• 2 days ago
Video details:
Banka, Bihar – A casual Instagram acquaintance took an unexpected turn when a young couple ended up getting married in a temple after villagers intervened in their meeting.

According to reports, the couple had been interacting on social media and had planned to meet at a Bhagwat Katha event. However, local villagers became aware of their meeting and stepped in, leading to the involvement of the police.

Authorities soon arrived at the scene, and both families were called to discuss the matter. With their consent, the couple exchanged vows in a temple wedding. Images from the ceremony have since gone viral on social media.

Kiran’s brother later confirmed that the family had approved the marriage and that a formal court marriage was scheduled for the following day. It was also revealed that the groom, Shravan, already had a distant family connection with Kiran—he was previously related to her brother as a brother-in-law.

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