a hand,
20:36but to make a draw worthy of shoveling chips in the pot
20:39and perhaps winning uncontested.
20:45And for Marcus, same story, King-10 of hearts, a beauty.
20:47He's in.
20:50Not much there.
20:57But it's the Blaise who started things off pre-flop,
21:00telling a story.
21:04And for Marcus in position with his backdoor flush draw,
21:06straddling the jack, surely he's not going quietly just yet.
21:13Blaise bets 6,500.
21:16Which one do you want me to open, the whiskey or the cognac?
21:18You can choose and we'll crack it open
21:20and come back from break.
21:21Let's start with the whiskey.
21:22You got it.
21:23Let's start with the whiskey.
21:24They're starting with the whiskey over there.
21:24Oh wow, it's early.
21:25AJ, open-ended now for Marcus.
21:27Clubs working for Blaise, Nick.
21:28There you go.
21:30One could not pick a more action turn than this.
21:33Yeah, this is good.
21:38Blaise bets 27 dimes.
21:49He's in.
22:05He's in.
22:06He's in.
22:12Deuce on the river.
22:14Some things Jared likes about his hand
22:17is no four, five, nine, 10, or king.
22:20He really wants Marcus to have something
22:22like we're looking at.
22:24He doesn't love having two clubs
22:26as he would like Marcus to have busted clubs,
22:29but nonetheless, with just eight high,
22:32might he be going for it, AJ?
22:34Does just shut it down.
22:35Just shuts it down, bro.
22:37I don't know.
22:39Always a nice feeling to see them wave their hands
22:41and say eight high when you have king high,
22:4380 dimes in the middle.
22:44That must feel good.
22:46That must feel real good.
22:47The Blaise is sick, AJ.
22:49King high wins an $80,000 pot.
22:52Where did everyone go?
22:56Welcome back to Las Vegas.
22:58The players are back in the game.
23:00We're back with Marcus.
23:01He's in.
23:02He's in.
23:03He's in.
23:04He's in.
23:04He's in.
23:05He's in.
23:06He's in.
23:07He's in.
23:08The players have made their way back
23:09and they'll see Marcus is stacked,
23:11a little more stacked.
23:14And there's still an empty seat.
23:16Where Phil Hellmuth once was.
23:18We're working on filling that seat up.
23:23I teed it up for you, Scott.
23:24See, everyone has different styles.
23:25Everyone has different styles.
23:27I handled it well.
23:28Gottlieb in the lead.
23:30Kento hasn't done much yet.
23:32You have any info for us on Kento?
23:34One thing that jumps out at me is 15 years ago,
23:37he said watching high stakes poker on TV as a younger guy,
23:41that was his dream of being at the table and playing.
23:43Yeah, isn't that pretty cool?
23:44I love that.
23:46All right, welcome Kento.
23:47Couple of sixes for Seaver.
23:57Suited paint for the Blaise.
23:59Here he comes.
24:00Loves action.
24:02Ace queen for Gottlieb.
24:04Makes it 4K.
24:07Seavers in.
24:20Blaise ain't going anywhere.
24:21Naturally, Blaise not looking for diamonds.
24:28Pretty clean for Scott.
24:38Got cold in here.
24:43Whiskey will take care of that.
24:48AJ, is the Blaise careening off the tracks?
24:51I would say 7,000 on Jack, Deuce, and Diamonds.
25:02But Gottlieb's in.
25:04And were it heads up for Seaver,
25:06this would be a quite comfortable call.
25:09The inclusion of Gottlieb after three betting pre
25:12and then calling now does make it a little bit stickier.
25:15Gottlieb often has an over pair here.
25:32Does make the right choice.
25:33Yes, he does.
25:33Well, let's go to the turn.
25:39Ten of hearts on the turn.
26:04He's going to kick it up here, huh?
26:08The Blaise really is proficient in these kinds of lines.
26:12Just sort of representing great hands.
26:17I've seen him do this for so many years.
26:20That's pretty wild.
26:2422,000 from Blaisnik.
26:34Look at this, AJ.
26:36Here we go.
26:37A true non-believer.
26:40Jared, though.
26:47Scotty now with six high.
26:50Oh, man.
26:50Oh, no.
26:59Oh, man.
27:00Scotty's breathless, AJ.
27:02That hurt.
27:03He had him pretty dead to rights.
27:09I wish the diamonds would have come.
27:10Ace, queen of diamonds.
27:12That's what you had?
27:17Two pair, tens and sevens.
27:18My pair no good now.
27:20He's asking why I didn't win the hand.
27:24Jack high.
27:25Jack high, good now.
27:26Ten, sevens, and sixes.
27:27Three pair.
27:28You have a six, six, seven, right?
27:30No, it's six, six.
27:31Six, six?
27:32Six, six.
27:33Six, seven.
27:34No, six, six.
27:36Scott, want a coffee?
27:37That's sick.
27:38Yeah, yeah, I'll support.
27:39I mean, I knew you were screwing around,
27:40but there's nothing I can do with my ace high anymore.
27:45I was calling stacks on literally any card.
27:48Yes, thank you.
27:50It's all good.
27:51Whatever, it's all good.
27:52It happens.
27:53It's all good, gang.
27:54We smile when we win, and we laugh when we lose.
27:57Is that right?
27:58I like that.
27:59That's good.
28:00Scott says that all the time at the table.
28:03I forget who it's an ode to.
28:04Some legendary player used to say that.
28:08Queens for Gonsalves.
28:09To be honest, I think I was giving up on most rivers.
28:12I want to see Kento in a game, man.
28:14To be honest, I was going to call in 0.0 seconds.
28:19Including on a jack, though,
28:20so you could have stacked back.
28:24Oh, by the way, Kento folded Jack, eight of diamonds.
28:27Note what's going on here.
28:29Top boat for Marcus.
28:31Ace, eight for Gottlieb.
28:33This is wild.
28:34Believe roughly 170 dimes will be slid over to Marcus
28:38before this one is over, often.
28:42Oh, Scotty.
28:43Oh, boy.
28:47See if we're perhaps still just blind from last hand.
28:50And for Marcus, of course, this is the dream.
28:53Goes for the slow play.
28:54Uh-huh, all right.
28:56See what the turn brings, AJ.
28:57I like it.
29:03Check, check.
29:13Wondering how much money you can get out of these guys.
29:16Yeah, meanwhile, he's drawing stone dead.
29:19The eight of diamonds accounted for elsewhere.
29:21Ah, how are you doing it?
29:22I just drink Needs, but that doesn't have to affect you.
29:25Needs, good.
29:26No, I usually drink Needs.
29:28You know, Sinatra used to drink his Jack Daniels, right?
29:31One time, the bartender asked,
29:32you want a water back, Frank?
29:34He said, I'm not dirty, I'm thirsty, pal.
29:38Marcus still slow playing.
29:40What did Ava Gardner say about Frank?
29:42It was something like he was 150 pounds.
29:46But, um.
29:4780 pounds in his pants?
29:49Yeah, 80 pounds, yeah.
29:50Yeah, there you go.
29:51It was actually only 70 pounds.
29:53Oh, too bad, Frank.
29:54Jack of hearts on the river.
29:56I felt like this was gonna play kind of small
29:57because I thought Phil might object
29:58to the straddle and stuff.
30:0226 up.
30:04The night is young, though.
30:05Of course, check raise forthcoming.
30:06Exactly, we can kick it up a little.
30:08See if Gottlieb can get away.
30:09Let's see.
30:11Thanks, man.
30:12Absolutely, pleasure to meet you.
30:14If anyone wants.
30:14That's a good pour.
30:15More than welcome, obviously, feel free.
30:16That's a big pour.
30:19Is that good whiskey?
30:20That's like a judge at the end of the day type pour.
30:24Way more.
30:25Careful, Gottlieb.
30:25Way, way, way more.
30:26Yeah, that's a good one.
30:29I noticed on the last season, you like to drink.
30:31Time to time.
30:33It's time.
30:34You were hammered on this.
30:36It'll happen.
30:38Gotta have a good time sometimes.
30:44If you want even just like a little tiny sip.
30:46It's more than welcome.
30:47Hey, hey.
30:48It's like.
30:49You gotta be kidding me.
30:50$88,000 from Gonzales.
30:53What are you doing?
31:09I guess I got cooler in here.
31:10Big time.
31:17Calling here, huh?
31:19What do you think, Dick?
31:21Oh my.
31:21I think it's reasonable, AJ.
31:24I had a jockey.
31:25It was just a bluff catcher on the end, but.
31:28How much?
31:29Tough run out for Gottlieb.
31:33Should've just folded.
31:34Now you can text home, man.
31:44That's the difference between you and me,
31:45our whole lives, right there, Marcus.
31:46The what?
31:47Difference between you and me, our whole lives.
31:49These two hands right here.
31:50You've had AC for 20 years.
31:53No, no.
31:53I would, of course, just check back
31:55and fold an AC up on the river.
31:58I'm saying my six is versus Jared.
32:00That's me.
32:01Queen's full for say safe.
32:02That's you.
32:03That's you.
32:07Well, the whiskey's flowing.
32:09That means the poker's gonna get even more fun.
32:11So stick around.
32:16What's up, guys?
32:17Hey, sexy so-and-sos.
32:19How you doing?
32:20All right, at least we got another drinking buddy.
32:21What's up, cousin?
32:22How you doing?
32:23Tell you what, I brought the good stuff.
32:26That is all reliable.
32:27Justin Young is taking Phil Helmby's seat.
32:33Taking it in style, too, by the way.
32:35Yeah, yeah.
32:36Welcome, sir.
32:37And he's a regular at ARIA, is that right?
32:39Plays a lot?
32:41High stakes guy.
32:41Tournaments, cash, legend.
32:43Great guy.
32:44Good, good, good.
32:45A lot going on here.
32:46Queen, 10 of diamonds.
32:47Receiver, jacks for Gavery.
32:49Looking good.
32:50Tens for Blesnik.
32:51This is a little bit wild.
32:52This is wild, okay.
32:57Not the most exciting pair of tens
32:59when you have a raised M3 bet in front of you.
33:06However, Gavery did just start with the whiskey.
33:09That's what I said.
33:10Once he starts making the pours,
33:12things tend to happen.
33:13And he makes it 12,000 here.
33:17Excellent from Blesnik.
33:20That's a lot of drama.
33:21He wants some screen time.
33:22Yeah, I know.
33:23He's got a lot going on.
33:25He wants some screen time.
33:38Maybe he just knew what I had though.
33:39I don't know.
33:43I like this guy.
33:44Makes it 35,000.
33:47Soon as he sits down, gets his kings.
33:50This ought to be fun.
33:51Savers counting down.
33:53We would imagine he's out.
33:55But you never know with scops.
33:57Part of what makes them great.
34:05Just queen ten though, AJ.
34:06Yeah, yeah.
34:11Smart man.
34:12All in.
34:15Gaver, all in.
34:17Here we go.
34:19I mean, I don't know if it's a cooler.
34:20I think I just played bad.
34:23I don't know.
34:26You were going to get me out and I had a worse hand.
34:29Twice is nice.
34:36I was begging for Jared to do it.
34:38By the way, Scott, you said I wanted some screen time there?
34:41Wait until you see what I have.
34:42Come on, I'm sure you had a good hand.
34:46All right, no Jack.
34:48You can peel this river.
34:49Don't worry about that.
34:50You can peel this river.
34:51We promise.
34:52There's no outs.
34:54All right, there's not much suspense on this one.
34:56You guys going twice?
34:57Yeah, yeah, we're going twice.
34:58And there's going to be lots of Jacks on that second board.
35:01One less game.
35:02I didn't have a Jack, I didn't.
35:04A lot of paints out there.
35:07Queen, queen, queen, queen.
35:14Looks like it.
35:16At least the game won't break.
35:17Jared, you got a pocket nines?
35:25Wow, this is sharp.
35:28All right.
35:31Good hand shot.
35:32Thank you, Justin.
35:33Lucky, lucky.
35:34What's my hand, Scott?
35:35I win neither board.
35:36Is this mine, too?
35:37Of course you win neither board.
35:38They both have a full house.
35:39They both have top boats.
35:39All right, let's go.
35:40All right, let's go.
35:41All right, let's go.
35:42All right, let's go.
35:43All right, let's go.
35:44All right, let's go.
35:45All right, let's go.
35:47Okay, true.
35:48He goes, what do you think I have?
35:49I lose on both boards.
35:51Yeah, no.
35:52I also lose on both boards.
35:54Slice was definitely nice for Justin Gavry.
35:57Jacks survive against Kings.
36:01There's nothing better than getting a big bluff through.
36:04It's just, it's such a relief, you know,
36:06especially if the opponent's in the tank for a little while
36:09and you're just sitting there,
36:10kind of about to lose your mind,
36:12just hoping it's all going to be over with,
36:14and then they finally fold.
36:16It just feels great.
36:17It's so much fun.
36:18It's one of my favorite parts of poker, for sure.
36:21I was the only guy with an ace.
36:22How could I lose?
36:24Well, it came ace high.
36:25No, we're talking about this next hand.
36:27I know you don't pay attention to hands,
36:28but you don't know if Kings are better or anything,
36:30because you get them so often.
36:32It's true.
36:33You'd think I'd be richer.
36:37Don't disagree there at all.
36:40It wasn't for all the other vices.
36:43Ace, jack for Gavry.
36:44My biggest vice is just losing a jack high, I guess.
36:47That's my biggest vice.
36:48You guys still play your game?
36:50Yeah, yeah.
36:51We're at Aria, yeah.
36:52Oh, it's at Aria now?
36:57Emma still play?
37:01She was in town for the summer,
37:03but she didn't play our game, no.
37:05Oh, really?
37:06She was playing Bellagio.
37:11But she came by and said hello a bunch of times.
37:13She's sweet.
37:15Hearts for Gottlieb.
37:16I showed up one time at the Bellagio,
37:19and Berkey was playing.
37:21They were playing like four or five-handed this game.
37:24This game mean no limit hold'em?
37:26No, like this limit.
37:27Oh, yeah.
37:27They were just, they rolled out the red carpet for me.
37:31Oh, sure.
37:32Oh, my God, of course.
37:33Clubs, Gavry.
37:33And I'm like, I'm just coming to say hello,
37:34and they were just dying for me to play.
37:35Yeah, yeah.
37:37And I was just, I had no chance of a game.
37:40It was probably the toughest game I've seen.
37:43Four-handed no limit game.
37:45But if they're having fun, that's what matters.
37:47That's right.
37:48You know what I mean?
37:48It was such a tough game.
37:50Well, if you want to play it, are you?
37:51Let me know.
37:56You guys still start early?
37:58No, 19,000.
38:00It's a different game altogether.
38:01This is a little bit interesting for Gottlieb,
38:03as played.
38:04We start around one o'clock.
38:05Oh, what?
38:06What to do?
38:07You guys used to start like at 9 a.m.
38:08Two different games.
38:09The jack, not a particularly clean out,
38:11but he does have the hearts, the six,
38:13and maybe finding a way to bluff the river.
38:16He is in.
38:17Yeah, he's in.
38:19I actually kind of enjoyed like the early,
38:20but like.
38:22You like his $19,000 raise earlier?
38:24I like it.
38:256.30, 7.30 every day.
38:27And might this be a card Gottlieb chooses to represent?
38:30Does just check.
38:31No, no, of course.
38:32Oh, yeah.
38:34All your friends are decrepit, I get it.
38:34Murder, She Wrote, goes off the air at like 9 a.m.
38:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
38:39Once Angela.
38:39Two dimes from Gavry.
38:42Makes two of us,
38:42but I probably have the best hand if we both miss.
38:44It's Jack.
38:45Or it's Queen.
38:46You're too good.
38:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
38:49We might have to go two for one on the whiskey from now on.
38:52Might as well have the bracelets.
38:53You go all in, he pulls you.
38:55That's the problem with the cognac.
38:56It's dangerous.
38:57You just look down and the cup's gone,
38:58and it's like, what happened?
38:59Yeah, that happened very quickly.
39:00Yeah, same.
39:01Oh, actually.
39:02They're just inhaling the cognac over here, AJ.
39:05Those are big pours, man.
39:08You're still kind of off the sauce, right?
39:10I think I've had about 10 drinks since the summer.
39:13Yeah, I'm for it.
39:13A round of straddles?
39:14All right, let's go.
39:15Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
39:17I love drinking, though,
39:18but it's no good if you get a certain age.
39:20You can't keep doing it.
39:23You're young yet, my boy.
39:25And here we are at the last hand of the night.
39:28You played that King Six?
39:29Yeah, exactly.
39:30See if we get some fireworks here.
39:32I have a feeling we will.
39:34Let's see.
39:35We're talking about him, not you,
39:36just because you're doing something stupid here.
39:38It has nothing to do about it.
39:39Three bets to 8,000 with his Ace of Kings off suit.
39:43Oh, Lord, give me nothing.
39:44No action from Kento yet.
39:47No cards for Kento yet, really.
39:51Luckily, you ordered food.
39:55Snape, I'll have a drink with her.
39:57What, scotch?
39:58Okay, I'll do scotch.
39:59Yeah, absolutely.
40:03I like the smell of it.
40:07Or the smell of it.
40:10We're not too classy to use the same glass, right?
40:12No, no, no.
40:13That's why I took the extra step.
40:14Or should we get a fresh glass?
40:15No, no, no.
40:16I'm not that fancy.
40:16That was my...
40:17I'm not that fancy,
40:18but sometimes other people are.
40:22What are we working with?
40:23I'm just curious.
40:24Oh, okay.
40:25I haven't had the 25, but yeah.
40:27It's like my favorite.
40:28I love Highland Park in general, too.
40:29Scott, don't leave me out.
40:30Oh, absolutely.
40:32That was actually genuinely very rude.
40:34I poured for the two of us,
40:35and then just re-put the...
40:36No, it's okay.
40:37It was actually polite,
40:38because most people are usually trying to get me drunk.
40:39I can't see the brand that is.
40:41What is that?
40:42You don't know me, but...
40:43I don't know, AJ,
40:44but they've alluded to it being very good.
40:46I'm sure it is.
40:48Eight times from Blesnick, Gottlieb's Inn.
40:50Of course.
40:51Thanks again, Scott.
40:52I appreciate it.
40:53Let's see that river.
40:54Cheers, boys.
40:56Justin number one.
40:56Ballewd, Justin.
40:57How about that, Bles?
40:58What Justin number are you?
41:01That's a really good number.
41:02I did show...
41:03That's a really good number.
41:04I did get onto this show before you did.
41:08That sounds like your number two.
41:09On this show, number one.
41:11Number two.
41:13Where are you, Bart?
41:14You are on this earth.
41:1530 times from Blesnick.
41:17And that gives him...
41:17I'm first to die.
41:19That's a good point.
41:19I mean, that's iffy.
41:21I live hard.
41:22We can race to the grave.
41:26You guys all talk a big game.
41:29Can't laugh about that.
41:30Y'all are cowards.
41:34Scott, you don't know me, my friend.
41:38You don't know me, my friend.
41:42You got it, Jared?
41:42I almost...
41:43Hop on.
41:44I can't.
41:45I have a friend who was trying to get me to go to...
41:47He's got it.
41:48I gotta get back to my family.
41:49No, I don't know.
41:50Who else in your camp?
41:51Not that it matters.
41:52I'm leaving town in a couple days.
41:53It's only like a couple poker players.
41:55Oh, there it is.
41:57His reputation preceded him, HA.
41:59Down the toilet.
42:03$30,000 toilet.
42:06Down the toilet, as we say.
42:08Easy for me to say.
42:09I'm not sitting there playing,
42:10but it looks real simple from up here.
42:14The backer's hand didn't really make sense to Gottlieb,
42:17so he paid it off.
42:19What are you gonna do?
42:20It happens.
42:22The play is on top with $334,000.
42:25Gonzalez behind at $242,000 and change.
42:28Gottlieb in the middle at $161,000.
42:30Scott Seaver bringing up the rear at $83,500.
42:36Next time on High Stakes Poker,
42:38Justin Young injures himself.
42:40Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
42:43Well, he goes wild.
42:44Literally hurt myself wild.
42:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
42:47Jared Blesnik changes his mind.
42:49You play great.
42:52You play bad.
42:53Ha ha ha ha ha!
42:55And Justin Gavry has a lot of outs.
42:58Oh, wow, what a call, what a call!
43:02Come on, baby.
43:03Let's do it.
43:04Spade, put him away.