• yesterday
Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 7


00:00We're only witness to that fire, he's in the wind, there's no trace of him anywhere.
00:08That unit you opened, it's part of a complicated ongoing investigation.
00:12Maybe you guys haven't noticed, but we have an ongoing investigation here also.
00:16What the hell are those troopers up to?
00:20You guys have a right, he doesn't seem to understand the situation like we do.
00:24Bishop doesn't shy away from violence and he does not make empty threats.
00:29Does Carver seem okay to you?
00:32He's dragging a little.
00:33Would it be nice to work someplace you actually feel appreciated?
00:37Who told you to go second-guessing my work?
00:39Go home, Carver, and don't plan on coming back unless you get yourself together.
00:54Fun night?
00:56Mm-hmm, we bailed just when it was getting good.
00:58We closed down the lounge and then Jolene took me to Mike's cop bar.
01:03Have you ever been?
01:04It literally never closes.
01:07Wait, you're leaving already?
01:09Yeah, I gotta be in early.
01:11I told you that last night.
01:12But your kid is still pissed at me for dragging last shift, so...
01:15Kid needs to chill.
01:18Sorry, I just, it sucks to see you like this.
01:23You're so stressed and keep cutting out early, missing all the fun.
01:28I gotta set things right with my boss or I'm out of job.
01:31You can find another one.
01:37You keep saying that, but I'm a firefighter, T.
01:41That's what I worked my whole life for.
01:43Wow, you're in a mood.
01:48Look, I just have to figure out how to balance everything better.
01:55It's not easy.
01:58Hey, any idea where the strainer is?
02:05It's underneath the serving bowls.
02:08Wow, remember when you were the new kid, asking all the where's and why's?
02:11Oh, barely.
02:14Hey, can we talk?
02:15Like, paramedic to PIC for a minute?
02:18Sure, what's up?
02:20So Mathis, my friend at Milwaukee FD,
02:22was telling me about this whole blood program they just started.
02:26Have you heard about it?
02:27Yeah, a little.
02:27Basically, paramedics carry around blood in the rigs to do transfusions in the field.
02:32If we had a program like that, we could stop people from bleeding out on the scene.
02:37Bad idea?
02:38No, no, it's an amazing idea.
02:41And I love how fired up you are about it.
02:42It's just things like this are kind of above our pay grade.
02:47But hey, if you're serious about this, then do the research.
02:51Figure out what it would take, see how other departments did it,
02:53and maybe we can bring it to Robinson.
02:57Severide, this is Captain Vaughn, Internal Affairs.
03:00So you've been surveilling him for a year and you still don't have enough to bring him in?
03:04Captain Bishop is very good at covering his tracks and tying up loose ends.
03:07What about the ghost guns you found in that storage locker?
03:10If he was watching the police and you were watching him...
03:14I told you, you can trust him.
03:19We know about the guns.
03:20Did any go missing?
03:21No, it was a clean bust.
03:23But we do have intel that Bishop was collecting protection fee from the crew making them.
03:26And they recently stopped paying.
03:28So he was out for revenge.
03:30Did Bishop pull a warrant?
03:32I'm not at liberty...
03:33Captain Vaughn, do you want our help or not?
03:37No, Bishop did not have a warrant.
03:39Why wait for a warrant when you can set the place on fire
03:42and have the CFD come pop the locks for you?
03:46Can you prove that?
03:47Not yet, but we do have a witness, a transient that was almost killed.
03:51And if Bishop was involved, we can get him for attempted murder.
03:54Do you think we can nail Bishop for arson?
03:56We'd have to go back to the scene, get a closer look.
03:59But don't loop in Van Meter or anyone at OFI if Bishop thinks we backed off.
04:03Let's just keep it that way.
04:05This stays between us.
04:13Oh, when is the lieutenant test match?
04:15Less than a week.
04:16And my blood pressure is steadily rising.
04:18But you'll be fine.
04:19You've been studying for months.
04:21Yeah, mainly because I've never been great at taking tests.
04:24All I hear is just the Jeopardy music running on a constant loop,
04:26worried I won't finish in time.
04:28But I got some practice tests, and the plan for today is timed trials.
04:33Well, let me know if you need any help.
04:35You don't have any beta blockers, do you?
04:37My heart feels like it's running a marathon without me.
04:39You know what? Never mind.
04:40Let's grab some more coffee.
04:41That always calms me down.
04:54I just want to say, I know my words have been pretty hollow lately,
04:58but I am grateful to be here, and I plan to show it.
05:02Eat better.
05:04Truck 81, Ammo 61.
05:06Multi-vehicle accident.
05:07Let's go.
05:076-3-0, South Archer.
05:24This looks like a minor fender bender.
05:39Let's just make sure no one got hurt.
05:41Copy that.
05:42Barber, get all these people away from the ramp.
05:45On it.
05:46Lieutenant, a cop just pulled up next to the rig.
05:48All right, I'll give him a low down.
05:50Safe off the perimeter.
05:51See if the medics need any help.
05:52Got it.
05:59Lieutenant Stella Kidd.
06:08Have we met?
06:09Oh, your reputation precedes you.
06:11I'm Captain Bishop.
06:17You guys got here pretty quick.
06:19Just right on our heels, huh?
06:21We were in the area.
06:24Well, you don't need to shut down the off ramp, so.
06:28Well, that's a relief.
06:29Converting traffic's such a hassle,
06:32as if we're the bad guys here, you know?
06:37I should get back to the scene.
06:38Of course.
06:41Thank your husband again for me.
06:45He was a big help in our investigation.
06:52Has anyone been in here since we left?
07:06And I got a lot of angry customers who want to check out their stuff,
07:10but the insurance company has to come and take photos first.
07:15Police ever come back?
07:22What was in here?
07:25We'll let you know if we need anything.
07:27But I'm a mess.
07:43There's the heater.
07:45Though it wasn't the cause, this thing melted from the outside in.
07:48So the fire could have started in any one of these units.
07:51No accelerants found.
07:53Though there's plenty of fuel.
07:56Cardboard boxes, bedding, a lot of full paint.
08:02That right there is the missing evidence.
08:04Bishop was pretty determined to make sure we never got a hold of it.
08:07Whatever it was.
08:11Yeah, well, it's been working for him so far.
08:13I wonder if he thinks he's untouchable.
08:14I've known guys like him.
08:16And they wanted money.
08:17I mean, it's not that they feel that they're untouchable, exactly.
08:21It's almost like they give their lives to the job and then feel that they're owed something more.
08:27You talking about Chief Hendricks?
08:29People like that do a lot of damage.
08:30They hurt a lot of people.
08:34This kid.
08:35Hey, what's up?
08:38Bishop just arrived on my call.
08:40What did he say?
08:41Not much.
08:42He wanted me to thank you for helping out on his investigation.
08:46Do you think he followed you there?
08:48It's possible.
08:49The wreck was right off the freeway, so it could have been legit.
08:54I don't know.
08:55You okay?
08:58No, no, I just wanted you to know.
09:00But I'll see you back at the firehouse.
09:04Guess who Kid just met.
09:22As someone who almost took this test last year, you want my advice?
09:25I'm not sure almost taking this test is the right thing to do.
09:29I'm not sure taking this test is the right thing to do.
09:32I'm not sure almost taking it makes you a certified expert, but
09:37sure, I'm open to anything at this point.
09:39Okay, okay.
09:41So, you know Murph?
09:43She teaches Continuing Ed at the Academy?
09:44Yeah, sure.
09:45So normally she charges 50 bucks for this, but I'm going to give it to you for free.
09:49Did Murph sell you the answers?
09:54She teaches an hour-long course to help people pay up that has nothing to do with all of this.
09:58Does it?
09:59Murph also sell Herbal World on the side?
10:03Do you want me to share this with you or not?
10:05An hour, huh?
10:08You gave me 10 minutes.
10:09If you hate it, we'll stop.
10:12Come on, what do you got to lose?
10:31Sorry, sorry, I know it's bad form to let your PIC pack up,
10:33but the flyboy guy gave me some serious intel on the whole blood program thing.
10:37You know they've had it in EMS helicopters for years?
10:40I'm not surprised.
10:41They get all the good stuff first.
10:42Well, he thinks it's criminal that we don't have it on ambulances yet.
10:45So he's going to send me an email with information,
10:47data they've collected, all the training they had to go through,
10:50so I can put in my proposal for Robinson.
10:52Okay, you're really doing this.
10:54Oh, I am totally doing this.
11:00It looks like the fire jumped a few units spreading out in the V.
11:10You get any hits on a point of origin?
11:12No, the whole thing's soot-stained, huh?
11:14One thing I noticed, though.
11:17Char pattern here.
11:18Does that make sense to you?
11:23Well, whatever it is, it's not a clean burn.
11:30I don't see any vents on this side.
11:39That's how it jumped.
11:41Embers came through.
11:43Weren't the guns right next door?
11:45Yeah, but that unit just got heat damage.
11:52This is just plywood.
11:53All the other walls are corrugated metal.
11:56This thing would have got eaten alive.
12:00Heads up.
12:17Bishop needed those guns to make his bust.
12:19He couldn't have them burned.
12:20He covered the vent with plywood?
12:22Well, he must have had it treated with something to resist the flames.
12:30That looks like it could have been a five-gallon canister of fire suppressant to me,
12:40don't you think?
12:42Bishop screwed up, left it here, had to come back for it?
12:45He doesn't seem like the type of guy to overlook that.
12:47He could have panicked.
12:49Fire makes people do strange things.
12:51Or he had someone else do it for him.
12:54That guy you rescued doesn't really live here.
12:57He's working for Bishop.
13:07Now you're saying Bishop didn't commit arson?
13:09Well, he's behind it.
13:10He just had somebody else light the match.
13:11We have to prove it was him, or this is all just a big waste of time.
13:14So bring in the guy we pulled out of the fire.
13:16Maybe he'll talk.
13:17You bring the photographs we requested?
13:23These are from our surveillance on Bishop.
13:25All known acquaintances.
13:28I'll remember his face.
13:34My boss wants me to move on.
13:35He says arson is pretty much impossible to prove.
13:38Not for him.
13:42If this transient was a suspect, why didn't you hand him over to police?
13:45Well, he presented as a victim and fled from the hospital.
13:48There's no reason to believe that he had anything.
13:50Here he is.
13:52This is Ryan.
13:53This is Ryan.
13:57That's not his name.
13:58It's the name he gave us.
13:59He's one of Bishop's criminal informants, Devon Staples.
14:02He's a snitch.
14:04That makes sense.
14:05Bishop already has him under his thumb.
14:07Well, he shouldn't be too hard to find.
14:08We have all his information.
14:09I want to talk to him.
14:15Arson's not my specialty, and we need to convince him he's going back to jail
14:18if we're going to get him to talk.
14:19I'll be in touch.
14:24Give me three more.
14:29Okay, now, 50 jumping jacks straight into it, all right?
14:31No rest.
14:32I'm sorry, Joe, but when does the actual lesson begin?
14:37This is the lesson, Mouch.
14:38No, this is cardio.
14:40And our job is physically and mentally demanding.
14:44Well, guess what?
14:45The mind, the body, they're interconnected.
14:48Are you about to try and sell me some herbal world?
14:51No, Mouch.
14:53The point is exercising one strengthens the other.
14:56Well, it's a little late for all that.
14:58The test is in a few days.
14:59But you feel better, right?
15:01You're not as stressed now that the endorphins are kicking in.
15:04All I feel is a possible shattered disc and sweat in places that requires another shower.
15:12Mouch, please, come on, just give me 10 more minutes.
15:13I promise this will help.
15:14That's 10 more minutes of valuable study time wasted.
15:19So putting someone's name in your phone is a relationship milestone now?
15:25Oh, yeah.
15:26Dwayne was still a hot cop in mind until about a month ago.
15:31Hey, y'all.
15:33I brought you guys lunch.
15:34Oh, wow.
15:35Soul and smoke?
15:36No way.
15:37My manager says it's the best Texas-style brisket in Chicago.
15:41Thanks, Tori.
15:41I called dibs on the burnt ends.
15:43I didn't even know you were coming by.
15:46I wanted to surprise you.
15:48Figured you could always use more food.
15:49I know how hard y'all bust your asses around here, especially this one.
15:55By the way, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for dragging him out of Molly's on Violet's birthday.
16:01We were just having a thing.
16:03It's fine now, though.
16:05You just had to work some stuff out.
16:08Well, thank you for the food.
16:10You know, I feel like we're just kind of one of those couples, you know?
16:13Nothing's lukewarm with us.
16:14We're either fighting or we're...
16:16Yeah, I think she gets the picture, too.
16:20Well, I just sort of get that same vibe from you and Severide.
16:24Am I right?
16:26Not exactly.
16:28Those guys, you feed them once, made a friend for life.
16:33Here, let me walk you out.
16:38See you, Tori.
16:39Thank you again for the food.
16:41Yeah, no problem.
16:43So good.
16:47You do know that the whole point of this was to have lunch with you, right?
16:51You should have asked me first.
16:54Okay, what is going on with you?
16:56With me?
16:58What was that back there?
16:59Kit isn't your girlfriend.
17:01She's my commanding officer.
17:03Maybe you need to stop putting her on such a pedestal and just let her get to know me.
17:06When I am at work, I have to be focused on work.
17:19I appreciate what you did, but I just can't afford to be distracted right now, okay?
17:26I'm sorry.
17:28It's just funny because y'all were shooting the breeze when I walked in.
17:32Is that the important work you really need to focus on?
17:35It's hard to explain to someone who's not a firefly.
17:37Yeah, don't bother.
17:50Hey, I'm heading out.
17:51We just got word they brought in Bishop's CI.
17:54Let's hope he knows where the bodies are buried.
17:58You good?
18:00Yeah, I'll feel better once Bishop's charged.
18:03Is Pascal going with you?
18:05Yeah, we're taking a lead in the route.
18:08You too.
18:08You've been attached at the hip the last few days.
18:11Just trying to break the case.
18:13And he's really had my back through all this.
18:19Good luck.
18:21I'll call you later.
18:33Oh, thanks, boss.
18:36How's it going?
18:37Making any progress?
18:38You know how much goes into setting up these programs?
18:41Each ambo has to be equipped with cold storage, fluid, warmers, disposable circuits.
18:45It's like $6,000 per ambulance, and that's not even factoring in the cost of training or
18:51the actual blood product.
18:53Well, if other departments are using it already, why not us, right?
18:59Yeah, but...
18:59Did any of them start with just one little ponytailed girl in a dream?
19:03Hey, one ponytailed, nunchuck-whipping, whiskey-swilling girl.
19:08Which is probably why they haven't made it happen yet.
19:19Flynn's great-uncle just passed away, and he invited me to go to the funeral with him
19:24right after shift tomorrow.
19:26Funeral date?
19:28That's a big move.
19:30He is really laying all of his cards out on the table, huh?
19:33He comes here to tell you how much he likes you, and now he's inviting you to an intimate
19:36family gathering?
19:37I know.
19:39Meanwhile, I haven't laid any of my cards down.
19:45What's the deal with that?
19:46He seems like such a great guy.
19:50I don't know.
19:51I just...
19:52I don't know.
19:54I don't know.
19:55I just...
19:57I don't even know where to begin with my cards.
20:00Hey, uh, mark me for a three on the last hole, and oh, by the way,
20:03I watched my boyfriend die right in front of me.
20:06Yes, your point.
20:11I'm sure you'll find your moment.
20:17Where'd you get the fire suppressant?
20:20There's only a few places that sell canisters that size.
20:23Shouldn't be too hard to track down.
20:24A recent purchase.
20:26You didn't use a credit card, did you?
20:28Man, I don't know anything about that.
20:30I was just sleeping there.
20:31I told you.
20:32But you did say a space heater may have caused the fire.
20:35Yeah, and it was on.
20:37And I don't know.
20:39Maybe it fell over.
20:41It really just clues, Devin.
20:43It's also unpredictable.
20:45You were able to keep it off those guns, but how could you know another locker had all
20:48that paint in it?
20:49It's the blowing up like a bomb.
20:51Then you got scared and ran.
20:53Got lost in all the smoke.
20:55I didn't do it.
20:56You were the only one in the building.
20:58It couldn't have been anyone else.
20:59You think Bishop's okay with you screwing up, leaving evidence behind?
21:01You think he's not gonna come after you for that?
21:07Look, look at me.
21:10We know this wasn't your idea, okay?
21:13Just tell us what Bishop made you do.
21:15Do you have anything to hold me here?
21:23These men saved your life.
21:25Least you can do is answer their questions.
21:27But I'm not under arrest.
21:29So I can go, right?
21:32Yeah, you can leave whenever you want.
21:46You think he runs right to Bishop?
21:49Tells him we're still investigating?
21:52Not a chance he saw his face.
21:54He knows he screwed up and Bishop might kill him.
21:57And now we are out our only witness.
22:10There you are.
22:11What's up?
22:12I'm working on my proposal for Robinson.
22:14And I was hoping I could send it to you later.
22:17Once I'm done done to get your PSE perspective on it.
22:19Yeah, whenever you're ready.
22:20But don't go easy on me.
22:21I want brutal honesty.
22:23Probably I don't know any other kind.
22:27Whoa, hot mama.
22:29Oh, hell yeah.
22:30You're a slay at the funeral.
22:32I'm serious.
22:32You look drop dead gorgeous.
22:34Okay, all right.
22:35I gotta go.
22:35I'm already late.
22:36Knock him dead, girl.
22:37Knock him dead, girl.
22:40So apparently I've been sleeping on Texas barbecue.
22:43That was insane.
22:45It's a smoky flavor.
22:47Gotta go low and slow.
22:49A nice way to bring your home vibes to Chicago.
22:52Like you never left Austin.
22:57Yeah, I guess that's true.
23:05I can teach you how to smoke it yourself.
23:07If you trade bunks with me.
23:08And be next to Cap.
23:09The loudest sleeper in 51.
23:11Sounds he makes are not human.
23:15What is that sound?
23:16I better be able to see my reflection in those blades.
23:30Love a mimosa.
23:31I wouldn't get your hopes up.
23:32It's probably asses, pimozzi, and tang.
23:35I'm no snob.
23:46Is that lady wearing an ankle bracelet?
23:49Oh, yeah, that's exactly what I thought.
23:51I thought she was wearing an ankle bracelet.
23:53I thought she was wearing an ankle bracelet.
23:55I thought she was wearing an ankle bracelet.
23:57Yeah, that's Aunt Renetta.
23:59She used to stint in Cook County for her third DUI.
24:02There's a motley crew you're consorting with.
24:06Well, it was a nice service.
24:08Which is ironic, because Uncle Bing wasn't the nicest of folk.
24:13Probably died with a scowl on his face.
24:17Speaking of dying, my last boyfriend died right in front of me.
24:19On a call.
24:22Oh, my God.
24:24I'm so sorry.
24:25I didn't...
24:25It's okay.
24:26It was a while ago.
24:27No, I just...
24:28I wanted to tell you.
24:29I just didn't know how to.
24:32But I think I nailed it.
24:35I'm glad you told me.
24:38That's a big deal.
24:39And I totally understand if you want to keep things casual or take it slow.
24:44I mean, that's how I like to roll anyway, so...
24:46You think inviting me to a funeral is keeping things casual?
24:53But you can, starting now, if that's what you want.
25:00When you're ready to head out, do you maybe want to come back to my place?
25:05Let's go.
25:53Oh, good.
26:05It's almost ready.
26:07I'm trying something new.
26:09Carbonara with Greek yogurt.
26:12I know.
26:13Won't be as good as your lemon pasta.
26:14And if it's terrible, we can order in.
26:17When did you get home?
26:18I don't know.
26:18An hour ago?
26:19I'll still want to drop that off for you.
26:43I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell's going on.
26:46I just need you to stay at your sister's for a few days.
26:50What was in that envelope?
26:54This is Miami all over again.
26:56Well, who'd you piss off this time?
26:58I'm only trying to protect you.
26:59I'm not the bad guy here.
27:01No, you never are.
27:13He came to my home.
27:15You're sure it was Bishop?
27:16He stopped by a call and he spoke to my wife.
27:18He's trying to intimidate us.
27:19Let us know he can get to the people we love.
27:21As you said before, he doesn't shy away from violence.
27:24Hey, we put a tail on a CI.
27:26If Bishop goes after him, like you said...
27:28And use him as bait?
27:29Let's just use what we've already got.
27:31All that intel on kickbacks, ghost guns, imported cigars.
27:34Go get papers on this guy and bring him in.
27:36Right now.
27:37It won't do any good.
27:38Come on, you gotta have something concrete.
27:40Like I said, he's smart.
27:41Covers his tracks so we can't get access to him.
27:44Burner phones, cash, all of it.
27:46When you saw his CI, nobody's gonna talk.
27:48They're all too scared.
27:49Bishop should be scared of us.
27:54We just need to keep building the case.
27:56How long will that take?
27:57Till we can make something stick.
28:08Have a nice day.
28:14There you are.
28:15Did I miss curfew?
28:20I just wanted to see you before I went on shift.
28:22If you wanted to spend time with me, you could have come out last night.
28:24I invited you, remember?
28:26Even after you booted me out of the firehouse.
28:28I know.
28:30I'm sorry.
28:34Thing is...
28:38I've been leaning on you too much.
28:41I like it when you lean on me.
28:43You picked me up when I was crashing hard back home.
28:47Picked each other up.
28:49That's what we do.
28:50That's what we used to do.
28:52For sure.
28:53I probably wouldn't have made it through high school without you.
29:02You and me.
29:04This is right.
29:07I know you can feel it too.
29:09I do.
29:12It feels right because it feels like home.
29:16But maybe that's not such a good thing.
29:18You know?
29:19Home is a dark, messed up place for both of us.
29:27The only messed up thing here is that the firehouse is the center of your life
29:30and you keep trying to lead me out of it.
29:35Don't go into work today.
29:39Leave with me.
29:42I can't.
29:47I didn't know you were gonna say that.
29:49I'll be back right after shift.
30:14You read it?
30:15That's solid.
30:18That doesn't sound good.
30:19No, when I say solid, I mean solid.
30:20Like, amazing.
30:22That's not what solid means.
30:23Just take the compliment.
30:24It's great and I don't know how you did it in two days.
30:27Oh, you know, just by spending every second on it.
30:34You know, it's obvious this really means a lot to you.
30:36It comes through on the page.
30:43And so now all we gotta do is get to the top of Chief Robinson's to-do list.
30:47You got any ideas?
30:48Well, it's got to be something splashy.
30:50Something she can't ignore.
30:52So yeah, I've got a couple ideas.
30:58Hey, Mouch!
31:00That's what I just found out about your test.
31:02Let me stop you right there.
31:03No more advice.
31:04I'm sticking with the old school study methods, cramming, and a crippling fear of failure.
31:10No, it's not that.
31:11Fun fact, since they changed the retirement age last year,
31:15you were about to be the oldest person in the CFD to take the lieutenant's test.
31:20Yeah, isn't that cool?
31:22It's like you're breaking new ground.
31:25Wow, a trailblazer.
31:36Hey, have you seen the chief around?
31:38I got reports for him.
31:41No, he's probably somewhere doing the same thing I am,
31:44looking for anything to take down Bishop.
31:47What are these?
31:48All the CFD calls with Bishop's name attached.
31:51No surprise, another unsolved arson with his name on it.
32:14My car, it's on fire.
32:36Truck, grab your extinguishers.
32:38Engine, stretch a line.
32:39Can't you just soak it from here?
32:40How many guys see me going in?
32:42Why does he have an axe?
32:43You stay out of the way.
32:44Hey, this is my alley.
32:45Get back.
32:50Let's move.
32:50Ready, good.
33:1351, clear out.
33:15Engine, soak it down.
33:21All right, fall back, we're good.
33:31All right, get out, get down.
33:32Now we got fire and water damage.
33:34Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey, take it easy, buddy.
33:36It's not safe back there.
33:50Hey, hey, uh, Lieutenant Severide, we need to talk.
34:03Hey, don't touch that.
34:04That's police business.
34:05Oh, hey.
34:21Squad 3 to main meet at 10-1 to this location.
34:40How do you know it wasn't his own personal collection?
34:43It was at least 50 grand worth of Cubans in there.
34:45Well, with probable cause, they could search the house.
34:50No one else has got stashed away.
34:53This can't be a coincidence, right?
34:56How do you mean?
34:56The same M.O. as the storage facility, set it on fire,
35:01have us pop the locks?
35:09You think the CI did it?
35:10Keep Bishop from coming after him?
35:12I could see that.
35:15I'll give Vaughn a call, see if she can't bring in the CI again.
35:19Don't get your hopes up.
35:21If it was the CI, he's probably in the wind.
35:24So it might be for the best.
35:35You sticking around?
35:37Yeah, I'm sticking around.
35:39You sticking around?
35:41I figured Chief would need an extra hand with all the paperwork coming in.
35:45Well, I'm gonna go home, get some sleep.
35:49A lot better than I would have, knowing Bishop's off the streets.
35:53Really great work.
35:56Don't stay too late.
35:58You know your partner, Pascal, can handle the paperwork so long.
36:02Just so you know.
36:08Hey, T.
36:38Hey, I thought you would be home studying.
36:59Do I really want to be the oldest lieutenant in the CFD?
37:04Come on, Mouch.
37:05Is that what I'm adding to my legacy after 40 years on the job?
37:09Now I'm half couch, half geezer.
37:11I thought we moved past all of this.
37:13You do know they place you according to how you score on the test,
37:16which means I would have to ace the damn thing in order to have
37:20any shot of getting my number called before I retire.
37:23And even if I do, who wants a 60-year-old rookie lieutenant leading them into battle?
37:30I know I wouldn't.
37:32Hey, you know, it's funny.
37:34I gave Herman hell for having doubts, but when it comes to myself,
37:40maybe some people are destined to make rank and some people aren't.
37:48I know you don't want my advice, but you're wrong on this.
37:53You're going to make a great lieutenant because of what you just said.
37:5740 years on the job, a lifetime of experience,
38:02and you're going to ace that test for the same reason.
38:06You got the answers right here and here.
38:17Nice work, Novak.
38:18Dropping some science on those white shirts?
38:19Yeah, well, it was Violet's idea to get the medivac guy to hand-deliver
38:23the proposal to Chief Robinson in his flight suit.
38:27So what happens now?
38:29Robinson already agreed to let Novak make a presentation to the CFD Logistics and Support
38:33Leadership Team.
38:34Yeah, well, I don't know how I'm going to stand in front of all those people
38:37and not lose my lunch.
38:39Look, don't picture them in their underwear.
38:41I tried that in court once.
38:43It started a hell of a spiral.
38:46Good to know.
38:48Big move inviting him to Molly's.
38:50I'm Darren.
38:51I'm Senior Ritter.
38:52I've heard a lot about you.
38:54That's weird.
38:55I haven't heard anything about you at all every shift.
39:01That's Ritter.
39:04No, it's great to meet you.
39:09Do they get that safe open in Bishop's closet yet?
39:12Half a million dollars in cash and a Rolex collection.
39:16Good luck explaining that, right?
39:19You look like you could use a break.
39:21You smoke cigars?
39:22I lived in Miami for 10 years.
39:24What do you think?
39:25Well, they're not Cubans,
39:27but I have a few stashed in my locker that aren't half bad.
39:42So I just talked to Vaughn about Bishop's CI.
39:47They bringing him in?
39:51They have that tail on him.
39:53It turns out he didn't go anywhere near Bishop's house.
39:59No, I keep thinking.
40:02What are the odds of an engine fire in Bishop's car
40:06exactly when and where we needed it to happen?
40:12Pretty low.
40:19All that matters is he won't be messing with our families again.
40:49We went toward the danger, not away from it.
40:53How bad is it?
40:56How the hell is this?
40:58We need to talk, my friend.
41:00Chicago Fire, new next Wednesday on NBC and Peacock.
41:04She was a cooperating informant.
41:06If your relationship ever got out...
41:07I'm going to prison.
41:08So will I.
41:09I want to know everything there is to know about Gloria.
41:12We bust her, she'll use it against us.