Presiden Prabowo Subianto resmi menandatangani Keputusan Presiden No.30 Tahun 2025 Tentang Badan Pengelola Investasi Danantara. Di bawah Dewan Penasihat, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Joko Widodo, Danantara akan mengelola aset sebesar Rp14.615 triliun
00:00Let's start with the first piece of information, President Prabowo Subianto officially signed the President's Decision No. 30 of 2025 on the body of investment managers and among them
00:17Under the Board of Trustees Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo, and among them will manage an asset of 14,615 trillion rupiah
00:30Officially, President Prabowo Subianto launched the Government Regulation No. 10 of 2025 on the organization and structure of the body of investment managers of Daya Anagata Nusantara or Danantara
00:44On the same occasion, the President also submitted the President's Decision or to the Press No. 30 of 2025
00:52The Press is officially related to the structure of the Board of Trustees and the body of the implementation of the body of investment managers of Daya Anagata Nusantara or BPI Danantara
01:01In addition, the President also raised the Law No. 1 of 2025 on the third amendment to the Law No. 19 of 2023 on state-owned enterprises or BUMN
01:14The officialization of the body of investment managers of Daya Anagata Nusantara reaffirms the Government's commitment to optimize the management of state-owned enterprises or BUMN
01:23One of them is through the consolidation of national investment funds, which is expected to drive competition for the transformation of the Indonesian economy
01:32BPI Danantara will allocate state-owned assets worth around Rp 14,615 trillion in a sustainable project that has an impact on the national economy
01:43From Jakarta Tim Liputan, Aidek Channel