• 17 hours ago
Penn & Teller Fool Us Season 11 Episode 3


00:00at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas.
00:26Here's our host, Brooke Barrett.
00:29Welcome to Fool Us.
00:45If you're looking for jaw-dropping illusions, we've got you covered.
00:48Diabolical sleight of hand?
00:51Outlandish mental feats?
00:54We've got an amazing array of magic for you, because you just never know what type of trick
00:58will trip up magic's greatest duo, Penn and Teller.
01:05As always, Penn and Teller have no idea who's trying to win a Fool Us trophy from them.
01:33So let's reveal our first magician of the night.
01:36Hi, I'm Magic Singh, and you might know me from this, or this.
01:45But most likely, you know me as the magician in a turban.
01:49My turban is my identity, and I wear it like it's my crown.
01:53I would always be told that I would never get on TV because of it, and that I should
01:57cut my hair.
01:58But I decided to stick with it, firstly, because I look cool in it, and secondly, I feel powerful
02:03and regal like a king.
02:06I incorporate phones with my magic because everyone is carrying a phone on them these
02:11It's less suspicious to do a magic trick with an iPhone than hash your coins anymore.
02:14I live in London with my amazing wife, and we get to travel and have amazing experiences
02:19performing magic for people all over the world.
02:22I'm living my dream right now.
02:24Penn and Teller, I can't wait to see you on stage and hopefully blow your minds.
02:34Give it up for the amazing mind of Magic Singh.
02:43Thank you very much.
02:44Good evening, everyone.
02:45I'm Magic Singh.
02:46This small device has completely changed my life.
02:49Being a magician, I can take my phone, film a magic trick, and then immediately send it
02:54across the digital universe all over the world.
02:57It's the perfect tool for me to showcase my magic to anyone at any time.
03:03You could be commuting to work on the New York subway or sitting on a toilet in Thailand.
03:07My videos will blow your mind.
03:09The only problem with this are some of the comments that I often receive.
03:13Things like, it's a camera trick.
03:15It's edited.
03:16It's fake.
03:17So I'd like to use tonight's opportunity to show you that I can do these things in real
03:23I'd like to start off with something traditional that we're all used to seeing, that we all
03:29truly love and appreciate.
03:32Can I ask you please to give me a number from 1 to 10 and say it out loud?
03:39Good choice.
03:41And teller.
03:42Using your hands in a very creative way, can you give me a suit?
03:45Either hearts, clubs, diamonds, or spades?
03:50I take it that that's a spade.
03:52So we have the two of spades.
03:55With me, I have my wallet.
03:57And inside my wallet, I have an envelope.
04:00But inside this envelope, I have one card.
04:03And it is the two of spades.
04:12Thank you very much.
04:13Gentlemen, as you were bang on, I'd like to take this a step further.
04:17So could I please ask Brooke, Pen, and Teller to join me on stage as we create some more
04:23magical moments.
04:24And everyone else, give our stars a round of applause.
04:31Brooke, I'm going to start with you first.
04:33I'd like you to imagine you have the ultimate box of children's crayons.
04:38So this box contains every color in the universe.
04:41Can you just visualize that for a moment?
04:45Now, from this box, I would like for you to pick three colors, three of your favorite
04:50And these can be any colors you like, but do it in your mind.
04:53I'll give you a moment.
04:56Got it?
04:57Got it.
04:59So a week ago, I recorded a video back in London, and I'm going to play it for you in
05:03just a moment.
05:04But before I do, Brooke, I'm going to ask a simple question in the video.
05:08And all I'd like for you to do is simply answer out loud so everyone in the theater can hear
05:14Does that make sense?
05:17I'm going to step behind the podium now, set the video, and hopefully you can all have
05:19a good view.
05:20Like so.
05:24What's up, everyone?
05:25It's Magic Singh all the way from London, UK.
05:28I can't wait to be on that stage in fabulous Las Vegas with two legendary magicians, Penn
05:34and Teller, and of course, the lovely Brooke.
05:36Now, on this pad of paper behind me, I've written down a prediction, which I'm going
05:41to show all of you in just a moment.
05:43But first, Brooke, I asked you to pick three colors from an infinite box of crayons.
05:48Take those three colors and narrow it down just to one, and say out loud your favorite
05:58Okay, Brooke, I presume that you've named the color, and everyone in the theater has
06:01heard it.
06:02And I hope it matches mine.
06:13Penn and Teller, please step forward towards the camera so you can see the screen, and
06:17I'll prepare the next prediction.
06:19So, Penn and Teller, you can see the screen nice and clearly.
06:22I'm going to ask another simple question to the both of you.
06:24Penn, you say out loud your answer.
06:25Teller, you're simply going to use your hands.
06:28Nice and easy.
06:29Hi, Penn and Teller.
06:30You should hopefully be standing in front of my phone watching this video.
06:33This prediction is a two-digit number, which I'm going to show you all in just a moment.
06:37But first, I need the two of you to generate this random two-digit number.
06:42So, starting with Penn, can I ask you to name out loud any number from one to nine?
06:48Go for it.
06:49Nine, please.
06:51Okay, Penn.
06:52I presume that you've named the number and everyone has heard it.
06:55And now, Teller, using your fingers and thumbs, can you also give me a number from one to
07:00nine and show it to everyone in the theatre?
07:06Nine to nine.
07:08This means we now have a new two-digit number generated by Penn and Teller themselves.
07:13And I hope it matches mine here in London.
07:38Do you mostly do magic with contemporary things like phones or do you do old-school magic as well?
07:41I honestly only started doing this in the last few years because what is everyone carrying
07:45these days is a smartphone because back in the days, when I'm talking like the 17th,
07:4918th century, people would carry the pocket scarf or a top hat or, I don't know about
07:53the rabbit, but, you know, you do amazing things with those things that people carry.
07:57So to be able to do something incredible with something so personal to you, it blows people's
08:01minds and it's good fun.
08:03What goes through your mind in this moment while you're waiting?
08:07You know, when I watch this on TV myself, it's nerve-wracking.
08:12Of course.
08:13But I think you've made me feel relaxed, I'll be honest.
08:15And you guys are pretty cool as well, so thank you for keeping me chill.
08:19So, at the moment, I feel comfortable, but now you've mentioned it, yeah, the nerves are back.
08:25Well, Singh, I'm still personally trying to figure out how you were in London and you
08:29knew that my favorite color was turquoise, so let's see if, in fact, Penn and Teller
08:34have figured it out.
08:37Boy, magic, Singh, you just light up the stage.
08:40You just have so much charisma and you have such a great style.
08:45What I liked about it most, Teller pointed this out, but I agree with him, is that there's
08:50just no jive.
08:51You know, but people do mentalism.
08:53There's always all these layers and layers of complication and procedure and all of that,
08:59boom, name a card, boom, it's in my pocket.
09:02You know, there's just multiple reasons that we just love that.
09:06You know, there's just what mentalism should be.
09:09You name it, I know it, bang.
09:11And that's a trick that could have been done 100 years ago, and then you go to the iPhone,
09:17which I don't think could have been done 10 years ago.
09:19And it's wonderful to see magicians run after whatever the technology is.
09:24I mean, they invented cards to play games, and magicians came in and said, how can we
09:29do tricks with this?
09:30And you said you love doing tricks with that technology, you love doing tricks with phones,
09:37and we've seen a lot of tricks with iPhones, and we've seen a lot of stuff where people
09:42try to chase the technology.
09:44And yours was just instantaneous and wonderful and technologically so, so brilliant.
09:50We just loved every moment of it.
09:52I think I snuck in a thing or two, but boy, we loved the act.
09:58It was great.
09:59Singh, do you think that Penn and Teller are dialed into how you made your magic?
10:02I think so.
10:03I mean, these two are legends of magic and true scholars of the art, but it's been an
10:07absolute pleasure to be on this stage.
10:08Wonderful to have you on.
10:09It's a pleasure to have you.
10:10Thank you so much.
10:12Thank you so much.
10:13Thank you so much.
10:16Magic Singh, everyone.
10:18That was amazing.
10:22We've got more of the best magicians in the world, including our two and only Penn and
10:27Teller, performing later on, so stick around.
10:43Welcome back to the world's best magic show.
10:45Let's meet another one of the world's best magicians.
10:51I'm a magician from Stuttgart, Germany.
10:53I started out working in TV, behind the scenes.
10:56I wrote jokes for other people and I thought up skits for others to do.
11:00I even worked off stage, helping other magicians performing their acts, until I found myself
11:05wondering what it would be like if I would be in that spotlight.
11:09So I followed my heart and I started performing, but never in front of such a huge audience
11:15like this.
11:16I'll be doing an act that's been part of my life ever since I was 13 years old.
11:21Penn, Teller, I think I perfected it.
11:24I think it is finally what I always dreamed it could be.
11:30Put your hands together for magic world champion, Nikolaj Striemann.
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28:29In Spain there's a lot of magicians, a very kind community,
28:33and we all help each other learn and master our craft.
28:36I have a magic company in Vigo, and we run a small theater where we put on shows
28:40and have magic classes for kids and adults.
28:44While I do most types of magic, I prefer card magic above all the other forms.
28:50One day soon I hope to write a magic book featuring the card tricks that I have invented.
28:55I'm very excited to come to Las Vegas and perform for Penn and Teller.
28:59It's like a dream come true.
29:04Give it up for Spanish sorceress, Sarah Rodriguez.
29:09Hi, Sarah.
29:11Well, thank you, everyone.
29:12Thank you for this nice welcome.
29:14You're welcome.
29:15Well, Penn, Teller, I know you've been fooled by some magicians before,
29:19but tonight, with any luck, you're going to be fooled by a deck of cards.
29:24More specifically, by these four...
29:27Don't peek.
29:29By these four cards.
29:32Now, you're going to choose three cards that are very different from each other.
29:36So, Teller, how about touching a picture card?
29:41Any picture card you want.
29:44This one? Okay, the Queen of Spades.
29:47Could you please sign it for me?
29:49And, Penn, touch another one, perhaps another card this time.
29:52Okay, I'll do that one right there.
29:55This one?
29:56Okay, the Five of Hearts.
29:58Sign it for me, please.
29:59And finally, Brooke, touch any card you want.
30:01Just point to this one.
30:03Okay, the Five of Diamonds.
30:06Could you please take the pen and sign it for me?
30:12Thank you very much, Brooke.
30:13It's a nice signature.
30:15So, we've got the Five of Diamonds.
30:18Here, please.
30:21So, we've got the Five of Diamonds, Queen of Spades, and Five of Hearts.
30:26Just try to remember your cards for the finale, okay?
30:30Now, let's talk about these four cards.
30:33The ones I put aside at the start of the trick.
30:36These are the Magic Cards.
30:40These are just the four Aces.
30:42But it's important to remember that the Aces have been separated from your chosen cards
30:47the entire time.
30:48Now, let's take your cards and put them back into the deck.
30:53Let's put the Five of Hearts here in the middle and square it up.
31:02Now, with your other five, Brooke, this time, maybe you could help me a little bit.
31:09So, just with your finger, just square it up slowly and nicely.
31:16So, now, for the last one, I'm going to need some help.
31:21So, maybe you, Taylor, could you help me?
31:25Could you please cut the deck more or less in half?
31:31Place it on the palm of your hand like this.
31:34And now, with your other hand, you are going to more or less cut half of the deck and keep
31:39it in the air.
31:40Just cut.
31:44Okay, now, let's put the card here, put the other cards on top, and if you can come closer,
31:50thank you, that's perfect.
31:51Square it up and cover it with your other hand like this.
31:56Now, now that we've done that, this is the one time where I need to help the four Aces.
32:02I'm going to try to invisibly steal your signed cards from the deck, but I'm still
32:09not going to touch it.
32:11Here we go.
32:14Can you leave it a little bit closer to me, please?
32:16Yeah, that's good.
32:22Well, if you grab the deck too tightly, it's impossible.
32:24So, please, Taylor, separate your fingers a little bit so there's a gap in between and
32:28I can reach the deck.
32:35Your Queen.
32:40Was this your four of...?
32:43I was checking if you were...
32:48And what was it again?
32:49Five of diamonds.
32:50That's right.
32:51The five of diamonds.
32:53Here are your cards with your signatures.
32:55Thank you very much.
32:59Well, I was expecting a bigger reaction, to be honest, but it's okay, because remember
33:04I told you it wouldn't be me doing the trick.
33:07It would be the Aces, and as you can see, between the Aces, there are now three cards.
33:17Your Queen of Spades, your five of diamonds, and finally, your five of hearts.
33:23Thank you very much.
33:24Please give the Aces a big round of applause and tell me, did my Aces fool you?
33:31Let's hear it for Sarah Rodriguez, everyone!
33:34Come on over, let's show her.
33:37Do you travel a lot for magic?
33:39Just in my country, but outside, this is one of the first times, so yeah, I'm really excited.
33:43First time?
33:44Yeah, traveling outside.
33:45Welcome to Las Vegas!
33:51What does it feel like to be up here and to share the stage with Penn & Teller?
33:54Well, it feels great because they are, you know, these legends in magic, so yeah, I'm
33:59really happy to be here.
34:01Is it intimidating?
34:03Is it intimidating to be in this setting?
34:06It is a little bit, yeah, because it's, you know, apart from home, speaking another language,
34:12there's a big audience, so yeah.
34:14You're brilliant.
34:16All right, Sarah, let's find out if Penn & Teller know your card magic secrets.
34:19Are you ready?
34:20Yeah, I am.
34:20Boys, are you ready?
34:21I think we are.
34:22Hey, Sarah, that was just great.
34:25When we first sat down, the first thing Teller said to me was, I couldn't do that.
34:31And if he couldn't do it, I certainly couldn't do that.
34:34But just amazing.
34:36Beautiful, beautiful stuff.
34:38And this routine is a variation, I think, called the collectors, but you make it much
34:44If anybody's searching for the collectors, they won't find this because it's usually
34:48done with the cards in the deck and you did it remotely, which makes it technically a
34:54zillion times more difficult because you're out there away from the deck and the deck's
34:58in Teller's hands.
35:00I'm telling you stuff you know, but there's also other people listening.
35:03And that makes it much, much, much more difficult.
35:07And you did a beautiful, beautiful job with it because we know the plot of the collectors.
35:13We're able to kind of watch you and stay with you so we can watch you.
35:17We just can't do it.
35:18So we loved watching you.
35:20It's really, really great.
35:22We will never be as good as you are at slides, but we don't think with us staring you down
35:28that you fooled us.
35:29But boy, it was a good routine.
35:31So, Sarah, do you think they figured it out?
35:33Yeah, they did.
35:34We loved it.
35:35Thank you so much for being here with us.
35:37Thank you, Ruth.
35:38Fantastic job, Sarah.
35:39Thank you, everyone.
35:44The show's not done yet and neither are Penn and Teller.
35:47See our iconic duo perform when we come back.
35:59Now, I know that you're expecting a trick from Penn and Teller, but can I interest you
36:07in one by Piff, Pop, and Squire?
36:09What do you have for us, Piff?
36:11Hello, Brooke.
36:12How are you doing?
36:12I'm so great.
36:13I thought I'd show you the natural ability that us magical creatures have with a deck
36:19of playing cards.
36:19It's natural.
36:20We've got some nice big cards so we can't be accused of any sleight of port.
36:24No sleight of port?
36:26The ports, right?
36:27All right, so we need to start by mixing them up.
36:30Mix them up.
36:30So we just mix them up, okay?
36:32And any time you want, Brooke, just call out stop and we'll stop mixing up the cards.
36:36Just there?
36:37So they're all nicely mixed now, yeah?
36:41Okay, here's what was going to happen.
36:42I'm going to try and spell a card.
36:44What's the best card in the deck?
36:47Let's start there.
36:47Yeah, let's start with the ace.
36:49Now, this is all done just natural talent of my son.
36:52No funny moves or anything.
36:54Just work as slow as I can.
36:55A, C, E, and if I'm magic, yeah.
37:06You know, the best magicians in the world are Spanish.
37:10Watch this.
37:16Oh, that's what you're going for?
37:17Which means two.
37:18Right there, folks.
37:20Don't be Spanish.
37:21Don't be Spanish.
37:22Don't be Spanish.
37:24Now, Teller's going to do it.
37:27He's been around.
37:28Why don't you go for three?
37:29Teller, let's not break the mold.
37:30Come on, Teller.
37:38This is a tough one, isn't it?
37:40Oh, it's an additional three.
37:42The most difficult one.
37:43And he nails it.
37:44What are you going to go for?
37:46You know, the thing is, we've been trying to write magicians for like two seasons now.
37:49I know.
37:49Some of the magic should have rubbed off by now.
37:50I should be mad.
37:51A little bit of magic should be wearing off.
37:52Going for four.
37:58It's magic.
38:02No, that's not right.
38:03Maybe there's something wrong with the cards.
38:05Let me just...
38:06Let me see that.
38:07That's weird.
38:09Let me know if it's probably the cards, Brooke.
38:12It's not you.
38:12It's just F, O, U.
38:14This is not going to work.
38:15The cards are probably not working.
38:17Oh, it's four.
38:18Oh, my God.
38:20It's still magic.
38:21Let Pop show you how.
38:22Double check those for me, Pop.
38:24Double check them.
38:31Look at that, Dennis.
38:32Look at that.
38:33Look at that.
38:34Boom, boom, boom.
38:36Look at that.
38:37That's it.
38:38This is it.
38:3860- is the easiest one.
38:41All right.
38:47And turn it on.
38:49Oh, hang on a second.
38:50I know what it is.
38:51I know what it is.
38:52You're just not relaxed enough.
38:53I am.
38:54Look at the three of us.
38:55We're very relaxed.
38:56Look at relaxed.
38:56Tell her, Rich.
38:57Tell her.
38:57Just try dealing with it.
38:59You try it.
39:04And turn it over.
39:05God, he's so relaxed.
39:06And it just happens to be effortless.
39:08Almost dozing off.
39:10All right, seven.
39:11Brooke, why don't you do seven, all right?
39:12I am relaxed.
39:13Yeah, there we go.
39:13We'll give you a little short one.
39:15I am, I am.
39:16All right, ready?
39:22Oh, no.
39:26This is slightly embarrassing.
39:28Let me see.
39:33I mean, it's not even impressive when you do seven like that.
39:36But you can do eight, Brooke.
39:38OK, I can try one more time.
39:40Don't forget the G.
39:41OK, I got this.
39:42There's an H in there for this side.
39:42I did one in Spanish.
39:43Remember that?
39:44OK, touch those for me, Taylor.
39:46OK, ready?
39:51Oh, shut up, I'm trying to do this thing.
39:56At this point, it's just you.
39:58Show her how to do eight.
40:00OK, Taylor.
40:01Oh, the breathing.
40:02We forgot the breathing.
40:04We do it so automatically, we just forgot.
40:07There's something you guys are doing right here.
40:13It was the breathing.
40:14We just left it out.
40:15There's eight.
40:18OK, give it a try for nine.
40:20OK, here we go.
40:20This feels like a set up, guys.
40:21Be relaxed.
40:22And breathe.
40:24OK, I want a little magical power here.
40:26Here we go.
40:30Look, show nine.
40:33Come on, you guys.
40:36What did I do wrong?
40:36You want to do the nine?
40:38You can do the nine.
40:39Are you going to do it?
40:40Taylor's going to do the nine.
40:41Taylor can do the nine.
40:42We don't want to.
40:43At this point, it's just getting embarrassing.
40:45This is embarrassing.
40:49There's a nine right there.
40:50Oh, there is a 10.
40:52Yeah, you can do it.
40:53Come on, Brooke.
40:54Come on.
40:55Bring us into land, Brooke.
41:06I thought tonight's show wasn't worth a 10.
41:09And I can't wait to show you our next episode.
41:11We'll see you next time on Fool Us.
41:14Good night, everyone.
41:15Fool Us.
