• 11 hours ago
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mencatat tren peningkatan signifikan dalam pembiayaan buy now pay later oleh perusahaan pembiayaan dan Fintech Peer-to-Peer Lending menjelang Lebaran 2025. Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas PVML OJK, menjelaskan peningkatan permintaan tersebut sejalan dengan berkembangnya tren teknologi keuangan digital serta kebutuhan yang meningkat.


00:00The Financial Services Authority notes a significant increase in the Buy Now Pay Later financing by financing companies and fintech peer-to-peer lending after the holiday of 2025.
00:15The Executive Head of the Financial Services Authority explained that the increase in demand is due to the development of the digital financial technology trend as well as increasing needs.
00:26The Financial Services Authority notes a significant increase in the Buy Now Pay Later financing by financing companies and fintech peer-to-peer lending after the holiday of 2025.
00:36The Executive Head of the Financial Services Authority, Agusman, said that the BNPL financing through financing companies increased to 41.9% annually, while in December 2024, the BNPL increase was 37.6% with an outstanding value of 7.12 trillion rupiah with a credit ratio of 3.70%.
01:01In addition, financing through fintech lending or peer-to-peer lending also experienced significant growth. In January 2025, the outstanding value of fintech lending increased by 29.94%.
01:14Nominally, the outstanding value of peer-to-peer lending reached 78.5 trillion rupiah with a performance rate of 2.52%.
01:24Agusman evaluated this trend in line with the momentum of Ramadan and Eid, as well as increasing the literacy of digital financial transactions.
01:32How do we estimate this year's holiday? We can learn from the facts that happened last year.
01:41Comparing the position of April 2024 with March 2024, it can be seen that the outstanding value of BNPL financing by financing companies has increased.
01:52Likewise, the industry of fintech lending has also increased.
01:58Looking at the current situation, it is estimated that this year's holiday, BNPL financing and fintech lending will also increase.
02:10Of course, we hope it will be more controlled so as not to cause an increase in non-performing financing in the future.
02:18Even so, OJK hopes that this growth will remain controlled so as not to cause a surge in problems in the future.
02:26Agusman stressed the importance of applying the principle of caution in transferring BNPL and peer-to-peer lending, especially in digital transactions that are often used by the younger generation to learn in e-commerce.
