• 10 hours ago


00:00Okay, uh, the reason I asked you to come here
00:04is because, uh, there's something that
00:08I think you can help me with.
00:11Well, you know, after all this time,
00:13you can always count on your very good friend, Lucico.
00:17Finale! It's so good to see you!
00:20That goes one million, two hundred and thirty thousand,
00:22four hundred times more so for me.
00:25Number of seconds in four years.
00:27You know me so well.
00:28And, of course, you are my oldest friend in the whole world
00:30and, as ever, one of my dearest.
00:34Shall we?
00:35Yeah, if I may.
00:36Thanks so much for meeting me.
00:38Well, of course. I'm always at your service.
00:40I do wish we could have done it sooner, but, uh...
00:45How are you, uh, handling your latest reality?
00:49Well, when I'm not working, I'm spending every moment with Rocco.
00:52Of course.
00:53And when I'm not with him, I'm doing everything I can
00:56to find my daughter, which means finding Valentin.
00:58Ah, I see.
00:59And everyone tells me that I need to be patient,
01:01that I'll find Charlotte, but...
01:03You're running out of your self-imposed calm and restraint.
01:07I knew you'd get it.
01:10So when do we start looking?
01:12Lulu, I... I have been looking, but there's nothing to find.
01:16I've been through Valentin's... all of his old accounts.
01:19I tracked him to Switzerland, but after that, the trail went cold.
01:22Okay, how about...
01:23And I've combed through all the corners of the dark web.
01:27And again, there's nothing.
01:33There is one place we still haven't searched.
01:35What do you mean he's right?
01:37Where's Diane?
01:38Diane is unavailable, so I have to handle the matter.
01:41I don't want you here.
01:42Well, I don't want to be here, but right now, I'm all you've got.
01:46If you think that all I've got means someone with an obvious bias
01:50who can't possibly represent my interests, you are delusional.
01:54Yes, Tracy, I'm very well aware that you have attorneys all over the city.
01:59They could populate an island.
02:01They already do. It's called Manhattan.
02:05So what's going on?
02:06This woman is insisting that my parents are interred on public land.
02:15You looking for something?
02:16Uh, yeah, you.
02:17And you thought I'd be in a cupboard?
02:19Well, I was thinking about our conversation we had this morning,
02:22and I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to tell you what to do.
02:25Don't worry about it.
02:26I don't do what anyone tells me to do anyway.
02:33What's this?
02:34Compliments to the gentleman.
02:37Four doctors and Brad are at a symposium in Miami right now,
02:42and I'm so jealous that I can hardly stand it.
02:45Well, babe...
02:47You don't have to be jealous much longer,
02:49because we're going to the white sand beaches of St. George's.
02:55Now, are you serious this time?
02:57Indeed I am.
02:59I know you were scouting locations for Aurora's new resort,
03:02but I wasn't sure that you had landed on anything yet.
03:05Well, I hadn't, but as CEO, I had to test out the white sand of St. George's.
03:10And to do that, you know, I'm gonna need some help.
03:17You really think I would never find out?
03:43I have not seen you all day.
03:46Well, we are medical professionals at a medical symposium,
03:50so we have been attending seminars.
03:55Oh, okay.
03:57I was the most interested in the sessions on diagnostic virology.
04:02But I ended up learning way more than I thought I would from the other sessions I sat in on.
04:08Good for you.
04:09Like, there's this one about computational approaches on diagnosing genetic and microbial diseases,
04:14which, like, blew my mind.
04:19But we both know that's not why I'm here.
04:22Yeah, of course not.
04:26Oh, you never could resist a beach getaway?
04:29You remember that Fiji trip we had planned?
04:32Yes, to the remote island of Nuku Bati?
04:37Still disappointed that we couldn't go.
04:40You and me, an eco-resort, footsteps from the beach?
04:44As I recall, the trip involved an 18-hour flight,
04:48followed by a teeny-tiny twin-engine prop plane over the jungle,
04:53a ride in a jeep, and finally a hike to our hut, which had no air conditioning.
04:59So, in retrospect, I thought a fight for survival would be a fun getaway.
05:06Maybe it's okay we missed that one.
05:08There is something to be said for tropical drinks and poolside service.
05:12That's all I need.
05:14Well, then, why did you ever agree to my obviously problematic plans?
05:20Because you wanted to go.
05:23And I wanted to make you happy.
05:27So, how was the night off?
05:29Really good, actually.
05:31I met up with Carly at the metro court, and she made me a great offer.
05:36What, to be the chef?
05:37Can you believe it?
05:38She even offered me free housing until I could save enough money
05:42to put down a deposit on a place of my own.
05:44It's kind of ideal.
05:47I mean, you don't have to save anything. I'll just give you whatever you need.
05:50Oh, my God. Why are you like this?
05:54What are you talking about? You live, you can work wherever you want.
05:57Just let me give you the money you need to get to a new place.
05:59I already told you I don't want that.
06:03I want to do this on my own. I want to be independent.
06:06I want you to be independent.
06:08But I also want you to be practical.
06:10I don't understand why you're being so stubborn about something that's just practical.
06:14You, of all people, don't understand that.
06:17Jason, if anyone should understand how I feel, it's you.
06:21Obviously, the damage to my old place is significant.
06:26Yeah, well, firebombs tend to do that.
06:31It's going to take months to repair, and since I've been away,
06:36I've been thinking that it brings a bad memory.
06:41Well, no one believes in fresh starts more than I do, no matter how many it takes.
06:46Good, because I want to start over someplace new.
06:50Okay, so this new home you're thinking of, I take it,
06:55you're going to need a lot of very specific requirements.
06:58Comfortable for Donna, neighbor.
07:00Well, yeah, naturally.
07:02High gates. I don't want any neighbors close by. State-of-the-art security.
07:08You know what? I know exactly the place.
07:12The FBI searched Valentine's house and didn't find anything,
07:15but they don't know Valentine like I do or Charlotte.
07:18They could have missed something.
07:20It's not statistically impossible.
07:22Great. So all you have to do is get past the security system.
07:27Lulu, I understand your need to find Charlotte, and I will do anything to help you.
07:33But you're still recovering.
07:35I made it to Prague and back.
07:37I can handle a little breaking and entering in the suburbs.
07:41Maybe we just let the authorities focus on finding Valentine,
07:45and you focus on Rocco and your job.
07:48The authorities have been at it for how long now, and they've got nothing.
07:52I cannot wait any...
07:55Here we go.
07:59What's going on?
08:00Hey, just two old friends. Catching up. Anything wrong with that?
08:03No. No, nothing wrong with that at all.
08:07You just look a little nervous. You nervous?
08:11He always looks like that.
08:12It's true. I do.
08:15Gio, do me a favor.
08:17Yeah, yeah.
08:19How about you order Dante a slice of cheesecake or something
08:22before Spinelli here confesses to treason?
08:25All right. I get it.
08:28I'll leave you guys to your super casual, not suspicious ketchup.
08:38We can't break into Valentine's now. The PCPD is on to us.
08:42Of course we can.
08:45Well, those two are up to something.
08:47How can you tell?
08:49Because we're awake together.
08:55Lula's on a mission, and Spinelli's kind of like this nerdy tech genius guy,
09:00and she can convince anybody to do anything.
09:05There's nothing to worry about. Dante's just being overprotective.
09:10Or maybe he's being just the right amount of protective of Rocco's mom, who is you.
09:17I'm Charlotte's mom, too.
09:19And if you help me, you'll be helping a mother find her daughter.
09:24That's definitely worth taking the risk, isn't it?
09:30My seat on the House Appropriations Committee was a lock,
09:34but now Douglas Henderson is icing me out.
09:37It took me about six seconds to realize that the congressman from Baltimore
09:40was good friends with your aunt.
09:42My auntie has a lot of friends.
09:44Do you ever wonder what that's like?
09:46You got your aunt to do your dirty work and screw me over.
09:50Oh, oh, class.
09:54You did that to yourself.
09:58What public land?
09:59It doesn't matter.
10:00It seems like it might.
10:02Oh, my God. It is not about public land. It is not about property lines.
10:05I filed a cease and desist against Drew to stop using the quartermain name.
10:10Yeah, well, I thought that was a done deal.
10:13It was until his loathsome lawyer, Martin Gray,
10:17took it upon himself to order his own unauthorized survey of the property.
10:24But this property survey is a forgery,
10:28an obvious attempt to extort me.
10:31And I'm not having it.
10:32I'll be right back.
10:35Look, Tracy, I know you don't like Drew.
10:39Really, none of us do.
10:41But Drew calling himself a quartermain doesn't seem like a really big deal.
10:46To you.
10:49But I have a family to protect.
10:52And when I get my hands on that charlatan...
10:55Good evening, ladies.
11:01Or did you not speak to Henderson?
11:06Oh, I did.
11:07So did you tell him that this whole thing is about a temper tantrum
11:10because I didn't give you a job that I never actually promised you?
11:13I simply told the man to do his own research.
11:15About me?
11:16About you, about the Esplanade,
11:18about their various impacts on the wonderful people of Port Charles.
11:23See, if your appointment was blocked,
11:25then that means Henderson saw something he didn't like.
11:28But I did not tell the congressman what to do.
11:31You made a big mistake, Curtis. You take something from me.
11:34I take something from you.
11:36For God's sake, Drew, stop it.
11:39Curtis was your friend. He stood by you.
11:41He would have stood by you till the end.
11:43But you betrayed him. You betrayed your friend.
11:46Honestly, Drew, what is wrong with you?
11:48Honestly, I never betrayed Curtis.
11:51He betrayed me.
11:58How's it going?
12:01Done. This signal should be jammed.
12:04So I won't set off a million alarms the second I get inside this place?
12:08There's a 70% chance it'll be fine.
12:1370. Maybe if you'd rather leave, though.
12:15Not a chance.
12:19I like those odds. A lot.
12:41What? Where are the alarms obviously off?
12:43The house is empty. The faster we search, the sooner we can leave.
12:49Are you all right?
12:53This was my daughter's last home.
12:59She made her meals here, hung out with her friends, did her homework.
13:04She slept in a room I've never seen.
13:09This was Charlotte's whole world, and I know nothing about it.
13:15So, why'd you want to meet up?
13:17Other than it being Sasha's night off.
13:20I needed to talk away from the house.
13:23Oh, yeah? Why? What's the problem?
13:26There's not a problem. It's not a problem, exactly.
13:31I love living with the Qs, but I'm still trying to figure out how I fit in.
13:36How do you mean?
13:39My Aunt Lois used to be married to Ned, but that's my one and only connection.
13:45And since your only connection is your mom, I thought you might be the one person who gets where I'm coming from.
13:51Yeah, I guess I do, sort of, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Everyone likes having you over there.
13:59Not everyone.
14:02Who said you could let this charlatan on our property?
14:06I invited Martin, hoping that we might be able to sort through this matter in a calm and rational way.
14:12Hope you have a plan B.
14:14We could go through with the cease and desist, but Martin would publicize his discovery.
14:19The press release is already drawn up.
14:21Fine. And then we could all look forward to a costly legal battle that'll go on for years.
14:27Good. Because I have more money than poor Charles, and I can bankrupt the city.
14:32Well, you were hoping for calm and rational, and you got bankrupt the city. I cannot wait to see where this goes.
14:38We all know that you can bankrupt the city, Tracy.
14:41But in the meantime, your loved ones will be removed from their resting place until this whole thing gets sorted out. Is that what you want?
14:49No. Cancel the cease and desist. Obviously, Drew wants attention, and I'm not going to give it to him.
14:56Excellent. Now, Martin-
14:57I knew it! Your parents are planted on public land, and now I have no choice but to do my civic duty and report you.
15:11You never needed to do anything. I didn't need you to hike through the jungle with me or rappel down mountainsides. I loved our life together.
15:19So did I.
15:21I was just always worried that you were trying to change who you were for me.
15:26And I wanted to be a better person. I mean, I've done some shady stuff in my life, eh?
15:32And you're the guy who rescues orphans and kittens from the rain.
15:37I have literally never done any of that.
15:39But you would.
15:43All I wanted was to be worthy of you.
15:46And it was ironic, you know?
15:49Because I was twisting myself into nuts trying to be this good person and trying so, so hard not to hurt you.
15:57And then that's exactly what I ended up doing.
16:01How could you?
16:03Easily. That crypt is a hazard to public health.
16:08And reporting it is a hazard to yours.
16:12One word, and I will have you disbarred and disemboweled.
16:17Tracy, Tracy, please.
16:19Martin, the crypt is not a hazard. It's not hurting anyone. There's no need to be vindictive and cause unnecessary pain.
16:25Don't look at me. For her, it's a hobby.
16:28Yeah, okay, fine, fine. Whatever.
16:31As long as I don't have to listen to one more word about the congressman having to change his name.
16:39Thank God I'm out of here.
16:40Wait, wait. Before you go, you need to sign an NDA.
16:43Are you delusional? She would just file the cease and desist the minute my name was on the dotted line.
16:48We'll make it a part of the agreement, okay? Quid pro quo.
16:52Forget it, Alexis. My conscience would never allow it.
16:55What conscience? You're a bottom-feeding extortionist.
16:59And you sound every bit as irritating as my first two wives.
17:03You know what? I've changed my mind. Report me.
17:07Send out that press release. Hire a skywriter for all I care.
17:11Because we're going to buy the property and every little itty bitty leaf on it.
17:17Now get out of my house before I have you arrested for trespassing.
17:21So I spoke up about something that was none of my business, and now I'm on Tracy's bad side.
17:28Everyone gets on Tracy's bad side. What did you do to land yourself there?
17:33So Tracy's trying to stop Drew from using the family name.
17:37Oh, good luck with that.
17:38She filed the cease and desist.
17:40Of course she did.
17:42I don't care about Drew, but I do care about Scout.
17:46She's just a sad little kid who lost her mom not that long ago,
17:50and if Drew has to change his name, then Scout will either have to change hers too,
17:56or she'll have a different name than her dad.
17:58Didn't you think that's not fair to Scout?
18:02Look, man, I mean, my dad and I, we have different names. A lot of people do.
18:06I mean, why do you think that's a problem for you?
18:09I never met my dad.
18:12But I'm proud to carry his name.
18:16And I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone tried to take that away from me.
18:20But I told Tracy that we should be putting Scout's feelings first,
18:24and she shut me down hard because I'm not a quartermain.
18:29I mean, you know what? Between you and me,
18:32I think Tracy actually digs it when you stand up to her.
18:36I think she respects you for it. She'll never say it,
18:39but I think you've gone up a few notches in her eyes, all right?
18:43You know, she did say something that I would be a better quartermain than Drew.
18:49Oh, well, that's a low bar, but there you go.
18:53Anything wrong?
18:56It's Tracy. Let's see if I can practice what I preach.
19:04Let's get to work.
19:06There has to be something in here they overlooked.
19:09Let me just turn off the alarm.
19:14Okay, you are going to absolutely love this place.
19:17It's like Fort Knox.
19:22When you moved out of here after your accident,
19:25did you take any family money for your nest egg?
19:29Why not? Would have been the practical thing to do.
19:32Well, I mean, I didn't even remember my family,
19:34and if I had, I wouldn't want them running my life.
19:36Oh, well, that sounds like something someone else has been saying around here.
19:40Our situations are completely different.
19:43I don't want to run your life. I'm not going to pressure you to do anything.
19:46I don't care.
19:47If anyone else would find out that you gave me money,
19:51they will use that as justification for demanding that I bring my baby into the fold.
19:56Well, I'm not going to let that happen.
19:58Look, despite all the insanity, this baby is a miracle to me,
20:06and I can't wait to start this next chapter of my life,
20:10and all I want is to give my baby the best life possible,
20:14because last time I couldn't. I never got that chance.
20:20But the baby has a father.
20:23Have you even considered what they'd want?
20:25All right, we are not having this conversation, especially not here.
20:37Oh, I thought he'd never leave.
20:46Ah, you know what is so, so cool?
20:49You can arm and disarm this entire security system, this house, right here on the phone.
20:55It's so great. It's so convenient.
20:57Yeah, okay.
20:59Well, the property is east-facing, so in the morning it gets this spectacular light,
21:05and there are four bedrooms, two, two primary suites, a chef's kitchen, a pool,
21:09and, well, as you can see, it comes totally furnished
21:13because the former owner had to leave town rather quickly.
21:18I like it.
21:21Especially the hedges. What are they, 12, 14 feet high?
21:25The hedges?
21:26The hedges, yes.
21:27Well, you know what? I have not measured those hedges, but I can.
21:31I will, but better yet, why don't I give you a tour of the entire grounds?
21:35No, I trust you.
21:38What's in that room right there?
21:41Oh, well, it's...
21:42Dad, are you seriously considering Valentine Cassadine's old house?
21:50You chose your words very carefully, but you let Curtis,
21:52and everyone else believed that he was going to take over once you won your seat.
21:56I gave Curtis every consideration.
21:57I just wanted somebody with a little bit more experience to take over.
22:00As a token of my appreciation, I offered you a huge raise to go back in running wellness.
22:05And I would have accepted your token if you'd have just been straight up with me, Drew.
22:10I gave you several opportunities to do so, and you chose to lie right to my face.
22:15Well, now you've proven I was right not to trust you with the truth.
22:19And everything you're doing now, what's that, just to get back at me?
22:22No, it's so much more than that.
22:25You were going to use your position on the committee to benefit yourself.
22:30You didn't even care about the people at Port Charles, and that they needed the Esplanade.
22:34And so did Aurora.
22:35All you were concerned about was getting back at Michael and me.
22:37Now that, sir, is the truth.
22:40And now you can use my company to build the project I created.
22:46Which you were happy to destroy.
22:48But, uh...
22:51Mm-hmm. And now the committee can vote and approve the funding without you or your spite getting in the way.
22:58How civic-minded of you.
23:08Sorry about that.
23:10I want him arrested.
23:12For what?
23:14I invited him.
23:15Oh, please. You are not one of the hordes that lives here.
23:19Therefore, you have no right to invite anyone, anywhere, anytime.
23:24I do live here, but I'm not going to arrest anyone tonight.
23:29Oh, great.
23:30My tax dollars at work.
23:33I don't think anything's going to get resolved right now, so Martin, you've got to go because you've been asked to leave, so you've got to leave.
23:39Fine with me, Detective.
23:40Tracy, the courts are closed. You can't file anything, so why don't you leave it alone?
23:44You don't really need this trouble, do you?
23:46I am protecting my family, so I can't leave it alone. I won't leave it alone.
23:53Oh, you're going to have to give me more than that.
23:56Something my mom used to say when I was either angry or upset.
24:00Would I still care about it in five minutes? Or in five months?
24:05In five years, would I even remember what I was angry about?
24:10You know, my mom used to say something like that.
24:15She would say, Tracy, will it really matter in the end?
24:21Martin, I'll walk you out.
24:23No, Alexis, I want you to stay.
24:25I'll walk Martin out.
24:27Yeah, well, thank you all for an eventful evening.
24:33I guess I'll turn in for the night.
24:35Gio, you gave me a lot to think about.
24:42Get away from me.
24:43Ms. Colbin.
24:44Leave now or I'll scream. This house is packed and I can be really loud.
24:48I am not here to hurt you.
24:50No? You're not going to trap me in a warehouse again with a bomb and leave me to die?
24:54I am not here to debate the past.
24:57I'm here to discuss a business opportunity with you.
25:01Not interested.
25:03It's very lucrative.
25:05Put down your weapon, I'll tell you about it.
25:09Make it quick.
25:12If you persuade Deception's leadership that the warehouse incident was a huge misunderstanding,
25:18I will pay you handsomely.
25:22Define handsomely.
25:27What do you think about that?
25:29I'm glad you're here.
25:31I mean, it seems like you know more about this house than I do at this point.
25:35I was going to tell you.
25:37Yeah? You sure about that?
25:39Yes, I'm sure. I was going to tell you.
25:41This is a fabulous house, and I wanted you to love it.
25:44And I wanted you to come here with no preconceptions,
25:46because it has all the security, all the space requirements you need.
25:50How about Valentine?
25:52I mean, how can you sell a house where no one can contact her?
25:56Well, actually, the sale is being handled by his attorney, Martin Gray.
26:00Which kind of makes it a little bit emotionally difficult for me, this whole transaction,
26:04because of my previous very special deep relationship with Martin.
26:07But you know me. First, last, and always a professional.
26:11I'm sure you can handle Martin Gray.
26:13Can and have.
26:15So what about Valentine?
26:17What if he comes here and he wants his place back?
26:21Actually, Martin has assured me that Valentine is not going to return.
26:26Yeah? How does he know that?
26:28Don't know. I mean, Martin isn't sharing every little detail with me,
26:32but the fact that he's still Valentine's attorney,
26:35and that means they must be in some sort of contact.
26:38So obviously, if the sale goes through, you sign, the deed is yours,
26:43that means the house is yours, even if Valentine returns.
26:48It is a beautiful house, Dad.
26:51You don't care of the past owner?
26:55Every house has a history, right?
26:57Right, right.
26:59So if that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.
27:03So please, will you at least let me give you the whole tour, okay?
27:08The bedrooms are to die for, the primary, the closets, it's gorgeous.
27:14Lead the way.
27:17Okay, let's start over here first, follow me.
27:22I used to work for Deception.
27:24I care about what happens to Deception.
27:27Lucy is my friend, Maxie is my family, and you want me to lie to them?
27:31I want you to tell them the whole story.
27:35What version?
27:37The truthful one, that I never would have targeted you if it wasn't for your mother.
27:42She stole my diamonds, I needed them back, I couldn't very well go to the police now, could I?
27:46I knew that if she was incentivized, she'd return my property to me.
27:51You didn't know that she would, you hoped she would.
27:56I'm going to pay you a quarter of a million dollars so that you tell the story in its full completeness.
28:04The one thing your mother understood was the power of money.
28:09I'm presuming you do as well.
28:14Drew could end up being a problem.
28:18No matter what we think of him, he's still a congressman.
28:22He's smart, he's rich, he's got power and influence.
28:26He's even charming once you get to know him.
28:28Yeah, and even with all that, he still couldn't get on the committee.
28:31Well, that's because Douglas Henderson knows that he can't trust him.
28:35But Drew is going to make new friends in D.C.
28:39And he seems determined to come after you.
28:42Babe, I get why you're concerned.
28:44I have certainly made my mistakes in my life.
28:46But they're all out in the open, and they have been for a long time.
28:51Drew, he can dig, he can dig all he wants.
28:55But he ain't going to find anything on me.
28:58Congressman Quartermain, what a pleasure.
29:01A while ago, you implied that you had something on Curtis Ashford.
29:05I need that now.
29:07I see.
29:08I'll make it worth your while.
29:10Unfortunately, I have nothing on Curtis.
29:13However, his wife, Dr. Portia Robinson, she's another matter entirely.
29:20When I found out you were working at the hospital, that was harsh.
29:24It probably sounded like I hated you.
29:26I understood. I did something unforgivable.
29:29But that's not why I did it.
29:33I cut you off because seeing you hurt.
29:37I'm so sorry.
29:38No, but the thing is, it's not the bad memories that hurt.
29:41It was the good ones.
29:43Falling in love, raising Wiley, starting a family.
29:47I needed to shake off those feelings, and I couldn't.
29:50So, I kept my distance.
29:53But then I kept running into you at GH.
29:56Well, I was light-stalking you.
29:59And I would be on a break, and I would find myself looking for you.
30:03I'm surprised.
30:05Me too. Kind of.
30:09And then you were there for me when Sam died.
30:13And you held me.
30:15And once I opened that door again, I couldn't close it.
30:20So, are you saying that there could be an us again?
30:46I'm sorry.
30:57Wait, wait. Stop. Stop.
31:00What is that?
31:02What's wrong?
31:03I can't do this.
31:05Not until I tell you the truth.
31:09I'm happy to do this for you, Congressman.
31:12And if I need a favor in the future?
31:15I'm happy to do whatever I can for all my constituents, provided what you have for me is good.
31:21See for yourself.
31:28What am I looking at?
31:30Proof that Dr. Robinson, Co-Chief of Staff at General Hospital, tampered with the patient's test results.
31:38I see.
31:40If this gets out, Dr. Robinson could lose her medical license and me.
31:46Is this the kind of thing you were looking for?
31:51Yes. Yes, this will do nicely.
31:56Drew really has no play here, so he might as well just take the L on this round, fall back.
32:03Or take consolation in Willow for his Congressional seat.
32:09Okay, but what about the next round?
32:13You know, I really don't want to talk about what Drew might do.
32:17Why do that when we could be planning a trip to a white sand beach?
32:21Yes. Yeah, no, I like the sound of that for sure.
32:24But I will say, if you want to keep being proud of me, I won't stop you.
32:33Okay, Tracy, it's just you and me.
32:36What do you really need?
32:38What I really need is for you to file the cease and desist.
32:43What happened to the five minutes, the five whatever whatever?
32:47I'm just taking Gio's advice.
32:51The family name matters. Five years, five decades, five millennia.
32:58Drew can never be associated again with his family.
33:02Martin's going to retaliate.
33:04I know. That's why I'm going to get my own property survey done.
33:07Okay, well, you can do that, but the survey is going to say...
33:10Exactly what I want it to say.
33:14Well, you did good in there, man. You stood up to Tracy again.
33:18Even gave her some advice, not that she'll take it or anything.
33:21Well, it was my mom's advice.
33:23I miss your mom. She was a really cool lady.
33:26The best.
33:28So that's your...
33:30My grandson.
33:32That is one impressive young man. So Dante, is he...
33:36Yes, yes. It is his father. That is why I need to keep this a secret.
33:41Lois, you don't have to worry. What you told me is covered by attorney-client privilege.
33:45No one is ever going to know.
33:49We should go while the coast is clear. There's nothing to find here anyway.
33:52Wait, not yet.
33:55Okay, Dad. You gotta get this, please.
33:58If Avery has to choose between this beautiful home and that absolute broom closet Ava is calling her home,
34:06Avery's gonna choose this every time.
34:08You know what? Excuse me, but I find Ava's little home very cozy and comfortable.
34:13But no, it's okay. I see your point.
34:17Avery's gonna love it.
34:20That's it, then. I'm sold. All right? Yeah.
34:23Okay, that is wonderful, and you will not regret this in any way.
34:27So let's drop the paperwork, and then we can get you offerings. Perfect.
34:38Fort Knox, remember?
34:41Fort Knox. Right.
34:44Look at that. This is so convenient.
34:52You heard Lucy. My uncle Martin knows how to reach Valentine. I never should have doubted my instincts.
34:58Yeah, it's an incredible life lesson. Can we go now?
35:01Yes. To Martin. One way or another, he is going to lead me to Valentine.
35:07This business you're proposing, you expect me to believe it's completely legit?
35:15That you have no intention of drawing deception into some criminal enterprise?
35:20All I want to do is give deception the resources it needs and make a respectable profit.
35:28All I need to do is vouch for you, and you'll give me the money.
35:35That is all. No strings attached.
35:38Get away from her!
