PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) melaporkan divestasi sebanyak 126,52 juta saham, mewakili sebanyak 4,66% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh pada anak usahanya yakni PT Raharja Energi Cepu Tbk (RATU). Perseroan memastikan tetap menjadi pengendali saham RATU meskipun terjadi transaksi pelepasan saham.
00:05PT Rukun Raharja Tbk, emittan berkode saham RAJAM,
00:09reported a devastation of 126.52 million shares,
00:13representing 4.66% of the capital placed and stored fully
00:18in its subsidiary, PT Raharja Energi Cepu Tbk, or RATU.
00:23The company ensures that it remains the owner of the RATU stock,
00:26even if there is a transaction to release the stock.
00:31PT Rukun Raharja Tbk, emittan berkode saham RAJAM,
00:35reported a devastation of 126.52 million shares of its subsidiary,
00:40PT Raharja Energi Cepu Tbk, or RATU.
00:43Corporate Secretary Raja Yuni Pati Nasarani,
00:46in an open letter to the Indonesian Stock Exchange on March 6, 2025,
00:50announced that Raja Melapa's 126.52 million shares represent 4.66%
00:56of the capital placed and stored fully in the RATU stock on March 5, 2025.
01:00It is not mentioned the reason or purpose of the devastation
01:02or to whom the RATU stock was released.
01:05However, this ensures that Raja remains the owner of the RATU stock,
01:08even if there is a transaction to release the stock.
01:11This transaction to release the stock does not affect the ownership of the shares above the RATU.
01:16The shares still maintain their status as the main shareholder,
01:19with a share ownership of 75.34%.
01:24Based on a report of share ownership that reached 5% or more in RATU per January 2025,
01:30Raja owns 79.996% or 2.17 billion shares of the MIGAS imitator.
01:36If calculated with the devastation of the shares,
01:39it means that the share ownership of Raja in RATU is now 2.04 billion,
01:43or 75.336%
01:46From Jakarta, Tim Wiputan, IDX News.