• 2 days ago
Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 1


00:00I'm gonna take the lieutenants test you leveling up is great for Chuck Katie
00:15Warren I am stupid enough to fall in love with you but you have done
00:21everything in your power to push me away I think I really messed up change is
00:25inevitable nothing stays the same forever I've decided to throw my hat in
00:30the ring deputy commissioner you're the man for the moment chief no
00:34doubt congrats deputy commissioner you make 51 a family chief and this fire
00:40house a home what are we gonna do without him here
00:45holding us together I want you sitting in this chair as my
00:51life is really about family the people around you
00:55Benny Severide he was my father Damon knew and he's been lying about it ever
01:00since he got here I don't see how I keep him on track if he stays at the fire
01:05house maybe I could be a mentor to him it's your rig your decision
01:50morning chief good morning
02:20I'm gonna make sure you and I were introduced before I met the rest of the
02:28house well it's good to meet you chief Pascal you just got here from Miami huh
02:34I started CFT but yeah I've been Miami fire rescue for the last 10 years and
02:39welcome back DC Bowdoin said you're on track to be
02:41battalion chief with the goal of sitting in this seat so I make sure there's no
02:47hard feelings that I'm in it now
02:51yeah it's no problem I I just had some bad luck got sick before the captain's
02:59test a few weeks back and so I missed it but I'm gonna take it next round and
03:04then the chief's test after that so I got I got a little ways to go
03:11good luck with that thanks never met the guy but I heard he's a
03:18monster in the field please Miami that just means breaking up beach parties and
03:22soaking in sunshine genius you ever see Scarface everything Baywatch I don't
03:27Shank over 48 says he's tough as nails yes we'll see wonder why he came back
03:33from Miami maybe he kept his pension so he had to finish here has anyone seen
03:38him yet I mean it's been locked away in Bowdoin's office it's chief Pascal's
03:42office now I'm going for seconds
03:51where the hell is Carver first day back after a six-week furlough you think
03:56he'd be early you heard from him nope I just know he was a family in Texas
04:01wanted to give him some space yeah I hope it worked some stuff out down there
04:05now that I know he's coming back I have some things I need to say like I'm going
04:12to apologize and I want to explain that I wasn't keeping a distance because of
04:18Evan I was keeping a distance because of my feelings for him yeah I want this to
04:24work good for you putting it out there all right morning briefings about to
04:29start rally up time to meet the new chief
04:40you're cutting it close on time I was here lieutenant just took a few beats in
04:44the walk room to take it all in glad to be back so you're ready to jump back in
04:50action hell yeah okay fine so you won't let me take you out for drinks I get it
04:56I'm intimidating yeah yeah that's it I was thinking I could use some more EMT
05:02Con Ed hours and I saw that you were signed up for that psych emergency class
05:05maybe I'll join and then we can just go get some coffee afterwards mm-hmm and I
05:11would your brother think of that sever I doesn't really get involved with anyone
05:16else's business in case you haven't noticed morning 51 morning chief as you
05:22probably already know I'm battalion chief Don Pascal 27 years on the job a
05:27couple things I want to get out of the way up front I have the utmost respect
05:31for Deputy Commissioner Wallace Bowden and it's truly an honor to be here in
05:35his former seat but I'm not Chief Bowden I'm not trying to be I have my own
05:42leadership style I do things my own way so you should all expect there'll be
05:47some changes at firehouse 51
05:52to be continued let's hit it team
06:23there will be changes sounds kind of like a threat I have to wonder what
06:27exactly he's talking about
06:31attention all responding companies to 31st Street explosions ongoing inside
06:35the building units are advised to approach with caution
06:38happy that means let's roll up with our eyes peeled
07:13cover behind the ambulance and let the medics you can watch okay go that big
07:19in there that means defensive attack no one goes inside the building drivers
07:26let's get these rigs end-to-end bumper-to-bumper in a semicircle create
07:29a safe zone take our victims there truck and squad get the jack plates for 81
07:34use them as a protective shield make your way to the structure and pull
07:37anyone out that's nearest the flames let's go let's go grab your unmanned
07:41deck guns your water cannons make sure your supply lines are in place
07:49I'm good get the victims out
08:02I'm gonna help you up easy-easy
08:06I know I know
08:16I think he's missing the pier Jean
08:29guys move it get the portable deck gun set up
08:36I got him going
08:42get you out of here
08:50reported it in the north gunshot was reported at 5th in Indiana
08:5625 to me we got strapped away
09:01I'm giving out a shelter-in-place order half-mile in every direction
09:20I got him
09:34no no let's keep moving
09:50that's the last of the victims clear fire him up
10:21guy nearby said that vape place just got a shipment of butane delivered
10:26yesterday can't be legal to store it there no no way that shrapnel shot out a
10:31mile in each direction Pascal clearing the area people would
10:34save a lot of lives and that sign collapse is classic facade fail I knew
10:40it could go down any sec just have to get the victim out you did good nice
10:58hey our victims gonna make it yeah yeah looks like it which is a miracle some
11:06classic penetrating wounds a few pretty serious nurse said it looked like a gang
11:10shooting spray had gone down um but if you get a second I'd love to talk you
11:16know just the two of us I'll be around all right Tony chief look like the ball
11:22apocalypse now when he walked out could be the sign of a psychopath he did stay
11:26pretty damn calm under pressure afternoon hey chief you should try
11:31Damon's chicken parm chief it's real top-notch no I'm good thanks like I said
11:36in this morning's briefing there's gonna be some changes around the firehouse
11:40starting with this one I need everyone to put your phones in here is this some
11:45kind of magic trick in a way meals are a great time for firehouse bonding have
11:49a conversation get to know each other it's a lot better than staring at your
11:53phone all due respect chief most of us have known each other for years that's
11:59where the trouble starts you stop asking questions finding out new things if your
12:04life depends on knowing the firefighter on your left and right on every call and
12:07what their next move is gonna be it's no such thing as too familiar right
12:11phones in the box people can I ask what if we get an important call well how
12:16long she wants 45 minutes believe me your family knows they can call the
12:20firehouse if there's a crisis flip phone yeah it was my wife's idea I like her
12:28already you're gonna thank me either that or you'll decide I'm a dick but
12:32either way you find out something new about each other I'm happy right
12:38Bon Appetit
12:42like I needed more grief about the flip phone
13:24the car had Texas plates so maybe you go from back home yeah that makes sense
13:31because this is not a casual kind of kiss this was like a we've been sleeping
13:35together for a while kind of thing I'm sorry bye yeah there's no one but myself
13:43to blame I blew it and I pushed him away for good hey you don't know that we
13:49don't know anything about this Texan Ritter is right maybe they're sleeping
13:53together maybe it's a casual flame either way it could end any minute
13:58before he left he told you he was in love with you those feelings don't just
14:07hey Stella chief Pascal wants to see you meet her in his office got it
14:21that was a hell of a call this morning yeah sure was as lieutenants you're my
14:25three officers on scene so what I'd like to do is meet with each of you
14:29individually go through that fire what decisions you made and why thought
14:33processes etc we will have our reports finished by end of shift and it'll all
14:39be in there in conversation more details come out
14:44don't help me understand your leadership styles and methods and I'd like to do
14:48this sooner rather than later fresh on the mind yes sir
14:51sounds good great the tenants have ride you'll go first gather whatever you have
14:56in your report so far meet me in the briefing room copy that dismissed
15:09the way he said dismissed and he might as well have said get the hell out of my
15:13office this guy is a taskmaster
15:18Bowden never did this kind of performance reveal Pascal is pulling
15:24some serious alpha moves
15:37well what was that for not that I'm complaining I'm hoping it'll help ease
15:44you up a little what does that mean chief Pascal warned us there's gonna be
15:49changes you're not helping yourself by challenging him from the jump I'm not
15:54challenging him per se just give me a chance
16:01one more kiss I'll consider it
16:09fine I will try
16:15Damon he made some smart moves on the date fire call he did I saw you talking
16:23to him about it which in general is fine but maybe let me be the first to
16:28debrief after a call absolutely now I gotta round up my finals for the big man
16:34yeah have fun with that
16:44they put out a date for the next lieutenant test yet no but I can't take
16:48it till Herman moves up to chief rank anyway I'm not taking a promotion till
16:52there's an opening here I would never leave 51 yeah that's why I didn't take
16:56it last year hey yeah I didn't think about this before but you're sort of at
17:01the mercy of Herman's test-taking skills on this one huh hey don't remind me you
17:09and Damon get into it or something what no no no not at all he's uh he's a good
17:15kid so keep in mind team accountability is key don't forget to use your radio
17:22more got it one more thing
17:28see I'm looking for a general order nine six dash zero zero one I think you know
17:38what this section is the state's immediate family members should not work
17:42the same firehouse in the same shift
17:46since lieutenant kid doesn't have your last name I assume that's how it stayed
17:50under the radar
17:54going on calls with family members that can be trouble
17:58seems to me you both figured out a way to manage it considering how long you
18:02work together yes sir we have it handled
18:12just be aware that's something I'll be keeping an eye on
18:22you need any help yeah when we get back to metal you remind me that we need
18:27another pair of McGill forceps sure
18:31are you okay yeah I'm fine thanks
18:36this cow is kind of distractingly cute for a chief no when I first met you you
18:42told me you had a fling with your instructor at training do you have a
18:46thing for authority figures please I just called daddy issues he's cool on
18:52the call right did not blink he was but among many other potential disasters
18:58with this idea I'm pretty sure I saw right on this finger
19:00yeah you never know
19:20Patterson John copy
19:23Hey! Back up! Come on!
19:26Give us some space!
19:32Looks like two in the front! Driver and passenger! I don't see movement!
19:36Let's work these front doors! Copy! Copy!
19:41We got two kids! Copy!
19:44David! Come help me work this door!
19:47Front door's open!
19:49Here it comes!
19:56We're at peripheral pulses. Head injuries to both, but they're both breathing. Could be internal injuries.
20:01Come on!
20:03Hey guys!
20:06My name is Lucy. We're gonna get you out, okay?
20:10What are your names?
20:11I'm Lena. I have the stage.
20:14Okay, okay. Let me get in there.
20:17Oh, they're okay.
20:19Okay, we're gonna get the front passengers out first.
20:22Copy. I'll stay with them.
20:34Is my mom okay?
20:36We're gonna get her out right now.
20:38It's okay, Jamie.
20:41He got scared.
20:42I don't blame him. You guys look really brave.
20:46Do you mind if I take a look at your ankle?
20:50Alright, let's go.
20:55Don't let my daddy go away.
20:57Oh, we won't, hon. We're gonna take good care of him.
21:00No, I mean, don't let him go.
21:04He crashed us on purpose.
21:11Lena said it very clearly. He crashed us on purpose.
21:14Was she confused at all? The accident must have shaken her up pretty good.
21:17She didn't seem confused to me.
21:18Yeah, me neither.
21:20Both parents are intubated and unconscious.
21:22Hopefully, they pull through and we get a chance to talk to them.
21:26The position of the car was strange.
21:28Straight into the wall, like the driver didn't try to turn or stop.
21:32The accident scene is under investigation right now. We should get some information on that.
21:37And we'll talk to the little girl after she's rested up.
21:40Keep us posted?
21:41Will do.
21:43So, what was your next move?
21:45I started crawling around, getting the supply line set up to feed the engine deck gun.
21:51Like you asked.
21:53Well, you got that in the snorkel basket and positioned fast.
21:57It worked out. Yeah.
22:01Just so you understand my methodology, I believe knowledge is power.
22:05So, I'm going to try and learn from every call, from every officer, and ask any question I can think of.
22:15But the unmanned snorkel cannon, that was pretty cool.
22:19I liked using that.
22:21Me too.
22:23Between that and the portable water cannon, we tamed that beast.
22:28Yeah, we did.
22:31I hope we get some answers on that crash soon.
22:34It's crazy the kid survived with just minor injuries.
22:37Never lucky.
22:38If what the little girl said was true, not that lucky.
22:42Can you imagine? I mean, what the hell was going through that father's head?
22:48All I know is there are some people who never should have become parents in the first place.
22:54See you next shift.
23:07How was your shift?
23:09Nothing you want to hear about.
23:11Some nasty world out there.
23:13Sounds like Bloody Mary's in order.
23:20Almost makes getting up at dawn worth it.
23:35Lieutenant Vale.
23:39Chief Pascal.
23:41Chief, wow, that's something.
23:45Congrats on the new rise in rank.
23:48Thank you. Grab a seat.
23:53It's been a while, huh?
23:55It has, it has.
23:57Yeah, I see you're still working that overtime, burning that daytime oil just as always.
24:03Well, when you love what you do.
24:07Listen, I don't want to overstep, but we were close back in the day.
24:14I heard about what happened in Miami.
24:17You okay?
24:22I'm good.
24:29You sure?
24:31Because I heard...
24:32Most of the CFD doesn't even know I'm here yet.
24:35You must keep your ear really close to the ground, huh?
24:38Well, I care, I guess.
24:44I better get back to work. Thanks for coming by, Lieutenant.
24:51Not a problem.
24:54And if you ever want to talk, just give me a shout.
25:07It's amazing the old-timers talk about him.
25:09He was a real smoke eater, huh?
25:11Any commander would respect.
25:13I don't know how well-liked he was, though.
25:16I still have the last birthday present he sent me on my ninth.
25:20Guess it was.
25:22Cop car.
25:24Come on, Cruz. You gotta tell me what's going on.
25:27Were you even eyeballing Damon?
25:30It's just, as these two get closer, as brothers, you know, it's tricky.
25:36I saw Severide pull up on me on a call when he thought that Damon was hurt.
25:40Just makes me worry for the both of them.
25:43I think Severide's just trying to be a good mentor.
25:47There's more to it than that when they're tied by blood.
25:51I know I'd do anything for my brother.
25:55She was definitely intimidating. I don't know about the word cute.
25:58A person can be both.
26:04Hey, speaking of which, where's Carver tonight?
26:07I figured after all that time away, you'd want to hang.
26:09Turns out Carver has a new girlfriend.
26:12Or an old girlfriend, I don't know.
26:15I'm sorry.
26:16Hey, me too.
26:18Whatever that girl's deal is, I don't get the vibe that she's making Carver very happy.
26:24Hey, Duane's here.
26:26Hey, Duane.
26:27Hey, guys.
26:28I thought you had to work tonight.
26:29Still on shift. Update on the case.
26:32What's the latest?
26:34Lena's father is still in an induced coma, but I got a chance to talk to Catherine, her mother.
26:39That's good news.
26:40She told me you misunderstood everything Lena said.
26:43Or that Lena was mixed up.
26:46Either way, she said the father did nothing wrong and that the crash was just an accident.
26:51What? I didn't misunderstand anything.
26:54Are you sure?
26:55A hundred percent.
26:57Lena was telling the truth. She was scared of her father.
27:07The mother won't even let the police talk to Lena, so she's been traumatized enough.
27:11It's shady, I'm telling you.
27:13We're just protective.
27:15Where's Lena now?
27:16She is staying with her aunt until her parents are at the hospital.
27:20EMTs aren't under the same restrictions as police.
27:24Sounds like you bonded with the girl.
27:26If you can think of a reason to go visit, you're free to do that.
27:30Could be medical follow-up.
27:32Do you have concerns about her, medically?
27:35Not really.
27:37But there is something that I'd wish I had done.
27:40And I think I can fix it if we can find that minivan.
27:45I'll give you the leeway.
27:46I'm always open to a solid follow-through on her cases, but watch your step.
27:51Copy that, Chief.
27:54The accident report came back inconclusive, so that puts even more pressure on the girl's ward.
28:00And the mother's.
28:09Ever since we started even talking about having kids, every call with a child just fills me with...
28:18dread, I guess is the word.
28:23You think that feeling ever goes away?
28:28You'd have to ask one of the guys with kids.
28:34I wish I could just snap my fingers and feel ready.
28:42I just don't, yet.
28:46And I'm sorry about that.
28:48You don't have to apologize. Told you.
28:54Just so you know, you can talk to me about anything.
28:58Including Carver.
29:00I know that.
29:02It just kind of shook me up more than I thought.
29:04Kind of shut down my emotions, so...
29:08Maybe don't give up so fast.
29:12You know?
29:13Because this girl could just be a distraction over his heartbreak from you,
29:16and he has no idea how you're feeling.
29:18There it is.
29:26Okay, let's get you some help here.
29:33Oh, I hope it's still in here.
29:39Got it.
29:43But Lena is missing now.
29:45I bet she is.
29:46And as PIC, I think we should bring it to her.
29:52You know, I'm going to say something to the Chief about this.
29:54It's ridiculous.
29:55I'll back you.
29:56We're not school kids.
29:57I'm going to lose my winning streak on July.
30:00This will be good.
30:02Let's do some all-unit drills after lunch.
30:04Meet on the app floor.
30:08Hey, Chief.
30:10Yes, sir.
30:12Hey, Chief.
30:19What kind of drills?
30:21Air management and hose deployment.
30:24Sounds great.
30:28I actually could use some air management training.
30:30You're a walking tragedy.
30:32Hey, come on.
30:33Pascal has some pretty good ideas.
30:36I'm just saying that I was impressed with him in a meeting I had.
30:41Impressed how?
30:42The way that he stepped into Bowdoin's shoes like that.
30:45You know?
30:46Doing things his own way.
30:47That takes a lot of nerve.
30:51I give the man kudos for that.
30:59Lieutenant Kidd.
31:00You still haven't checked in for your shift?
31:02Lieutenant Kidd.
31:03You still haven't checked in for your vape-fire post-mortem.
31:06Let's do it now.
31:07How about in an hour or so?
31:08I've got some girls on fire work that I want to do before the session.
31:11That work can wait.
31:14Yes, Chief.
31:16Of course.
31:17My apologies.
31:34You must be Lena's aunt.
31:35Is everything okay?
31:37We are the medics who treated Lena at the accident.
31:41We just wanted to see how Lena was doing.
31:43And to give her this.
31:46We found it after we dropped her off.
31:48It's Lena's favorite.
31:49She's been asking for it.
31:53Come on in.
31:59Hey, Lena.
32:02How's the ankle feeling?
32:03It's fine.
32:04But Aunt Judy won't let me go skateboarding it.
32:07One more week.
32:08She looks so pretty.
32:10Yeah, Nova cleaned her out for you.
32:12I was so scared she got hurt during the crash.
32:18I had a doll just like that growing up.
32:20And I used to love brushing her hair and taking care of her.
32:26And I can tell you take really good care of Nora, too.
32:29I do.
32:30And I bet you do everything you can to keep her safe.
32:34I do.
32:35I held her so tight in the car.
32:38Before the accident?
32:40As soon as Daddy started driving so fast.
32:43And when he said that thing,
32:46I tried to squeeze onto my seatbelt.
32:49I couldn't.
32:51What did your Daddy say?
32:56I couldn't live anymore.
32:59It's time for us to die.
33:13Her father's still unconscious.
33:15But now that Lena's aunt heard her statement,
33:17the police can talk to the mother.
33:19What if she still insists Lena's lying?
33:21DCFS will separate Lena and her brother from the family
33:24until the courts decide where the truth lies.
33:26Or the father regains consciousness and admits any wrongdoing.
33:42No, she's just a kid.
33:44She doesn't think what she's saying.
33:53You can't take my children away.
34:00Yes, he said those things, but he's sick.
34:04He just needs help, that's all.
34:17Hey, what time should I be at your place?
34:20Looks like it starts at three.
34:21See you then.
34:22I'll bring the beer.
34:24Heads up.
34:25I want everyone coming in half an hour early from here on out.
34:28I got an equipment check that takes some getting used to.
34:31Copy that.
34:32Got it, Chief.
34:35This guy's really getting up and in it.
34:37No doubt he likes to keep everyone on their heels.
34:40He even pulled out the general order book.
34:43Called out me and Stell for working the same shift together.
34:47What did he say about you and Damon working together?
34:50I didn't mention it. Not an issue.
34:57Your call, obviously.
34:59That's right. It is.
35:09What, are you staying after shift?
35:11Pascal gave me some ideas for organizing the rig.
35:15I figured I'd try them out.
35:18You sure are trying to make a good impression on me.
35:21Yeah, maybe I am. I mean, what's wrong with that?
35:27Did you really miss the captain's test because you were sick?
35:32Of course I was sick. Why would you even ask that?
35:37You shouldn't be so impressed with the new chief.
35:41All this stuff he's doing.
35:42Stepping into Bowdoin's shoes.
35:44Taking some new tacks.
35:45Just so you know, you could do all that, too.
35:49You'd be great at it.
36:05We haven't had time to talk today.
36:07It's all good.
36:08Uh, I just, uh...
36:14I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
36:17I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
36:19About the way things went before you left.
36:22I shouldn't have said what I did about you and Kidd.
36:24And now...
36:25No reason to talk about it.
36:27That's the past.
36:29I'm done living there.
36:34Let's just not pretend that we're anything more than co-workers.
36:40It'll be better for both of us.
37:00What's going on?
37:03You okay?
37:05I am.
37:06I'm just pissed off.
37:09Does that have something to do with Pascal?
37:13More about me.
37:15He called me out for avoiding the review.
37:21And I pushed back.
37:25Tried to put him off.
37:28I never would have done that to Bowdoin.
37:32So, you were right.
37:36My attitude has been pretty screwed up.
37:38Pretty screwed up.
37:42I really miss having Bowdoin at 51.
37:48The man, he was more than just my boss.
37:52He walked me down the aisle, you know?
37:59I know.
38:01I know you said you'd give this Pascal guy a chance.
38:07And it's not just because he's not Bowdoin.
38:10There is something about him.
38:13Makes me nervous somehow.
38:17There's something about him that's a little...
39:00You gotta be kidding me.
39:05Open the door.
39:16I'm not happy, Dom.
39:18I think you should go stay somewhere else.
39:20Yeah, well, first of all, it's my name on the lease.
39:22Then I can go.
39:23No, I want you here.
39:27I want to work on this.
39:28Seems like all you really want to do is just work.
39:30Night and day.
39:32Like always.
39:33I told you, the hours are gonna be crazy at first.
39:36You should have stayed in Miami.
39:39But I didn't.
39:40I came here to be with you.
39:45Don't give up.
39:47Well, maybe it's time you do.
39:53You're gonna need me to keep you warm when that Chicago winter hits.
39:59We got weak in Miami.
40:07Open the door.
40:29You're a lucky man.
40:32I know it.
40:45No one ever really knows Dom Pascal.
40:49You lied to me.
40:51Things aren't right around the house.
40:53I feel that we have a core crew.
40:55I hope so.
40:57Chicago Fire, next Wednesday on NBC and Peacock.
41:00We almost died.
41:01That must have triggered something.
41:03I don't get to die yet.
41:04There's more.
41:06What are you trying to do now?
41:08I'm doing my job.
41:10I'm still here.
41:11Chicago PD, new next on NBC and Peacock.
41:15Later, Jimmy Fallon welcomes Shaquille O'Neal.
41:18NBC Tonight.
