• 2 days ago


00:00These contestants will need knowledge and they'll need luck but most importantly they'll need the favour of our unpredictable machine
00:07who'll have what it takes to play for our $20,000 jackpot?
00:11I'm Todd Woodbridge, let's find out on Tipping Points.
00:31Welcome to Tipping Point where three contestants are ready to take on the machine, so let's meet them.
00:38Hi, I'm Shirley from Queensland. I'm a biobank manager. If I win I would love to visit Bosnia with my fiancé.
00:46Hi, I'm Anthony. I'm a truck driver from Victoria and if I win I'm putting the money towards a tropical honeymoon.
00:53Hi, I'm Margie, a retired performing arts teacher from Emerald. I used to breed green tree frogs and feed them crickets and huntsman spiders.
01:05You're quite diverse Margie, but let's just touch on the breeding of frogs. Just a hobby?
01:09It was just because someone else in the school had frogs and I thought they looked fun.
01:13And then I bred trays and trays of crickets to feed them, so my performing arts room was always full of the sound of crickets.
01:20Anthony, a honeymoon?
01:23Is your fiancé with you here today?
01:24Yes, my fiancé Faith is here.
01:26Okay, well we'll look forward to hearing where you might be longing to go if you can win that $20,000 today.
01:31And Shirley, a trip to Bosnia with your fiancé?
01:36Marriage is in the air in today's show. Alright, let's play round one, Bank Builder.
01:40Bank Builder.
01:46Okay, Bank Builder is your chance to build some serious cash.
01:49Because every counter that you push over the tipping point, $100 will be added into the bank.
01:54In this round, you'll each have three counters.
01:56If you buzz in and answer correctly, you can choose to play one of your counters into the machine,
02:02or you can pass to your opponent who will play one of their counters instead.
02:06If you answer incorrectly or don't answer within three seconds, we're going to take one of those counters away from you.
02:12Now in the machine, you'll see the two double counters.
02:15Push one of those over and you'll double the value of your drop,
02:17along with the two mystery counters which you'll need to push over the tipping point to see what prizes they hold.
02:22If you're ready, I'm going to get you to put your hands on buzzers, and here comes your first question.
02:33Spice Girls?
02:34It is the Spice Girls.
02:37All right, Anthony, are you going to play your first up today?
02:40Yeah, I think I'll play.
02:42Where would you like to go?
02:43Drop Zone 4.
02:44Right up Drop Zone 4.
02:53Down she goes.
02:54Nicely, that'll slide up against that wall, which is usually pretty good, Anthony.
02:58Yeah, it's a good spot to be.
03:00Good spot to be, come on.
03:02There we go.
03:03Come on, come on.
03:07Good start.
03:09Let's go.
03:10That is a good start.
03:12Very rarely do we see the first counter bring home five into the win zone, so $500 goes in the machine.
03:18Let's get it out of there.
03:20That's a ripping start for Anthony.
03:22We're going to move it into your bank, and with two counters left to play, you're off and racing.
03:28Here comes the next question.
03:30Measured by track length, the world's largest tram network is in which Australian city?
03:37Of course it's Melbourne.
03:39Shirley, that smile just beams, because you've got the opportunity to play.
03:43Would you like to play your counter?
03:45I'll play my counter, thank you.
03:46Where would you want to put it?
03:49Drop Zone 1.
03:50Right up Drop Zone 1 for Shirley.
03:58That's good, Shirley.
04:00Opposite to what, Anthony?
04:01No riders, please.
04:02Not yet.
04:04We're going to slide down the left side.
04:07Five for you would be a nice start too, wouldn't it?
04:10Come on.
04:12Good job.
04:13Push the rest of it off.
04:18Thank you, machine.
04:20Not as many as Anthony, but still a nice start.
04:22Three over the tipping point.
04:23$300 goes up and into the machine.
04:26Let's transfer it from there, put that into your bank.
04:28And with two counters left to play, Shirley, you're two counters behind Anthony.
04:34Next question.
04:35Which 2007 Pixar film centres on a rat named Remy who dreams...
04:42It is Ratatouille, who dreams of becoming a chef.
04:45Good job, Anthony.
04:47I'll play and I'll light up Drop Zone 4.
04:49Light it up again, please.
04:50Drop Zone 4 for Anthony.
04:52He's going back to where he did well in the first job.
04:58Come on, don't ride.
05:00Sitting in there.
05:02It's out nice.
05:04Come on.
05:06Let's go.
05:07Lined up there with the mystery too, Anthony.
05:10Oh, yes.
05:12Come on.
05:13Down she goes.
05:14Give me something good.
05:15Give me something nice.
05:16Let's go.
05:18A little more for you, Anthony.
05:19Another $300 building nicely in your bank.
05:22Build around.
05:23Let's put it into the machine.
05:24Take it from there.
05:25Add it to the $500.
05:26And with one counter left to play, you've got $800 sitting in the bank.
05:30Five-counter lead over Shirley at this point.
05:34Still got all three counters.
05:36Plenty of time.
05:37The next question.
05:39Which UK city is home to English Premier League teams named City and United?
05:46It is Manchester.
05:47Quick on the buzzer.
05:48That was a sure.
05:49I think I'll play again and we'll go one more time in Drop Zone 4.
05:52Back to 4.
06:00That's pretty good because there's a gap sitting in the centre on the front there,
06:03so you might clean up the rest of the right hand of the tipping point, Anthony.
06:07Come on.
06:08Let's go.
06:09Just don't ride.
06:11Here we go.
06:12Let's go.
06:13Come on.
06:14Yep, yep, yep.
06:15What's this?
06:21It filled the gap, unfortunately, for you.
06:25Still a pretty good start, Anthony.
06:26You've got no counters left.
06:27You can sit back with 800 and see what Shirley and Margie are going to do for the rest of the round.
06:33Here comes the next question.
06:35In 2010, Adam Bandt was elected as a federal MP representing which Australian political party?
06:42The Greens.
06:43It is the Greens.
06:46Here's your chance.
06:47You put some money in the bank.
06:48Well, I think I'll go for Drop Zone 1, please.
06:50All right.
06:51Drop Zone 1 for Margie.
06:55There you go.
07:01You need to get that flat.
07:04Just gently kisses the silver counter sitting on the left side.
07:11Oh, here we go.
07:20Margie, you're in it.
07:21Finally, the 300, three over the tipping point, goes up and into the machine.
07:25Let's get it out of there and put it into your bank.
07:28And you're now tied with Shirley.
07:32Both of you with two counters left to play.
07:35Both five counters behind Anthony.
07:37The next question is this.
07:39Kuta Beach and Nusa Dua Beach are located on which Indonesian island?
07:46It is Bali, indeed.
07:49I love the sound effects that you give before you push the buzzer.
07:52You've got another counter to play.
07:54What would you like to do with it?
07:55Still do Drop Down 1, please.
07:57You want me to put it in Drop Down 1 or Drop Zone 1?
08:01Drop Down 1.
08:03That's what it is, then.
08:04Drop Down 1.
08:14Margie is reinventing our tipping point language today.
08:20I'm so nervous.
08:21Don't be nervous.
08:22Just make the money, Margie.
08:23Come on.
08:24Come on.
08:25Push something over.
08:26Come on.
08:28No, not D on that drop.
08:31It's not going to.
08:32It's okay, Margie.
08:33You've still got one counter left to play.
08:35Next question.
08:36On which long-running Australian kids' TV show are viewers often invited to look through the arched window?
08:44Play School.
08:45It is Play School.
08:46Margie, well done.
08:49What are you going to do now?
08:50Drop Down 1.
08:52Back to Drop Down 1.
08:53Here it is.
08:54Light her up.
09:02Don't squeeze in that gap left, Margie.
09:05We need it.
09:06Pushing right.
09:07Push right.
09:09Push it over.
09:13Come on.
09:16Thought we might be in trouble for a moment there, but in the end, you got two over the tipping point.
09:20So, $200 goes into the machine.
09:23We're going to take it from there, and at the end of your Bank Builder Round, Margie, you've got $500.
09:29That's got you three counters behind Anthony.
09:33And, Shelley, you've still got two counters left to play.
09:35No need for you to buzz in now, though, but you do need to answer within three seconds.
09:39And if you don't answer, I have to take that counter away.
09:42So, here is the penultimate question for you.
09:46Mockingjay is the third novel in which dystopian young adult series about televised survival games.
09:52The Hunger Games.
09:54Well done.
09:56All right, Shelley, you've had a bit of time to study the board.
09:59What are you thinking?
10:00Drop Zone 4, please.
10:01Light up Drop Zone 4 for Shirley.
10:06Still yet to play anywhere in the middle of the machine.
10:09Drop Zone 2 and 3.
10:11Still haven't been touched.
10:14Gently sits down for you, Shirley.
10:17Very polite.
10:18It is.
10:19Come on.
10:22Come on, come on.
10:23Keep going.
10:24There we go.
10:28Three more, Shirley.
10:29300 is up and into the machine.
10:32Put it in your bank.
10:33And you've got 600.
10:34Puts you in second position.
10:38One counter left to play.
10:39And here's your final question.
10:41On the periodic table, what is the single letter chemical symbol for boron?
10:46Too many.
10:47Shirley, it is B.
10:50Unfortunately, I have to take that counter away.
10:54But this is a very tight game after Bank Builder.
10:58Shirley's got 600.
10:59Anthony's in the lead with 800.
11:01And Margie, not far behind with 500.
11:04All of you are going to have to kick it into gear in our quickfire round.
11:08That's next on Tipping Points.
11:11Welcome back, everybody, to Tipping Point.
11:13Tight game here with Shirley, Anthony, and Margie.
11:16They're battling it out for that chance to play for the $20,000 jackpot.
11:20Let's keep it moving and play quickfire.
11:22Now, in quickfire, you'll each have 30 seconds to answer the question.
11:26And if you get it right, you'll get a $20,000 jackpot.
11:29And if you don't get it right, you'll get a $20,000 jackpot.
11:32And if you get it right, you'll get a $20,000 jackpot.
11:35And if you don't get it right, you'll get a $20,000 jackpot.
11:38Now, in quickfire, you'll each have 30 seconds
11:40to answer as many questions as possible.
11:42For every correct answer, I give you a counter to play into the machine.
11:45Every counter is critical because the player with the lowest score
11:48at the end of this round is out of the game.
11:51Now, Anthony, as you're in the lead with $800,
11:54would you like to play first or would you like to change up tactics?
11:58I think I'll play first.
11:59All right, Anthony.
12:02I'm going to put 30 seconds on the clock for you.
12:04The time starts now.
12:06Now, in netball, which playing position
12:08is commonly abbreviated to the letters GK?
12:13Which Australian band had a 1980s hit with Beds Are Burning?
12:16Midnight Oil.
12:18What is the medical name for the upper jawbone in the human body?
12:25In Disney's Frozen films, which character is voiced by Idina Menzel?
12:31Vatican City is landlocked by which major Italian city?
12:35Which Oscar-winning actor was a founding partner?
12:42Anthony, four.
12:43That's a great score.
12:45So four chances to build your bank.
12:50I think I'll go drop zone three.
12:52You're going to light up drop zone three
12:54and it's the first time we've been there.
13:02Not bad.
13:03No riders, let's go.
13:04No, that's good.
13:05Here you go, Anthony.
13:06That is good.
13:10It'll definitely get something off the top shelf.
13:12Oh, there it goes.
13:14How much will it get off the tipping...
13:17Let's go!
13:20Oh, Anthony!
13:22Nine, including the mystery.
13:25Come on!
13:28We put 900 up into the machine.
13:30We leave it there because you've still got three counters left to play,
13:33but you're going to be happy with this.
13:35Late washing day, a breeze, Anthony,
13:38with this Whirlpool 15K SaniPro top loader washer
13:42featuring unparalleled six-cent laundry technology.
13:46It's valued at $1,599.
13:50Three more to play, though, Anthony.
13:52Where's the next one going?
13:53I'll go drop zone two.
13:55First time today.
13:56Light up drop zone two.
13:57Drop zone two.
14:02Got the washing machine to help clean up drop zone two.
14:06Come on.
14:07If it sits flat.
14:08Let's work, let's work.
14:11He's gone for mysteries, he's going for doubles.
14:14Got to play the game.
14:18It's OK.
14:19That's all good.
14:20Shirley and Margie are very happy with that.
14:22Still two to go, Anthony.
14:24Oh, hello!
14:26Not yet.
14:27I spoke too soon.
14:29Let's go!
14:33Another nine, Anthony.
14:39900 goes up into the machine.
14:411,800 with two counters left.
14:44Where would you like to play?
14:45Drop zone three.
14:46Let's light up drop zone three.
14:49What do you think about that one?
14:51You've done well with every other drop, Anthony.
14:53Very good, very good.
14:54Let's hope it keeps going for me.
14:58All right, here we go.
15:00Down it is again.
15:01Sit well.
15:02Let's go, girl.
15:07Two more.
15:08$200 up and into the machine.
15:12Anthony, you're up.
15:14$200 up and into the machine.
15:18Anthony, final counter for you to play.
15:20I'll go drop zone two.
15:23Drop zone two.
15:24Light it up.
15:32Come on, don't ride.
15:35Damn it.
15:36It has just caught the edge.
15:38Does it slide up on top?
15:41It did.
15:43I tell you what, things are going your way today, Anthony.
15:47I'll take it.
15:48Can't win them all.
15:49You've still won a fair bit.
15:51Because at the end of your quickfire round,
15:53we're going to take the $2,000, move it over into your bank,
15:56and you can sit back, I think, fairly confidently at this point
16:00with 2,800 that you might go through to the next round.
16:04Shirley and Margie, there is still plenty of money sitting in there.
16:08Shirley, though, would you like to play now?
16:1130 seconds on the clock for you.
16:12Your time starts now.
16:14Which dessert popular in Australia and New Zealand
16:16is commonly abbreviated to PAV?
16:20In 2022, Qatar hosted which major international men's soccer tournament?
16:26More information?
16:32World Cup.
16:33Who won a Best Actress Oscar for her role as a boxer
16:35in the film Million Dollar Baby?
16:38Hilary Swank.
16:39The route of the Spirit of Tasmania ferry service
16:41crosses which major strait?
16:48That would have been the Bass Strait.
16:50The Bass Strait, yes.
16:51OK, Shirley.
16:52You've got a one-counter lead over Margie,
16:54and you've got one counter to see if you can increase your bank.
16:57Where would you like to drop?
17:00Drop zone three?
17:01Drop zone three.
17:02Light it up for Shirley, please.
17:07Come on.
17:10Come on.
17:11Shirley, Shirley can get something here.
17:15Oh, yes.
17:21So unlucky.
17:22You're going to have to sit back here and watch what Margie does.
17:25Margie, it's your chance to stay in the game
17:27and go head-to-head with Anthony if you can get a couple right here.
17:30I'll put 30 seconds on the clock for you.
17:32Your time starts now.
17:34The common term for the prominent bulge at the front of the throat
17:37is Adam's what?
18:05It was Kendrick Lamar.
18:07Margie, you've got two counters.
18:10You need one over the tipping point to tie Shirley.
18:14Two gets you through to the next round.
18:17Which drop-down are we going for?
18:19Drop-down three.
18:20Drop-down three it is.
18:22Light her up.
18:31OK, that's flat.
18:32There's a little gap at the front.
18:34Is there enough push to get something off the top?
18:36I don't think so.
18:41So the gaps are filled, Margie.
18:43The question for you is do you go back there?
18:45Yes, I'll still do drop-down three.
18:49Light her up for Margie.
18:56If it gets flat, you'll get that black one on the edge softly.
19:02Come on, come on.
19:03Is there one?
19:04Is there two?
19:16You needed one to tie.
19:17Two would get you through, Margie.
19:19Three has got the job well and truly done.
19:22$300 goes into the machine.
19:26When we transfer that into your bank,
19:28you finish your quickfire round with $800.
19:34Anthony with $2,800.
19:37Shirley, unfortunately, with $600.
19:40We've found your tipping point.
19:43Great having you on the show, Shirley.
19:45Thanks for being with us.
19:46Anthony and Margie are going head-to-head
19:49for the $20,000 jackpot.
19:51Who's going to get through?
19:52We'll find out next on Tipping Points.
20:04Welcome back, everybody, to Tipping Point.
20:06We've got Anthony and Margie that are about to go head-to-head,
20:09both of them wanting to play for that $20,000 jackpot.
20:12Margie, at the beginning of the show,
20:14you were talking about performing arts teaching.
20:17Did you perform yourself still or play?
20:20I played a very funny old bad-tempered piano player
20:23and I ended up tap dancing at the end of that.
20:25Wow, show us.
20:26No, I can't.
20:28Anthony, you also have a passion for the arts, don't you?
20:32Yes, I do sing as well.
20:34Could you give me a little bit of something?
20:36Amazing grace
20:41How sweet the sound
20:46That saved a wretch like me
20:58That was beautiful.
21:02We'd better get back to the seriousness of it all, then.
21:05Let's play Head-to-Head.
21:10All right, in this round, you'll each be asked two questions.
21:13Answer correctly, you get the counter to play into the machine.
21:16Get it wrong and your opponent gets to play that counter.
21:19If you are a little unsure, you can pass the question to your opponent.
21:23Anthony, you're in the lead by 20 counters.
21:26Would you like to take the first question or give that to Margie?
21:29I'll take the first question.
21:30All right.
21:33Anthony, the Indian curry vindaloo was inspired by a dish
21:37from which European country known for its tarts?
21:41Pass or play?
21:42I'm going to pass.
21:46Which European country?
21:48Was it Portugal?
21:51I was probably going to guess Belgium, so...
21:53See if Margie can get a little steal here.
21:55Is Margie right with Portugal?
21:59Yes, Margie!
22:02All right, you've got a steal, Margie.
22:04You're only 20 counters behind.
22:06You can still catch up here.
22:07There's still a double.
22:09Drop down two.
22:10All right.
22:11She's still going with it.
22:19Oh, I don't think so.
22:21Get flat.
22:23Oh, OK.
22:25That will probably slide a little to its left.
22:29Knock something down.
22:30Come on, come on.
22:31Come on over.
22:32Oh, Ray.
22:33Get flat, yeah.
22:34Might be something.
22:39Just to manoeuvre everything around the bottom.
22:41You're going to need a bit more luck if you can get another counter here to play.
22:45Your question is this.
22:47Which Shakespeare play opens with the line,
22:50Now is the winter of our discontent.
22:54But you don't have to play it if you don't want to,
22:57because Anthony may not know it.
23:01What play opens with that line?
23:04The first one that came to me was The Taming of the Shrew.
23:08Is it The Taming of the Shrew?
23:12Richard III is what it was.
23:14Richard III, OK.
23:15I missed the first two, so...
23:17Margie, you're getting the chances.
23:19You need to make them count.
23:23I think I might still go for drop-down two, please.
23:26All right, back to drop-down two.
23:38I think you're filling more gaps.
23:40It's filling gaps, Margie.
23:41It's not going to ride.
23:42It might not get anything.
23:44Come on, come on.
23:46Look at the black one down on the right there.
23:50Margie, something.
23:52Is there enough to push anything?
23:54Oh, no!
23:56So you've had two chances, haven't been able to close the gap.
23:59Anthony still has a 20-counter lead,
24:02and we'll be back after the break to see if he can hold on to that
24:05and play for the $20,000 jackpot.
24:07It's all coming up next on Tipping Points.
24:22We're having a good time here on Tipping Point
24:24because we've got Anthony, the singing truck driver,
24:27and Margie, the retired music teacher,
24:29that are going head-to-head.
24:31They're both trying to see if they can play for our jackpot here today.
24:34But, Anthony, you've still got that 20-counter lead.
24:37Can you lengthen that gap?
24:41The badge of which Italian car company
24:43has a red cross beside a snake with a human figure in its mouth?
24:48Alfa Romeo?
24:50I'm going to take that as your answer.
24:52Margie, would you have said Alfa Romeo?
24:54I think I was thinking Alfa Romeo, so...
24:56Well, let's get straight to it
24:58and find out if Anthony's correct with Alfa Romeo.
25:07All right, Anthony, where would you like to play?
25:10I'm going to go Job Zone 2.
25:13Light up Job Zone 2, please.
25:22Come on, no-riders.
25:24Come on, sit for me, please.
25:26Yep, that's good.
25:28That's what we like. That's what we like to see.
25:30That's all the gaps that Margie filled with the previous two counters.
25:34Oh, no!
25:37Margie's support crew are getting vocal in the audience.
25:41But you're going to need a special drop, Margie.
25:44There is two doubles.
25:46Firstly, you've got to get this right.
25:48Here's your question.
25:50Matilda star Sam Kerr has represented Australia
25:53at how many Olympic Games?
25:55Oh, goodness.
25:57Pass or play?
25:58I think I know, but I'm not sure whether...
26:01I wonder if Anthony knows.
26:03Geez, he's giving you the hard eye, I've got to say.
26:06Yeah, he is.
26:08I think I'll pass, cos I'm not sure.
26:13I want to guess two.
26:15Anthony is guessing two?
26:18Is it a good guess?
26:21It is.
26:25Well played.
26:27Amazing, Anthony.
26:30A chance for you to extend your lead
26:32as you move on and get ready for the next round.
26:34Drop zone two?
26:36Drop zone two, please.
26:48Come on.
26:52Ooh, there's a bit of a gap.
26:54Yeah, but should get something off.
26:56And then that tipping point is ready to go.
26:59Oh, come on!
27:01It's loaded. Here we go.
27:03Come on!
27:05Let's go!
27:10That is amazing.
27:15Anthony, you just keep on sweeping the board.
27:18Another dozen!
27:20Oh, my goodness.
27:28It is going well for you today.
27:30Let's take 1,200 out of the machine,
27:32add it to your 2,800.
27:34You've got four grand in the bag.
27:42That's great.
27:44Anthony, congratulations to you.
27:46Margie, it's been wonderful having you on the show.
27:48That drop-down section of yours
27:50just didn't work out for you today.
27:53Thank you. I've had a lot of fun.
27:57And so, Anthony,
27:59it means that you're going to go through to play
28:01for our jackpot counter.
28:03You know, and everyone at home knows, it's worth $20,000.
28:05Can you master our machine?
28:07That's the big question, and we're going to find out next on Tipping Point.
28:10Welcome back, everybody, to Tipping Point.
28:12Anthony is our winner today.
28:14Currently got $4,000 sitting in the bank.
28:16Anthony, well played.
28:18Thank you, thank you.
28:20I know that $20,000
28:22is actually quite important to you today.
28:24My fiancée and I
28:26are actually getting married in two weeks.
28:30Oh, my goodness.
28:32Oh, my goodness.
28:34Oh, my goodness.
28:36Oh, my goodness.
28:40But the world doesn't know that.
28:42I think we do now.
28:44Faith, congratulations. Thank you.
28:46Where are you going to go for your honeymoon, then?
28:48Well, the Maldives sounds pretty nice, so...
28:50Oh, yeah. Yes, please.
28:52Yo! Let's do business.
28:54We'll do business when we play the jackpot round.
29:02Anthony, time for you to drop that counter into the machine.
29:04Push it back out, and there's that $20,000.
29:06What drop zone, or what drop down, as Margie would say?
29:08Drop down, and do it up for Margie.
29:10Do it for Margie.
29:12Well, my dad and I watch this religiously,
29:14and he'd kill me if I didn't put it on the outer ones,
29:16so I'm going to go drop down one.
29:20Forever known as the drop-down episode.
29:22Light her up.
29:24Drop down.
29:28If you watch religiously, where would you like it to fall?
29:30Close to the wall, ideally.
29:38Ooh, don't ride it.
29:40OK, it's down flat.
29:42On the left side,
29:44but more left-centre than the wall.
29:46Slide over a little bit. Yeah, it does.
29:48OK, I'll take it. OK.
29:50Good start. $4,000 sitting in the machine.
29:52Every counter comes over.
29:54It's another $100 coming your way.
29:56Good start, good start.
29:58So that is $5,000 over the tipping point.
30:00$4,500 to get us set on the road
30:02to getting the jackpot
30:04out of the machine.
30:06To do that, we need counters.
30:08Let's take a look at the five categories
30:10that you're going to be playing today.
30:12You've got art, geography, games,
30:14music and flying things.
30:16You can choose to play one, two
30:18or three counters.
30:20The more that you choose, the harder that question's going to be.
30:22What's it going to be?
30:24I'm going to start with art for three counters.
30:28Your art question is this.
30:30In Botticelli's The Birth of Venus,
30:32Venus is depicted
30:34standing upon what object?
30:36A cloud, a shell
30:38or a rock?
30:40You're able to work your way through it.
30:42Yeah, I'm trying to picture it in my head.
30:44I don't think it's a shell.
30:46I want to go with a cloud.
30:48OK, light up cloud.
30:50Is Venus standing
30:52upon a cloud?
30:58And a shell.
31:00Oh, not a great start.
31:02That's all right. We've still got four categories
31:04left to go. I'll keep the trend.
31:06We'll go geography for three.
31:08Down the board we go.
31:10Geography for three.
31:14Anthony, what is the name of a volcanic cone
31:16and state monument near Hawaii's
31:18Waikiki Beach?
31:20Is it Diamond Head,
31:22Pearl Arch
31:24or Chrome Dome?
31:26I actually do know this one.
31:28Light up Diamond Head.
31:30Is that the volcanic cone
31:32located in Hawaii's
31:34Waikiki Beach area?
31:36Of course it is.
31:40OK, here we go.
31:42We're lighting it up. Drop zone one.
31:44No, I need you to confirm.
31:46Sorry, drop zone one.
31:48Yeah, light it up.
31:50Too focused.
31:52Too in the zone.
31:58Not great.
32:00It's all right.
32:02There's another mystery there, though.
32:04You're going to push that closer to the edge of the
32:06tipping point if something comes down.
32:08Which it should.
32:12Fill the gap.
32:14And of course you've got two counters left to play.
32:16Let's put the second one in. Light her up.
32:20Come on, babe.
32:22Come on, babe.
32:26It thought about riding.
32:28It didn't.
32:30It might knock that one slightly to the edge.
32:32It's got to get a couple off.
32:34There you go.
32:36Come on now.
32:38Come on.
32:42One more to go.
32:44Light her up again for Anthony.
32:46Come on, babe.
32:48Here we go.
32:50This is the one. Come on.
32:52It's got to fall a little to the right, though.
32:56It's okay.
32:58But will the weight
33:00of the jackpot push it left?
33:02It does.
33:04Come on now.
33:06Let's give her some more money.
33:08I'll take it.
33:10Three counters in and only
33:12one counter over.
33:14So it's $100. We can advance
33:16that bank account by the hundred
33:18and make it $4,600.
33:20And we need to go back to categories, Anthony.
33:22Three still to play. If we're running
33:24down the board, we've got games next.
33:26Yes, let's go with games for three.
33:28Three, please.
33:32Knuckles, Tails
33:34and Dr Eggman are characters
33:36from which video game
33:38franchise? You're looking at me like, I know this.
33:40Is it Pokemon? Is it
33:42Donkey Kong? Or is it Sonic the Hedgehog?
33:44I do know this one.
33:46I'm going to lock in Sonic the Hedgehog.
33:48Light it up, please. Sonic the Hedgehog.
33:50Is that the answer?
33:54Well done.
33:58Okay, what I want you to do is hone in
34:00and let's get this thing moving.
34:02Come on, everybody get behind it. Everybody hone in.
34:04Come on, yeah!
34:10Come on!
34:14Still a chance for the mystery on this one,
34:16so let's give it a go.
34:18It's gone down flat, so that's okay.
34:20We need to clear a bit of weight
34:22on the bottom. That's it. Weight means money.
34:24Here we go. Okay, that's good.
34:26Come on, push them all hard. Give it a big push.
34:28Down you go. Big push.
34:30Come on!
34:32Gee, you had some big drops today.
34:34I've got to say, another nine.
34:36Come on. That's awesome.
34:38$900 goes up and in.
34:40$5,500 sitting in the bank.
34:42Let's get the second counter back in there.
34:48There we go!
34:50Oh, the gaps.
34:52I don't like those gaps.
34:56It's not working for me, Todd.
34:58Come on, machine.
35:02Touched it a little bit.
35:04We've got one more to put in here.
35:06Come on, babe.
35:08Come on, let's go.
35:10Come on, come on.
35:12Oh, come on.
35:16It's not giving us any love whatsoever.
35:18I hope I didn't use all my good luck.
35:20Well, you're going okay,
35:22but we want you
35:24to be better than this.
35:28Here comes another mystery.
35:30Come on, mystery.
35:32Come on.
35:34Three more over the tipping point,
35:36including the mystery,
35:38will put the money into the bank.
35:40First, $5,800.
35:42And this time, get set
35:44to become the ultimate dinner party host
35:46as you've won a freestanding
35:48wood-fired pizza oven
35:50valued at over $2,000
35:52thanks to Smart,
35:54the art of outdoor cooking.
35:56Very cool, very cool.
35:58Oh, you're going to be loaded up,
36:00but we want you loaded with cash,
36:02not just prizes, Anthony.
36:04We need to go back to our categories.
36:06Music. You love your music.
36:08I will go with music for three.
36:10Got to.
36:12Anthony, in the lyrics
36:14of the Right Said Fred song,
36:16I'm Too Sexy,
36:18the singer is too sexy for what?
36:20His shirt, his pants,
36:22or his shoes?
36:24I'm going to go with his shirt.
36:26I'm going to light up
36:28his shirt,
36:30but we're going to have to wait just a little bit
36:32to find out if Right Said Fred
36:34said I'm Too Sexy for his shirt.
36:36We'll be back after the break to see whether he can also
36:38get that $20,000. You're watching Tipping Point.
36:40Tipping Point.
36:52Welcome back, everybody, to Tipping Point.
36:54Anthony's our winner. He's got $5,800 sitting
36:56in the bank. Before we went to the break,
36:58in the lyrics of the Right Said Fred
37:00song, I'm Too Sexy,
37:02the singer is too sexy for what?
37:04You told me to light up his shirt.
37:06Are we right?
37:12We're actually doing really well in the counter department,
37:14but we're not doing very well in the direction
37:16department. Time to hit the
37:18right spot. Let's light up drop zone
37:20one, and we need to get it
37:22second from the right.
37:26Come on. Come on.
37:28Sit well in front of me. That's a good spot.
37:30If they can nudge a little
37:32to the right,
37:34like that. I do like that.
37:36Spin in front.
37:38That would be good. Come on now, push it
37:40along. There you go.
37:44There's movement.
37:48And there's another $100
37:50coming your way. $5,900.
37:54counter going in for this category. Light up
37:56drop zone one.
37:58Come on, baby!
38:00Come on, baby!
38:04Are you serious?
38:06It's going to split
38:08right through the middle.
38:10It's going to get on the top.
38:12That's terrible.
38:14That is not good.
38:16Not good.
38:20We have one more left here.
38:24And we have one more over
38:26the tipping point.
38:28We're going to put $100 in and you've now got a flat $6,000.
38:30I like that.
38:32I like that very much.
38:34Let's put that last one in. Light her up, please.
38:36Come on, baby! Let's go!
38:42Oh, my goodness.
38:44No, it's going to go left
38:46and it's going to push hard.
38:48Oh, I thought that was
38:50about to ride again.
38:52Come on. Give me something good.
38:56Oh, man.
39:02Another three over the tipping point.
39:04Another $300 goes up and in.
39:08And we have the jackpot peering over
39:10the top shelf as we head back to categories.
39:12Flying things
39:14is what is left. We're going to go for three.
39:16Come on, now.
39:20Let's go.
39:22A vespiary is a nest of what insects?
39:26Locusts, wasps or bees?
39:28Never heard of a vespiary,
39:30so that's going to be really helpful.
39:32I don't think it's locusts,
39:34so I'm going to rule that one out.
39:36Bees are hives,
39:38so I'm going to go with wasps.
39:40Light up, wasps.
39:44But is it the correct answer?
39:48Yes, it is.
39:50Well done, you.
39:52Good job.
39:54Okay, let's get it off the top.
39:56Come on, Anthony. Light her up.
40:06All right, let's look at
40:08the geometry of the top shelf.
40:10That's going to push, right?
40:12It's going to push a little bit left.
40:14Is it enough to spin
40:16the jackpot off? Not enough.
40:18It moved it,
40:20but not enough.
40:24Two to go. Light her up.
40:26You got this, babe.
40:32It is just
40:34refusing to give us a break,
40:38All right.
40:42Keep toppling them over.
40:44There's three more.
40:46But still, it's money. $6,600.
40:48Here's our final counter.
40:50Light up job zone one.
40:52Come on, babe.
40:58It's going to do it, too.
41:00It's going to do it.
41:02Of course it's going to do it to me now.
41:04Come on, come on.
41:06It's going to come on over.
41:12Frustrating. Speechless.
41:14But you know what?
41:16Up in the top there, you got $6,600.
41:18Congratulations, Anthony.
41:20You played great.
41:22Let's do it anyway.
41:24Let's play jackpot temptation.
41:32It's a pretty hefty total.
41:34$6,600 sitting in the bank.
41:36Would you be willing to risk it all?
41:38That is the big question.
41:40To go home with the $20,000.
41:44Honestly, with my dropping at the moment,
41:46I wouldn't bank it on anything less than $5,000.
41:48Really? $5,000?
41:50I don't trust it.
41:52Okay, then.
41:54I'm going to give you one massive offer.
41:56Just one today.
41:58And it is five counters for $100,000.
42:10while you think about
42:12that incredible offer,
42:14we're going to the newsroom.
42:18Anthony, before we went to the newsroom,
42:20I've given you an extraordinary offer
42:22of five counters for $100,000.
42:24You've got $6,600
42:26sitting in the machine.
42:28Of course, I'd have to take that away.
42:38You know what, Tom?
42:40I'm going to take the tactic,
42:42and that offer has completely blown it out of the water.
42:44I'm going to take the temptation.
42:50Good on you, Anthony.
42:52We're going to do it.
42:56I tell you what, I haven't wiped too often
42:58this much amount of money out of the bank.
43:00But I've got to do it.
43:02$6,600 is gone.
43:06Come on.
43:08I'm going to do this.
43:10I'm going to put $100,000 in there.
43:14Five counters
43:16for $100,000.
43:18Oh, my goodness.
43:20Come on, everybody.
43:22Come on.
43:24We're going to do better than that.
43:26Come on.
43:28Are you ready?
43:30Let's go.
43:38Come on.
43:42Oh, my God.
43:48Come on, man.
43:56Come on.
44:02Maybe it was me yelling
44:04no that got her down.
44:06Give me a heart attack.
44:08One's gone in.
44:10We've got four more to go.
44:22Push a little bit.
44:26No counters coming over now
44:28worth anything except the jackpot.
44:30A bit of filler.
44:32Okay, two in, three to go.
44:34Come on, Anthony.
44:36We've got to get a nudge in another.
44:38We've got two pushes we need.
44:42Come on.
44:44Come on, please.
44:46Oh, my goodness, babe.
44:48Oh, no.
44:50Damn it.
44:52We've got two.
44:54Let's get the fourth one in, please.
45:04Come on, get flat.
45:06Come on, get flat.
45:10Gently, please.
45:12It's got down.
45:14Come on, now.
45:20Gosh, Anthony.
45:22One more, Anthony.
45:24Let's go.
45:26Come on.
45:34Probably not enough.
45:36Probably not.
45:38Not with the right arm.
45:40Damn it.
45:44No, it's going to ride up.
45:46It's going to tease us one more time.
45:48It's going to tease me.
45:54Oh, what do I say to that?
45:56I hope the wedding goes well.
46:00Mate, you played unbelievable today.
46:04You're not leaving with nothing.
46:06You got the washing machine.
46:08You got the pizza oven.
46:10Valued at $3,600.
46:12You've been great.
46:14Thanks for coming, Anthony.
46:16Thanks for watching.
46:18Come on, Timmy boy.
46:20Oh, mate.
46:22You still deserve this.
46:24Come here.
46:26You still deserve this.