• 2 hours ago


00:00Well, thank you very much. It's good to see you and thank you for not only I was worried about shaking your hand
00:04But then I got a little kiss and I appreciate it
00:06You know your hand I don't worry about some hands that I see I don't like so much, but her
00:12That's well, I nothing cuz I'm the same way almost but I cuz I heard that you're a little bit of
00:18Germaphobe as far as right and you have to shake hands all the time
00:20I have to shake hands a lot unfortunately, and I'm not a big fan of it nothing to do with elitism
00:25It's just like it's not a very good thing to do you catch colds you catch fevers you catch everything
00:29So who needs to do it, but do you carry it well if you're that much of a like I have Purell you have
00:34Yeah, I have I have something that they use in hospitals that takes the skin off. It's so strong
00:39It's better than washing them actually, but it can't be good for you
00:43Not great, but yeah, or you can just wear those gloves that that you people wear in cafeterias all the time perhaps
00:49Just just layers and layers of them and just pull one off as you shake
00:55I like
00:59Love so well the glove thing I mentioned it and I wouldn't be surprised if you take that thing and run with it and call it
01:05Donald gloves because now
01:07Here's what you have since you've been here last
01:10Trump the magazine Trump the radio show Trump the action figure Trump the clothing line suits shirts and ties
01:16Trump the cologne Trump the board game
01:18Gee I wonder where you got that idea take a look
01:22we have some ideas and
01:25One one of them we came up with is
01:27It's a cardboard box for
01:30When you when you fired to put your stuff in it's a grill which really makes sense
01:35Because then when you you make a sandwich, and it says you're fired on it
01:40It's a cereal called you're fired. Oh, and
01:48Remember that interview very well
01:51That's why I'm back. It was a great interview. Well. Thanks. I'm glad you're back. I really I love I love the show
01:58Especially this season. It's really good now the whole Bradford thing
02:02Firing him was now was that just good TV, or you really thought that was a stupid thing
02:07He said well he really put himself on the line
02:10I mean the problem is he he was totally immune and and he couldn't be fired
02:13He could say whatever he wanted he couldn't be fired. He said mr.. Trump. I volunteer
02:17I give away my immunity, and I say what are you doing? Why are you doing that?
02:21He said because I'm this and I'm that and I just thought it was a very stupid thing to do and it really
02:25Overrode some of the stupidity of the task mm-hmm, and I said Bradford you're fired and all over the country
02:31They're talking about it. I guess you probably heard about the ratings. I hope you heard about the know
02:35Were they amazing ratings were the biggest ratings that they've had on a television show since May of this year
02:40So it's really Wow so somehow a lot of people like The Apprentice, and I'm really happy about it's great. It's really great
02:52Because well first of all let me just say you can't really say what's going on yet obviously
02:57But do you have favorites out of these because what's Stacey Jay?
03:01Right you sent her back basically telling her everyone hates you now go back
03:06Right now they definitely hate her. There's no question right, but you told her everyone hates you and then you didn't let her go and now
03:14So I don't know what I can't have a very good feeling no
03:19Now well let me ask you this question because say you say you don't like someone they really irk you
03:25But they're really good business people they have a good business sense
03:30Does that influence you and fire them just because they irk you no
03:33I think the main thing I do in terms of create really credibility
03:36And it's very important if somebody is really terrible, but good television
03:41I fire them uh-huh so I don't do it for the entertainment value
03:44I do it because of the importance of the show and the credibility of the show for instance
03:48I could have kept Omarosa another two episodes or three episodes
03:51Maybe and and it is entertaining just because you are so real
03:54I mean when you kept whoever the woman is I can't remember her name this woman
03:57Yes, that kept talking you said why do you keep talking stop talking right?
04:01I thought that was brilliant like just close your mouth you everything you say is wrong
04:05Just stop talking, and it was it was great, and if I do if I make a mistake
04:09I have my little Caroline right over here, right? I know I saw her in the audience
04:17And she will very easily and quickly correct me uh-huh she will without question correct me
04:23This is not a yes person folks. I will tell you you saw the other day when
04:28I had Bradford made a terrible mistake. He sort of mispronounced her name. Uh-huh yeah, and that wasn't good, right?
04:34Yeah, that was a big mistake. I thought that was hilarious. He was he was kicking himself after that all right
04:39We have to take a break when we come back. We I know you just got engaged correct
04:43Melania is that how you said Melania and and she's gonna join us in a minute
04:46And we'll say hello to her and see what you're really like okay
04:49All right
04:53Melania Melania Melania Melania, and where are you from Melania? I'm from Slovenia, Slovenia
04:59Yeah, Melania from Slovenia. That's right and Melania. You're now engaged
05:04Congratulations, that's very exciting
05:10That's all I got you is that little tiny thing right there on your finger look at the size of that. That's that's just
05:19Don't know I never think about it. You don't think about carrots. No, I bet you do
05:23I bet you know exactly how many carrots I do actually see and then the the bracelet is oh that was a gift
05:31What what about like Donald Trump bling Trump bling well?
05:35I had that on Esquire magazine. I had bling all over the place
05:37No, but you should have that was cheap bling that cost about $10 a shot. Yeah, that's the kind of bling
05:42I like oh really like it. Yeah, I thought it was good, but anyway, so next question, okay?
05:47Well, I'm just saying it's another product for you. Don't act like no and the next time I see you
05:56And now where do you meet now where cuz people at home are going I'd like to meet Donald
06:01I was trying to introduce you to my mom last time
06:04She's there again. I love your mom still in the same seat waiting for you to come back
06:09And and where did you two meet we met in New York it was a fashion week, and it was
06:16Party big party, so we met there and and now he comes over and and says what?
06:23He came over and he said what did you say? I think he said give me your number
06:28I want your phone number was very crude, but yeah
06:33Sometimes it works. It's just that easy very direct. I want your phone
06:36No, no, it's very direct and you either get slapped or you get the number in her case. I didn't get slapped
06:41I didn't get the number
06:41I worked on it for about a month and then finally I was able to really yes where she lived and everything look at that
06:47It's worked hard. You've know you said your friends. How long have you known each other, but we've
06:52Six years six years six years. Yeah, that's great since we know each other so you do know each other very well
06:58Yes, and at home does does he take out the garbage does he like is he that kind of no no?
07:03He's doing his job
07:05Uh-huh, and I let him do his job, and I do my job and a housekeeper do his job, right?
07:11But still but even if you have a housekeeper are you neat are you messy if somebody's gotta be neat
07:16But she's very neat she's from a part of the world the Austria Slovenia thing which is like
07:22Immaculate and she is so neat everything's perfect if I get up leave bed for a minute
07:27I come back the bed is made which is pretty
07:29When you have somebody like this that also has that characteristic, that's a pretty unusual trade, so I'm very happy about it
07:35Yeah, I like stuff perfect. You know me too. I like I'm very organized good, and now when is the way
07:40What are you gonna? Get married as a set sometime in the beginning of next year mm-hmm, and I think it's gonna work
07:47What do you think you think it'll work?
07:57Yes, it better work is right better
07:59But I like that you you are a true romantic that you believe in love and you believe in marriage and you keep
08:03Giving a shot, and you're not gonna be bitter
08:06Well, we wanted to we didn't know when the wedding was before to get you a gift
08:09So we got you something and hopefully you will something you don't have I mean you've got a lot of houses
08:16I think you have a 58 bedroom house in Palm Beach Palm Beach right so we got you a membership
08:28Thank you, yeah, there's a lot of I won't forget that both toilet papers
08:31I won't forget and can I take the tray to I like the tray right yeah, you think I'm not gonna take this
08:37No, I know you're taking it's very nice the apprentice which I love airs Thursday nights on NBC at 9 o'clock
08:43We'll be right back right after this