• 5 hours ago
Video details:
Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh: A powerful explosion rocked Balaji Exports in Kakinada on Monday morning during the unloading of cracker parcels from Hyderabad. The incident, which was caught on CCTV, left at least four people injured.

The explosion occurred around 8:19 AM when a porter accidentally threw a parcel on the ground, triggering the blast. 8 people were present at the site at the time. The injured victims were rushed to Kakinada GGH for treatment, and their condition is reported to be stable.

Kakinada District Superintendent of Police (SP) Bindu Madhav confirmed the incident, stating, “The explosion occurred at Jai Balaji Transporters while workers were unloading a parcel. Due to the impact, crackers exploded, injuring four people.”

Authorities are investigating whether safety protocols were violated in the transportation and handling of firecrackers.

#KakinadaExplosion #AndhraPradeshNews #SafetyFirst #FirecrackerIncident #BalajiExports

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