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00:00Number 1. The first frame of episode 9 opens up with one of the best shots in Arcade. This shot
00:05alone is a work of art. Jinx is framed by using light emitting from Silco's window. Her hair
00:12follows the circular pattern of the window, creating what I would call a work of art.
00:17For the first reference, I believe they looked at Ophelia from Hamlet,
00:20who drowned in a river after losing a loved one like Jinx. It's left ambiguous whether Ophelia
00:26died intentionally or whether this was all just a great accident. Jinx's hair over here is painted
00:32to mimic famous paintings like Botticelli's Birth of Venus. With the last reference being this shot
00:38from David Ayer's Suicide Squad, with a circle of weapons surrounding the Joker. Given what
00:44this scene is meant to imply in terms of Jinx, the weapon circle around the Joker and Ophelia
00:49herself are peak references. And I'm sure other people have found other works and pieces of art
00:54that might mimic this scene, but these are the two which stood out the most for me. Her hair is
01:00also kind of akin to Medusa, but that's just me. We soon learn that Jinx's hair was organized this
01:06way to symbolize the energy from the Hextech gemstones that she uses. Pulling back this
01:11imagery at this point is a reminder that Isha died using the gemstones while trying to save
01:16Jinx herself. We keep seeing Jinx's pink egg scattered around all of the scenes in Arcane,
01:21and just because I won't get a chance to revisit this, the egg Jinx uses is Roman numeral 10,
01:28while Vi as in VI stands for 6, and Echo would be 12 because of the numbers on a clock, which are,
01:35you guessed it, usually written in Roman numerals. Now if you take the two Ks in Echo's name,
01:41you can also switch them up to make the Roman numeral 12, provided you invert one of the Ks
01:48to form your X. It kind of looks like this already in his true damaged skin design.
01:52The previous point about Jinx's X being equivalent to the number 10
01:57is very relevant here. It's probably why they show 10 Hextech gemstones in this scene.
02:02The last drop, like any other bar, has always been a place where the bartender would pour drinks,
02:07but in this scene, Jinx pours gasoline as a parallel to that. It's not really the orange
02:13colour that Vander would pour, but it's close enough for us to draw the parallel
02:16and for the writers to have been intentional enough to know what they were doing here.
02:20This is Silco's chair that Jinx is burning, which should be obvious. The smart thing they've done
02:26here is that in episode 2 of this season, Jinx actually foreshadows this moment when she says
02:32this. This is also one of the most beautiful and intelligent shots in Arcane. As the glass breaks,
02:43Jinx's broken image is framed within shards of glass that look like fangs of a dog, a bear
02:49or a wolf. Given what happens later on in the episode with Warwick, this is classy.
02:55If you listen to the conversation between Echo and Jinx, but remove the blasts in between,
03:00you actually get a coherent conversation between them, with Echo shouting wait
03:05every time Jinx is about to pull the pin. But from her perspective, she never really
03:09follows through because she's curious to hear what Echo is going to say.
03:17Using the phrase blowing us up is enough to make Jinx stop her attempts to try and pull the pin
03:23on her chompers. She also sees the monkeys, which are synonymous with her character,
03:28in Echo's z-drive. So she's curious to see where Echo is going with this.
03:32Echo's someone worth building for remains ambiguous. This could be Vi, this could be Jinx,
03:42this could be Echo himself, but I think the most likely thing he meant
03:46was Jinx herself. Followed by maybe Zorn itself, building a better community for everyone
03:52so her story wouldn't repeat. But without the arcane writers clarifying this, all we can do is
03:57guess. The sun shining into Embessa's ship is fitting, since the Medada emblem is probably a
04:03reference to the sun itself. This deserves another video, but basically the Medadas are tied very
04:09closely to Shurima and Targon, regions that both use a lot of sun symbolism. Jace says we're meant
04:15to lose this fight. Seeing as he spoke to Future Victor in the apocalyptic timeline, it seems that
04:20Future Victor would have told him this, meaning that that Victor has probably never seen a reality
04:26where he loses yet. In the opening shot of the battle, we see Vi carrying an enforcer with blue
04:31hair. We later get confirmation that this character is good. We can see that Embessa has finally dropped
04:38the Kierman emblem that she had adopted, and she is now purely just using the Medada emblem. Again,
04:43the Noxians charging in with their masks, and the enforcers also wearing masks defending, look very
04:49very similar to the minions in League of Legends. This is with the Noxian forces having a mix of
04:54melee and ranged minions as well. It cannot be a mistake. We can actually see Mel giving orders on
05:01the battlefield, which felt extremely weird and out of place to me at first, but then I considered
05:07that she's literally the daughter of a matriarch warmonger called Embessa Medada, and then it all
05:14made sense. She's definitely seen a battlefield before, and she's definitely heard her mother
05:20balk orders before, so this is natural to her. Loras is manning the Hextech weapon we saw in the
05:26last episode, which fires shipping crates of all things. I like this a lot because it shows that
05:31Portova is not a region well-versed in war. They've had to adapt by transforming their
05:37transportation and shipping devices into weapons. Here's the musician I mentioned from the last
05:42episode, and we'll continue to see him in more and more scenes as the episode progresses.
05:47I said this in my video about episode 8 as well. They seem to be building him as an important
05:52character in this universe in totality, but for now he seems to be just used as a very good example
05:58for the average enforcer going through this war that Embessa has brought to Portova's shores.
06:05And we can finally see Embessa using the weapon she uses in League of Legends. It's these curved
06:09blades with chains attached to them. It became super frustrating to me that the choice to enhance
06:14Caitlyn's rifle with Hextech seemed more like a nerf to her in this scene as it played out.
06:19Don't get me wrong, she's not my favorite character, but it would have been nice to
06:22see more battle effectiveness from her in this scene. We can see from the Noxian forces that
06:27Singed has managed to create a super soldier using Shimmer. The first thing I thought about
06:31when I saw this super soldier was of course Mundo from League of Legends. This is obviously not
06:38Mundo, but it reminded me of him. Here we can see how much corruption has spread to the Hexgate
06:43since we last saw it. This sign has the word STAY on it. Considering there's nothing else that's
06:49important in this shot, I do believe that this means something. I'm just not sure what right now.
06:54If anyone can clock it, let me know. Next to Caitlyn we can see the guy with tattoos who
06:59allowed his wife and his child to get away from Piltover while he stayed behind to defend it.
07:04Caitlyn releases the Grey on Embessa's forces and we also do finally get to see her rifle being used
07:11effectively in combat. Thumbs up for that. Now Maddy's great betrayal has become a huge topic
07:17of speculation, lots of theories around it. With the big question being, when exactly did she turn
07:23on Caitlyn? And was she always working with Embessa or not? For me, moments like the memorial become
07:30way more interesting. For example, where does Renny get the Enforcer uniform from? Yes, from
07:36Embessa, but where does Embessa get it from? And of course, we have Maddy being the first Enforcer
07:41to start beating her chest during Caitlyn's coronation. That probably helped Caitlyn secure
07:45that back. And there's also a few other things in the story that I'm sure you'll notice now.
07:49But yeah, we'll probably just cover that in another video. It's gonna take too long.
07:53Embessa has stood in front of these red Noxian sails before, but the previous time it was a
07:58painting that Mal had made of the Immortal Bastion. In Season 1, Mal also spilled gold paint all over
08:05that painting, which now makes more sense since her magic is gold. The reason why the Noxian sails
08:11are in a triangular design is because it's a Noxian design theme based on their core principles,
08:18vision, might and guile. So that triad of leadership is being represented in how the
08:24ships are designed as well. Mal wearing white here is very important. The wolf has always
08:29portrayed the black aspect of Kindred, and Mal is still not the wolf in this scene, as Embessa
08:37puts it. Now we'll get back to some of the other signs we can see in this episode later on in this
08:42video. But for now, this one says Piltovian Knights. And I'm guessing it's a bar, kind of
08:49like the last drop. Jinx has her bunny again, which is symbolically tied to Vi, and later
08:56was symbolically tied to Isha, basically her sisters. The Violite's logo is all over Jinx's
09:02hot air balloon, and there's neon green paint on her, which shows that she helped them paint. We
09:06can also see the pink X I keep mentioning, it's on her chest and her outfit. The hoodie she's
09:11wearing is a callback to Isha wearing this hood, but is also a reference to the helmet she was
09:17wearing in this scene with Echo. Her hood can also be looked at as another reference to Baron
09:23Nashor from League of Legends. It kind of looks similar to his design. This shot also has her
09:29dolls of Klagor and Milo. This building in the background says Stock Exchange, but also seems
09:35to have an emblem from one of the noble houses of Piltover. My best guess is that it's this house,
09:42whichever this house might be. I'm guessing Feroz, but we'll see as time goes. The bunny ears on
09:48Jinx's hot air balloon are a direct tribute that she chose to make to Isha. The yellow X and the
09:54spiral pattern also add to this tribute, as they were both on Isha's helmet. If we pause this frame
10:01as Jinx arrives, we can see what has become her iconic calling card in the series, which is this
10:07smile and the pink X's. This basically means Jinx is back. Jinx wearing face paint is a nod to the
10:15other character who wears face paint, Echo. It's a nod to her relationship with him, which doesn't
10:21get expanded on in this episode very much, which is a pity because this scene needed a little bit
10:26more context to make it work. Echo also has one of Jinx's pink X's painted on his chest, in the same
10:32way Isha had one on her helmet. Bro it's on his heart as well, which is kind of brutal because
10:37we might never see the writers revisit this relationship between Jinx and Echo. I just want
10:42closure. I don't want a certain result. I just want to know how Echo was able to stop Jinx from
10:47going 0-1 IRL when she was already in that state and Vi couldn't stop her. They need to explain
10:55that. We can see in this shot that Jinx has fixed Savika's arm again. This guy throwing the molotov
11:01is Theorem. We learn his name when Jinx interrogates him for info the first time Savika fights Vi.
11:09Now's as good a time as ever to mention that the buildings in Piltover in this whole war are
11:14marked with signs that we can actually read and understand from specific gates to numbered blocks.
11:20In Arkane it doesn't really happen often where we can read these things. So this makes this war
11:26stand out. Here we can see that Jinx has cut her hair after cutting her hair. We can see that it's
11:32even shorter here and noticeably it imitates Vi's haircut. If you look very carefully you can see
11:38that Jayce actually owns this building with the shipping crates. It's because it has the talus
11:43emblem on it. Although LeBlanc said a simple knife would do if she wanted to deal with Mao,
11:48here Mao is fighting off weapon users with her spell. So maybe she meant that if you are a lead
11:54or secondary character and you use weapons then you can destroy Mao. But if you're an extra or
12:00a minion then you can't destroy Mao with weapons. We never actually see Victor escape the egg or if
12:05he was even inside of it. We don't see him obtaining the hex claw that he uses to slice
12:11down this door, which leaves more questions for me. One thing we do get to see is as he slices
12:16the door we can remember that this is a callback to this scene with Heimerdinger. This is elite
12:22level foreshadowing. As his foot impacts the ground here we can see how much power Victor
12:26has gained through the hex core and shimmer. This shot is put there to emphasize the level of his
12:31growth. Victor's walking cane has adopted the arcane corruption as well and is now more of a
12:37wizard staff. Warwick and Victor's doll stand in a W formation here, which is the W for Warwick.
12:44It implies that from this moment on he is no longer Vander and Warwick has arrived. It's very
12:50subtle but also very rewarding if you were one of the people who caught this. Also the fact that
12:55they put that much detail into framing a shot like this just shows how much work and forethought goes
13:01into the series. Savika getting sent upwards by these dolls mimics the promo material that they
13:06dropped before this episode. However it's a pity that this happening to her had no meaning in terms
13:12of serving the story at all. It would have been cool if they released that poster because something
13:17was actually going to happen with Savika. Maybe she was going to do something important. But yeah,
13:22the arcane team will have to explain at some point why Mbessa's forces just stand down here. My best
13:29guess is that Mbessa instructed them to do so before the fight. I understand why they won't
13:34touch Mal, but the fact that they won't touch Caitlyn is jarring to me. Mal gets rid of her
13:40white garment to show that she's still wearing the outfit that she got from the black rose
13:45underneath. Given that the wolf that Mbessa keeps mentioning is tied to the color black, this is
13:51actually when Mal starts embracing her transition to becoming the wolf, i.e. she is more willing to
13:57fight and put people to death to achieve her goals. Vi being able to jump like this is actually
14:04something that they've shown us before, specifically in this shot from the first season. Caitlyn and Mal
14:09being able to square up with Mbessa does make sense in a way, but I wish that they explained it
14:15a bit more. So Caitlyn received combat training from Mbessa and Mal would have received the same
14:20sort of training when she was younger, which could be why she says she fell short of Medada's standards.
14:27Caitlyn and Mal teaming up is also a sly shout out to League of Legends. Top laners like Mbessa
14:33usually have to fight alone, while an ADC like Caitlyn would usually be paired up with a support
14:40like Mal. For narrative consistency, Ekko is the one who crashes the balloon into the clock tower,
14:46keeping with his main theme, which is time. This won't be explained in this season, maybe a bit
14:51later on, but Viktor's hex claw here looks very similar to something from The Void. Simply put,
14:58The Void is a reality that consumes others in League of Legends with a host of different alien
15:04looking characters. Again, another scene around Mal, Caitlyn and Mbessa that could have been
15:09explained a little bit better. What they could have done was reminded us that Mbessa believes
15:14in the fourth Noxian principle, which is sacrifice. This would equate her to the leaders of the other
15:21three principles, vision, guile and might, which is Darius, Swain and some suspect it's LeBlanc.
15:26We get to see this principle of sacrifice being demonstrated in this scene. Caitlyn sacrifices her
15:31eyes to give Mal a chance, whereas everything Mbessa has sacrificed so far was to turn Mal
15:38into the wolf. She wanted Mal to have the capability to fight the Black Rose and any
15:43other adversary she'd meet. She once told Mal that she'd give her the ward if she could prove
15:47she had the capacity to take it for herself, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy ironically.
15:53We can see that Mbessa dies in peace knowing that her daughter is who she wanted her to be.
15:58This is Mbessa's great sacrifice, the fourth principle. People are also confused about this
16:04LeBlanc interaction. People are saying Mal should have not been able to defeat LeBlanc. From what I
16:09can tell and from what I 100% know, LeBlanc is still very much alive. This item was just a sort
16:15of trap to get to Mbessa herself. Mal interrupts LeBlanc because she knows that the deceiver has
16:21other motives other than saving Piltover. So there's an aspect of LeBlanc's plan that actually
16:26fails here. Basically, Mal takes out her mother simply to protect Piltover and that's it. LeBlanc
16:32wanted something more though. Again, it's never explained what, so this gets annoying. I'm pretty
16:36sure that this is all set up for the future seasons they have, but in terms of Arcane,
16:41it makes it feel a bit empty. Of all of the scenes and writing in Arcane,
16:45this LeBlanc, Mal, Mbessa and Caitlyn interaction was the weakest writing. I think it left 90% of
16:52the viewers a bit confused, wishing there was a bit more flesh to the story so we could understand
16:58what was going on a lot better. As LeBlanc stated in the previous episode, Mal is a counter to other
17:04mages' magic, meaning that even though her abilities are very new to her, she's still
17:09problematic for other mages like LeBlanc, which is essentially why she wins this exchange.
17:15Mal says that she sees LeBlanc's face, and we can take this literally. LeBlanc seems to want to
17:20operate as a faceless manipulator, but the fact that Mal now knows what she looks like
17:25is set up for future conflict between the two. Ms. Medada has just become a huge threat. Mal
17:31still loves her mother, which is understandable, and we can see that she finally understands
17:36what Mbessa's motives were. The Noxian forces salute Mal as their new leader,
17:41leading me to believe that Mbessa somewhat wanted a result like this to plan out. If she fails or
17:47falls in combat, then Mal would be the one to take her out and take over her forces.
17:53The final shot of this scene is beautiful and it's well thought out. This is what we wanted
17:58from the Arcane team. We can see the words Arrivals and Departures in the background of
18:03the shot. This is where airships fly from to see what? The rest of the world. So you have the world
18:09and the means to travel to the rest of the world in the background of the shot, and then in the
18:14foreground you have Mal and her new Noxian forces in front of the world. So this is basically
18:21Mbessa's promise being fulfilled, which is amazing, but most people are gonna miss it
18:27because they just didn't add enough for people to understand that that was what was going on.
18:33I assume that the birds Vi sees in the background here are crows. More on why,
18:38this is my assumption later. Echo is buried under rumble close to some gears. Gears are a
18:44motif he's been tied to as well. We can see one on his baton. Other characters like Heimerdinger
18:50and Victor are also tied to this gear motif. In this shot we can finally see Vi and Jinx's hair
18:56and outfits matching up. The point of this is straightforward. The series is about them. We've
19:01never seen the sisters actually coordinate attacks and fights together. In this shot we can see that
19:06Jinx has combined her railgun pow-pow and her rocket launcher fishbows into one weapon. If you
19:13play the Jinx fixes everything minigame in League of Legends, we actually find out that this new
19:18weapon is called Rhino. We can also see that she's taken some of the firelight's propellers to cool
19:24her weapon down, hence the green glow, which makes Jinx's design here a combination of Vi,
19:30Echo and herself. The series begins with Vanda saving them on the bridge. It's poetic that it
19:36ends with him too. In Vi's fight against Avika, Vanda's spirit tells her that she needs to work
19:42on her guard. Given that she manages to block these attacks from arcane-fueled Warwick,
19:47she took that advice to heart.
19:55I wish they went in a different direction for the sound design of this zero-gravity scene.
19:59I think the ashes and blood treatment was needed here. Victor missing this close-range laser is
20:04questionable. Maybe he just wanted Jayce to see his plan play out on the rooftop. This one is a
20:09huge reach, but the pattern that Victor cuts out on the roof looks like an S or a 5. We can see
20:16that although Victor's dolls all look very similar, they all have different designs. I'm not
20:21saying they're AI generated at all, but the variation between them looks similar as to what
20:26you'd get if you had one prompt and you generated a bunch of different images. Again, this is no
20:32indication that AI was used. I don't think they've used AI here. I think they've meticulously worked
20:37to design everything, but it's just interesting that that parallel exists. In this shot, Victor
20:43has finally matched the imagery from Heimerdinger's traumatizing flashbacks, and they were
20:48more of a prophecy at this point. Vander has carried both powder and violet before on the bridge,
20:54and now we are seeing it again, albeit very different circumstances. When Echo wakes up
21:00from the crash, we can see his baton floating in the air. It's from one of the small arms of the
21:05smaller sections of the huge clock on the hex gate. In this shot, we can see Jayce take the exact
21:11same position as his husk was in this messed up timeline. The marks on Jayce's head match up with
21:17Victor's fingers, which I hadn't noticed until now. All of these marks on their head are Victor's
21:23fingers. Jayce's narrative here about imperfections is in exact opposition to Victor's new ideals.
21:39Jayce is trying to talk to Victor because future Victor told him to do so. However, I'm not sure
21:45this was ever going to work. I'm pretty sure that this tactic would have ruined this world too,
21:50if it wasn't for Echo saving the day. Echo can be seen using his ultimate from League of Legends
21:56multiple times to reverse time in this fight. For some reason, it's on an extremely low cooldown.
22:01Maybe he's playing Earth. Maybe he's in practice too. But yeah, most people would have noticed that
22:07this was his ultimate. It was a sick scene. When Echo pulls the Z-Drive after being captured by
22:12Victor's dolls, I believe that the duration was set to the same time that he needed to save Jinx
22:18from herself. Hence why the rewinds were so short, because that time he was literally trying to
22:23time an explosion, and this time he needs a much longer time to escape from the dolls. What's also
22:30interesting here is that Echo is able to resist Victor. And I know you want to know why. Let me
22:36tell you. So he can see blue lightning in the sky from the storm, and that blue lightning reminds him
22:44of powder or Jinx. The clouds even have shade of pink and green omitting from them, which would
22:50not only remind him of what Jinx looks like after her outfit change, but it would also represent Vi
22:56and the firelights. It's a very subtle detail, but him seeing this array of colors in the sky
23:00is enough for him to break free of Victor's corruption. Echo now wears the same earrings
23:05that he did in the alternate reality that he was cast into. Victor's why do you persist line is
23:11ripped straight from the Matrix bar for bar. However, in Neo's case he responds with because I choose to.
23:22Jace ends up saying because I promised you. Echo's Z-Drive seems to be the only reason why we defeat
23:28Victor. All of this works and Jace gets a chance to talk to Victor and talk him out of his plan.
23:34We can see that the rune that ends up in Jace's skin is the Acceleration Rune, you know the one
23:40that Echo used to create a Z-Drive in the alternate universe. Having the Acceleration Rune be the basis
23:46of Echo's Z-Drive might be the thing that causes a contradiction which breaks the time loop of
23:52destruction which the future Victor is trapped in. Basically Echo's Acceleration Rune creates a
23:59paradox with Jace's Acceleration Rune. This Acceleration Rune's proper name should probably be
24:05the Time Rune. We know that Echo had to invert the Acceleration Rune to travel through time so
24:11maybe Jace is the one who had it inverted the entire time. Let me know what you guys think
24:16about this one. Obviously time travel and time loops get very convoluted so I'm very interested
24:22to hear what you guys think is happening with this whole cycle. Up to the very end we can see
24:27Vi's inability to let go of Vander becomes her sister's undoing again. Jinx's own inability to
24:34let go of Vi and always wanting to be useful is the same thing. But for once in this scene
24:40Jinx doesn't allow a loved one to die. Well kinda. So in my immediate reaction video to Act 3
24:48everyone was very quick to point out to me that Jinx in fact does survive and that's because we
24:54can see this pink stripe over here dart into one of the vents. Another clue is that later on in the
25:00episode we can actually see Caitlyn checking the vents and she's smiling and Vi seems rather
25:05unbothered for someone who's just lost their sister. If anyone was still in doubt that that
25:10bunny we keep seeing, you know the one we saw earlier, was symbolic of Jinx and Vi's relationship
25:16this shot is the confirmation. The explanation has finally come full circle. In this shot we see
25:23the arcane writers just being masters at what they do again. If you look closely on this compass
25:29we can see that the north has been corrupted by the arcane. If you've seen a map of Runeterra
25:36you'll know that Noxus is to the north of Piltover. Meaning that the next series will probably go
25:42to Noxus. We've already seen Riot give light confirmation of this by making League of Legends
25:48go to Noxus next year. Jayce's mother is seen putting a name into the tributes. Even though
25:54Jayce isn't effectively dead, he's pretty much gone from this reality. So his mother is in her
25:59right mind to do this. The guy with the tattoos, wife and child are here at the memorial as well.
26:05We know that he passed away earlier in combat. His wife also has Janna tattooed to her. Now this one
26:11is more of a question about the person on the left of this shot. Is this not Camille? Maybe they snuck
26:18her in. This would be pre-her augmentation. The tribute being held on the bridge is the first time
26:23we see Piltover and Zoran together. This might begin the healing process between the two nations
26:29and also put the lid on any wars that could have played out after Ambessa and Caitlyn's
26:35dictatorship. In this shot we can see that Scar has a child now and we can also see that character
26:41who I keep saying is important pop up again. This one broke me a bit. Echo revisits the same spot he
26:48was with Powder on the last night he was in the other reality. You know when he said I'll never
26:55forget this moment. We can also see that the hex gate wasn't there in the other reality and what I
27:01assume is a Noxian building. Echo gives up a tribute for Jinx meaning that he believes she's
27:07dead. There's a new council that has been formed but from looks alone this old lady does not seem
27:13to like that Savika is on the council. And we can see that Singed won or came. Mr. Determined. Mr.
27:21Persistent. Diligent. Singed managed to revive his daughter Orianna by using Viktor. We can also see
27:29him in the mirror of this shot. The big thing to wonder though is what is going to make Singed take
27:35action now? Seeing as we're going to Noxus we know that he'll be important but hasn't he already
27:41achieved his goal of bringing back his daughter? So what would the motivation be from here? Oh I
27:47like this one. So here we get the confirmation that Swain was the one observing Mal and Piltover.
27:54What we see here is Swain getting his first view of what Hextech can do and maybe what the corrupted
28:02arcane components of Hextech can do. All sorts of power interest people who want power. His crow
28:09might even snatch this Hextech gemstone from Jayce's hammer. In this shot we can finally see Mal wearing
28:16Noxian red but her earrings and shoes are still in line with the attire from the Black Rose. Noxian
28:23ships are being led by one of its crows. This could just be Mal's ships going back to Noxus
28:29but they could also have used a clever cut as misdirection and this could be Swain. The tune
28:35that Vi was humming is the same one that Jinx sings on the bridge in the first episode of Arcane.
28:42Caitlyn having an eye patch by the end of Arcane was definitely not on my bingo card and is
28:47definitely not in her current character design either. We'll see if they feel like restoring her
28:52eye somehow or whether they're just going to stick with this choice. Her losing this eye is also a
28:57callback to Silco losing the same eye. There's a parallel there because they're both leaders
29:02whose decisions created worse conditions for the people underneath them. This airship is the last
29:08confirmation that Jinx survives. The shot of the airship syncs up perfectly with the shot from
29:13episode 1 and this cloud on the right is shaped like one of the birds that was on the painting
29:20of Jinx in episode 5 of season 2, which I now do believe those birds represent freedom. And finally
29:27Arcane wraps up with the end flashing on screen for a split second. Of course this is just the end
29:33to the Jinx and Vi story. The other characters will soon be brought to the spotlight as well
29:38in future projects. So there you have it 105 things that you might have missed in episode 9
29:46of Arcane. This one was stacked and I'm pretty sure I must have missed 50 things that happened.
29:53Let me know about those 50 things in the comments. This is Loi signing off. Peace.
