Video details:
A group of youth allegedly assaulted bus conductor Mahadev near Sulebhavi and Balekundri villages in Karnataka’s Belagavi taluk on Friday after he requested a passenger to speak in Kannada.
The altercation began when a young woman asked for two tickets in Marathi, and the conductor responded that he didn’t understand the language, requesting her to speak in Kannada.
The group then stopped the moving bus and attacked him. Mahadev sustained injuries and was taken to Belagavi BIMS Hospital for treatment.
Marihal Police arrested three suspects within hours and produced them in court, where they were remanded to 14 days of judicial custody.
Before being sent to Hindalaga Jail, the accused underwent a medical examination at the district hospital.
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A group of youth allegedly assaulted bus conductor Mahadev near Sulebhavi and Balekundri villages in Karnataka’s Belagavi taluk on Friday after he requested a passenger to speak in Kannada.
The altercation began when a young woman asked for two tickets in Marathi, and the conductor responded that he didn’t understand the language, requesting her to speak in Kannada.
The group then stopped the moving bus and attacked him. Mahadev sustained injuries and was taken to Belagavi BIMS Hospital for treatment.
Marihal Police arrested three suspects within hours and produced them in court, where they were remanded to 14 days of judicial custody.
Before being sent to Hindalaga Jail, the accused underwent a medical examination at the district hospital.
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