• 22 hours ago
Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 11 Episode 6 Burning Down the House,
Penn & Teller Fool Us S11E06


00:00and teller theater at the RIO
00:23Hotel in Las Vegas, here's our host, Brooke Marsh.
00:29Welcome to Fool Us.
00:44Penn and Teller have been performing for five decades,
00:47so you've got to be a little crazy
00:48to think that you can fool these guys.
00:51Well, lucky for us, we've got four insanely talented
00:54magicians who are ready to attempt that feat.
00:57So, everyone, go nuts for the stars of our show,
01:01Penn and Teller.
01:02When or if a magician fools Penn and Teller,
01:23they walk out of here with a Fool Us trophy
01:25and a spot performing in Penn and Teller's
01:27Vegas Magic Spectacular.
01:30So let's meet our first possible fooler.
01:35I see Penn as my main Fool Us adversary
01:37because I'm doing a circus routine,
01:39and Penn says he's a carny trash,
01:42so there's some sawdust in his blood.
01:44In a way, Toronto itself was my first theater.
01:46I started with street magic where you've drawn
01:48an audience from strangers.
01:49I think a background in street magic
01:51really helps me roll with anything
01:52that happens on stage.
01:55Life's supposed to be an adventure.
01:57I've jumped from planes.
01:58I swim with sharks.
02:00Weirdly, fire has always been a part of my life.
02:03My girlfriend is a fire dancer,
02:04and we met choreographing a fire show,
02:08and my stepdad was a fireman, a hero.
02:11He showed me about facing danger instead of running from it
02:13because human lives can change in an instant.
02:16You think you're secure until things hit you
02:18when you aren't looking.
02:20Magic helped me so much when real danger found me.
02:23I'm going to tell that story on stage
02:25because telling it helps me process what happened.
02:28When Penn and Teller see me perform,
02:30they'll also be watching me heal.
02:32He's about to blow your mind.
02:42From Canada, here's Spencer Scurr.
02:51The magician Harry Blackstone Jr.
02:53once said, you should never perform anything on stage
02:57more dangerous than what you would
02:58do in your own living room.
03:01And the magic I'm about to show you
03:03is something I started working on after my living room
03:06and entire house blew up.
03:12Not because I was doing dangerous magic,
03:14just to be clear.
03:17But it's true, a few years ago, my house
03:19was destroyed in an explosion.
03:23And somehow my roommates and I made it out unharmed.
03:26But picking up all the pieces and putting our lives back
03:30together was a long and painful ordeal.
03:38So I decided to fight fire with fire.
03:43And the magic you're about to see
03:45is what really helped me process and untangle
03:51a lot of those difficult emotions.
03:58It's about danger.
04:00It's about destruction.
04:02And it's about fire.
04:07But it's also about healing.
04:19And to make sure everyone can see this,
04:22I've got a much bigger piece of rope here.
04:25And a much, well, the same pair of scissors.
04:28But I'm going to need a little help from Penn and Teller.
04:30Penn, Teller, would you join me up here on stage, please?
04:36Thank you so much for joining me.
04:38Now, when you see a pair of scissors
04:40and a piece of rope and magic, well,
04:43I think you can guess what's about to happen next.
04:46But I want everyone to see that damage nice and close.
04:52That's pretty even.
04:54But this magic is all about putting things back together.
04:58And technically, these ropes are now back together.
05:04But I promised you something a little bit better than that,
05:07I promised you all some more danger.
05:10I promised you all some destruction.
05:14And I promised you all some more fire.
05:19Now, before we set anything on fire, though, Penn, Teller,
05:21could I have you each put on those pairs of fireproof gloves
05:24next to you?
05:31Penn, I'll have you grab this one in your right hand.
05:34Wrap it around once to keep it nice and secure.
05:36Teller, I'll have you do the same
05:38with your left hand in this one.
05:39Wrap it around nice and tight to keep it secure.
05:41Keep a little bit of slack in this rope,
05:43because we're going to lower it down into that fuel
05:45can right there.
05:45So I'll have you two come together just a little bit.
05:48And we're going to go back to the fuel
05:51and right into this can right here.
05:54Because the louder everyone here claps and cheers,
05:57the more fuel we will add.
06:00Are you ready?
06:10I think that should be good.
06:15Now, I'll have you two walk that knot just forward
06:17past those tables.
06:19Keep a little bit of slack in the rope.
06:21And stand with your feet apart facing the audience.
06:26Both hands on the rope.
06:27In a minute, we're going to count down nice and loud.
06:303, 2, 1.
06:31And when I say pull, you're going
06:33to snap that rope nice and tight between you.
06:35The faster, the better.
06:37And now, it's time to add the fire.
06:48And to me, fire isn't just a force for destruction.
06:52It can also be a force of healing.
06:54There is something cathartic, something
06:56therapeutic about handling a thing as dangerous as fire.
07:01In a situation where you know everything will be,
07:08And as that burns, I invite everyone here
07:11to look into the flames.
07:12Think about a time in your own lives
07:14where things became whole again, even though it felt like they
07:18would be in pieces forever.
07:21And keep your eyes on the knot as we all count down together.
07:24Penn, Teller, are you ready?
07:26Audience, are you ready?
07:28Here we go.
07:29Nice and loud.
07:303, 2, 1.
07:35And that is one solid piece of rope completely reconnected.
07:52Spencer's Scar, everyone.
07:57Did your house really burn down?
07:59My house really blew up.
08:00And it was on fire for a long time.
08:02My house really blew up.
08:03And it was on fire a little bit.
08:05What happened?
08:06There was basically an explosion in my neighbor's unit
08:11that knocked our house off the foundations.
08:14Oh my gosh.
08:15I was going to ask you if it was part of a rehearsal.
08:17No, no.
08:18Nothing like that.
08:19Nothing like that.
08:21Have you ever gotten hurt rehearsing something like this?
08:24I've never had a burn that was felt an hour later working
08:27on this routine.
08:28The worst burn I actually got was from a glue gun working
08:32in my living room.
08:33That is good.
08:34Which makes the Harry Blackstone Jr.
08:36quote perfectly accurate.
08:39Would you say that in some way that you
08:41are an adrenaline junkie?
08:43I think maybe a little bit.
08:45I think in a weird way, danger kind of calms me down.
08:48If you're holding a piece of fire in front of you,
08:51your brain can only really worry about that.
08:53And everything else kind of fades away.
08:55And it's pyrotherapy, I guess.
08:58OK, Spencer.
08:59Let's find out if your fire magic earned you
09:01a new Fool Us trophy.
09:03Oh boy.
09:04Hey, Spencer.
09:05Boy, fire is so good.
09:08Frankenstein was wrong.
09:09Fire, good.
09:11The audience loved it.
09:12We loved it.
09:13You know, can't be restored ropes,
09:15can't be restored anything.
09:17A really wonderful trick.
09:19Always intellectually interesting.
09:21Always counterintuitive.
09:23Using fire as a magical cause is really good.
09:27Giving it a story is just fabulous.
09:30It was just a wonderful, wonderful routine.
09:32It's very hard to make a cut and restored rope
09:36mean something, also be exciting,
09:38and also to have a really clear magical cause.
09:42And we just loved everything about it.
09:45Unfortunately for you, sitting here,
09:48there is a collective hundred years of doing magic.
09:54We have done an awful lot of torn and restored
09:58things in our lives.
10:00And although the knot was beautiful,
10:02all that stuff was beautiful,
10:04it's all stuff we are familiar with.
10:07But man, the fire added so, so much.
10:10So we don't think you fooled us,
10:12but man, we love you.
10:17Sounds like they loved it, but what do you think?
10:20Do they know how you did your magic?
10:22Yes, Penn and Teller, they know how I did it.
10:26It was a wonderful trick.
10:27We enjoyed that so much.
10:29Thank you so much.
10:30Come back and see us.
10:31I would love to.
10:32Pleasure having you.
10:33Spencer Stern!
10:38Don't forget, tonight's finale will be performed
10:40by Penn and Teller.
10:41Before that, our boys take on more
10:43of the world's best magicians.
10:45So stay close.
10:52Welcome back.
10:53We searched the globe to find the best magic tricks
10:55performed by magicians like this one.
10:59I'm Markus Tervo from Finland.
11:01Finns are the happiest people in the world.
11:04But why?
11:05Is it the saunas?
11:07Or the cold weather?
11:09Or maybe both?
11:11And what makes me happy?
11:14I'm Markus Tervo from Finland.
11:16Welcome back.
11:17We searched the globe to find the best magic tricks
11:19performed by magicians like this one.
11:22I've done it 20 years.
11:24My friend and I started a magic theatre.
11:27A space where Finnish magicians can be happy.
11:30This is the only magic theatre in Helsinki
11:33and we are very proud of it.
11:35But why stop there?
11:37Four years ago, I applied to Fool Us.
11:40And finally, I am here.
11:42Penn and Teller.
11:44Today, I'm very happy to try to fool you
11:46with the Finnish national secret to our happiness.
11:51Here's one fine Finn.
11:53Give it up for Markus Tervo.
12:00I'm Markus Tervo.
12:02All the way from Finland.
12:04Did you know us Finns are the happiest people in the world?
12:13Take that, Sweden.
12:15Also, we drink a lot of beer.
12:20Also, we drink the most coffee per person.
12:24So, America, you want to be happy?
12:32The secret is coffee.
12:35And I'll make you coffee in the traditional Finnish style.
12:40For that, we need a can-do attitude.
12:43Or, a can will do.
12:48Coffee can.
12:50Next, we need a coffee cup of glass.
12:55And the most important ingredient for coffee is...
13:03So, let's test the beans.
13:18Let's fill her up.
13:23Okay, can of beans.
13:26Next, we stack the can on top of cup.
13:33And we make sure the bag is empty.
13:39And we cover the beans.
13:42And to make the beans in the can into coffee,
13:47we say the traditional Finnish magic words.
13:53Free healthcare.
13:56Free education.
13:58Freaking cold.
14:01That's why the coffee is hot.
14:03So, remember kids, safety first.
14:06Always use Mr. Glove.
14:10When touching hot items.
14:13You ready?
14:43Ben, please.
14:44Do you like coffee?
14:45I do.
14:46Would you be willing to taste?
14:48There you are.
14:49It's Finnish coffee.
14:50Do you like it?
14:54It's very good.
14:55It's very good, but it's not yet Finnish.
14:57It's not yet Finnish.
14:59There's some sugar.
15:03And you like some milk?
15:06There's some milk.
15:12Okay, are you happy?
15:16Actually, I'm not done.
15:18I hope you're hungry.
15:20There's for you a cinnamon bun.
15:25Thank you so much.
15:26Please take the bun.
15:29Because you know,
15:31in Finland, cinnamon bun and coffee are like pen and teller.
15:38What a combination.
15:41Marcus Turbo!
15:45Well done.
15:47How are you?
15:48Oh, happy.
15:50Tell us some fun facts about Finland.
15:52Oh, fun facts.
15:54Well, this is, not everyone agrees, but Santa Claus is from Finland.
16:02Yeah, from the Lapland.
16:04We've been sending our mail to the wrong place all these years, you guys.
16:08Are you really the most caffeinated country in the world?
16:11I mean, I drink a lot of coffee.
16:13According to the studies, it's seven to eight cups on average.
16:19Seven to eight.
16:20Why is that?
16:22I think it's cold, it's dark, it's depressing.
16:26Then how are you so happy all the time?
16:30It's caffeine.
16:31Is it possible that winning a Flores trophy would make you even happier?
16:35Of course.
16:36When you're happy, you always want to be more happy.
16:38I agree.
16:39Let's find out.
16:40Let's see if the boys are going to make you happy tonight.
16:42Hey, Marcus.
16:43We don't need coffee to make us happy.
16:45You made us wicked happy.
16:47We just love that routine.
16:49Your style is so good.
16:52And this also, this is one of the only acts where we could smell it coming.
16:58We could smell the coffee just the instant.
17:01We could smell the coffee just the instant that you produced it.
17:04It didn't give anything away.
17:06Are you just eating beans?
17:09You're just going to be speeding your brains out.
17:12I'm sorry I'm talking so slowly for you.
17:15When you spilled the beans, you kind of did spill the beans.
17:18It's a tarbell trick.
17:20And we also used a very similar method when we turned rice into maggots on the David Letterman show.
17:26Oh, beautiful.
17:28That isn't code words.
17:29That's just true.
17:31The production of the plate for the cinnamon roll was really startling and really remarkable.
17:38And we had to work on that one a little bit.
17:41You did a beautiful job at everything.
17:44Just a wonderful, wonderful performance.
17:47And I know that your happiness will override the fact that, come on, you're going to boo me.
17:55I know it.
17:57We are.
17:59We think we figured out most of it.
18:01All of it.
18:03Listen, they hate me.
18:12I think you guys know the secret to happiness.
18:18Wonderful, Mark.
18:19Thank you, guys.
18:22That was wonderful magic.
18:24Thank you so much.
18:25That was really fun.
18:32Come back for more amazing magic when Fool Us returns.
18:49Welcome back, everyone.
18:51Penn and Teller are two for two so far.
18:52See if their streak continues as we meet our next fooler.
18:58I'm from Madrid, España.
19:00But I perform all over the world.
19:03I am the kind of Spanish magician that Penn and Teller loves to hate.
19:08Adrian, another Spaniard.
19:10Damn you all.
19:12Sorry, sorry.
19:14The whole world knows how amazing Spanish card magic is, but few can copy it.
19:18I think the reason for this is what flamenco dancers call duende.
19:24An emotion beyond emotion.
19:26A thing you must feel to express it.
19:30I think that Fool Us is a game between friends.
19:34Last time, Penn said...
19:36This time, you didn't fool us.
19:38Next time, I bet you will.
19:40And now, next time is here.
19:43Deseadme suerte.
19:45Wish me luck.
19:48Please welcome the magical Adrian Vega.
19:55Hello, everyone.
19:57Thank you so much.
19:58Thank you, everyone.
19:59So I am so happy to be here on this stage one more time.
20:03As maybe you remember, last time you didn't give me any gift.
20:08You didn't give me any trophy.
20:10But I'm okay.
20:11I'm okay with that.
20:13Because this time, I have a very special gift for you.
20:17It's over here, under the silk.
20:20But first, I would like to choose three different random spectators
20:24using, of course, these three paper balls.
20:27So hands up, my friend.
20:29Hands up.
20:30Because the first ball is going to be for you, Teller.
20:34Sorry, sorry, sorry.
20:36So Teller, just catch the ball.
20:38Put it like that so everybody can see.
20:40And with your other hand, just show a number.
20:42Whatever you want.
20:44I am a professional, so whatever you want.
20:47So everybody can see Teller, can see the number, can see the ball.
20:50So very slowly, can you hold the ball?
20:53Very slowly.
20:55Professional, Teller.
20:57And keep the ball for later.
20:59Because maybe it's important.
21:01Because I need more spectators.
21:03I need two more spectators.
21:05So let's start with the next one.
21:07And the next one is going to be for...
21:09You, friend.
21:11Sorry, you can put your hands up.
21:13Nice catch.
21:14Perfect, Ben.
21:16So we have a value that finally you choose two, right?
21:19Now we need a color.
21:21Ben, what do you want?
21:22Red or black?
21:26Are you sure?
21:28So if you know, at the golf cart, you have the red and they are hearts and diamonds, right?
21:34What do you want?
21:35Hearts or diamonds?
21:39Are you sure or do you want to change for hearts?
21:41I'll change to hearts.
21:42Or maybe for a spade?
21:44Or maybe two clubs?
21:46I'll change to spades.
21:47Okay, I am a professional.
21:48Look at me.
21:50So what do you finally want?
21:52Two spades.
21:53Two spades, sure?
21:54Okay, so let's see.
21:55So we have a value, we have a color, we have a suit, finally a spade, right?
21:59But we need one more decision.
22:01But before to choose her, it's the moment to show you my gift.
22:07And as you know, I am a magician, so I bring for you a special deck of cards.
22:11But what is better than one special deck of cards?
22:16Two, perfect.
22:18So two special deck of cards like this.
22:20One blue, one red.
22:22So the last decision is going to be obviously for you, Roc.
22:28So my friend, can you catch the ball?
22:31So we have two decks.
22:33Blue and red.
22:35So you will have the final decision and maybe the most important decision tonight.
22:40Blue or red?
22:44Are you sure?
22:45I'm sure.
22:46What do you want to change?
22:47I'm sure, red.
22:48So no blue?
22:49Not blue.
22:50No blue.
22:52Good decision.
22:54So maybe now is the moment to open my gift.
22:59Can you join me on stage, my friend?
23:02So I will not do anything.
23:03I'm going to wait for you.
23:05Yes, thank you so much.
23:06Thank you so much.
23:07Because maybe a gift, a deck of cards is not a magical gift until we see what there is inside.
23:14And inside we have 52 different cards but they are blank.
23:17Can you touch it?
23:19They are totally blank.
23:20Blank for one side and of course blank in the other side, right?
23:2552 blank cards like this maybe is not magical until we see that maybe there are only 51.
23:33Only 51 blank cards from one side and in another and only one printed card in the middle.
23:41Totally random, we finally choose, because you change a lot of times, we choose the two of a spade.
23:49This was my present for you and I hope you like it too.
23:54A spade, yes.
23:55Can you touch it?
23:59Two of a spade.
24:01Wow, wow, wow.
24:02So, my friend, this is my first gift for you so you can keep it as a souvenir.
24:07You say souvenir?
24:08Yes, perfect.
24:09Souvenir from Spain.
24:10You can go back for one second because I promised different presents, different gifts for you.
24:17The first one is in your hands but the other gift is also in your hands.
24:23Because also we choose three different random spectators with three different paper balls
24:28in full view from the beginning and also in your hands before you took the decision.
24:35But I would like you to open the ballpen, open the ball teller, open your ball, Brock,
24:40because maybe my gift was also in your hands from the beginning.
24:45Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow.
24:48There you go.
24:49Two of a spade.
24:54Adrian Vega, everyone.
24:57Thank you so much.
25:03How scary was it to involve all three of us in this trick?
25:08Is that risky because so many things could go wrong?
25:12Exactly, yes.
25:13And also this is a kind of new act so even it's a little bit more risky.
25:17So is that when it's the most fun when an act is new?
25:20Yes, it's even more exciting because you have to control everything but you have to be focused
25:24to entertain the audience.
25:26So you have a lot of things going on and keep you fresh.
25:29What do you hope that the audience feels?
25:31Yes, first I would like to feel the impossible because it's our job, right?
25:35But second I would like they can forget a little bit about the problems that everybody has.
25:40So if they can forget the problem for a few minutes I will be more than happy.
25:44Do you have other passions besides magic?
25:47Yes, my family.
25:49My baby is two years and a half and now I will have another baby very soon.
25:52Oh, congratulations.
25:54So that is my biggest passion.
25:58Totally, totally, change everything.
26:00Alright Adrian, let's go to the boys and find out if they know how you made your magic.
26:04Are you ready?
26:05Yes, I am ready.
26:07Let's go.
26:08Adrian, good to see you boy.
26:09This is a great trick.
26:11It's really a great trick.
26:13I mean we loved it.
26:15Teller said at the end, the first thing he said was that is so beautiful.
26:19It's something a Spanish magician would come up with.
26:22Because you know Spanish magicians are always one ahead of American magicians.
26:27Every one of you guys are just the greatest.
26:31I love it so much.
26:33And the structure of this is so simple.
26:36You've got it laid out there so that everything on stage matters.
26:40It's just absolutely beautiful all the way through.
26:44We just loved everything about it.
26:47It's just really, really wonderful.
26:48And to do a trick like this on a bare stage where everything has to matter takes a lot of balls.
26:54And you had three of them right there.
26:57You did a wonderful, wonderful job.
26:59I don't think we have a gift for you this time.
27:03I feel awful not reciprocating.
27:05But I hope you come back again and I hope we get to give you a gift then.
27:09It was really wonderful.
27:11I will, I will my friend.
27:13You will, you will.
27:17Adrian Vega everyone.
27:24Stay with us because we've got more fantastic magic on the way right after this.
27:40Welcome back.
27:42Let's reveal the identity of our next magic marvel.
27:47I'm a modern magician with a vintage vibe.
27:50A 90's girl who parties like it's 1965.
27:53Back in the 60's women went to extremes.
27:56Big hair, big eyelashes.
27:58Blending all that playfulness with magic was the natural for me.
28:01It's all about freedom and keeping it fun.
28:03I grew up in Australia.
28:05I was a misfit kid tuned into the weird wavelengths.
28:08So of course I landed in Hollywood where you cast yourself in your own life story and can choose the character you'll be.
28:16My husband Greg is a successful performer in his own right.
28:18We boost and lean on each other.
28:20To really create you need support and understanding.
28:22Fortunately that's our family.
28:25I think Penn and Teller can be fooled.
28:27I like that.
28:29That makes it fun.
28:31I've worked hard and I think I have a shot at fooling.
28:33So Penn, Teller, welcome to the party.
28:34Give it up for the electric mind of Simone Turkington.
28:41I've been fascinated with the paranormal ever since I first saw the movie Ghostbusters.
28:45And one of the most interesting things I've learned is that negative reinforcement can almost magically release a person's extrasensory perception.
28:52So I wanted to demonstrate that for you tonight using these ESP testing cards.
28:57And with help from a professional.
28:59So I wanted to demonstrate that for you tonight using these ESP testing cards.
29:03And with help from a fearless volunteer like Brooke Burke.
29:11Thank you so much for helping.
29:15Now first let's establish if you have any innate ESP ability.
29:17So to begin with could you please tell me which of these five symbols would you like to focus on?
29:22How about the star?
29:25So we'll take out the star and I'll take out the wavy lines for contrast.
29:30So while I mix these up behind my back I want you to try and tap into your sixth sense.
29:36Now I can see where the star is located.
29:40Now Brooke do you think the star is in position one or position two?
29:48You think it's in position one?
29:49Sadly no.
29:51The star was in position two.
29:53So even with a 50-50 chance it would seem that you do not possess any ESP ability.
29:59But don't feel bad.
30:01I'm here to help.
30:03So let me ask you an important question.
30:05Now do you have a heart condition, pacemaker, epilepsy, any condition that might preclude you from receiving an electric shock?
30:14What do you mean?
30:16I mean no I don't but what do you mean?
30:17Well I needed to know that because let's get your ESP going.
30:28So I'm going to ask you to hold on to these two electrodes.
30:30Hold them very tightly.
30:32Don't let go.
30:34Am I going to regret volunteering for this one?
30:36You might but I'm just going to fire the old girl up.
30:38Okay here we go.
30:40So the way this is going to work I'm going to keep asking you questions.
30:45I'm scared.
30:47So I'm going to keep asking you questions.
30:49And if you get the question right, nothing happens.
30:52But if you get it wrong, like you just did, then...
31:01Oh no, okay wait.
31:03Okay I was already nervous but wait, really?
31:05Yeah, yeah.
31:07But you will be required to receive an electric shock.
31:11But the idea is that the unpleasantness will motivate you to do better next time.
31:17Okay wait.
31:19Okay there we go.
31:23Let's try that again now, okay?
31:27Remember what's at stake.
31:29Looking for the star now, Brooke.
31:31Do you believe the star is in position one or position two?
31:38Oh come on.
31:40No, she got it this time.
31:42There we go.
31:44There is the star in position one.
31:48So I see, I think you get it now.
31:50If she gets it right, nothing happens.
31:52But if she gets it wrong, then she gets an electric shock.
31:56So let's make it harder now.
31:58How do you think you'd fare finding the position of one card in five?
32:02I hope for your sake you'll do well because as much as I enjoy administering electric shocks,
32:07I really actually do want you to succeed.
32:11Now which of the remaining symbols would you like to focus on now?
32:13The circle.
32:14The circle, okay.
32:16So add the circle and we'll add the remaining two as well.
32:23So now I'm going to mix these up.
32:25Now you're looking at a one in five chance now.
32:27What can I do to motivate you into getting this right?
32:34Raise the stakes again.
32:36I'm going to shock you, but I'm going to raise the...
32:38Maybe it's all my jewelry that's making this even worse.
32:40It might.
32:42Okay, but just don't think about how that's going to feel.
32:44Focus on the circle.
32:46Do you believe the circle is in position one, two, three, four, or five?
32:57Three? You feel good about it?
32:59I mean, Chanel actually hesitated for just a moment, but I think she pretty quickly realized
33:03and I think we can all see that indeed the circle is in position three.
33:11So we can see her ESP is improving with every turn.
33:15So now I think you are ready for the ultimate test.
33:19Now for me to just mix these up and then hold up one random five cards
33:24and for you to just name them correctly in order.
33:29Are the odds of getting that right?
33:31Not great.
33:33No, they're one in 120 as a matter of fact.
33:35So with odds that low, we're going to have to raise the stakes really, really high.
33:37So I am just going to crank that all the way to the max.
33:41Now don't worry, Brooke, I wouldn't do anything to you.
33:43I wouldn't do it to myself.
33:45I have shocked myself at this level before.
33:47It won't kill you, but it definitely sucks.
33:53Now, Brooke, focus.
33:55What symbol am I thinking of right now?
33:57Oh, gosh.
33:59The plus sign.
34:02Oh, jeez.
34:04And now?
34:08The circle.
34:11Do I have to get all of them right?
34:13If you don't want that.
34:19Think harder.
34:21The squiggly lines.
34:25Two more.
34:27Oh, jeez.
34:29Well, you're almost there.
34:33The star.
34:36The last one has to be the square.
34:38So as I said, the odds of naming all five of those right, one in 120.
34:42Very low odds.
34:44But comes as no shock to me that Brooke Burke does in fact have ESP!
34:59Simone Tarkington!
35:02I mean, that might be the last time I'm volunteering with you guys.
35:07That was really intense.
35:09Is this even legal?
35:11I don't know.
35:13I'm yet to test that out.
35:15How did you come up with this idea?
35:17Well, I did mention Ghostbusters in the beginning.
35:19And that's where the first time I ever saw those ESP symbols was in Ghostbusters.
35:21And he is testing people's ESP and giving them electric shocks for the wrong answers.
35:26So when I had this effect, I was like, what can I do to add to this?
35:29And I was like, electric shocks is cool.
35:31Well, I myself would not be shocked if you pick up a Fool Us trophy.
35:35But let's check in with the boys and find out.
35:37Are we ready?
35:42Well, Simone, that was wonderful.
35:45You know, we spend all our time being in this uncomfortable position
35:49while Brooke gets to strut around in her bell bottoms.
35:53It was good to see her tortured for a change.
35:55We enjoyed that very, very much.
35:57Put her in the hot seat now.
36:00It's a great routine.
36:02It's a great premise.
36:04Negative reinforcement gets a bad rap nowadays.
36:07It's a really funny premise.
36:09You know, my buddy Andrew, I got a buddy named Andrew.
36:12He's really into baseball.
36:14He's been trying to teach me about it.
36:16And there's so much, because I didn't play baseball.
36:18I never cared about sports.
36:20When you hit a double in baseball, somebody's going to slide into second.
36:22Somebody's going to do that.
36:24They're going to slide into second after you hit a double.
36:25And that's all I've learned so far.
36:29Next week, we're going to take on bunting, I suppose.
36:31And I want to tell you that I can't hit this enough.
36:36I mean, Brooke is very attractive when she's being shocked.
36:44You know what?
36:46Don't get used to this.
36:48HR is going to get on me for this.
36:50But you're more magnetic when you're being shocked.
36:52You just are.
36:53I'm going to come out here and hook up one of those fakie meters to you
36:57and just shock the hell out of you.
36:59The things I do.
37:01As much as you shocked the hell out of Brooke,
37:04I don't think you fooled us.
37:07And I may have snuck in a few things here and there.
37:10They know how you did your trick.
37:12No, you brought us joy, though.
37:14That's good.
37:16You brought us a lot of joy.
37:18Thank you so much.
37:20I hope we get to do that again.
37:22Simone Turkington.
37:31We're almost out of time.
37:35We've saved the last slot for our Las Vegas legends.
37:37See Penn and Teller perform when Fool Us returns.
37:39Welcome back.
37:41It's time to close our show
37:43with a magical jam session
37:45with Mike Jones on organ,
37:47Kurt Gerer on drums,
37:49and of course,
37:51the stars of our show,
37:53Penn and Teller.
37:55One, two, three.
37:57I woke up this morning
37:59and it was so hot in the car.
38:01It was so hot in the car.
38:03I woke up this morning
38:05and it was so hot in the car.
38:07I woke up this morning
38:09in the middle of the desert.
38:11I knew the sky was
38:13oh so blue.
38:15I dusted my broom
38:17and then I knew
38:19what I had.
38:21I had to play my
38:23my blue cursor.
38:25I opened the case
38:27It was all glittery.
38:30It was like
38:32it was covered in dew.
38:35But there was nothing in it.
38:37It was empty.
38:38nothing. I didn't have my blue cousin. I was on the killing floor. My heart was broken.
38:49I won't play no, no other hue. Only one kind I'll ever play. And that is my, my blue cousin.
39:04I asked Brooke Burke, I said, hey baby, can you help me out? I asked the foolers, can
39:11you do some voodoo? But I just had pink ones down. I didn't have my own. Take it to the
39:23I need some help from everyone. I need you to hold them up, hold them up real high. I
39:46need you to put them in your mouth and I need you to blow. It's time. Get on it. Play kazoo
39:58to the music. Get on it. Play kazoo to the fucking music. Benatella got a message for
40:07y'all. Oh, the squares go home. The audience, they were so great. They played with love
40:32with soul too. I knew they were going to save me, save me so much. I just knew I was going
40:40to find my blue kazoo. One, two, three.
41:10It's time to load the band and head out. Thanks to all of tonight's magicians and good night
41:38everyone from Las Vegas.
