Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat likuiditas perekonomian atau uang beredar pada Januari 2025 tercatat sebesar Rp9.232,8 triliun atau tumbuh 5,9% secara tahunan. Peningkatan uang beredar Januari terutama dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan penyaluran kredit dan aktiva luar negeri bersih.
00:00Indonesia notes that the liquidity of pre-economy or circulating currency in January 2025 was recorded as 9232.8 trillion rupiah or 5.9% annually.
00:18Yes, the increase in the circulating currency in January is mainly affected by the development of credit network and clean foreign assets.
00:26Indonesia notes that the liquidity of pre-economy or circulating currency in January 2025 was recorded as 9232.8 trillion rupiah or 5.9% annually.
00:41This growth is recorded higher than the previous month's growth of 4.8%.
00:47The Director-Executive of the Indonesian Banking Communications Department, Ramdan Deni Prakoso, said
00:52the growth was driven by a 7.2% growth of M1 and a 2.2% annual growth of Quasi.
01:02Meanwhile, the issuance of credit in January 2025 was recorded as 7684.3 trillion rupiah or a 9.6% annual growth.
01:13This growth is relatively stable compared to the previous month's growth of 9.7%.
01:19The Bank of Indonesia also noted that the investment credit in January 2025 grew 12.2% year-on-year.
01:26After the previous month, it grew 12.6%.
01:29The growth was mainly sourced from the electricity, gas and water sectors, as well as trade, hotels and restaurants.
01:37Meanwhile, the consumption credit in January 2025 grew 10.3% year-on-year.
01:43The growth was mainly driven by the development of home ownership credit or KPR, motor vehicle credit and multi-use credit.